Ron Paul: Border Fence Not The Answer

Ron Paul: Border fence is not the answer


In the Western Republican Presidential Debate on CNN, Ron Paul explicitly came out in opposition to the border fence. He also said the judicial system was biased against minorities.

Michele Bachmann vowed to build a “double border fence” along the entire Mexican border, make it her top priority, and vowed it would be completed by 2013.


Note: Ron Paul did say that he would cut foreign aid to Israel.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If Paul says the Border Fence is Not The Answer. Then what the Hell is ? ? .50 Caliber machines Guns every 100 years, and Shoot to Kill is my Answer ! !

  2. Grade on Immigration Restriction, 2012 Candidates

    F- / B.H.Obama

    B- / Bachmann
    C- / Romney
    D- / Perry
    D- / Huntsman
    F / Paul

    Romney’s C- is apparently is not very high if this is what we get from him:
    Mitt Romney said at the Las Vegas GOP debate that he loves legal immigration and wants all of the 4 1/2 million people now in line for immigration to come here.”

  3. In a truly libertarian society – which I think is what he aims at – minorities would not be an issue for White people. Since they are inferior they would naturally be unable to compete, and would therefore fail, die, leave, or never come in the first place. It’s only because of totalitarian laws that force them into our lives and destroy our freedom of association that they pose any threat to us in the first place. In a libertarian society there would be no affirmative action, no laws against excluding minorities from your property and businesses, no laws against refusing to hire them, and they would be held accountable for the full extent of their dysfunction. Ron Paul is the best choice we have. His interests are not perfectly aligned with White preservation, but no other candidate (assuming a fulfillment of campaign promises) is offering better. No Federal Reserve? No funding for Israel? No wars on their behalf? I’ll take it.

  4. Depends on your issue.

    If immigration is your issue, then Bachmann is clearly the best candidate and Romney is probably the second best candidate. Herman Cain is just a protest candidate and motivational speaker. He got pounded for his “9-9-9” plan this evening by his betters.

    In fairness to the North, I admit that Bachmann and Romney are the best candidates (see, I can be objective), and Paul, Gingrich, and Perry are the three worst candidates on immigration.

  5. I think his anti-“nanny state” stance on such things as the above mentioned EBT card, and his overall small/ basically non existent fed government ideology (libertarianism) is a step in the “white direction”. first of all, as mentioned time and again here and at SBPDL, that the Fed gov is the primary employer of minorities (niggers and beaners, the ones that are problems). second, these pro-minority stances are just there, in my opinion to garner the liberal voters disillusioned w/ obama. as a yankee from a libtarded area, i can tell you that I have first hand knowlege of Ronnie’s popularity with the liberal youth. i think once again he, is a step in the direction we want as (gasp) “white nationalists”, as he will be anti-globalist, and anti-nanny state, and as mentioned above, “anti-jewishterroriststatistan”. all of these things are what are destroying what remnants remain of western civilization, post-60’s (pre-BRA/Eurabia/ZOG).

  6. Nobody is going to do anything about the border. I guess at least Ron Paul doesn’t say he will. The border issue is a festering wound that 70 years from now we’ll be talking about. The left won’t have a closed border. Period. And let’s face it, what the left won’t have, America won’t have. Not without the big R.

  7. Ron Paul is not the answer. He’d never get any of his program through Congress, so we’d get no change on Israel, the Federal Reserve, freedom of association, EBT cards and so on, and no border either. May as well re-elect BHO.

  8. Since Perry said he supported in state tuition for illegals, he has dropped out of the running. Immigration is the 800 pound gorilla in the room. It is clear the party leadership does not want it discussed, and equally clear the voters do want it discussed. The first candidate to brave the waters and “pull a Tancredo” will pick up at least 10 points in the polls. Remains to be seen if Rove et. al. will be able to keep the lid on.

  9. It’s clear that the border is the new abortion issue. Like the right to life, the right to a border is something only kooky people believe in.

  10. Oh, yay. He’s not going to do a thing for us. I’m sure the wn crowd would forgive him for allowing our people to be displaced as long he lets israel be destroyed.

  11. For those who cringe at getting involved in Republican politics, it is worth noting here that Rick Perry was poised to win South Carolina and sweep the South to get the Republican nomination, but when Perry started defending the Texas DREAM Act, his numbers collapsed in the Palmetto State …

    In 2008, John McCain won the South Carolina primary. George W. Bush won South Carolina in 2000 and 2004. Immigration has become a “litmus test” issue in the South Carolina Republican primary.

    WNs being WNs are naturally trapped in their own little bubble world and don’t realize the magnitude of the change that is going on at the bottom of the Republican Party in the South on race and immigration. They only see the decadent figures at the top of the pyramid like Bush and McCain and people saying stupid things on FOX News.

    I’ve spent the last year now writing about the changes that I am seeing in the polling data. It is starting to bubble up in things like Alabama passing the immigration law, virtually House Republican voting against the DREAM Act, Lindsey Graham and Orrin Hatch voting against the DREAM Act, Barack Obama’s broken electoral map, and Rick Perry’s presidential campaign collapsing.

    WNs assume that Herman Cain’s surge is because White Republican voters are slobbering over the black candidate. In reality, Cain only surged because Perry collapsed and because Cain started addressing the race issue and positioning himself as an alternative to Romney and to the right of Perry on immigration.

    These Republican primary voters would rather support Cain over Ron Paul, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich (one of their own) … because of their stance on immigration! This is a sweeping change from Bush ’04 and McCain ’08.

  12. Ron Paul is just a Sad Old Man that is living in the distant past when Immigration and Race Riots hadn’t raised their ugly heads yet. This guy would still Suck if it were the 1950s, but maybe not as badly as he Sucks Now!
    I’m not very pleased with the GOP field right now, but Bachmann is Definitely Better than Paul or Romney. She stinks on Israel, but seriously with AIPAC running the show – who doesn’t.
    Ron Paul has as much chance of being President as any non-candidate. There are some deluded folks that will write him in, even though he hasn’t a Snowball’s chance in Hell of getting Elected.
    With his stance on Immigration, I’d NEVER vote for that Old Fart!!!

  13. It amazes me that anyone here thinks any of the establishment Republican candidates will do a damn thing about illegal immigration. Undermining the US via third world immigration has been the agenda for decades now

    Ron Paul would also like to repeal the Civil Rights Act, so you know, everyone could choose who they would like to associate.

    Of course, even he got elected, he would be ‘taken care of’. Anyway, no reason for me to even bother show up to vote next year.

  14. Last night PBS Frontline ran a heavily biased documentary on immigration enforcement, detentention centers, and deportations. It was interesting to watch and completely failed in its purpose to change the minds of the 75% of the population already opposed to immigration. They trotted out families that have been here 11+ years where mom and dad could not speak English, but managed to own homes, drive cars, send their kids to free school, etc. The one woman gets caught for speeding-breaking another law-and does not have a driver’s license-breaking another law-and has her ass put on a plane to Mexico. Frontline used the usual agitprop technique of quickly presenting a statistic, such as there have been 900 complaints about conditions at a detention center while discussing some accusations of beatings and sexual assaults by gaurds, and then quickly moving to the next topic to leave the impression amongst the stupid that there have been 900 beatings and sexual assaults.
    Really 3rd grade-level propaganda. I would like to ask what the 900 complaints were about-poor food?, the guards don’t address the detainees in Spanish?.

  15. That Opinion piece, fomr CNN was by Tamar Jacoby – the hideously ugly Jew horror, pushing for the replacement of Whites, by Orcs, for decades. She/It IS the Poster Hag for Firing Up the Ovens.

  16. Paul is a Libertarian. A carry-over Philosophy-Mess, descending from the Grand Daddy Philosphy Mess called The Enlightenement. I am aghast at Paul’s nonsensical, deranged statement in regards to free-wheeling immigration, but, sth_txs sez – if Paul gets in office – he won’t – and if he is able to act on no more foriegn aid, the repeal of the Civil Wrongs Voting Act, and repeal of the EBT – the foriegn invasion will dry right up.

  17. @….”It amazes me that anyone here thinks any of the establishment Republican candidates will do a damn thing about illegal immigration. …”

    Probably trolls.

    The public passes on Romney over and over. He’s slick and plastic, people don’t trust him, they’re tired of the fascist (in the corporatist not racial sense), Fascist-Military-Government revolving door and they know he’s their man. Perry is there merely b/c Romney might not work. Cain is a protest vote, in a sense. People might actually vote for him, just to not give the establishment what it wants.

    Many more move toward third party. Openly, people talk about the “Warfare-Welfare” State. The only people who like either end are the people making money on it. Either they work for the military, as muscle for the government/corporates by turns, depending on who wants to use them, or they are administering welfare systems (programs, schools, media, and the socializing apparatus.) Otherwise, there are Catholic Nationalists in the mix, who want open borders to continue catholicizing the country with reconquista types and Jesuit-created Liberation Theology shills, who will wipe out the remaining white protestants and usher in the desired New Brazil. They believe in top-down, essentially vatican model lifestyle, with a dumbed down public, welfare-militarist-statist approach. The level of the catholic population is happy with the same as the zionist christian types. Dependency in which they envision themselves as the administrators to the poor, overseas missionaries (or “ambassadors” of some sort or another). Vatican ii ushering in vatican iii.

    In regards to the border–many more generational americans do not want the wall. They want to be able TO GET OUT of the U.S., lol. It will let mexicans cross as usual, but make it hard for americans to escape. This is in the BACK of people’s minds (even if they would never verbalize it). They associate government wall (silently) with “wall in china,” and “berlin wall.” These are the “walls” the public knows about.

    Paul’s stance on immigration could change if he talked about restoring borders (of before) to correct the lack of liberty that has occurred, how policy was changed to enforce anti-liberty. But he seems to want to stay clearly libertarian.

    People are just afraid of what will happen to them in a freer society. They are extremely dependent on the welfare state (either from military pay, or government pays) or receiving what is administered.

    Eye of Horus, the idea that RP is both old and yet too young to understand “riots raising their ugly heads” is pretty funny. Anyone even 50 remembers JFK getting shot, the 1968 split in the dem party and sees the libertarian-jewish neo-con split happening now in repub party as just an aspect of that movement, the players even from the exact same families, and so on. They remember “walls” as things that keep citizens IN, NOT OUT.

    You do not have anything vaguely resembling a western situation in the country. Do you really want to be locked inside it?

    Whatever your idea— attempting to use lefting shame-bytes on a more reasonable blog s/a this just seems counter-productive, imo.

    What RP could offer is A SHIFT IN TONE, a shift in the way the average person on the ground will act. The masses shift with power (they will never think for themselves). The shift in tone will be towards allowing them to speak their minds, and this would have effects.

    Bachman, Perry, Romney—- are totally status quo. Militarist-Fascist-Corporatist-Statist multi-cults. All are for the “Corporatist-Military-Government complex COMBINED WITH A PROGRAM in the socializing realm (media/ed/foundations/universities) that is underwritten by communist think-tanking. What we live in.

    Why do people wish to keep living in a world of Zionist Christians and Catholic Nationalists theocrats (Hannity prototype) putting on a mock fight with communist think-tanked social marxists going on about gays in the military and how much more can be spent on education?

    If nothing else, aren’t people s/a that just intelligent enough to be getting BORED?

  18. Why should we all be one bit surprised. Ron Paul is a libertarian, or as I perfer to call them, libertoons. When it all comes down, libertoons reject the idea of national borders because it interferes with their idea of unregulated capitalism.

    And Michelle Bachmann is equally as bad. Mrs “I am a Jew” is still going to cater to Israel and keep us fighting in foreign wars in order to spread liberal democracy across the globe.

  19. Ps–

    Allow the GENERAL TONE of the country to change, and you will be amazed. It’s like when the internet started: people who usually “don’t say anything” began to realize there were others like them, and then they felt emboldened to speak, or to vote, or to say something to neighbors, whatever.

    RP—- can be a shift in the conversation. The matter of TONE is everything in swaying large masses (obviously).

    You cannot change every mind by one mind at a time. But if the “go along to get along” epople feel they are “supposed to say this, or that” then they will do so.

    If they experience a shift in tone (away from status quo) they will say something else.

    They really are sheep. RP is the best bet for producing an atmosphere that encourages honesty from the people (silenced populations) who you would most like to hear speak.

  20. you’re trying to start a tide… not live in some theoretical model you “believe” in, lol. Bob Whitaker would call all this “Wordist.”

  21. These White politicians might as well understand no matter what they do for Blacks, mestizo Roman Catholics, and other non-Whites they will only get a tiny % of their vote.

    These White politicians remind me of a White politician who would send a limo up to the projects to get Black voters—and the Blacks still didn’t vote for him. True story.

  22. The winner will be the politician who calls for a legal immigration timeout until the unemployment rate goes below 5%! That’s a winning promise.

  23. Ron Paul plans on DRYING UP THE WELFARE STATE. He wants to abolish the “anchor” baby citizenship.

    He plans on eliminating the FED, HUD, TSA, DOE, and Interior. Bringing jobs home to the USA. Repealing parts of the unconstitutional 1965 Civil Rights Act – that takes away freedom of association. Ending foreign empire building. Cut off ALL foreign aid because its unconstitutional and the American people are BROKE.

    However, the chances of that ever occurring are a slim chance in hell! If he does accomplish this then there will be no border fence needed because illegal aliens won’t cross the border if they gain nothing, meaning free everything off our backs. And no citizenship for little Maria! Most illegal aliens will self deport when that happens.

    The right idea, the right direction for European Americans.

    Rep. Ron Paul gave a sneak peak into how his administration would handle illegal immigrants, telling a Spanish language news program, I’m not going to kowtow to Latino voters.

    Paul, appearing on Univision’s Sunday morning politics show “Al Punto,” said that illegal immigrants shouldn’t be given any special route to citizenship. Paul instead suggested the possibility of their earning a work permit to fold them into the American legal system.

    “If everyone who comes illegally is automatically given citizenship, a vote, and can apply for welfare, that would not be good format because we would have more of it,” said Paul.

    Paul also offered a different interpretation of the 14th amendment, adding that children of illegal immigrants are not under the jurisdiction of U.S. law and thus should not be given automatic citizenship.

    He also shrugged off any worries that his message might not appeal to Latino voters who are concerned about immigration reform.

    “If you think I need to have a different message for Hispanics than I do for other people, I think that’s unnecessary,” said Paul. “I don’t want to punish anyone who belongs to a special group, and nobody should get special privilege either.”

  24. It was sad to hear Mitt Romney speak for all the participants in saying that “we all favor legal immigration” Really? Maybe they all do, but millions of Americans agree with EAP3 above that a time out right now would be a very good thing.

    Bachmann has the best views on immigration, but with her standing in the polls under 10% it’s hard to see how she pulls off a win. If she can still win Iowa she might be able to survive until Super Tuesday, but without the $20 million+ war chest of Romney and Perry it’s hard to see he doing well in that contest. It will certainly require lots of expensive TV ads.

    It’s going to be one of those “hold your nose and vote for the lesser of three evils” in the Romney, Perry, Cain three way that it looks like we’re going to have. Does anyone think Cain would be at the level he’s at if he were White? How much of his success is yet-another version of “prove we’re not racist” — GOP / Tea Party version this time?

    Washington State votes very late, I suspect most of these candidates will have withdrawn. The last caucus here was interesting. There were so many “Paulistas” at them that the party chairs had to blatently manipulate the process to achieve their desired outcome. This was done through the chairs selecting the delegate slates. And the delegates are not bound by the caucus results. I wasn’t supporting Paul, but it left a very bad taste in my mouth none the less.

    Romney will out-perform Perry in the Western states that have caucuses. The Mormons are very well organized. They won Wyoming for him in 2008. One big mormon church can easily outnumber the few party activists in some sparsly attended caucus in Wyoming in late Feb.

  25. Do we all realize they dig tunnels under the border fences now? Not only do they dig tunnels, they sing about it in popular song:

    Not bad huh? For some immigrants
    Build your fences, we diggin’ tunnels
    Can’t you see? We gettin’ money up under you

    Can’t you see the private jets flyin’ over you?
    Maybach bumper sticker read “What would Hova do?”
    Jay is chillin’, ‘Ye is chillin’ What more can I say?
    We killin’ ’em
    Hold up, before we end this campaign
    As you can see, we done bodied the damn lames
    Lord, please let them accept the things they can’t change
    And pray that all of their pain be champaign

    And Paul’s right, if they build a fence, it’s not going to be to keep them out, it will be to keep us in. All we need are laws like Alabama’s to keep the illegals out of schools and off social services, not to mention E-Verify to keep our Republican CEOs from hiring them.

  26. If immigration is your issue, then Bachmann is clearly the best candidate and Romney is probably the second best candidate.

    Only if you believe what politicians say and ignore what they do.

    Good Lord, Bachmann literally grew up on an Israeli kibbutz. Do we really that anywhere need the formerly White House?

  27. Or, all these issues and ideologies are horse apples and with the storm headed our way who would be the best president to handle these stresses?

  28. We need a fence. They are trying to replace fences with chips, databases, paperwork, etc. You think it will be hard to get out if there’s a fence, try being free in a place where you are defined by your government database profile. Fences build cultures. Identification through a chip is the final destruction of all human culture. I want a damn fence and then I want us to start cleaning house.

  29. amen anna amen, its basically either a) you pick a weird old guy who is got firebrand/destablilizing libertarian ideas (you know small fed, small “union”) and b) just the next dick in a long line of previous dicks that all flap like a breeze in the wind, which president has even made the beaner infestation invasion a major talking point? i think hunter is right and it is changing, but still libertarianism aside a no-helping hand kind of world is what us (i’ll say race realists this time) want to live in, because that kind of world doesn’t have black presidents or annoying uppty black managers.

  30. Tunneling under a wall is a whole lot harder than walking across an open border. A wall would stop almost all the border crossers. You’re not going to get a million people a year through hand dug tunnels. Furthermore, the techniques for discovering tunnels are centuries old. When discovered, you let them invest their time in finishing it, and wait for them to come through. It’s a cat and mouse game where we have all the advantages, if the traitors in D.C. would use them.

  31. Michele Bachmann would probably build the border fence … in 2006, Congress passed the border fence bill, but DHS under Bush and Obama sabotaged its completion. There is nothing stopping Bachmann from building the “double border fence.” She has gone on record vowing to build the whole thing by 2013.

    Bachmann would also (1) withdraw the lawsuits against the states over their immigration laws (2) allow the states to pass immigration laws and (3) appoint conservative justices to the federal courts.

    If a federal E-Verify bill passed Congress, Bachmann would sign it into law.

  32. The federal courts have already blocked Arizona’s immigration law and the Arizona-style immigration laws in Indiana, Georgia, and Utah. They have gutted parts of Alabama’s immigration law.

    Replacing Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court (or even better, Breyer or Ginsberg) is the strongest argument for dumping Obama. As bad as Bush was, he appointed Roberts and Alito to the Supreme Court who ruled against the Chamber of Commerce on E-Verify.

  33. Didn’t the majority of illegal aliens cross the border legally and overstay their visa?

    A border fence is a fetish object and a way to politically defuse the immigration problem. We have a border patrol – we can stop the border crossers if we wanted to, without a fence. We could swiftly deport illegals when they are caught.

    The lack of a fence isn’t the problem. It’s the purposeful inaction on the part of the federal government. So we build a fence and the feds ignore those going over or under it – what have we accomplished?

  34. “RobRoySimmons says:
    October 19, 2011 at 3:47 pm
    Or, all these issues and ideologies are horse apples and with the storm headed our way who would be the best president to handle these stresses?”

    Charlemagne, or my beloved Vlad Tepes.

  35. Kroll,

    Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens cross the Mexican border every year. The solution to the problem is (1) a border fence, (2) a militarized border, (3) a strong E-Verify system, (4) cooperation from the states, (5) and a federal government that is serious about enforcing federal immigration law.

    If Michele Bachmann becomes president, I think that we can get 4 out of 5 of those (Democrats might block federal E-Verify in the Senate) at a minimum. The states are now free to pass E-Verify laws without worrying about litigation.

    Let’s not forget that we are also one Supreme Court justice away from liberal tyranny on immigration. There is also the matter of all the liberals that have been appointed to the lower federal courts.

  36. The fence that Bachmann is talking about is also the “double border fence” that includes the security road in the middle. It is similar to the one that Israel has in place on its border.

  37. As for those who don’t believe we can win over conservatives, browse the Buchanan thread at Free Republic:

    Links to Takimag are now posted on Kosher Republic all the time now. That place has completely changed its tone since Bush ’04.

    It has gotten to the point where a pro-amnesty RINO like Rick Perry with a Southern drawl can’t win the South Carolina GOP primary because of his stance on immigration.

  38. Ron Paul’s supporters have worked to bring his campaign in line on immigration – RP is now running solid advertisements saying he will secure our borders, oppose any amnesties and end birth right citizenship, here’s one of his adverts:

    Ron Paul on Immigration

    I ask the folks not give up on all of our candidates, people can change based on overwhelming voter demands that they do change. Overwhelming public pressure forced the Congress to restrict bad immigration in ~ 1920.

    Please also take the time to make some posts, get to know folks at – many of these people are very good folks and some have the ear of insiders in the Ron Paul Campaign, they’re looking to bring Pat Buchanan on board and Buchanan is the best we have ever had on immigration/racial issues.

    That said, Ron Paul comes out of the all White Libertarian world where open borders immigration is something of an official commandment – yes Ron Paul has deserved his grade of F from NumbersUSA.

    Check out this 1988 CSPAN Call in where Ron Paul (Running as the Libertarian Presidential candidate) takes a call from a regular White guy from California who says that he liked most of the Libertarian policies but found their support of open borders immigration to be insane/treasonous/path to national suicide.

    I’ve edited the Q&A to show just the caller’s question and Ron Paul’s answer where Ron Paul says unrestricted NW 3rd world immigration across our Southern border is the same as English speaking White Canadians going back and forth across our Northern border.

    Here’s the link:

  39. When I lived in Texas I hired a crew to put a pipe fence around my horse pasture. One of the welders told me that a year or so earlier he had worked on a a border fence down around Brownsville. He said that the fence was was constructed entirely of I-beams that were driven into the ground, then stitched together with a series of six inch long welds.
    Very sturdy.

    Many times they arrived at work in the morning to discover that dozens of the I-beams had been torched off at ground level and hauled off.

    A fence is useless if you don’t have plenty of boots on the ground to guard it. Razor wire doesn’t keep convicts from escaping: The real deterrent is the rifles in the towers.

    Fences are helpful in the urban stretches of our southern border, but they are a waste of money in the hundreds of barren miles that comprise most of it.

    Perry’s plan for aerial surveillance backed up by many more border guards will be far more effective solution to prevent the illegals and the smugglers from walking across. I have not yet heard any discussion about how to stop the hundreds who arrive by boat each and every day.

    Making America a less inviting destination would solve the whole problem. Jail the employers who hire illegals, build squalid tent camps to hold the illegals for a couple of years prior to deportation, cut off all social services and free stuff for illegals and their low-IQ spawn and declare war on the drug cartels, then we won’t have to have these dumb-assed arguments about fences vs. aerial surveillance.

  40. Libertarian Hans Hoppe:

    “What should one hope for and advocate as the relatively correct immigration policy, however, as long as the democratic central state is still in place and successfully arrogates the power to determine a uniform national immigration policy? The best one may hope for, even if it goes against the “nature” of a democracy and thus is not very likely to happen, is that the democratic rulers act as if they were the personal owners of the country and as if they had to decide who to include and who to exclude from their own personal property (into their very own houses). This means following a policy of utmost discrimination: of strict discrimination in favor of the human qualities of skill, character, and cultural compatibility.

    More specifically, it means distinguishing strictly between “citizens” (naturalized immigrants) and “resident aliens” and excluding the latter from all welfare entitlements. It means requiring as necessary, for resident alien status as well as for citizenship, the personal sponsorship by a resident citizen and his assumption of liability for all property damage caused by the immigrant. It implies requiring an existing employment contract with a resident citizen; moreover, for both categories but especially that of citizenship, it implies that all immigrants must demonstrate through tests not only (English) language proficiency, but all-around superior (above-average) intellectual performance and character structure as well as a compatible system of values – with the predictable result of a systematic pro-European immigration bias.”

  41. I’m reposting – 1st one didn’t go through:

    Ron Paul’s supporters have worked to bring his campaign in line on immigration – RP is now running solid advertisements saying he will secure our borders, oppose any amnesties and end birth right citizenship, here’s one of his adverts:

    Ron Paul on Immigration

    I ask the folks not give up on all of our candidates, people can change based on overwhelming voter demands that they do change. Overwhelming public pressure forced the Congress to restrict bad immigration in ~ 1920.

    Please also take the time to make some posts, get to know folks at – many of these people are very good folks and some have the ear of insiders in the Ron Paul Campaign, they’re looking to bring Pat Buchanan on board and Buchanan is the best we have ever had on immigration/racial issues.

    That said, Ron Paul comes out of the all White Libertarian world where open borders immigration is something of an official commandment – yes Ron Paul has deserved his grade of F from NumbersUSA.

    Check out this 1988 CSPAN Call in where Ron Paul (Running as the Libertarian Presidential candidate) takes a call from a regular White guy from California who says that he liked most of the Libertarian policies but found their support of open borders immigration to be insane/treasonous/path to national suicide.

    I’ve edited the Q&A to show just the caller’s question and Ron Paul’s answer where Ron Paul says unrestricted NW 3rd world immigration across our Southern border is the same as English speaking White Canadians going back and forth across our Northern border.

    Here’s the link:

  42. Denise, you hit the nail sqarely on the head! Why, indeed, do Sovereign States bow to Federal Judges? The Judiciary has no enforcement mechanisms whatsoever. It’s will can only be enforced through the Executive branch. These States should tell the Judicary “thanks, but no thanks” and FORCE the Executive to either 1)Take action 2) ignore the judiciary.

  43. @…. “The solution to the problem is (1) a border fence, (2) a militarized border, (3) a strong E-Verify system, (4) cooperation from the states, (5) and a federal government that is serious about enforcing federal immigration law….”

    So many americans don’t want to live in this sick militarized police state. The whole federalist solution is just wrong for america. It’s best people, its smartest, most well-educated, most generational who lived in a different way find that sort of society (if one could call it that) truly intolerable. Bachman won’t even do that; she will completely shift gears once in.

    The states have no interest in cooperating. They are trying to enforce laws. The fed is, and will always be, a unionizing (Statist) force. That’s what the Civil war was about. They won. This is what the Northern Governments government LOOKS LIKE. It is federalizing in nature, and that is what they will continue to do. The states and their rights are the obvious solution to that.

    Some can’t given up some myth about how great Statism and radical gunpoint-enforced Statist Federalism was (supposedly) in their version of Europe. Whether it’s their love of Hitler, Stalin, the Pope, Queen, whoever.

    America is not europe. It doesn’t want to live in the crap of europe. It’s Euro connected, genetically and culturally, connected. But it wants to go beyond that, not 100 steps back!

  44. Wayne! Exactly. We need folks, in office (or out of), to tell the “judges” of the Jewdiciary to go crawl in an oven.

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