The Establishment’s Hostage Crisis

District of Corruption

It is hilarious watching this play out.

Jonathan Alter is on MSNBC talking about how the establishment is being held hostage by the people. You can tell that this balding little eunuch is visibly irritated.

Why won’t these boobs just raise the debt ceiling? Why won’t the rednecks – the hoi polloi of Virginia –  listen to us? It has been done so many times before.

This is a man who is using the metaphorical ATM Machine of authority and is getting an “insufficient funds” message. The Tea Party is getting a taste of real power in this “debt ceiling” debate.

The establishment is getting a taste of what it is like to not have power. If history is our guide, once people get a taste of real power, the appetite for it becomes voracious.

Once people see weakness and indecision in their leaders, they despise them. Whatever the outcome of this particular battle, I am sure now the establishment will lose the war.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The establishment is getting a taste of what it is like to not have power. If history is our guide, once people get a taste of real power, the appetite for it becomes voracious.

    It’s only going to get “worse.” Control over the means of communication is all they’ve got. As more and more complex means of communication and organization become available to the little guy, the more difficult it becomes for the regime to exercise control.

    Captain Planet, progressive icon, has fallen on hard times

    Funny. I don’t even need to see the video – you made me picture Captain Planet drunk in the gutter, insensate and clutching a nearly-empty bottle of booze. Whining incomprehensibly about the unfairness of it all…

  2. This site has been a lot of fun to read lately. I haven’t laughed so much in a long time. Keep finding great stuff to send on.

  3. I don’t know; I’m pretty sure Charlie Brown is going to try to kick the football. Charlie Brown *always* tries to kick the football, after telling Lucy he’s tired of being fooled and will not buy it this time.

    In 2012 the voters will see that electing representatives to cut spending is futile, it never happens anyway, so they may as well elect representatives to get them the biggest cut of the loot possible. That’s how we went from Newt Gingrich to Tom DeLay leading the House. After another decade people will be tired of the graft again, and the cycle will repeat itself.

    Or maybe this time it *will* be different. Hope springs eternal.

  4. This is a man who is using the metaphorical ATM Machine of authority and is getting an “insufficient funds” message.

    I laughed out loud both for the comical imagery and for its truth.

  5. “Why won’t these boobs just raise the debt ceiling? Why won’t the rednecks – the hoi polloi of Virginia – listen to us? It has been done so many times before.”

    The whole Tea Party’s spanner-throwing into ATM of Authority thing, the delish-us-est part is the whining of the BRA spokesholes. “You-all’s jes’ doin’ it cuz you-all bees raaaaasssssisssss”

    Oh, you don’t like it, huh? And you think we care, why?

    At long last, “racist” has truly morphed from the magic shut-er up-er word par excellence to a punchline.

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