Eunuch Hysteria


Fareed Zakaria GPS is on CNN right. The establishment is on television talking about BRA’s crisis over raising the debt ceiling.

How does one cope with living under such obvious eunuchs? The mind has to flee from reality to some other place … into fantasy, into philosophy, into religion, into history, into alcohol, into sports, even into madness!

I don’t care who you are: everyone has their own way of escaping from these insufferable eunuchs, having to live in a world where people like Fareed Zakaria and Piers Morgan have a television show, having to live in a world where E.J. Dionne and Nicholas Kristof are taken seriously.

So while Washington has its crisis, while BRA faces the possibility of going bankrupt, I will escape into my own preferred fantasy, which is always a strong dose of history and fantasy where we can pretend for a moment that the eunuchs are not running our society, and that they are not in the process of destroying our civilization.

“Look at who they really are, the people whose approval you long for, and what their minds are really like. Then you won’t blame the ones who make mistakes they can’t help, and you won’t feel a need for their approval. You will have seen the sources of both – their judgments and their actions.”
– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Strength and Honor.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. (1) BRA’s moral evangel Jesse Jackson has weighed in with some timely advice, and argues that Obama needs to be more like LBJ – seriously, he actually said that.

    How isn’t he like LBJ?

    – LBJ was a failure who sank under the weight of the White backlash to the Vietnam and the Civil Rights Movement and “stunned the nation” by announcing he wasn’t going to run for re-election in 1968.

    – LBJ presided over a massive increase in government spending.

    – LBJ destroyed the credibility of the Democratic Party with White voters.

    – LBJ’s programs were all failures that we are still living with today.

    The major difference between LBJ and Obama is that LBJ was a truly gifted arm twister and would have certainly succeeded by now in something as trivial as raising the debt ceiling if he were president.

    Johnson tried to do the Great Society, Vietnam, and the Civil Rights Movement all at once. He was someone who bit off more than he can chew.

    OTOH, Obama is Dynamo … a black fictional image who became President of the United States. He’s being tested and his character and leadership qualities are shining through.

    (2) Joe Scarborough of Morning Joke imagines BRA’s apocalypse and concludes that raising the debt ceiling is the only solution. This is like saying you can stay on a treadmill when you are exhausted and the speed is rapidly increasing.

    If you get off now, you bust your ass.  But if you stay the course, you will be hurled against the wall. Either way, you are going to have an inevitable “hard landing,” and it can happen now in 2011 under Dynamo or whatever Republican succeeds him in 2012.

    (3) Just when you think that there isn’t enough going on, you will be shocked to learn that … yes, black people are acting like black people again … in Philadelphia.

    (4) NY Times interactive map of the debt ceiling vote on the Reid plan in the House. The establishment has no authority over the country.

  2. I watched the McLauglin Group this morning. They actually talked about the fall in black net worth vs White net worth. Part of the report indicated that black support for BHO is dropping and that Tavis Smiley and that aggravating retard Cornel West are teaming up to bring the black nationalist case to BHO-total wealth redistribution from the superior to the inferior. Buchanan seemed amused at this and pointed out that the worst possible move for BHO would be to play blatant racial politics when he has already largely alienated working class Whites.

    Clarence Page, Mr Smiling Ape 2011, even brought up the polling data that reveals black’s misguided optimism for the future and White’s pessimism on the same topic.

    It is interesting that McLaughlin, who I would assume is a ‘moderate’, comes off as less of a eunuch and the look of mild amusement on Pat Buchanan’s face every time that hag Eleanor Clift opens her mouth is priceless.

  3. Ooohhh Dutchman – I’ll have to see if I can find a replay of that delightful scenario you’ve described. Wouldn’t be wonderful – just…tingly thrilly – if the Darkies demanded Full Out Lootin’ On Whitey?

    Wow. Perfect. Please Jesus Please!

  4. Clarence Page, Mr Smiling Ape 2011, even brought up the polling data that reveals black’s misguided optimism for the future and White’s pessimism on the same topic.

    Cargo cult. They’re still performing the rituals (shaking down whitey, working all the angles), so the gods will obviously keep rewarding them.

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