Black People Acting Black In Sarasota


These racial attacks on White people are becoming so common now that it is almost a waste of our time to report them here … the “flash mobs” of Black Summer 2011 have finally succeeded in shattering the taboo on open discussion of the connection between race and crime … the subject has gone “mainstream.”

Note: 51 percent of Americans expect major political uprisings in the United States in the next ten years.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I simply don’t believe that “all White people are on the same side.” I think it is a nice ideal which has been built out of a fragment of the American racial tradition.

    Neither do I. Neither do White Nationalists. That’s my point, you wanker. You’re arguing with yourself.

  2. I’m comfortable with my identity. Virtually all White Southerners can watch football games because they are comfortable with their identity. Unlike White Nationalists who are uncomfortable with it.

    That’s an excuse you give yourself because you can’t give up football. It’s a sack of horseshit. No, there’s nothing normal about rooting on a pack of blacks over one’s own racial kin.

  3. either do I. Neither do White Nationalists. That’s my point, you wanker. You’re arguing with yourself.

    They always tell me that “White people” are their nation. Hence, “White Nationalism,” which is about creating an “ethnostate” for “White people” who are the ethnicity.

    But “White people” are not an ethnicity and never have been. On the contrary, “whiteness” is just a marker of identity, one of many others.

  4. That’s an excuse you give yourself because you can’t give up football. It’s a sack of horseshit. No, there’s nothing normal about rooting on a pack of blacks over one’s own racial kin.

    We have never been “White Nationalists” here.

    The philosophy of the South is conservatism. The racial expression of conservatism is “white supremacy,” not “White Nationalism.” The latter doctrine was created in the 1970s and 1980s.

    Thus, a conservative can laugh at a minstrel show, watch a football game, talk to black people in the street without feeling any sense of animosity toward them. Conservatism is based on the rejection of ideology.

    White Nationalism is an abstract ideology. Thus, White Nationalists see a contradiction between watching a football game and being pro-White, when there is really no contradiction at all. It contradicts their “ideology.”

    Meanwhile, the conservative is just cheering for his team, cheering for his state, cheering for his university, and trying to have a good time on the weekends. Just like everyone else does in Idaho and Wisconsin and California which also have integrated football teams.

    White Nationalism is an ideology that has been built around the racial fragment of Americanism. Most White people aren’t ideological though. They are conservatives.

    The typical conservative in the South has a racial identity, a religious identity, a philosophical identity, a cultural identity, and a team identity (some affiliation with a public university).

    The White Nationalist is loyal to a bunch of abstractions that exist in his own mind – to an ideological version of whiteness. This is why White Nationalists have such a hard time communicating with White people. They come across as being hopelessly ideological.

    The typical White guy in South Carolina might explain to you: well, I love the South, love God, love South Carolina, and I love my alma mater. I’m not conflicted about being White. I just don’t make any ideology out of it like you people do.

    The White guy on the street would explain to you that watching a football game – a mere game – doesn’t mean you are “less White.” Just like reading leftists in a newspaper doesn’t make you less conservative. Just like interacting with black people in the real world or believing they are different than you doesn’t mean you hate them.

    Jesus, we have to interact with black people here on a daily basis. Yet for some strange reason watching them on ESPN is supposed to be different than watching them on CNN or MSNBC or dealing with them at the Post Office or at restaurants.

  5. Jesus, we have to interact with black people here on a daily basis. Yet for some strange reason watching them on ESPN is supposed to be different than watching them on CNN or MSNBC or dealing with them at the Post Office or at restaurants.

    There’s a difference between being a decent human being and not some anti-social weirdo that just ignores people, who if you see blacks in a social or professional setting that you’re forced into you will be civil, and then consciously choosing to spend your time around blacks and/or paying to see them. The latter is not something I care to do and the former I avoid as much as possible. I hit my lifetime diversity quota a long time ago.

  6. I’m not a huge sports fan, though I enjoy playing sports, being a spectator always seemed boring to me. Too slow-paced, perhaps not gruesome enough. I’ve always enjoyed martial arts and MMA was something I really got into. People getting knocked out, blood everywhere, bones breaking, yeah I’ll watch that.

    I know lots of Southern guys that love football, they talk about it like the weather, it’s just a common thing to discuss and observe. They don’t necessarily like all the blacks but they just love the sport too much to give it up.

    It’s like how White nationalists or “radical traditionalists” accept non-White intellectuals such as Jews, Asians and some hybrid blacks.

  7. Mark,

    There reason that White Nationalists spend so much time fighting is because nothing unites them except racial grievances and phenotype.

    It’s almost exclusively the former. Ironically phenotype, beyond skin color, isn’t something they know much about, nor really care to. In fact it pisses a lot of them off. Now why would physical anthropology and discussing racial and subracial differences make so many “White nationalists” angry. It’s divisive, but the division has always been there, I didn’t create it, I just observe it and value it.

    Our people like to fight, and I don’t see this as negative if it is channeled productively and doesn’t become irrational or for its own sake.

  8. There’s a difference between getting along with the Darks you work with and rooting for a Black football team: Work is a necessity, but football, and all other entertainments, are entirely optional.

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