“It causes two different and conflicting emotions to rise up within me – the one, to abandon a life of politics where such things alone find place, and another, to buckle on my armor anew that I may the better fight the battle of the poor and oppressed colored man, who is regarded by the old slave holder only as an inferior, and not fight for the duties of citizenship.”
– Sen. Adelbert Ames of Mississippi, 1872
Here’s another flashback to Reconstruction in Louisiana where the alien Yankee concept that America is a “multiracial democracy” and a “proposition nation” was famously imposed on the region for the first time by the Union Army.
Surely, if the Confederacy had been fighting for “freedom” or “states rights” or to “preserve slavery,” and if the conflict had nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or culture, then the events that transpired during Reconstruction would have never happened.
The war and everything that followed in its wake was always really about preserving Dixie as a “White Man’s Country.” It is the Southern counterpart to New England’s cultural ideal of being a “City on a Hill.”
The Franklin Enterprise
“We ask for no assistance; we protest against any intervention. We own this soil of Louisiana, by virtue of our endeavor, as a heritage from our ancestors, and it is ours, and ours alone. Science, literature, history, art, civilization, and law belong alone to us, and not to the negroes. They have no record but barbarism and idolatry, nothing since the war but that of error, incapacity, beastliness, voudouism, and crime. Their right to vote is but the result of the war, their exercise of it a monstrous imposition, and a vindictive punishment upon us for that ill-advised rebellion.
Therefore we are banding together in a White League army, drawn up only on the defensive, exasperated by continual wrong, it is true, but acting under Christian and high-principled leaders, and determined to defeat these negroes in their infamous design of depriving us of all we hold sacred and precious on the soil of our nativity or adoption, or perish in the attempt.
Come what may, upon the radical party must rest the whole responsibility of this conflict, as sure as there is a just God in heaven, their unnatural, cold-blooded and revengeful measures of reconstruction in Louisiana will meet with a terrible retribution.”
“White Men Unite” was a common rallying cry in Dixie in Reconstruction. This ideal is part of Southern culture. It was not part of Yankee culture. Their ideal was to unite with blacks and lead negro armies into Richmond and Charleston.
As Eric Foner explains, there were only 5 states that gave citizenship and voting rights to “African-Americans” before the War Between the States: Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut.
I see that you want us to “stop blaming” the White people of the North who are completely innocent and who are not responsible for our present situation.
Here’s the White vote for Obama in the South:
Alabama – 10 percent
Mississippi – 11 percent
Louisiana – 14 percent
Georgia – 23 percent
South Carolina – 26 percent
Texas – 26 percent
Oklahoma – 29 percent
Arkansas – 30 percent
Tennessee – 34 percent
North Carolina – 35 percent
Kentucky – 36 percent
Virginia – 39 percent
West Virginia – 41 percent
Florida – 42 percent
Even in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida where there are plenty of Northern transplants, Barack Hussein Obama lost the White vote. He didn’t win 10 percent of the vote in Alabama. He won 11 percent of the White vote in Mississippi.
Obama lost the election in the South! He is not our president.
Here’s the vote for Obama in the North and West :
Alaska – 32 percent
Utah – 33 percent
Wyoming – 33 percent
Idaho – 36 percent
Nebraska – 39 percent
Kansas – 40 percent
Arizona – 40 percent
South Dakota – 41 percent
North Dakota – 42 percent
New Mexico – 42 percent
Missouri – 42 percent
Montana – 43 percent
Colorado – 44 percent
Indiana – 45 percent
Nevada – 47 percent
Ohio – 47 percent
Pennsylvania – 48 percent
New Jersey – 49 percent
Okay, we see immediately that Whites in the North and West are not like the Whites in the South, and that there are differences within the North and West among White voters, with White voters in Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming acting like White voters in the Upper South.
Iowa – 51 percent
Michigan – 51 percent
Connecticut – 51 pecent
Illinois – 51 percent
New York – 52 percent
Minnesota – 53 percent
California – 53 percent
New Hampshire – 54 percent
Wisconsin – 54 percent
Delaware – 55 percent
Maryland – 56 percent
Massachusetts – 56 percent
Rhode Island – 57 percent
Maine – 58 percent
Washington – 59 percent
Oregon – 60 percent
Vermont – 65 percent
Hawaii – 70 percent
DC – 86 percent
In Alabama, Obama got 10 percent of the White vote, but he got 60 percent of the White vote in Oregon and 65 percent of the White vote in Vermont. Yet for some strange reason the White majority in these states who picked this guy are NOT RESPONSIBLE for their action.
They are NOT RESPONSIBLE even though we voted 9 to 1 against Obama in Alabama and Mississippi. The hateful truth is that if the people in the North and West simply thought of themselves as being White and acted like they were White … BRA would fall tomorrow.
They can do this in Idaho, Alaska, Utah, Wyoming and lot of the other Heartland states. They can’t bring themselves to do that in California and Washington State and Vermont for some reason.
HW: Yankee Whites who once made Vermont and California reliably Republican have been replaced by other Whites who are, Jews excepted, no different ethnically speaking. The difference is a change in ideology. The whole country has been drenched in leftism for decades now, and it has its effects. Even in the South, where everyone ought know better because of their exposure to racial reality, great numbers of people gather on Saturday afternoons in the fall to watch Negroes play games, ostensibly representing centers of learning.
The whole country, South, North, and West, has shifted far to the left from where it was when I was young. At that time, the rest of the country was far more segregated than the South is today. National institutions like the military and major league baseball had only just begun to tolerate Blacks. Restrictive property covenants were normal in the North. The South has changed as much as anyplace, but they started from a different position than the rest of the country.
If you want to damn the people who have dragged this country to the abyss, more power to you. Just don’t include me and tens of millions of other White men from the North and West. And if you want to get historical, don’t forget to include the rich Southerners who created the problem by importing Africans instead of hiring Whites.
“If the South had gone its own way, Dixie would be a paradise today. The blacks would have been exported to Brazil and Cuba, or failing that, we could have sent them back with our own Navy without the objection of the “civil rights activists” and “humanitarians” of the Northern states.”
A complete fantasy. The Southern elite would have rather died than ship their precious slaves back to Africa. It’s more likely that they would have imported new slaves from Brazil, as Brazilian slaves were undoubtedly cheaper than the going prices in the South(you do know how markets work). The shift of slave to the Deep South only shows a greater demand for slaves than supply, which would have created presure for importation of new ones. The Southern elite used blacks farm workers as virtual slaves well into the 20th century, and fought aggressively to stop them from leaving for the North. These same types of people are importing Central American labor to the South today.
Huge numbers of Mexican workers were brought into the Southwest to work as farm and ranch labor, domestic servants and other jobs during the 20th Century. There is no reason to believe that this would not have happened under a pro-non white labor Confederate regime. The claim about slavery not being economically viable for certain things is an absurd fallacy. It’s always cheaper to not pay your workers than to pay them.
You also do not consider that white workers in the South might have migrated North in larger numbers(like some of my ancestors did) if blacks had all been slaves who were not free to leave. Northern industry would have been even more labor hungry and Southern wages lower under those circumstances. Changes in internal migration alone could have tipped the balance of the South to majority black.
Yeah, too bad McCain didn’t win. A war with Iran and amnesty for illegals would solve all our problems. Darned Yankees always ruining everything.
If the South was an independent country, we would never have been forced to make a choice between McCain and Obama. Come to think about it, Menendez and Lautenberg wouldn’t be in a Southern Senate pushing for the DREAM Act either.
Well, let’s see.
(1) The expansion of slavery had already pretty much killed slavery in Maryland and Delaware.
(2) The expansion of slavery was draining slaves out of Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and North Carolina.
(3) By 1860, South Carolina and Georgia had become slave exporting states.
(4) Before Northern fanatics identified anti-slavery with abolitionism, the state legislatures of Virginia and Kentucky were appropriating funds to send blacks to Africa, and many of them were sent there.
Oh wait, the Transatlantic Slave Trade was banned under the Confederate Constitution, as reopening the slave trade would have been a barrier to Virginia and North Carolina joining the Confederacy.
The shift of slaves to the Deep South was driven by the opening of new lands for short staple cotton in the Old Southwest and the Trans Mississippi. The expansion of slavery to Texas … oh wait, that allowed Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, North Carolina, and Maryland to sell off their slaves, which is why the Upper South became so much whiter than the Lower South.
Kentucky and West Virginia are two of the whitest states in America … because, because … the expansion of slavery!
By 1960, 50 percent of all blacks lived in the Northern states, and the suction of the North’s capitalist economy and its lack of Jim Crow laws are what drove them there.
South Carolina, Louisiana, and Mississippi are whiter in 2011 than they were in 1911. The South as a whole is whiter today than it was a 100 years ago. For all the talk of blacks moving back to the South, 54 percent of blacks live in the South today.
46 percent of blacks live in the North and West.
It is pretty easy to see what would have happened if the Confederacy would have really won its independence:
(1) The Yankees would have dominated the Union and it would have become even more radical and liberal than it was when the Black Republicans passed the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment while the South was under military occupation.
(2) The North would have had no reason to maintain the Fugitive Slave Laws. It would have abolished slavery in Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, West Virginia, and Maryland. Blacks would have been made American citizens there.
There would have been no Jim Crow laws in those states. They would have been integrated between the 1880s and 1860s like the rest of the Northern states.
(3) Slavery would have died in Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and North Carolina because slaves would have fled to the North. In order to prevent that from happening, the Upper South would have sold its slaves to the Deep South, and blacks would have disappeared from North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Virginia.
(4) Within the context of an independent Confederacy, a new political system would have emerged that would have pitting non-slaveholders against slaveholders, and the more numerous non-slaveholders would have eventually triumphed because of their sheer numbers and because there would not be reason to consolidate as a phalanx on slavery to resist the Yankees.
(5) If the Confederacy had acquired colonies in the Caribbean and Latin America, blacks would have been drained out of the Lower South to Latin America. Just as Jefferson Davis said would happen in his memoirs.
(6) Blacks in Texas would have been able to runaway to the Union and Mexico. Slavery would have died there too.
(7) Finally, because of soil exhaustion and the collapse of world cotton prices in the late nineteenth century, the South would have gotten out of slavery in a much more peaceful and economic way.
Slavery was already on the wane in Maryland and Delaware. It was on the wane in the Upper South which rejected secession until Lincoln called for troops. The only reason the four states of the Upper South seceded is because the North decided to start a war with the Confederacy.
It is much more likely that blacks would have migrated there in large numbers. The migration of blacks to the North would have made the South whiter and would have raised wages here.
As we saw in the 20th century, half of the blacks did in fact decide to move to the North, and that was only because of the Jim Crow laws, which were restrained by the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment.
You’re forgetting that the South was the wealthy part of the country before the War Between the States. Mississippi and Alabama were two of the richest states in the country.
The Southern economy was worth more than the entire Northern economy in commerce, railroads, and manufacturing.
Millions of blacks did move to the Northern states to work in Northern industries. Just like the millions of Jews that moved there and the Chinese who moved to the West to work on the railroads.
Here’s a thought experiment: if it were not for the return of the South to Congress, would the Chinese have been excluded from settling in the West? Probably not. There wouldn’t have been a Chinese Exclusion Act without Dixie.
Idaho was 33 percent Asian at one point.
It is a myth that Yankees have disappeared. They haven’t disappeared at all in America. There are far more Yankees than Jews here. The only reason the Jews are here is because they moved to the North to work as cheap laborers in Northern industries.
Why is that?
It is because one section of the country has dragged us in that direction against our will. If the South was an independent country, it would have never happened here.
JFK had to use the military to integrate Ole Miss and the University of Alabama. Why are there black players on Southern football teams?
In the Jim Crow South, blacks couldn’t even go to those universities, much less play on the football teams or date White girls here. The only reason those football teams are integrated is because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Brown decision forced Southern universities that wanted to remain segregated to adopt the North’s system of integration.
It is not because the South has wanted to shift to the Left. If the South was an independent country, the Left would collapse here overnight.
It is because we are part of the United States and because we are minority within the Glorious Union we will always be dragged to the left by the rest of the country which just recently put Barack Hussein Obama in the White House.
Segregation and racial discrimination and anti-miscegenation laws were banned in every Northern states. Every Northern state had integrated public schools when the Brown decision came down in 1954. The Brown decision was about forcing the South to integrate. The North had been integrated for about 80 years by then.
(1) The Northern states repeatedly banned housing discrimination before the Civil Rights Act of 1968 banned housing discrimination nationwide.
(2) Jim Crow was dismantled in the South because White racial attitudes collapsed in the North from 1938 to 1945. There are polls going back to the late 1930s which empirically proves that Northern racial attitudes collapsed in that period.
They are completely blameless!
Look at it from our perspective: we were conquered by the Union Army which liberated our slaves, made blacks citizens, and put the South under the rule of blacks in Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana. It took thirty years and three generations to overthrow that system last time around.
Then the North fought a filibuster in the Senate that lasted for 57 days to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by a 9 to 1 margin in Congress. They also have put Barack Hussein Obama in the White House and Eric Holder in the Justice Department.
Just last year, the Democratic House passed the DREAM Act and it was narrowly defeated in the Senate. Who supports open borders?
In Alabama and Mississippi, 9 out of 10 Whites voted against Obama. Why can’t Northern Whites vote that way? If Northern Whites simply acted like they valued their racial identity, then we wouldn’t have this problem, but because they don’t value their racial identity, and because have allied themselves with blacks and Hispanics and Jews, the entire country is being dragged in their direction.
We could have solved that problem with our own government.
The real problem that is insoluble is the millions of White liberals who live in the North and West who keep dragging the South through ever more rounds of unwanted social revolutions.
Next year, these same millions of White liberals will vote to reelect Barack Hussein Obama and to keep Eric “My People” Holder in the Justice Department and to keep giving us more great justices on the Supreme Court like Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonia “Wise Latina” Sotomayor.
HW: We’re agreed. Call them White liberals, not Yankees.
BTW, integrating Southern universities did not require creating football teams of moronic Blacks who could never otherwise set foot on campus, unless it were to clean the toilets. Southerners have chosen to bring these apes into their schools.
If the Jews are driven by ethnic grievances and a desire to dominate and exploit other groups, is it unreasonable to assume that there are White ethnic groups that might adopt a similar attitude toward other White groups?
Surely, there is ample precedent for this here in North America: the French, the English, the Dutch, and the Spanish settled North America as rival nation-states, and they formed alliances with non-Whites like the enemies to attack their European rivals, and Britain only conquered French North America after the Indian Wars.
Why is it unreasonable to assume that Yankees might see the Jews and Hispanics and African-Americans as their allies? Why is it unreasonable to assume they might be trying to dominate other groups?
Isn’t that clearly what happened in Reconstruction?
You mean Northern liberals, who have a Jew-like thirst for power. That’s what makes them liberals. I suppose that is also the common vice that unites the the two groups. However, it is the Jews that have gained the upper hand now, because they have that desire to exploit and dominate others to such an extraordinary degree. If you put both Yankee and Jewish self-interested arrogance on the same graph, the Jews’ bell curve would peak somewhere’s around the 90th percentile of the Yankees’. No doubt many Northern liberals regret their alliance, though they fear the Jews’ power too much to openly say so. Instead, they support Palestinian statehood, which is anti-Semitism speaking through a mask of compassion.
“Come to think about it, Menendez and Lautenberg wouldn’t be in a Southern Senate pushing for the DREAM Act either.”
You’d still have Lindsey Graham and Rick Perry.
Extremely unlikely .
(1) There are millions of Hispanics in Texas because of illegal immigration, the welfare state, the Immigration Act of 1965, and the IRCA amnesty. They also have voting rights because of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
(2) Blacks, Hispanics, and women can vote in South Carolina.