The Eunuch Theory


I submit this as proof of my theory that Anders Breivik was a Vorenus-style cultural conservative who had a “Son of Hades” moment on Norway’s eunuchs. Alex Knepper would easily fit in here.

Having to live under insufferable eunuchs who were destroying his country, Breivik chose to act upon his fantasy ideology of being a Justiciar Knight Templar in the Crusade to save the West.

Detective Hunter Wallace has solved the case for the blogosphere. We can now turn our full attention back to BRA’s catastrophe which is set to unfold on Aug. 2.

Breivik went to the Norwegian equivalent of Campus Progress to **** Blessed Concord in the ass like Vorenus or Thomas Jane in The Punisher. This is a man who couldn’t live in our uninspiring reality anymore. Not when the stakes were this high.

Far from being an isolated incident, this is a chapter in a much larger story: the eunuchs (or the liberal establishment in the West) have finally lost touch with the people, and this was one man’s way (in a peripheral country) of expressing a sense of disenchantment and crisis that goes much deeper.

In America, the “spell has been broken” as well. 23 percent of the American people believe that BRA has the consent of the governed. 15 percent of White Americans believe that BRA is on the right track.

The inevitable correction will come soon. I cannot say what form the revolution against the eunuchs will take (it could be a peaceful one like the Jacksonian Movement in the 1820s), but if history is our guide (Breivik is a John Brown omen), then it is not that far away.

Eunuchs, you can join either the Federalists or the Bourbons in the trash bin of history. Take your choice.

Note: While the MSM was freaking out and Larry Auster was doing his best imitation of Nancy Grace, Sherlock Holmes was on the case at Occidental Dissent. This was a straight up murder mystery like the Casey Anthony Trial and the analysis here, I would like to think, has been without par in the media.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Excellent work Detective Wallace !

    I have enjoyed every single day of your coverage.

    (and a big huge LOL@ Auster’s “nancy grace” act)

  2. Agree with Mary. Anyone who missed out on this ride because they were too busy flagellating themselves missed out huge. Get some eyewash now before you miss the next one.

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