Black People Acting Black In Sarasota


These racial attacks on White people are becoming so common now that it is almost a waste of our time to report them here … the “flash mobs” of Black Summer 2011 have finally succeeded in shattering the taboo on open discussion of the connection between race and crime … the subject has gone “mainstream.”

Note: 51 percent of Americans expect major political uprisings in the United States in the next ten years.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t get the “we can all live together in peace as long as blacks know their place” Southerners. My best friend is a Confederate, and he doesn’t have near the hostility to blacks that I do. Blacks are either a fearful and dangerous presence as slaves, a fearful and dangerous presence as non-citizens, or a *really* fearful and dangerous presence as the privileged supercitizens they are now.

    There was some kind of a conference on what to do about blacks in Virginia in the aftermath of the Nat Turner “rebellion”. There were various ideas about how to restrict slaves and free blacks for the safety of the community. But the delegation from western Virginia- largely what is now West Virginia, but also I think other mountain counties, I don’t have the reference in front of me- had the best answer. No blacks. No free blacks, no slave blacks. Send them *all* back to Africa, because they will *always* be a danger to the community.

  2. These appear to be everyday Blacks, not the “bad” ones. They are grown men who coach boys, like my father did. The masks are coming off.

  3. I found a gem in my family tree – a direct male ancestor – photo courtesy of the Library of Congress:|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=sampson%20Altman&__utmv=-&__utmk=36001634

    I wonder what the man in the above photo would think of the circus we now live in.

  4. Short of “shipping them all back to Africa”, which isn’t realistic, separation (a.k.a .segregation) is the only policy that makes sense. Fifty plus years of defiance of that policy has only proven its validity.

    I hope and pray enough of our race wakes up to this before it’s too late. We are in the last two minutes of the last quarter.

  5. This referee was lucky. Sarasota Fl is where a few months ago a black sixteen year old gunned down two white male tourists in the street killing them both. The black 16 year old was already on probation or awaiting court action. At least this ref was able to rejoin his family for supper.

  6. It looks like football in the US South is being taken over by Black players/thugs. US College teams in the South are now as Black as the NFL. I know that football is almost a religion for Whites in the US South, but please consider switching to hockey and in your local schools work to defund the football program – offer cross country running, tennis, volleyball or baseball. It’s the subtle forms of cultural preferences that keep the lowest classes of criminal Blacks out of our lives.

  7. No blacks. No free blacks, no slave blacks. Send them *all* back to Africa, because they will *always* be a danger to the community.

    I doubt anyone will disagree with that here. Segregation was a temporary solution, distant geographic separation is a permanent solution.

    Denise, Mark, Compassionate Fascist, have you been posting comments on this at Yahoo?

    I haven’t.

  8. Jack,

    The football teams in the South are integrated because the North forced integration upon the South with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Every other institution in our society is similarly integrated for the same reason.

  9. Mark,

    Even if we were given absolute power tomorrow, it would take many years to rid ourselves of this problem. Thus, a temporary return to some type of segregation is inevitable.

    Personally, I think we should look toward Israel and South Africa for a new model of race relations. We can start by creating homogeneous zones within Dixie which are off limits to blacks. Then we can gradually expand the scope of these zones.

    We can pass laws which make life here ever more inhospitable for blacks and mulattoes.

  10. Scorpius says:
    September 2, 2011 at 6:29 pm

    The football teams in the South are integrated because the North forced integration upon the South with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Every other institution in our society is similarly integrated for the same reason.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Yes, I understand that was pretty much the sad case for the South in 1964 and throughout the 60s, but other areas of our country were also forced integration, had Black culture, Black rights shoved down on them like working class Irish Americans and Italian Americans in Boston during forced busing in the early 1970s.

    I do note with surprise and sadness that the US South seems to have embraced anti White, caste system Black promotion in football – no other region has done this. Whites in Massachusetts and New York State do not worship Black athletes – Whites from there get in and compete well in all sports. College hockey is the #1 sport in the state of Michigan. With the South’s love of martial combat – why don’t White Southerners embrace hockey instead of 95% Black “college football”?

    I have the same criticism of today’s South for Whites blindly embracing Jew Neo Con wars – no other White people or really any non Jewish people in the world will enlist, kill and be killed for Israeli Jew interests beside Southern/rural Christian Zionist Whites. What happened?

  11. Jack,

    (1) I will be cheering for the SEC football teams. If the “niggers” on the SEC teams defeat the Whites elsewhere in the United States, it is nothing but poetic justice because they were the ones who are responsible for integration here in the first place.

    (2) I am not a White Nationalist. I am not under the illusion that “all White people are on the same side.” Even the most cursory examination of American history is enough to show that is a myth.

    If all White people are on the same side, then why did the North give us the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Immigration Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1990? Not to mention Barack Hussein Obama.

    (3) The only reason any our universities are integrated is BECAUSE the North overwhelmingly voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In order to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that whole section of the country united across party lines to break the longest filibuster in the history of the U.S. Senate.

    (4) It was Senator Richard Russell of Georgia who led the opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    (5) It was Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota that tirelessly worked in the Senate to force the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on the South.

    (6) This is a myth.

    The North and West had integrated their own universities long before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Black players were playing for Wisconsin, USC, and Michigan State long before they played for the SEC schools.

    How did integration come to the SEC schools? If memory serves, JFK of Massachusetts had to use the military to integrate Ole Miss and the University of Alabama. There was no desire in this area to integrate our public universities.

    In fact, that is all the “Civil Rights Movement” was really about: it was about forcing integration, which already existed in the North, onto the South through the U.S. Congress.

    (7) Whites in New York and Massachusetts put Chuck Schumer and John Kerry in the U.S. Senate. They put Barney Frank in the House of Representatives. They also voted for Barack Hussein Obama who gave us Eric Holder and Sonia Sotomayor.

    (8) In Michigan, Mitt Romney’s father Gov. George Romney led a “civil rights march” around the state capitol in the 1960s to show Michigan’s embrace of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. They all patted themselves on the back up there because they were so much more “enlightened” and “tolerant” than people here.

    Of course that was before black people destroyed Detroit and most of the other cities in Michigan like Flint.

    (9) White Southerners have a culture. Just like the French or Italians or the Germans. Football is our national sport.

    Why hasn’t France given up soccer to watch “White people” play hockey? Because it is France. Just like Dixie will never give up football.

    (10) The only reason there are millions of Jews in the United States is because the vast majority of them moved here to work in the North’s manufacturing and textile industries after the War Between the States.

    (11) The military is a major employer in the South. It is a good career path. Southerners have served in the military since the American Revolution.

    It is hardly a Jewish conspiracy. I’m sure there are people who believe the Mexican War was a Jewish conspiracy too.

  12. Jack,It’s not as much about flag waving or support for Jew wars as you are led to believe.Maybe we could call it a warrior culture,something that makes you proud to wear the uniform.It becomes less about country and more about your fellow brother next to you.When the SHTF country never enters the mind only the thought you can’t let you brother down.This is particularly true in smaller units like ODA’s and teams.Not just southern whites but Native Americans,Latinos and Asians.

  13. Scorpius says:
    September 2, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    (1) I will be cheering for the SEC football teams. If the “niggers” on the SEC teams defeat the Whites elsewhere in the United States, it is nothing but poetic justice because they were the ones who are responsible for integration here in the first place.

    Jack replies:

    Well thanks at least for being honest. I however will be strongly rooting for the BYU White boys and a few Samoan Latter Day Saints on the BYU team to fight and defeat the all Black University of Mississippi team tomorrow – same as I enjoyed the USSR/Russian all White Olympic basketball team’s defeat of White hating John Thompson’s “American” (yeah right) 98% all Black olympic team in 1988. I’m 25% White Russian and support my White brothers taking down the Georgetown Black thugs.

    This is just a simple, easy to implement way of thinking/living:

    Support the White side

    Kindness means loving your own kind.

    Why do Whites anywhere in the world, including the US South support/worship Black thugs to beat good White folks from anywhere in the world?

    Once you start rooting for your own White people, you will stop getting suckered in to supporting Jew wars against other good White people like Germans, Russians Serbs, Yankees, Mormons etc.

    14 Words

  14. 300RUM says:
    September 2, 2011 at 7:46 pm
    Jack,It’s not as much about flag waving or support for Jew wars as you are led to believe.Maybe we could call it a warrior culture…

    Jack Replies:

    Others would call this being:

    Dumb Goyim -being used and abused.

    Do you see Jewish Americans volunteering to kill other Jewish people in other countries – Black Americans volunteering to kill Black Africans?

    No, because these people are not *#&$@ idiots, they have a strong racial/tribal loyalty. Whites in the US South were once known and respected for having strong racial/tribal loyalty – what the *&$*#@$ happened?

    Freedom begins when Whites all over the world wake up and start the day and say:

    “From this day on I will work for the legitimate rights of my own kind.”

    Michael Vick and the current University of Mississippi all Black Football team are NOT your/our own kind.

    14 Words.

  15. @Scorpius

    Well, a return to segregation isn’t a realistic scenario either. Most white people today simply don’t have the balls to “not be nice” to niggers and other lower life forms. Segregation, as an official policy, even a temporary one, requires an unflinching will to be cold and ruthless, right to the crying, hysterical, monkey faces of those whom you are segregating. White people have been castrated of that will. And niggers for their part, would honestly rather die, than be forced to live away from white people; deprived of their only providers and favorite prey. The inevitable scenario, will be a bloody, grizzly, fight to the death between to distinctly different organisms for control of the same territory.

  16. Even if we were given absolute power tomorrow, it would take many years to rid ourselves of this problem. Thus, a temporary return to some type of segregation is inevitable.

    I have never said otherwise, still, segregation is a temporary solution. It is impossible to have biological enemies living among us when we have so many White traitors chomping at the bit to integrate them. It’s a constant struggle and the fairest measure is to completely separate the races not rule over them. It seems some people have not learned their lesson.

    I would like a peaceful resolution, but it’s clear that our enemies are fanatics and history has shown there is no way out but through war.

  17. Most white people today simply don’t have the balls to “not be nice” to niggers

    I think they do, it’s just at the moment the cost is too high. Not only would Whites have to deal with psychopathic niggers with nothing to lose so harming or killing you is not a difficult choice for them, but also the loss of social standing, employment and possible prison time for a “hate crime” even in self-defense.

  18. I thought these things only happened in the North? Where were all the big tough Confederate CCW holders in that video?

    How did the North force SEC teams to have almost no whites on their rosters over 40 years after the Civil Rights Act?

  19. ATBOTL says:
    September 2, 2011 at 10:39 pm
    I thought these things only happened in the North? Where were all the big tough Confederate CCW holders in that video?

    How did the North force SEC teams to have almost no whites on their rosters over 40 years after the Civil Rights Act?

    JR responds:

    Well said. No one here in the North is forcing once proud White Southerners to not just “tolerate” but to enable and embrace the very worst TNB on Southern Football teams! That’s a huge sin to openly discriminate against very talented home grown White football players to make their Southern teams 95% Black. My alma mater Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee manages to field competitive football teams (we won our first bowl game since World War II 2 years ago ) and the Vanderbilt team is virtually the only SEC “school” to field many White players.
    Shame SHAME on all the traitorous dumb @*# Whites in the South for promoting this racial treason!

  20. Support the White side

    Kindness means loving your own kind.

    Once again, why should we support the people who integrated our universities in the first place? I don’t support them.

    So BYU and Boise State are playing Ole Miss and Georgia … they are playing the majority black football team … the majority black football team THAT THEY WANTED and THAT THEY LEGISLATED … OVER THE GEORGIA FILIBUSTER!!

  21. Scorpius: There is such a thing as “White people”. I am one. What other category is there for those who are descended from Scandinavians and Slavs and Celts and Mediterraneans and Baltics and Germans, who speak only English, whose ancestors plowed the fields and shoveled the coal and fought the wars in this country?

    And why rag on today’s Northerners or Westerners for the crimes of liberal politicians long dead and buried? They might just as reasonably ask why you didn’t pick your own cotton? You are rooting for Black football thugs in order to spite Whites who have done you no harm. I don’t see the sense in that.

  22. Discard,

    I suppose you can say these people are going through a type of ethnogenesis where they have latched onto “whiteness” as a marker of ethnic identity. From such a vantagepoint, their people are “White people” who live everywhere.

    It is not necessarily a bad thing. It is a good thing. This is a positive development. In an ideal world, all White people should be on the same side, but in reality we are often disappointed to learn that is not the case.

    In the older parts of the United States, “whiteness” is also a marker of ethnic identity, but in Dixie “whiteness” or racial identity is just one marker among many others. Dixie is a nation like Germany or France or Ireland.

    In Dixie, “whiteness” is bound up with Protestant Christianity, the English language, and republicanism. It is part of a history, a tradition, a culture that has very discernible geographic borders.

    So why do people in Dixie root for black football thugs? Again, it is exactly like asking why do people in France root for the French soccer team against Mexico or Brazil?

    It is because they are French. Soccer is their national sport. They can root for “black soccer players” because they are comfortable with their French identity. Just like Southerners can root for Georgia because they are comfortable with their white identity.

    It is people who are uncomfortable with their racial identity, who suffer from deep racial anxiety, whose only identity is their racial identity, who are unable to understand this phenomena.

    They are people who see Southerners “worshiping” negroes when they are really just enjoying a game. The game is an important aspect of Southern culture. We have always enjoyed games.

    White Nationalists assign more significance to this than it actually merits. After cheering for the blacks on Saturday, the next morning White Southerners go to segregated churches on Sunday, and spend Monday through Friday generally trying to avoid interaction with black people.

  23. I’m a reasonable man.

    When the North undoes the damage that it has done to the South, when it renounces “anti-racism” and “multiculturalism,” when it turns against the Democratic Party, when it apologizes for demonizing us here for decades, then we can all be Americans again.

    Until then, the sensible thing for us to do here is to recognize that the Union is the real problem, the power that Washington, DC has over us, and we should be doing everything in our power to get out of the Union which is now in the process of destroying us here.

    If we had our own federal government from Missouri to Florida and from Texas to Virginia, we wouldn’t have this problem. These issues could be resolved within months.

  24. Discard – I haven’t had time to comment yet, on the Sarasota outrage. I’ve had a very busy day. However – I went to dinner tonight, with a cadre of some very good, like-minded pals. We went to a “nice” place – reasonably upscale, hip, etc. We were casually, but nicely dressed. We sat on the patio. I’ve had theatrical training. I know how to *project*. During dinner, we discussed this attack, and others. in conversatinal tones, but loud enough for the Yupsters at surrounding tables to hear. They heard, alright.

    I’m pleased to say the Celtic In Extremis Waiter was laughing at our remarks. One of my companions is a very good-looking, haughty blonde. I’m pleased to say she was wearing white on white clothing. A group of 30-ish to 50-ish males cme in, and they brought 2 Mestizos with them. I was facing away form their table – but she was facng catty-corner. She shot the White males look that would dissolve steel. The one guy knew exactly what the issue was – he actually hunched down – hunched his shoulders, and put his head down. Big good looking man, too. Pathetic.

    So there are a few of us who have NO problem with being very disapproving, in public, about the infestation of Darkies.

    FYI – I post in mainstream places all the time

  25. Discard: Southerners didn’t pick their own cotton because they were lazy. They attended minstrel shows because they were too lazy to make their own entertainment. They have negroes playing their football because winning is everything, rather then standing by their principles or enforcing academic requirements on ALL students who go to their colleges.

    I respect the South for what is purports to stand for, but not what it has become.

  26. I watched the whole BYU vs Mississippi game today and thought all sides did well. The Crowd at the home Mississippi team looked great ~ 90% plus, lots of really good looking Southern White folks having a good time.

    Though the Mississippi was almost all Black, they played with good sportsmanship – I didn’t see any U of Miami ghetto trash talking stuff. BYU dominated the whole game but couldn’t score until the 4th quarter when they came back to win by 1 point.

    I was rooting for the hard working BYU white boys, but respected the Southerners, coaches and fans and even the Black Mississippi players who played with good discipline and sportsmanship.

    All in all a very nice day.

    I apologize to any of our proud White Southerners who I might have offended in previous posts.

    Be proud you’re a rebel cause the South’s gonna do it again.

    (That was a Charlie Daniels’ song from the 1980s when I was at college in Tennessee)

  27. Mississippi will be fine when it is no longer part of the United States.

    (1) Integration wasn’t Mississippi’s idea.

    (2) Interracial marriage wasn’t Mississippi’s idea.

    (3) Gay marriage isn’t Mississippi’s idea.

    (4) The Immigration Act of 1965 wasn’t Mississippi’s idea.

    (5) Stripping Ole Miss of its heritage was solidly opposed by the Ole Miss student body.

    (6) The Civil Rights Movement wasn’t Mississippi’s idea.

    (7) Barack Hussein Obama wasn’t Mississippi’s idea.

    Just who is on the faculty of Ole Miss these days? Auburn and Alabama both have the same problem. These universities are infested by aliens who weren’t born here and who hate our culture.

    “Progress” is defined by these people as living up to an alien ideology that is soundly rejected by the White people of Mississippi.

  28. Again, I will stress that the United States is the problem, not black people – were it not for Washington, DC and the Union, Mississippi would be far better off than it is today.

    Instead, Mississippi is ruled by Barack Hussein Obama. It can be sued in court by Eric Holder. It is judged by the U.S. Supreme Court. So long as that continues to happen, Mississippi’s racial decline will continue.

  29. Two comments: One on segregation, the other on ancient fraternal grievances.

    “The inevitable scenario, will be a bloody, grisly fight to the death…”
    (with grammatical and spelling corrections for free)

    Won’t that implicitly help solve the ‘problem’ of segregation? (lol)

    Y’all (to borrow a term) need to learn – if you live north of the Mason/Dixon line- (and especially, if you DO!) that, come ANY sort of societal breakdown- when the EBT cards stop working, or the economy crashes, or the police force is no more, or, or, or: a) Do you live someplace racically segregated already… or at last a full tank of gas away from a major metropolitan area (i.e, innner City Black Ghetto- Chi-town, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Memphis, etc.)?
    b) Do you have a GUN/RIFLE/ SHOTGUN with plenty of ammo? and
    c) Are you willing to shoot dead any n*gger – even those with ‘families’ (i.e., the illegitimate spawn of their various and sundry couplings in sin) that comes to your home, asking for ‘help,’ when TSHTF?

    c1) Will you have (do you already have?) no compunction in your heart, as you shoot that ape-like, bestial face? Can you love your WHITE neighbor as yourself enough to help them, if THEY are threatened by such animals? Do THEY feel the same way about you? Are you in a community of ‘like-minded’ WHITE individuals, who ‘know the score’? Are you in a ‘meet-up’ group, or a ‘prepper’ group, that is amassing skills, ( i.e., Let’s see, folks: We have among us two teachers, a preacher, a nurse, a mechanic, four homemakers with skills in canning, food storage, etc., and a vet.) tactics for survival (”Hey, buddy let’s go do some shooting practice again this week, and bring our sons- all seven of ’em… to the range!” ”Great idea!”), and at least some means of living off the land, should it be necessary?

    Those are just the very basic thoughts about what you folks are discussing here, which I haven’t heard or seen much of. So, thought I’d throw in my two cents…..

    As to fraternal grievances. As a Yankee, born and bred, but a yankee ideologically no longer, I apologize for the heretical theology that gave legitimacy to the fallacy of Egalitarianism, especially in the North. I apologize for Lincoln being a liar, and a traitor, and a genocidal maniac- but we had our losses, as well.

    I would be the first to cleanse the land of the ‘Xenos,’ just as Ezra and Nehemiah did, upon the Israelites of their day’s return to the ‘land’ (cf. Ez. 9:2ff.) And I consider ANY white man who is racially aware, and a Christian, to already be ‘kin’ at least for shaking hands, and sharing a meal. But more than that, I cannot do.

    Let us work together, to restore the America our ancestors knew, and live in that land, once more free of Obamanations of any stripe, color, or creed, and then we can weep over our common dead, and the folly of the age.

  30. (2) I am not a White Nationalist. I am not under the illusion that “all White people are on the same side.” Even the most cursory examination of American history is enough to show that is a myth.

    You have a singular ability to show your ass every fucking time you mention White Nationalism. Every time! Is this a gift, or is it learned? W…T…F does White Nationalism have to do with the idea that “all White people are on the same side”? How about you put up a post where you list every way in which you differ from White Nationalism? It’d be fun to destroy every distinction you can come up with.

  31. Well, a return to segregation isn’t a realistic scenario either.

    On the contrary. If freedom of association were law segregation would return within a generation. “Integration” requires massive government intervention.

    Most white people today simply don’t have the balls to “not be nice” to niggers and other lower life forms.

    Most whites flee blacks. Give them the right to govern themselves and most white communities would look like the ranks in Blackhawk Down.

    Segregation, as an official policy, even a temporary one, requires an unflinching will to be cold and ruthless, right to the crying, hysterical, monkey faces of those whom you are segregating.

    Not really. Cops would do all the real work. Racial profiling, along with “libertarian” laws and Constitutionally-protected Free Association would make “hard” segregation unnecessary.

    White people have been castrated of that will.

    Whites have been castrated of the will to demand Freedom of Association, yes.

    And niggers for their part, would honestly rather die, than be forced to live away from white people; deprived of their only providers and favorite prey. The inevitable scenario, will be a bloody, grizzly, fight to the death between to distinctly different organisms for control of the same territory.

    Absurd. Blacks could be bought off with tent cities.

  32. It’s true.

    (1) “White people” are not a nation.

    (2) “Whitemanistan” is not a country. It is an abstraction.

    (3) White people have always been divided by ethnicity, religion, culture, language, class, tribe, self interest, geography, history and any number of other issues for centuries.

    (4) The notion that “all White people are on the same side” is an ideal.

    (5) This ideal is flatly contradicted by reality. See, for instance, the Second World War or the War Between the States or the American Revolution which was fought between Anglo-Saxons.

    The United States spent most of the 19C in a Cold War with Great Britain.

    (6) “White people” spend most of their time fighting with each other and competing with each other. This is one of the primary causes of their downfall.

    (7) Anyone who is foolish enough to believe that “all White people are on the same side” hasn’t spent much time pondering the meaning of Gettysburg, Antietam, and Shiloh.

    (8) Let them study the “Civil Rights Movement” in closer detail and insist “White people are all on the same side.”

  33. All White people are not on which side?
    Are all Blacks on the same side? Are all Moslems on the same side? It depends on what the sides are. Almost all Blacks will choose the Black side over the White side, and almost all Moslems will choose the Moslem side over the White side, unless the Whites are doing their dirty work for them. Most commenters on this site would cheer for a White kicking Black ass, unless the White was a multi-cult. Then most of us would enjoy watching the Black open the little punk’s eyes.
    Non-white peoples have often cooperated with Whites in order to get us to destroy their racially similar enemies. The Pawnee and Crow scouted for the U.S. Cavalry, in order that their Sioux enemies would be defeated. The South Koreans and South Vietnamese welcomed American support against their Red brothers. And Whites have used non-Whites against their White enemies too. The British enlisted the Iroquois to fight the colonists, and today, liberals use Blacks and immigrants to fight Americans. When the wars are over, the cross-racial alliances break up. Does anyone imagine that the Mexicans in L.A. will have any use for the liberals who have been holding the door open for their invasion? Will the Chinese in Frisco give a shit about the fags or the lefty nutcases when they’ve got control of the city?
    What we call race treason is an old game.

  34. It is a nice ideal: “all White people should stick together.”

    As you have explained, the history of North America is a lesson in a different story. The English came to the New World to prey upon the Spanish. They established a foothold in Virginia because they were in competition with Spain.

    The English and French spent years fighting over North America. Then the Americans fought the British twice who allied themselves with the Indians and incited a slave rebellion in the colonies.

    Later, the North fought the South, and incited a race war with the Emancipation Proclamation, and finally made blacks citizens so that the Republican Party could enjoy perpetual rule in the Union.

    Canada, of course, is shining example of the fact that White people are divided by ethnicity and religion.

    Then you have the DWLs who have declared war on White America. You have European liberals which treat their own citizens as an enemy within.

    I shouldn’t even have to mention what happened in WW1 and WW2 – perhaps the fatal blow to the project of Western civilization.

  35. It is a nice ideal: “all White people should stick together.”

    I find most of these people to be insincere and frauds to begin with. They preach unity but most of them are more interested in petty cliques and social status among these groups. These cultish groups form invariably with some type of narcissistic sociopath leading it (VNN, Counter Currents).

    I find European nationalism and ethno-racial nationalism to be much more sincere, with a real connection to the past and the people rather than based on abstractions or on what we hate rather than any real kinship.

    The only large-scale ethnic identity to form in America is the Southern people. The North is based on abstractions and religion, Canada the same or falls back on its British or French heritage, and Latin America is a mongrelized mess.

  36. Wow, yeah, brilliant. Consider me persuaded.

    Ethnic nationalism is an absurd ideal. See the War Between the States, where Scots-Irish fought Scots-Irish, the Spanish Civil War, where Spanish fought Spanish, the English Civil War, where English fought English, the Austro-Prussian War, where Germanic fought Germanic, Germany prior to unification, Italy prior to unification, and many more.

  37. Southern nationalism, yeah, hey, great. ‘Cause that’s what I always did when I lived up north – look for southern blacks to hang out with. Yes let’s cheer for the black dominated southern team against the white dominated Utah or Idaho team.

    What are you, high?

    Not that I have anything against regional white ethnic “sub”-nationalisms, mind you, but that isn’t really what you’re talking about, is it Hunter? Or Scorpius, or Prozac, or whatever you’re calling yourself at the moment.

  38. Svigor,

    I simply don’t believe that “all White people are on the same side.” I think it is a nice ideal which has been built out of a fragment of the American racial tradition.

    I don’t believe “White people” are a culture or ethnicity much less a nation. Instead, I believe that “whiteness” is a marker of ethnicity, one among many others, some of the others being Protestant Christianity, the English language, and republicanism, which once upon a time were combined in North America.

    As these things go, “Americanism” was shattered in the 1940s and 1950s, and officially dismantled in the 1960s. In the 1970s, a group of alienated White people started calling themselves “White Nationalists,” after hitting upon the idea that “White people” should be a separate nation.

    Where is the “White nation”? What is the culture of the “White nation?” What is the flag of the “White nation”?

    White Nationalists themselves are stumped by that line of questioning. They are stumped by it because “White Nationalism” is an attempt to create an ethnicity out of alienated people who live in shattered communities. It is an attempt to create a separate ethnic identity out of a fragment of Americanism.

    I’m comfortable with my identity. Virtually all White Southerners can watch football games because they are comfortable with their identity. Unlike White Nationalists who are uncomfortable with it.

    Watching a few negroes throw around a ball isn’t going to change my opinion about them.

    Here in Alabama, we have always been “White people,” from the very beginning. It is part of our culture and heritage. It is a badge of our ethnic identity which is meaningful because of the presence of non-Whites here. This is reflected in both our state constitution and our laws.

    Aren’t you from South Carolina? Why do you suppose “whiteness” is considered important there? Did the people who call themselves “White Nationalists” make that discovery?

    My theory is that “whiteness” was important in South Carolina long before anyone ever heard of White Nationalism. When I toured the South Carolina state capitol last year in Columbia, I made sure to enjoy the monuments and statues on the state capitol grounds.

  39. BTW, thanks for reinforcing my point that “White people are on the same side” is more of an ideal than anything else, an ideal like “Workers of the World Unite,” which is rarely seen in the historical record.

  40. Mark,

    What are they fighting about? Counter-Currents and TOQ?

    They are both White Nationalists. They are both certain that the Jewish Question is of overwhelming importance. They both agree on the importance of being “elitists.” Is there anything of real substance that they are fighting about?

    No, the quarrel is nothing more than a mere rivalry. It is purely about “Greg’s revenge” for getting fired. It is about “Greg’s money.” It is about “Greg’s pride.” It is about “Greg’s ambition” to be a major figure in the White Nationalist movement.

    Prior to April 2010, the quarrel was non-existent because there was ideological homogeneity, and the two parties were on the same side.

  41. Mark,

    There reason that White Nationalists spend so much time fighting is because nothing unites them except racial grievances and phenotype.

    Let’s suppose we created an alternative to White Nationalism: here in the South, we can appeal to a common racial identity, a common ethnicity, a common history, a common culture, a common religion, common heroes, common places of meaning and significance to us, geographic borders, etc.

    It’s not based on an abstract ideology. Dixie is not a “proposition nation.”

    My wager is that our version of ethnonationalism could be much stronger. There is more homogeneity. There should be less fighting as a result. We also have a bridge that unites us with our neighbors around here.

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