Andy’s Revenge

Greater Appalachia ditches the Democratic Party

West Virginia

It is a great thing that we have spent so much time discussing Colin Woodward’s American Nations and Joel Garreau’s The Nine Nations of North America.

The theory advanced in these two books is that there is no such thing as a unified “American culture” (except for the mass produced garbage on television), but instead there are 9 to 11 regional cultures, and American politics is driven by the ruthless competition between two rival blocs of nations led by “Dixie” and “Yankeedom.”

Now that we have vanquished the illusion of “White America,” we can turn back to our political analysis and start applying this theory to the 2012 election season. Let’s start with Stuart Rothenberg’s latest article: “This Is Not Your Father’s Democratic Party.”

What’s the problem now? The Democratic Party is dying in Dixie and Midlands among “White working class voters,” especially in Woodward’s “Greater Appalachia,” which was settled by the Scots-Irish.

The flight of the “Jacksonians” (i.e., the Scots-Irish) from the Democratic Party is creating an insurmountable obstacle to Barack Hussein Obama’s reelection and Democrats holding the Senate and retaking the House in 2012.

As a terrific New York Times graphic showed after the 2008 elections, the GOP presidential vote increased by more than 20 percent from 2004 to 2008 in a swath of counties stretching roughly from southwestern Pennsylvania down through West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, much of Tennessee, Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma, all the way to northeast Texas.

The same pattern showed up in northeast Alabama, northwest Florida and parts of Georgia. It’s probably no accident that the Democrats’ best chances of winning GOP-held Senate seats are in Massachusetts and Nevada, while the GOP’s best chances are in states such as Missouri and Montana, swing states with substantial rural voters. Both states have been moving toward Republicans in recent decades.

The Democrats’ problem with downscale whites is even more apparent in the presidential race. If states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan really are in play, as many now believe, it is because it is precisely those voters who are likely to defect from the Democratic ticket next year.

Can anyone here explain this problem for Stuart Rothenberg?

We have already seen Hank Jr. label Obama “the enemy” of the Scots-Irish. We have already seen Sen. Jim Webb decide not to run for reelection. We also witnessed the quiet death of the Louisiana Democratic Party on 9/11.

In the 2010 midterm elections, we also saw a lot of mysterious things happen, which could possibly be related to this: the Republicans captured control of the Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina state legislatures; the Democrats lost three congressional seats in Virginia; we saw veteran White Democrats go down in South Carolina, Missouri, and Mississippi; Joe Manchin struggled to win Robert Byrd’s Senate seat in West Virginia; Republicans won blowout victories in Texas and Georgia.

Just the other day, Earl Ray Tomblin won the West Virginia’s governor race, squeaking out a victory with 49 percent of the vote. The Republicans nearly won by trying to associate Tomblin with Obama. The One isn’t even contesting West Virginia in 2012.

My theory is that Barack Hussein Obama is finishing off the New Deal coalition which began with Harry Truman and LBJ. The only two Democrats that have succeeded in capturing the White House since LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

Barack Hussein Obama was elected in a period of extraordinary economic turmoil and Bush fatigue and he rode to victory as the mythic fulfillment of Black Run Amerika with promises to revive the American economy.

Obama failed to unite America. He failed to reign in Wall Street. He failed to create MLK’s promised land. He failed to revive the American economy. He sounds like a Yankee school marm with a teleprompter. He is subservient to Jews, African-Americans, and Hispanics.

He succeeded in dramatically increasing federal spending and the national debt. He presided over Ben Bernanke’s tampering with the money supply. The average White household is worse off than it was three years ago when at least gas and food were not as expensive.

Barack Hussein Obama, the black mascot of Wall Street, is the symbolic repudiation of Andrew Jackson in the Democratic Party. No wonder Jackson’s descendants are abandoning that party in every state where they have settled.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In the 2010 midterm elections, we also saw a lot of mysterious things happen, which could possibly be related to this: the Republicans captured control of the Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina state legislatures; the Democrats lost three congressional seats in Virginia; we saw veteran White Democrats go down in South Carolina, Missouri, and Mississippi; Joe Manchin struggled to win Robert Byrd’s Senate seat in West Virginia; Republicans won blowout victories in Texas and Georgia.”

    What difference does any of this make when the Republican party is owned lock-stock-and-barrel by Wall Street and Neocons? Hell, the Tea Party was co-opted before it even had a coherent message! The sad thing is that most of those bozos don’t even know it yet.

    James Burnham was eerily accurate in the Managerial Revolution, except that he could have thrown in ethnic eclipse, as well.

  2. “American politics is driven by the ruthless competition between two rival blocs of nations led by “Dixie” and “Yankeedom.””

    No, that is what American politics USED to be, when regional cultures, centered around churches, small business and local elites, had the real power in America.

    Now the New Left is hegemonic thanks to its control of the decisive central power nodes in NY, Hollywood, and Academia. The Liberals who control the Democratic Party directly advocate the New Left agenda, while the NeoConservatives and Libertarians who control the Republican Party see to it that the anti-Liberal backlash is channelled into policies which further strengthen the New Left, such as unconditional support for Israel (which frees rich Jews of the need to finance Israel themselves, leaving more money for New Left causes here at home) and tax cuts for billionaires (most of whom support the New Left agenda).

    Every local culture in America, not just Dixie, is under seige.

    “we have vanquished the illusion of “White America,””

    No, you’ve simply ignored the counter-arguments.

    Normans are different than Burgundians, but that doesn’t “vanquish the illusion of France”

    Saxons are different than Bavarians, but that doesn’t “vanquish the illusion of Germany”

  3. Todd,

    What difference does any of this make when the Republican party is owned lock-stock-and-barrel by Wall Street and Neocons? Hell, the Tea Party was co-opted before it even had a coherent message! The sad thing is that most of those bozos don’t even know it yet.

    IMO, Wall Street owns the Democratic Party. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable control the Republican Party. These business factions are not the same force and there are some important differences between them.

    The degree of control is also questionable … quite honestly, it varies from state to state, and from region to region. The Tea Party is much more influential in some areas than in others.

  4. Kroll,

    Your only problem here is that these 9 to 11 regional cultures are remnants now. While you quickly dismiss “TV garbage” that is the dominant culture, each of those regional cultures have adapted themselves to that “TV garbage” now, for two or three generations.

    I’m not so sure.

    IMO, there are these bedrock regional cultures, and there is the homogenizing force of “American culture,” which is pumped into Dixie primarily through television, movies, and the public school system – what is called the “culture war” is the clash between these two cultures.

    The American culture has undoubtedly influenced the regional cultures, but it has hardly displaced them. San Francisco and New York City are still nothing like Topeka or Little Rock.

    It would be more accurate to say the media has become segmented and it grows more segmented with each passing year – millions of people dislike Hollywood, dislike the New York Times, dislike MSNBC, distrust the “liberal media” and “Mainstream Media,” and they dislike the degenerate culture which is on television and in Hollywood movies.

    If Obama resigned and the race was between Herman Cain and Hillary Clinton, who (outside of pro-Hillary West Virginia) would the typical Republican, Scots-Irish Southerner vote for? Who would get the vote of whites in Alabama?

    The rise of Herman Cain can be explained by two things: White Southerners have a gut reaction to Mitt Romney who is a Northeastern Mormon, former governor of Massachusetts, and the undisputed candidate of the Republican establishment; Rick Perry has collapsed because of his support for the Texas DREAM Act.

    The most interesting thing is that White Southerners seems to like Herman Cain more than Rick Perry … who seemed like he was about to run away with the Republican nomination until his stance on illegal immigration proved to be a dealbreaker.

    They would rather vote for the black guy than the swaggering Texan of “Fed Up” who signed the Texas DREAM Act into law. I can’t say that I really blame them … as I would vote for Cain over Rick Perry myself.

    But questions about Obama breaking up the old FDR coalition miss the subtleties. The FDR coalition was based on retail politics and radio. It died with Ronald Reagan, if not with the assassination of JFK.

    The New Deal coalition has been decomposing since the Truman presidency – what is happening under Obama is that the last Jacksonian holdouts who were most impressed with FDR and his response to the Great Depression are either giving up on the Democratic Party or switching to the Republican Party.

    This is highly significant: the Solid South is finally coming back now, we are going back to the one party system of the Jim Crow days, and that is upsetting the balance of power within the GOP between ordinary conservatives and the powerful business interests who are labeled “economic conservatives.”

    In elections what matters is the swing vote. Unless your demographic is ready to switch to the other party, in significant numbers, you don’t matter.

    Of course.

    Because of the context of the Union, the “moderate” candidate is always favored who can hold and turn out the base voters while winning enough swing voters to capture enough of the swing states to win the White House.

  5. These analyses of ethnicity and party politics are, from a historical viewpoint, vastly interesting. But, with the Obama regime a self-evident disaster and the Republicans about to vomit up yet another corporate-liberal nominee (Romney), we are approaching one of those rare disjunctions (1775-76, 1860-61) when change becomes non-linear and violent. The majority of the electorate does not want an Obama 2nd term; the majority of the Republican Party does not want a liberal nominee. But, thanks to the fundamentally Jewish control of both parties, we are likely to get a Romney nomination and then, following a Republican split along R/L lines, an Obama 2nd term…however brief. I cannot imagine a situation which – along with ongoing economic collapse – could be more productive of Civil War.

  6. No, that is what American politics USED to be, when regional cultures, centered around churches, small business and local elites, had the real power in America.

    In December 2010, the House and Senate voted on the DREAM Act and DADT repeal, and the regional cultures were on full display again, with every representative in New England voting for the DREAM Act, and Dixie voting it down for like the sixth or seventh time.

    Every Southern state has either outlawed or tried to outlaw gay marriage. DADT repeal was also predictably voted down in the South. If the South was an independent nation, it would easily vote down abortion and all kinds of other issues which have no real support here.

    Now the New Left is hegemonic thanks to its control of the decisive central power nodes in NY, Hollywood, and Academia.

    The truth of the matter is that the narrative power of the Mainstream Media, the resonance of Hollywood movies, and the influence of Ivy League universities varies considerably in the United States.

    Is the New York Times and MSNBC really hegemonic in Alabama and Mississippi? Probably not.

    The Liberals who control the Democratic Party directly advocate the New Left agenda, while the NeoConservatives and Libertarians who control the Republican Party see to it that the anti-Liberal backlash is channelled into policies which further strengthen the New Left, such as unconditional support for Israel (which frees rich Jews of the need to finance Israel themselves, leaving more money for New Left causes here at home) and tax cuts for billionaires (most of whom support the New Left agenda).

    Here’s my theory:

    (1) Dixie supports foreign wars because the Scots-Irish are a culturally aggressive people and have supported every war that has ever been fought in American history. Before the Scots-Irish even came to America, they were a warlike tribe that had spent centuries fighting in wars, such as the wars in Northern Ireland, and the border wars in Scotland.

    (2) The support for Israel within the South is due less to the influence of Jewish neocons than affinity for Israelis as being a besieged, warlike people – God’s Chosen People, as every Protestant knows – who are at odds with Muslims.

    (3) The South supports relentless tax cuts, not because it is just slavishly owned by the rich, but because it dislikes Washington and its dislikes the federal government and it wants to defund the hated “big government” which is perceived as being too powerful.

    Every local culture in America, not just Dixie, is under seige.

    This is true.

    No one has ever disputed this. The only thing that has been disputed is that there is such a thing as a “White culture.” Clearly, there are various cultures which are regionally based – the culture of San Francisco and The Left Coast is very different from the culture of Dixie.

    No, you’ve simply ignored the counter-arguments.

    The bloodiest war in American history was fought against … who?

    Yes, it was fought against the Confederacy, which dwarfed American losses in WW1 and WW2. For 100 years thereafter, the South diverged from the United States in all kinds of fundamental ways, until it was forced to become more like the North by the “Civil Rights Movement” which was imposed on the South by the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court.

    There was never a Gilded Age, a “Melting Pot,” or any Roaring Twenties here. “American history” is always told from the point of view of the Northern states. We are not a “Nation of Immigrants.”

    The truth is that the North is far more like Canada than Dixie.

  7. i agree with whites unite, but then again im a yankee, and we yankees are gonna be up shit creek unless they get some factories open again, the proles are all too leftist here

  8. Kroll – I dig your scene re: Islamic banking. No one here will be hissing and/or spitting over that interesting idea.

    To all – pay attention to the “Iranian Turrur Plot Foiled.” The Joo-O-Cons are going for yet ANOTHER attempt at “We must attack Iran!!!!”. CNN – Commie Negro Network – occasionally dazzles. They broadcast 2 interviews tonight – one with former Gov. Thomas Kean, who called the plot “strange and crazy” – and couldn’t have been more dismissive of this latest lox and bagel show unless he had been…well – ME.

    Then they has a radio interview with the Iranian Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaee – and his commentary was fabulous. This is all an obvious diversion – and it’s falling apart fast. Yee HA!

  9. “IMO, Wall Street owns the Democratic Party. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable control the Republican Party. These business factions are not the same force and there are some important differences between them.”

    I used Wall Street as a catch-all term. Is it really an important distinction at this point? Seriously, I’d say that it is at least as important to have distance between finance and/or business and state as it is to separate church and state. Would you say that the major parties are really opposing parties? Is there a dime’s worth of difference between the two?

  10. Of course.

    There are sharp differences between the two parties. The Republican crowd turns out at the Tea Party. The Democratic crowd turns out at Occupy Wall Street. They draw upon different sectors of the American population.

    9/10 African-Americans are Democrats. 7/10 Hispanics are Democrats. 8/10 Jews are Democrats. The vast majority of atheists, agnostics, and homosexuals are Democrats. Muslims are Democrats. Unitarians are Democrats.

    There isn’t much difference between the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment. The political class controls both parties.

  11. “There isn’t much difference between the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment. The political class controls both parties.”

    Exactly. It goes without saying that Tea Party supporters are quite a different group than the Wall Street protesters. I think it’s also clear that neither group will get what it wants as long as the Establishment stands.

  12. I don’ think the Establishment is going to stand much longer. Everything has a very “minutes before they arrested Marie Antionette” kinda vibe. I watch CNN in the AM, when I’m getting ready to go earn fiat Judenfetzen in order to pay for the BRA. This AM I saw an Asiatic woman, from the House of Lanvin (Oh! A Dragon Lady representing the oldest and grandest French couture! Talk about a stab in the heart). She was touting the extreeeeeeeeeeeemely costly rags her employer produces. The hostesses make some “cute-embarrassed” remarks about the expense of such garments, inthsi “sort of a global metldown thing” (direct quote). The hostesses asked the Dragon Lady how business was doing. “Frankly – it’s booming! A person may decide to invest in a four-figure garment, if they decide they will keep the dress for the next 10 years…”, and “These garments are works of art. You may not be able not buy one of these dresses – but you can certainly appreciate them”.


    The Egyptian revolts were about the ability of the Egytptian population to be permitted to FEED themselves. Why do I hear the sounds of Madame Guillotine being hauled out of storage, and polished up?

  13. Compassionate Fascist said “I cannot imagine a situation which – along with ongoing economic collapse – could be more productive of Civil War.”

    You say this like it’s a bad thing…..

  14. ” The support for Israel within the South is due less to the influence of Jewish neocons than affinity for Israelis as being a besieged, warlike people – God’s Chosen People, as every Protestant knows – who are at odds with Muslims.”

    And whether or not you realize it, Mr. Wallace, here is the CRUX point for the destruction of Christendom, and America as her last outpost.

    I will say this as easily as I can.
    Jews are not Chosen. ( the conditional nature of the covenant Deut. 27-30)
    Jews are not even Jews. (John 8:44, Rev. 2:8,9 -Koestler’s ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’)
    Israel is not an unconditional promise. (and a zionist state is not the Heavenly Jerusalem- neither is JerUSAlem ours, if we continue in apostasy, and unrevenged wrath on God’s name, his covenant, and his land!)
    Scofield and his notes are heretical
    The Church is Israel Now. (Heb. 13:10, I Pet. 2:9, Matt. 3:9,10)
    Europe is Christendom. (the “Ecumene” is the Gr. word for ‘world’ in the Great Commission- thus, only Europe is the locus and focus of ‘world’ evangelism)
    Europe is the ‘Israel of God’ [Gal. 6:16]
    There is no other people, race that can, or should be saved, save Adam’s seed. [Gen. 3:15, Matt. 1:21, Jas. 1:1 I Pet. 1:1]

    EVERY SINGLE ERROR the USA has engaged in, since JFK was shot by Mossad operatives (and there is strong speculation that LBJ was a ‘marrano’ as was ‘Lady Bird’ and in league with the assasination- witness Jackie’s recent tapes) was to ‘befriend the ZioNAZI state of Isra-Hell, and to allow the Jews to run our Fed Reserve. EVERY ERROR. Jews were behind (Celler) 1965 Immigration idea, that HHH and TK enacted. LBJ did all the things YOU say of him. Jewish (orthodox and zionist jews, to boot!) Have ‘OWNED’ the Fed for at least the last three admins.

    Look no further than the Deicides, to see the root of the problem, throughout history.
    “The Jew will live under the yoke of slavery without end. God hates the Jews.” – Saint John Chrysostom: Six Homilies Against the Jews

  15. C’mon Hunter the military has always been the employer of last resort in the mountains & hollows south of the Mason Dixon Line. Either the army, or the bus to Detroit.

  16. It is important to keep in mind that Republicans and Democrats are very different groups of people, but they are restrained by the political class. Most Republicans hate the Republican establishment.

    That is why Mitt Romney is having such a hard time winning the Republican nomination. John McCain also lost because the general election because he was the establishment candidate.

  17. FYI: Cain is a ZOG monkey like the rest. They call him the pizza man but leave out that he was the chairman of the KC Fed in the early 90s. Red flags don’t get any bigger than that.

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