“It causes two different and conflicting emotions to rise up within me – the one, to abandon a life of politics where such things alone find place, and another, to buckle on my armor anew that I may the better fight the battle of the poor and oppressed colored man, who is regarded by the old slave holder only as an inferior, and not fight for the duties of citizenship.”
– Sen. Adelbert Ames of Mississippi, 1872
Here’s another flashback to Reconstruction in Louisiana where the alien Yankee concept that America is a “multiracial democracy” and a “proposition nation” was famously imposed on the region for the first time by the Union Army.
Surely, if the Confederacy had been fighting for “freedom” or “states rights” or to “preserve slavery,” and if the conflict had nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or culture, then the events that transpired during Reconstruction would have never happened.
The war and everything that followed in its wake was always really about preserving Dixie as a “White Man’s Country.” It is the Southern counterpart to New England’s cultural ideal of being a “City on a Hill.”
The Franklin Enterprise
“We ask for no assistance; we protest against any intervention. We own this soil of Louisiana, by virtue of our endeavor, as a heritage from our ancestors, and it is ours, and ours alone. Science, literature, history, art, civilization, and law belong alone to us, and not to the negroes. They have no record but barbarism and idolatry, nothing since the war but that of error, incapacity, beastliness, voudouism, and crime. Their right to vote is but the result of the war, their exercise of it a monstrous imposition, and a vindictive punishment upon us for that ill-advised rebellion.
Therefore we are banding together in a White League army, drawn up only on the defensive, exasperated by continual wrong, it is true, but acting under Christian and high-principled leaders, and determined to defeat these negroes in their infamous design of depriving us of all we hold sacred and precious on the soil of our nativity or adoption, or perish in the attempt.
Come what may, upon the radical party must rest the whole responsibility of this conflict, as sure as there is a just God in heaven, their unnatural, cold-blooded and revengeful measures of reconstruction in Louisiana will meet with a terrible retribution.”
“White Men Unite” was a common rallying cry in Dixie in Reconstruction. This ideal is part of Southern culture. It was not part of Yankee culture. Their ideal was to unite with blacks and lead negro armies into Richmond and Charleston.
As Eric Foner explains, there were only 5 states that gave citizenship and voting rights to “African-Americans” before the War Between the States: Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and Connecticut.
“The war and everything that followed in its wake was always really about preserving Dixie as a “White Man’s Country.” It is the Southern counterpart to New England’s cultural ideal of being a “City on a Hill.””
That’s a really funny idea of “white man’s country” — one where blacks are near 40% of the population.
No it’s not a “funny idea”, kosher troll. After all, America today is clearly the Jews’ Country. Yet the Tribe is only 2% of the population.
White racial consciousness has always been part of our culture in the South. What about the Northern states?
It was the North that fought to end slavery, to liberate the negro, to overturn the Dred Scott decision and to make the negro an American citizen, which passed personal liberty laws to keep blacks in the North, which operated the “Underground Railroad,” which marched into Southern cities like Jackson and Charleston at the head of negro armies, which passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Force Act of 1870, and the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which put the Reconstruction amendments in the Constitution, which recognized Haitian independence, which supported Henry Cabot Lodge’s Civil Rights Act of 1890, which supported the anti-lynching bill for decades, which supported the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the Civil Rights Act of 1960, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, who alone thought Martin Luther King, Jr. was a hero in 1963 when he gave his “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial, and who created a federal holiday in his illustrious honor, and who thought the “Freedom Riders” were heroes.
It was the Northern states that voted for the Immigration Act of 1965. Southerners voted against it. It was the Northern states that voted for the IRCA amnesty of 1986. That was also defeated in the South. Just like the DREAM Act of 2010 and Comprehensive Immigration Reform 2007 and the Equal Rights Amendment.
But hey, Vermont is like 90 percent White. Granted, we would be infinitely better off if Vermont and Massachusetts were expelled from the Union, but hey, they are White! Ted Kennedy is a White senator! Patrick Leahy is White! Dick Durbin is White! Tom Harkin is White! Harry Reid is White!
“That’s a really funny idea of “white man’s country” — one where blacks are near 40% of the population.”
Who’s house do you live in? Chances are there are more spiders hiding in your dwelling than humans, would you argue its not yours?
I’ll say it again: if they wanted a white man’s country so much, they shouldn’t have brought in the blacks. Cry, cry, cry about what the Yankee school marm has done to God’s Own South, but never take responsibility for the self-inflicted scourge… Hunter, you need to get back to the crime-demographic statistics awareness you were doing and get away from this hatin’-on-everybody-who-ain’t-Scots-Irish-by-God-yeehaw-SEC-grits’n’dixie-CSA…
If we had done this to ourselves, it would be admitted and there would be nothing to complain about. Plainly, that is not what happened on either occasion.
In the 1860s, we were conquered by military force, and force was used to make the negro an American citizen. The negro was elevated over Whites in Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. It took a violent revolution to nullify the Reconstruction Amendments.
In the 1960s, force was again used to dismantle the Jim Crow system. The same people who alone voted for the 14th Amendment voted 9 to 1 to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
So, it is entirely understand that people here would resent this, and desire to separate from the United States. Especially considering the foreign invasion that is being sponsored by the federal government.
To all who postedf on FLASHBACK: White League Army: Go to google and look up Truth From God and click Other Articles and get ready for a ride you have never seen before! THE GOOD NEWS IS BACK!!!!!!!
It just never works out to bring in huge numbers of non Whites to do physical labor. Whites must do our own physical labor. Libertarian fantasies put aside, it always works out that non White/Black laborers rise up or are incited to demand social equality with Whites – it happened in the old South, in Santo Domingo (now Haiti), in Algeria, in Kenya, Uganda. Rhodesia, Detroit.
Say what you will against honest Abe Lincoln, but he was honest and a race realist when he pushed to contain slavery in existing states, then move on the path to extinction, then to colonize the free Blacks out of the United States in to Liberia or South America:
“Racist Quote by Abe Lincoln (Happy Black History Month!)
February 19, 2007 by bonoboi
Abraham Lincoln Quote
“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”
Abraham Lincoln
(1809-1865) 16th US President
Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858
(The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume III, pp. 145-146.)
Lincoln as a politician said all sorts of things, over the span of his career.
Hunter, you are too easy on Illinois, and its characters like Lincoln, Obama, various Daley & Capone types, Rahm, even their current USSenator the Holy Catholic Mexican Durbin.
In some ways, the New England Yankees had no clue about the Negro race—they Negro might has well have been from Mars. But, in Illinois Lincoln and his gang knew the Negro and what they were doing.
We can thank Illinois for the current mess—and as they continue to create a non-White nation.
Mr. Wallace – I disagree with Donnerwedder. I have NEVER, in over 50+ years of life, read the REAL words of WHITE SOUTHERNORS as they saw they were fighting for their very LIVES, post WBTS (War between the States).
It took me over twenty five years to undo the Jewish propaganda as history, and now I find that the Yankees were doing it, for FAR LONGER- and they are my racial compatriots!
I learn something EVERY TIME I come to this site. God bless you, sir.
HW – had South Carolina not seceded, would there be civil rights amendments or at least in the same capacity (ie, enforced by Congress) today?
Haiti recognition is far more complex than the north recognizing a slave revolt.
“…at the head of negro armies” – there were no blacks in the Confederate ranks? I guess the 1st louisiana is a glorified myth.
MLK holiday? it was the “north”… really? Interestingly, Vermont House rep Jeffords voted Nay.
The real damage from secession and the legislation that followed the war through contemporary times is the consolidation of power in the federal government and the limitation of the same in the States.
Read Fritz Springmeirs book 13 Illumanati Bloodlines. Abe Lincoln was a Rothchild and note how the Springs family took over all the cotton mills in S.C. after Civil War. Lincolns Back To Africa Program is explained good in White Amerca and Richard Kelly Hoskins works. The Grey Wolfs were scared that the freed Blacks would take the land that they took from White Southerners , so the Grey Wolfs gave a free hand to KKK and Segregation – all the way up till the 1950s! Hoskins explains this good in his books! Hey all you guys and gals need to read TRUTH FROM GOD, click other articles and read about NEWS FLAG and Battle Ax News of National Emancipation of White Seed. The Powers That Be hate the NEWS FLAG with a passion! Not all Yanks are bad, some are good people and have racial views. George Lincoln Rockwell was from Maine! My Great Great Grandfathers farm in Richland County, S.C. was taken by Yanks at end of Civil War. To survive My Great Great Grandfather and his brother had to go to Ware County and Echols County, in Georgia by Okeefenokee Swamp to survive Reconstruction. They could not run for Political Office, own land, or vote for 20 years! Everyone on this site—go look at Truth From God and click Other Articles to read about NEWS………..
I agree with Donnerwedder and Jack. The South can blame “Yankeedom” for destroying their little quasi-Egypt and forcing racial equality under the law, but it was the South that insisted on keeping niggers here to begin with. It was the South that wanted to extend slavery into new states. It was the South that fired the first shots in the Civil War. People in the North didn’t want niggers to be slaves –they didn’t want niggers here at all. It was the South that made a fight out of it. And they lost. Boo fucking hoo.
If you go into a fight with your guard low, don’t blame your opponent for knocking you out.
jack ryan, Lincoln did what he had to do to be elected by the North. No Southern state cast their ballot for Lincoln.
Whatever your family background – and I do have great love and respect for the White American South Dixie – I urge people to read Abe Lincoln’s real opinions on racial issues – Lincoln is very strong, very pro White – not in any way an idiot Liberal/Libertarian on racial issues. Lincoln had personal, physical fights with wild Negroes and Lincoln was a good wrestlers. This is what we need, physical White men who are aware of racial realities and who are on the White side. Once we have strong White men as our leaders we can always find some intellectual/legal justification to do what we must do for our people to survive and actually thrive in this rough world year 2011.
@ Chris
A couple thoughts come to mind. Correct me if my history is incorrect.
“…It was the South that fired the first shots in the Civil War…”
Actually, my understanding is that a Confederate contingency had petitioned Lincoln for a meeting long before Fort Sumter in an effort to work out a peaceful plan for the evacuation of Federal installations and the turn-over of Federal property to the Confederacy. Lincoln flatly refused even to meet with them. Later South Carolina gave advance notice to the Feds to vacate Fort Sumter, but instead Lincoln deployed additional troops there, but not enough for a legitimate military defense of the fortification. Arguably, it was a ploy it incite a first strike from the South in order to garner political support for the Union cause.
“…People in the North didn’t want niggers to be slaves –they didn’t want niggers here at all…”
Well, again, a qualification should be acknowledged. Let’s remember that many, though not most, of the early New England colonists in Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut, as well as the Mid Atlantic areas such as Maryland and Delaware were slave holders.
Nor did the Emancipation Proclamation apply to slaves in the Union – another ploy IMO by the consummate politician Lincoln to ennoble the war when it was going badly on the field and public support was flagging.
Nonetheless, I agree fully with your overall point that Aryan men erred terribly when they collaborated with a largely Jewish-dominated commerce in African slaves and introduced another race into their midst, regardless of the purpose economic or otherwise.
Slavery is very bad karma, and we White men today, generations removed, who had nothing to do with it, are still dealing with the horrific consequences. Indeed hundreds of thousands of us White American men can say also that our ancestors (mine being mostly Scandinavian) also had nothing to do with the enslavement of Negroes.
I agree with Jack Ryan. But let me ask a question- If a White Movement arises in South lets say like NEWS that is defunct – would you support it– or would you say its rebels and their cracker garbage? In the Mafia they kill each other to be leader and whoever is the baddest wins….. I have worked in my life time for Yankee Companies and they payed more than the Southern Companies – but—would never let a Reb be a Supervisor. This Yank and Reb stuff is crazy – if we dont wake up—the White Race is Dead! I beleive the NEWS FLAG is a tremendous powerful symbol of our race. Look up on Google: Truth From God.com and click other articles. Read it, really great inspirational material about NEWS, Battle Ax and NEWS FLAG.
Hunter, I wouldn’t keep visiting your site practically everyday if I wasn’t 98% or whatever on board with you. You do herculean work, and it is much appreciated–I just feel that perhaps you twist the nose of your northern sympathizers unnecessarily. It seems that Chris, jack ryan, and John Thomas are of a similar opinion. We need to be finding ways to cooperate, not sabotage trans-continental likemindedness by rehashing the old fights. I completely agree with your assessment of Reconstruction and the 60s. I’m sorry that the utopian egalitarians of the north had sucj inclinations, but that doesn’t help us save OUR people. You are the lightning-in-a-bottle guy, can you put your mind to work on a cooperative future effort instead of fighting the war all over every week? Surely, my beautiful home state of Michigan has suffered enough, too, from the deprivations of the the blacks arriving here after they were unleashed. Remember, Detroit is Macon/Columbus/etc. writ large. So southerners brought the barbarians here, and the northerners stupidly released them upon our society–plenty of blame to go around. I sympathize a bit with “Old Pete” — so maybe he was wrong to abet Reconstruction — I dare you to say he wasn’t doing what he thought best, and this after he lost so much in defending the south. Please don’t play Jubal Early and damn your future friends… With best intentions, Donnerwedder!
Honest Abe was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth because he endorsed negro equality after the war was over.
@ Donnerwedder
I concur.
Admittedly, this much is true.
By seceding from the Union, the South lost access to all the territories, with the exception of the Arizona-New Mexico territory that was disputed, where plantation slavery couldn’t have been transplanted anyway.
There was never a “Civil War.” The South had no desire to rule America. The goal was to separate from the United States like the 13 colonies originally separated from Britain.
This isn’t true.
The North hated the Dred Scott decision which ruled that blacks were not American citizens. Abolitionists burned the Constitution in the streets and called it a pact with the devil.
The Northern states passed “personal liberty laws” to nullify the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Compromise of 1850, When Southern slaveowners would go to the North to repossess their slaves, they would be attacked by mobs. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was the bestselling book of the 19th century in the North.
Blacks were citizens and had voting rights in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut. The people who lived there believed in negro equality.
It is true that some people in some parts of the North disliked blacks and didn’t want them to be there at all – mainly, the Crackers who lived in the Lower North who were Copperheads during the war, in states like Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana.
The only three states that banned black immigration were Oregon, Illinois, and Indiana. This was entirely due to the fact that Crackers were predominant in those states in that time period.
Yankees controlled the Republican Party and declared war on the South. Then they marched into the South at the head of black armies to “liberate” the slaves and to force racial equality on the entire country.
Abolitionism is actually just one example of a utopian social movement that has been spawned in the North.
There was also women’s suffrage, second-wave feminism, the counterculture, the temperance movement, the labor movement, the civil rights movement, the eugenics movement, the environmentalist movement, the antiwar movement, the gay rights movement, multiculturalism, and most recently Occupy Wall Street.
We cannot afford to preserve the Union. It has become a matter of survival now.
A cursory glance at contemporary politics is enough to illustrate who is going to vote to reelect Barack Obama in 2012 and who is going to vote pass “comprehensive immigration reform” and stack the federal courts with radical leftists like Ginsberg and Sotomayor.
If the South managed to separate from the Union and create a federal government here, this would not be happening. The entire political spectrum would shift dramatically to the right.
The Supreme Court struck down the Civil Rights Act of 1875 in the Civil Rights Cases in 1881. In 1957, the Northern Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, which was followed by the Civil Rights Act of 1960, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
So, we know from experience that even if the Supreme Court strikes down federal civil rights legislation, as it did when the Southerners on the Court (the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court behind Plessy fought with the White League at New Orleans) gutted the 14th Amendment, the same constituency will revive the project.
Why was Haiti recognized by the United States? Because the South had left the Union. It was Southern opposition which had prevented the recognition of Haiti for half a century.
Black Confederates are a myth. There was no desire in the South to arm the negroes. To the extent it was discussed at all, it came as an act of desperation at the end of the war in 1865, when defeat was ensured.
OTOH, there were negro regiments that fought openly for the Union and for quite some and they were the ones who “captured” Richmond, Jackson, and Charleston. The North made a point to formally capture Jackson and Charleston with negro armies.
Who was MLK speaking to when he gave his “I Have a Dream Speech”? No one in the South believed in his “dream” at the time. It was being forced upon us. He was despised here.
MLK gave that speech at the Lincoln Memorial on the centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation and framed the speech in terms of utopian idealism and the uncompleted work of Reconstruction.
The real damage from secession and the legislation that followed the war through contemporary times is the consolidation of power in the federal government and the limitation of the same in the States.
Why was power consolidated?
It was obviously consolidated because the Radical Republicans impeached President Johnson and usurped control of the government. After denying that any state could secede from the Union, they dissolved the Southern states, carved them into military districts under military governments, and passed the 14th and 15th Amendments to make blacks citizens, and then convened legislatures in the South composed almost exclusively of negroes, carpetbaggers, and scalawags to ratify the Reconstruction Amendments and to bring the states “back into the Union” on those terms.
How did Alabama rejoin the Union? We rejoined the Union when our black and carpetbagger legislature rejoined the Union under a fraudulent constitution in 1867. The South would have never rejoined the Union voluntarily under the terms of the 14th Amendment which disenfranchised ex-Confederates while enfranchising negroes.
Hunter Wallace says:
November 3, 2011 at 11:08 pm
Honest Abe was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth because he endorsed negro equality after the war was over.
Jack responds;
Let’s see some evidence for that. I’ve never seen any evidence that Lincoln changed his views about Blacks.
The movie Birth of a Nation depicts Lincoln (pro KKK movie) as ready to implement a fair, honorable peace program for the (White) South, treat the Southerners as if they had never left the union. Here’s a segment of the Birth of a Nation plot summary which covers this topic and how the South got terrible BRA under Reconstruction after Lincoln was assassinated:
“Meanwhile, the elder Stoneman tries to convince Lincoln to rule mercilessly over the vanquished South, but Lincoln refuses, preferring instead diplomatic restitution. Five days later, Lincoln is assassinated at Ford’s Theater, a historical event that in this movie is witnessed by Phil and Elsie Stoneman, who are at the theater that night. The Camerons deeply mourn the loss of their “best friend,” and Stoneman assumes power, ending the first part of the film on a decidedly bleak and somber note.
Part II: Reconstruction
In Griffith’s version of the postwar era, all blacks who aren’t “faithful souls” team up with carpetbaggers from the North to loot, pillage, and degrade the time-honored traditions of Southern culture. Stoneman, a champion of black equality in the South, forces Senator Charles Sumner (a historical figure) to acknowledge the legitimacy of Stoneman’s mulatto protégé, Silas Lynch, who secretly lusts after Elsie and is sent down to organize the emancipated slaves. “
The waves of Irish immigrants arriving in Borthern industrial cities despised blacks and saw them as competition for employment. Working-class Northerners correctly viewed blacks as a violent, dirty, and stupid, and their presence as free citizens to beva foreboding danger. No whites who lived through Detroit’s first race riot ever wanted to see niggers elevated to full citizenship. The only Northerners who wanted racial “equality” for blacks, were gentry liberals who say around thinking in abstracts, and they were hardly the majority in the North. Didn’t that Hollywood movie “Gangs of New York” even depict mobs of whites lynching and burning niggers in NYC during the Draft Riots?
@ Kroll
Does this mean you’re not going to attend the Christmas tree-lighting in Rockefeller Center this year? 🙂
Lincoln was a politician.
(1) Before the war, he wasn’t a supporter of abolitionism, but he implemented abolitionism with the Emancipation Proclamation.
(2) Before the war, he wasn’t a supporter of negro equality (if he had come out for negro equality, he would have lost Kentucky, Missouri, West Virginia, and Maryland), but he endorsed negro equality in his last speech in April 1865.
Lincoln kept saying he wasn’t for negro equality, but at the same time he held vipers to his chest like Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner. He lost the Illinois Senate race to Douglas who attacked him for being a supporter of negro equality.
“The amount of constituency, so to speak, on which the new Louisiana government rests, would be more satisfactory to all, if it contained fifty, thirty, or even twenty thousand, instead of only about twelve thousand, as it does. It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers. Still the question is not whether the Louisiana government, as it stands, is quite all that is desirable. The question is, “Will it be wiser to take it as it is, and help to improve it; or to reject, and disperse it?” “Can Louisiana be brought into proper practical relation with the Union sooner by sustaining, or by discarding her new State government?”
Why in the world should any racially aware non-Southerner accept an once of blame for the racial events of 150 years ago, or last week even? This Damn the Yankees kick is foolishness. It’s a mirror image of the Blacks’ “Legacy of Slavery” complaint. Dividing Whites as we’re being invaded by all kinds of foreigners is…ill-considered.
We have been over this before.
(1) There are lots of people in the North. Yankees have only historically been the dominant force.
(2) You are right that Irish Catholics rioted in New York City. They didn’t want to be sent to the front lines to fight for negro equality. That was never their idea. They were our allies in the Democratic Party before the war.
(3) The Crackers in the Lower North in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana weren’t enthusiastic about the war either and led the opposition against the Union war effort.
(4) The millions of European immigrants who came to the North after the War Between the States to work in Northern manufacturing industries had nothing to do with the conflict. We are not blaming them for anything.
(5) We have already seen how it was George Romney who positioned himself as a champion of the “Civil Rights Movement” and how it was Romney who presided over the destruction of Detroit “in solidarity” with the marches in Selma.
(6) George Wallace campaigned in Michigan where he rallied those voters who had their neighborhoods destroyed by the Black Undertow.
(7) If you live in Michigan, you are living among the people who are responsible for our present racial predicament. They might be “White” themselves, but their sympathies are with non-Whites, and their policies are anti-White.
These people see themselves as crusaders for “social justice.” They have a distinctly utopian mindset about them. They are arrogant, self-righteous, and hypocritical.
Who are they? Where did they come from? Why do they act that way?
If you go to Vermont, you will arrive at the geographic epicenter of this type of radical mindset in America. More Whites in Vermont voted for Barack Hussein Obama than in any other state in the country. Something like 69 percent of Whites in Vermont voted for Obama.
Why is that? Why would 89 percent of Whites in Mississippi vote against Obama, but 69 percent of Whites in Vermont would vote for him?
Why is Indiana a reliable Republican state? Why is Pennsylvania a purple state? Why is Ohio a swing state? It all comes down to demographics, ancestry, and culture.
If the Yankees were expelled from the Union, would this have a positive or a negative effect upon our future prospects of racial survival in North America? Correspondingly, if the South seceded from the Union and created a separate nation-state, would we will have the problems with civil rights and immigration that we do now?
The truth is, if Vermont seceded from the Union and joined Canada, we would better off than we are today. Suppose every Yankee in the Northern states vanished tomorrow. What would be the result if they were magically raptured from Iowa and Michigan and Oregon?
For whatever reason, that is the force (along with their Jewish allies) that is dragging America to the Left, and were that force to be removed, we would stop moving in that direction.
All the stupid mythology about the Pure North and how they never would deal with non whites is just stupid and everyone here knows it. You’d think that only today did rich nyc people buy land outside their 2-mile-island. Oh…gee, maybe some of them invested in plantations.
Like every time we have to hear that “huddled masses” poem. From jewish publication society:
“We know little about Emma’s parents’ personal or social lives; her father’s business associations are another matter, however. It has been a long-standing assumption that Moses Lazarus was a respectable businessman whose wealth earned him an enviable position in the community. But…his business partner…was a man of questionable character who, like Lazarus, nevertheless achieved a prominent place in New York Society.
“Moses Lazarus and Bradish Johnson became partners in 1845…Their business was listed as “Rectifier of Spirits…”
“Bradish…an absentee slave owner, [of the Louisiana plantation that was growing the sugar cane for the booze] spending at least six months of the year at his residence on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. In that city, he established a distillry and an adjacent dairy on Sixteenth Street. The dairy was the object of notoriety in January 1853, when it was exposed in a pamphlet by John Mullaly. The findings were summarized in a New York Times article entitled “Death in the Jug.”
“Attached to large distilleries in New York were ‘vast cow-stables’ where the animals feed was the swill produced in the distilling process. Johnson who was reported to have owned one of the largest such businesses…boarded 2000 cows [fed on the booze swill].
…The process of milking the cows was so careless…that the milk was dangerously contaminated. The result for the children of New York was tragic. Some 8000 children died each year, at least half of whom were less than one year of age…We have found [says the author] nothing to suggest that Johnson was ever prosecuted for his dairy, but at that time Johnson and Lazarus had been in business for at least eight years.
“Although he was an absentee slaveholder during the Civil War, Bradish Johnson played a significant role in Louisiana’s reentry into the Union in 1863. He was a member of a group of conservative Unionist slaveholders who were ready to repudiate Louisiana’s secession but earnestly hoped to preserve slavery. For that purpose, he was one of three men who traveled to Washington to petition Abraham Lincoln…”
“Johnson’s plantation in Louisiana was as disreputable as his dairy in New York. In April 1863, Major General Nathaniel Banks received a report from the Office of Negro Labor about plantations… On the plantation owned by Bradish Johnson [partnered with Lazarus] …they complained that rations were ‘unfairly curtailed,’…and [the overseer] was …’lecherous toward their women…’
“It seems obvious that Moses Lazarus was untouched by his partners’ attitudes and actions [Oh really!]… the New York Business Directory lists Johnson and Lazarus as sugar refiners until 1885. Lazarus is listed in the New York City Directory as a refiner in 1884-85. His son Frank is listed in 1885-86 as a member of the firm, as is Bradish Johnson, Jr.
“What was the effect of Moses Lazarus’ business relationship on his daughter? As we know, Emma Lazarus was associated professionally and socially with a group of artists and writers defined by their gentility and refinement…”
From Emma Lazarus In her World, by Bette Roth Young, 1995, The Jewish Publication Society, p. 48-49.
So— let’s rephrase:
While Moses Lazarus is seen never to be TAINTED by his relationship with Johnson in this book—they were IN BUSINESS FOR FORTY-FIVE YEARS, and lived near each other in Manhattan, and their SONS —Emma’s BROTHER– joined THE BUSINESS, TOO.
They killed 8000 NYC kids a year with tainted milk, were called down by the Office of Negro Labor for slave abuse, in getting the sugar cane they needed for their distillery, a cottage business that had them keeping cows in Manhattan and killing tens of thousands , even infants, with the tainted milk, and theyeven traveled to Washington, on behalf of their slave plantation business in Lousiana, to get Louisiana back in the Union WITHOUT giving up their SLAVES.
The Zionist, Emma, wrote for American Hebrew, titles s/a “Judaism versus Christianity.”
From her poetry collection called Songs of a Semite:
“What oceans can the stain remove
From Christian law and Christian love?”
From “ The Banner of the Jew”:
“Let but an Ezra rise anew
To lift the BANNER OF THE JEW [her caps]”
“She wrote three essays on Jewish themes for the Century and fifteen for American Hebrew.”
(P. 52-53)
Whatever. The old Czech saying, when you did a hole for somebody you usually fall in. Their children will never eat as well as a slave did at least according to the 1865 census and that’s a fact. Today, the weekly groceries would be a thousand dollars or something.
and actually, we’re being dragged right and left. the hope is the people will finally get so saturated and freaked by the endless jerry springer show, and psychopathology (clinical narcissism, schizoidism, sociopathology, etc) that necessary manifests when people are forced to be so incredibly superficial, just to get through their days, that they will just lose it and swing to the far right. In this case, the neo-con, corporatist, far right. Both left and right are pretty happy with the empty consumer human subject labor unit, the nation of 50 year olds who have never had an independent thought, really questioned anything, and live for totally infantile pleasures or being looked up to by their one kid and idolized since it’s the only place they can feel like a somebody. No one can fill up where the hole is where their culture, history, knowledge, hours spent with their elders learning, etc, should have been. The “right” has that every bit as bad as the “left.”
Why in the world should any racially aware non-Southerner accept an once of blame for the racial events of 150 years ago, or last week even? This Damn the Yankees kick is foolishness.
Spend two hours in a video store and really re-familiarize yourself with anti-south propaganda and images. Realize some people relate to those images from the age of 3 on. They sort of take in the images. Then it totally has nothing to do with their real lives, so they start to wonder why they are being maligned, but it’s never discussed. All this is internalized. It ruins people. And it scares them. Unlike the others, they live in a country that sets them up as a hate object, a target and more. They are the scapegoat of the Pure Yankee, that thing they have to have instead of admitting their own badness.
HW: If you mean “left-wing cunts” or “psychotic abolitionists” or “brainwashed Whites”, say “left wing cunts”, or “psychotic abolitionists” or “brainwashed Whites”, not Yankees. There’s no reason to cast blame on every Smith, Johnson, and Marlowe who lives north of Maryland or the Ohio River. Particularly when so many of them would agree with your racial views.
Anna: I have no need to familiarize myself with anti-Southern propaganda. The ordinary anti-White and anti-working class propaganda keeps me sick as it is.
How will the White Race survive if you yak back and forth about Yanks or Rebs. Come on guys, we must unite or die. Read Truth From God.com and click Other Articles….
@John Thomas
Your concern about white in-fighting is acknowledged, but I hardly think an internet discussion among a handful of faceless usernames is going to have any bearing on the white race’s ultimate fate.
no but you southerners are right, there is an infestation up here, i agree 100 percent, outside of college towns up here its like staring into the remote epochs spent in the fields in hibernia or germania, but in the city, there lives that evilest of things, the people with too much time on there hands, you know grosse point, ann arbor, kalamazoo, chicago. the people ther have nothing but time to tell other people how to be a good person. i agree “american” culture is dead, and this culture was spread nationally by the northeast, but honestly the who BRA 2.0 is the lest coast folks, so yell at them because they gave us shit for being too “racist” (racially concious)christian up here, fucking hippy assholes
(left coast folks) sorry burned fingertips cant feel keyboard
To Anna, Hunter Wallace and any and all un- reconstructed Southerners – sure, “be proud you’re a Rebel and the South’s goin’ to do it again” (Great Charlie Daniels song). And it’s perfectly OK to insist that your particular White culture, White tribe, White nation in your case Dixie is THE BEST WHITE CULTURE EVER. White Scots, White Greeks, White Italians do the same – and why shouldn’t they? They are great White cultures and good natured White people can dispute who’s White culture is the best ever over some friendly beers and that’s fine.
But just don’t go doing foolish/treasonous nonsense and start hating on perfectly good other White people.
White Northerners from New Hampshire or UP Michigan are not your #1 enemies. When you start spreading lies and hatred against other perfectly good White people and making suggestions that you prefer the invasion of millions of Mexican Mestizos, Arabs, Turks to modern day “Yankees” who move to the South, you are doing a great disservice to our people and opening the door for Jews and other enemies of our people to come in and ferment White vs White conflicts.
Here’s a great Alan Jackson country song “Gone Country” which speaks about welcoming Whites from places like Long Island NY/Vegas, even New York City to come home – Nashville – White country and Alan Jackson suggests that these decent, struggling White folks in other regions outside the South would be welcomed, treated as kinfolk – not as enemies, when they came home, went “country”.
Please, PLEASE try to be nice to decent White folks from anywhere in the world – we’re down to about 7% of the world’s population. Can’t we all find some way to bury the hatchet and end these foolish White vs White hatreds?
Here’s the link to Alan Jackson’s “Gone Country”:
“White racial consciousness has always been part of our culture in the South. What about the Northern states?”
It was until very recently, as you know and have admitted in the past.
We know that the South’s leaders wanted to expand negro slavery to Western states and annex parts of the Caribbean and Central America. If the South had got it’s way, it would probably have become majority non-white a long time ago and collapsed like South Africa did.
Which is to say, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which abolished Jim Crow and created millions of black voters in the South, thereby completely destroying our social and political system by turning the most staunchly segregationist counties into black holes.
The North voted 9 to 1 for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
(1) We know that the South ceded its claim to all the territories (with the exception of New Mexico and Arizona) by seceding from the Union. Plantation slavery couldn’t have been transplanted to Arizona or New Mexico anyway because of the climate.
(2) We know that the expansion of slavery into the Caribbean and Mexico would have drained slaves out of the South. That’s why Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia are three of the whitest states in America.
By 1860s, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia were all slave exporting states. Those states were becoming more White. The trend would undoubtedly have continued
(3) We know that the worst possible case scenario happened when we were reunited with the glorious Union which made the negro an American citizen and put Whites under the rule of blacks in South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
(4) We know that in a thousand years we wouldn’t have the society that exists today in the South were we not part of the Union. Every single degenerate radical movement in American history has come from the Northeast and Left Coast.
If the South had gone its own way, Dixie would be a paradise today. The blacks would have been exported to Brazil and Cuba, or failing that, we could have sent them back with our own Navy without the objection of the “civil rights activists” and “humanitarians” of the Northern states.
The Upper South would have become 100 percent White. The Lower South would have followed. This was already well advanced in Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia. It was happening in the Eastern South where cities like Charleston were attracting European immigrants.
Soil exhaustion and the collapse of cotton prices in the late 19C would have allowed us to divest ourselves of slavery and industrialize without destroying the foundation of our economy for “moral reasons.”
The worst thing that ever happened to the South was being conquered in 1865. The situation was only mitigated by a violent revolution in 1876. After that revolution, Dixie was quasi-independent until the 1950s, a place where the 14th Amendment had been nullified.
Andrew said:
“Slavery is very bad karma, and we White men today, generations removed, who had nothing to do with it, are still dealing with the horrific consequences. Indeed hundreds of thousands of us White American men can say also that our ancestors (mine being mostly Scandinavian) also had nothing to do with the enslavement of Negroes.”
Actually, slavery is an inescapable construct. Just like sin. One is either a slave, or one is free. Same with salvation- one is either damned, or saved. There are no ‘middle grounds’ in this fight. Snd only one race is (or should be) the recipient of ‘God’s gracious favor’ as his SONS- others may be ‘saved’ as by fire, but never will be more than ‘watchmen’ in the Kingdom, as it is made clear in Holy Writ.
Some food for thought on that one….
Kroll Assoc. said: “Fortunately the Jewesses were accommodating.”
Ugh. Having sex with a Jewess, is like bedding Satan- as a man in drag.
The vast majority of the O.T. biblical legislation against idolatry, was centered around the Chosen People (who are NOT the same as those who today ‘say they are Jews, and are not’- [Rev. 2:8,9] – cf. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/13trindx.htm ) committing fornication with the ‘strange flesh’ of the pagans who lived near them.
Same prohibition against disgusting indiscriminate fornication remians in place today. And why would race-conscious Whites WANT to be like the pagan savages, anyway? We must avail ourselves of our own moral and historical memes to AVOID the traps of Satan’s seed. [John 8:44]
Its not a Yank od Reb thing now. Its a Whigger Problem. Whiggers are both Yank and Reb. The Southern Whiggers are just as bas as the Northern Whigger. In the early 80s I saw a Southern Baptist Scot Rite Preacher get in front off his congregation in Coral Gables, Florida most eligant Baptist Church and show his son with a Black Jamaican Girlfiend and brag how beautuful this was…His son was in last year of High School. After he did the showing off of them, he gives a long sermon about how bad White Racism is! Pastor V.S. Harroll has an excellent article about Diest Masons, and made a nice long list of these vermon! Did you know that the Southern Singer Mel Tillis iis one of them! Keep in mind how Matin Luther Coon, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obongo, Powell, Jones and countless other Blacks are Prince Hall Masons. Jesse Jackson, Sharpton also, many many more like Densil Washington also. The only Blacks I have any respect for are—-The Black Muslims and Dr. Richard Brock of Self Determination Committee. By the way most Judges are Masons as well as Lawyers….Pastor Martin Lindstedt is right about the Tribulation and Whiggers! Go to Google and look up TRUTH FROM GOD.com and click Other Articles. Excellent articles from NEWS and Battle Ax News and shows the NEWS FLAG that Powers That Be go mad about………
How is it that slavery wouldn’t work in the Southwest? Maybe cotton cultivation wouldn’t work, but slaves can be used for many other things. Slavery has worked everywhere from Saudi Arabia to Siberia. Given the chance, the slave owning class would have extended themselves and their system throughout the West and the Caribbean. Does all the degeneracy of Northerners outweigh the degeneracy of importing Black slaves? Of trying to spread slavery to a real White Man’s land, the American West? Or, in many, many cases, mating with the Negroes? As much as commenters here despise mudsharks, why excuse those Southern perverts who created the Mulatto? (No, it wasn’t the Yankee soldiers, as some have said here. There have been always Mulattos and Quadroons and Octoroons in the South.)
So why didn’t the vast majority of Southerners, who owned no slaves and were actually impoverished by their labor competition, somehow get rid of the slaves and their masters? Because, like their northern counterparts, they had normal lives to live. They had better things to do than try to run the world. The world, north and south, is generally run by the sort of assholes who can never get enough, people who always want to be in charge, and who often have a grudge with reality. The kind of people who figure that spending months sitting in meetings in order to force some miniscule change of phrase down everybody’s throat is a good use of their time. Your average White, north, south, east, or west, doesn’t act like that, and so don’t really rule their own states. The average Yankee is no more responsible for reconstruction, the MLK holiday and so on than the average Southerner is responsible for slavery. No apologies are owed by either.
To HUNTER and all who blog on Occidental Dissent: Get a copy of Vigilantes of Christendom: The History of the Phineaus Priesthood by Richard Kelly Hoskins – Virginia Publishing Company and read: Chapter 6 War Between The States – The South Meets the Establishment. This Chapter will answer all questions about issue of Yank Vs. Reb. I also suggest all go to Truth From God.com and you will see a true Vision, Hope and Victory for our Race………….
The climate of the Southwest couldn’t possibly support plantation slavery which was used to grow short staple cotton. There were not many other things that could be grown in that region either. The other major Southern commercial crops – tobacco, rice, and long staple cotton – wouldn’t have grown there either.
Slavery did not and could not work in the Southwest. It couldn’t have worked in the Interior West either. That whole area was the sparsely populated “Wild West” until well into the 20th century.
Abolitionism and the Civil Rights Movement are just two examples of the sorts of radical utopian social reform movements that have germinated in the Northern states. It must be seen in the same context as the women’s suffrage movement, the counterculture, the gay rights movement, and second-wave feminism.
Slavery was a manageable problem.
The Upper South was ridding itself of slavery. The slaves were being drained out of Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the Lower South. By the 1860s, they were also being drained out of North Carolina, Georgia, and South Carolina because of soil erosion and richer soils in the Western South.
If memory serves, Oregon and California were Free States, not Slave States, and the Republican Party invited Chinese and Japanese immigrants to settle the American West.
It got so bad out there that Asians were 33 percent of the population of Idaho in the late nineteenth century. They would have kept coming too if the Chinese Exclusion Act and later the Gentleman’s Agreement with Japan had not stopped the “Yellow Peril.”
The darkest and purest negroes in America live in the Deep South in the plantation belts. In some places, they have retained aspects of African culture, as in Coastal Georgia and South Carolina.
Mulattoes have always been concentrated in the cities. There were lots of mulattoes in New Orleans because it was a French city and later a Spanish city that was only acquired by Americans in the Louisiana Purchase.
Aside from New Orleans and Atlanta, the South didn’t have many major cities. The vast majority of the miscegenation in America undoubtedly went on in the Northern metropolises like Chicago and New York City where there no anti-miscegenation laws after blacks moved there en masse in the early twentieth century.
There was such an effort: the colony of Liberia in West Africa, the capital of which is named after James Monroe, which was supported by Southerners through the Jackson administration when the state governments of Virginia, Kentucky, and Maryland were subsidizing the transportation of free negroes abroad.
In the 1830s, the anti-slavery movement became identified with abolitionism, which was a fanatical movement that demanded the immediate emancipation of negroes for religious reasons, which opposed deporting blacks to West Africa, and instead argued in favor of making them American citizens and giving them full civil rights and voting rights.
That’s what happened in New England after the 1830s. In the process, anti-slavery was discredited, and the colonization movement suffered a fatal blow from which it never recovered.
There’s a big difference here: the South was content to mind its own business and no interest whatsoever in running the North. OTOH, Yankees have always desired to rule America and impose their values on the entire country, and that is precisely what happened in Reconstruction.
As Apuleius pointed out, abolitionism and civil rights can be scratched off as “mission accomplished.” Yankees have since moved on to the latest fashionable social causes which are saving the planet from global climate change, repealing the DADT policy in the military, forcing America to accept gay marriage, forcing American culture to conform to political correctness, and pushing for the DREAM Act and “comprehensive immigration reform” to advance the long desired goals of making White Southerners a racial minority.
To this end, the Yankees elected Barack Hussein Obama as their president in 2008, who selected Eric “My People” Holder as Attorney General. There were enough of these transplants in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida to tip those states into the Democrat column with their Hispanic and African-American allies.
Hunter and everyone one: Go to google search and put GREAT WHITE DESERT.org and then click the library book section and go RICHARD KELLY HOSKINS, then download VIGILANTES OF CHRISTENDOM and READ CHAPTER 6 , War Between the States – The South meets the Establishment. This chapter will answer every single thing about the Yank Vs. Reb issue. To get inspiration , hope, and FUTURE go to TRUTH FROM GOD.com and click other articles. You will see Battle Ax, NEWS FLAG and Platform of NEWS! As well as other articles from Battle Ax News! The NEWS FLAG is the most powerful WHITE RACE SYMBOL EVER!!! More than Swastika or Raven Flag of Vikings! The Powers That Be hate this flag and what it stands for. This was before ARYAN NATIONS and NEWS was extremely militant Identity and The Powers That BE feared NEWS because it could surpass Huey Long , so they neuralized it. But guess what…..The Good NEWS is BACK! Read TRUTH FROM GOD.com and you will see ther FUTURE and VISION for THE WHITE RACE!!!! DRY BONES AWAKEN!!!!!
HW: Of course slavery would have worked in the Southwest. It has worked everywhere else in the world. Different products, same system. Modifications might have been made to suit local conditions, but you’d still have Black property laboring for White owners. Instead of minstrels singing about picking cotton, they’d have sung about shearing sheep or digging mines. Slave labor built a lot of Southern railroads. Remember John Henry? The plantation owners of Mississippi would not have packed up and moved west, but other, hungrier Southern men would have, and did. The Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas/Nebraska Act were the result of struggles between pro and anti slavery politicians over the extension of slavery into the new territories. The Southern elite wanted to take slavery into the New Mexico Territory and won the right to do so. They were no different from the Northern merchant and manufacturing elites who wanted to expand their economic and social system. The South simply lacked the strength to move north, and west was the only direction they could go.
How can abolitionism and civil rights be more degenerate than importing Black slaves? Without Black slavery, there would not have been any such movements. Most anti-slavery sentiment in the North was anti-Black as well. They rightly saw slavery as a threat to free labor, and Blacks as a threat to civilization, just as immigration is today. How is slave owning less blameworthy than bringing in wetbacks to do construction or Hindus on HB1 visas? Slavery was a manageable problem for slave owners, but not for ordinary White Southerners. It depressed their income and turned honest labor into shameful Nigger work. Driving White men into poverty is every bit as degenerate as letting Blacks vote.
And speaking of degeneracy, whether they lived in cities or plantations, almost all Mulattos were the children of Southern White men. All these brown and tan Negroes did not just appear after 1920. Keep in mind that it takes three generations of White Darkey-fuckers to produce an Octoroon. Don’t blame the Yankees for that. The South’s anti-miscegenation laws are not evidence of inter-racial chastity. They could hardly be enforced on Southern rakes. Can you call to mind any prosecutions of White men who banged a Negress? Having read the alleged evidence, I don’t believe that Thomas Jefferson had children by any Black mistress, but other members of his family certainly did, and everybody knew it. Is fag marriage more degenerate than mudsharking? At least fags don’t pollute the gene pool.
Liberia was not an attempt by the common Southerner to end slavery. It was, as you point out, a place for the Southern elite to get rid of free Negroes. The ordinary Southern White, like the ordinary Northern White, had little say in how the powers that be ran things. Neither had any interest in forcing the other to adopt its values.
If, as you point out, the Republicans encouraged Oriental immigration, doesn’t that demonstrate that the ordinary Northerner or Westerner was not responsible for the doings of Washington DC? If the Yankee government was doing the bidding of Yankee farmers in abolishing slavery, a matter of little real consequence to a farmer in a free state, why did they not do the bidding of the Western Whites who had a vital interest in keeping the coolies out? Clearly, as today, Washington carried out the will of wealthy interests. Where would the abolitionists have been without the backing of New England mill owners?
In my time in the service, I served at six different duty stations. Back then, the media war on Southern segregation was wide open. If there was a time in the past century to hate the South, that was it. Yet nowhere’s did I see any of this North-South antagonism that you write of. Stop imagining enemies and blaming the common man for the doings of the ruling classes, the Northern man for the sins of the Southern man, and the man of today for the crimes of a century ago.