Song of the South


Just heard this on the radio …

I especially enjoyed “Someone told us Wall Street fell, but we were so poor that we couldn’t tell.” It is a reminder that Dixie has a history that for a hundred years was nothing like the history of America.

There was never any “Gilded Age” or “Roaring Twenties” here. There wasn’t a “Civil War” either. We didn’t see much “Reconstruction.” The “Great Depression” lasted for generations. We are not a “Nation of Immigrants.” None of our ancestors came here on the Mayflower.

We have never been a “Shining City on a Hill.” There isn’t a Statue of Liberty on the Mexican border welcoming the “refuse” of Latin America. How many other lies are there in the history books?

Note: After Wall Street falls again, let us hope the American era and the Lincoln system comes to a crashing end!

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ben Bernanke is a southerner? (3:48)

    Anyone, I hope you’re right Hunter. I could enjoy a subdued negro singing classic negro work songs with a modern twist in the dress and jivin’ department.

  2. Well, no sooner than I finish my last post and you do this to me…damnation, but I do LOVE Dixie!!! Hell yeah!

    Deo Vindice

  3. “Daddy got a job with the TVA
    He got a washing machine, and a Chevrolet ….”

    The early Dust Bowl shots were from a propaganda campaign launched in support of New Deal farm programs, notably the Department of Agriculture and the various dam building schemes.

  4. That’s funny about the Great Depression. My paternal grandparents had a dairy farm in Ladysmith, Wisconsin during the Great Depression. The Depression didn’t really affect them, either, because they were already poor. When the Depression hit they just kept on being poor, and when it ended they were still poor. It really didn’t make any difference to them at all.

    My maternal great-grandfather was a lawyer in New York City during the Depression, and it didn’t affect him, either, because he was rich. In fact, he did better during the depression. He took his kids out of private schools, though, because the neighbors were having a hard time and he did not want to rub their noses in his success. (That was a very classy, Depression-era thing to do, it’s a testament to our societal decline that such a thing would not occur to most people today.)

    The history we are taught in school — the history that is used to justify big government programs — is full of stories of Okies, relief lines, etc. but neither side of my family really experienced the Depression. I often wonder how people actually experienced it.

  5. “Pan Am” jumped the TalmudVision shark last nigh.t The most beautiful gal on the show, a character called “Laura” – a radiant, flawless alabaster skinned, azure-eyed, golden blonde Goddess hooked up with a “nice” Negro sailor, from Alabama.

  6. Denise- Wow. I’ve been hearing all sorts of great things about “Pan Am.” And everyone with any smidgen of White Racial Consciousness (WRC) said, ‘How long would it take, before the propaganda kicks in?’ Let’s see- what, seven weeks/episodes?

    They must be fearful that the indoctrination centers aren’t running 24/7, or something in Hymietown.

    Oh, and Hunter?

    I was hoping you were going to talk about the Walt Disney movie, ‘Song of the South’ in this post (Which I found for $1. at a library sale). My family and I have watched it many times, just to make sure my brood knows the negroes’ ‘place’ in society, and all…. lol.

  7. “Pan Am” jumped the TalmudVision shark last nigh.t The most beautiful gal on the show, a character called “Laura” – a radiant, flawless alabaster skinned, azure-eyed, golden blonde Goddess hooked up with a “nice” Negro sailor, from Alabama.

    That is totally F’d up.

    Tikkun Olam.

  8. There was never any “Gilded Age” or “Roaring Twenties” here. There wasn’t a “Civil War” either. We didn’t see much “Reconstruction.” The “Great Depression” lasted for generations. We are not a “Nation of Immigrants.” None of our ancestors came here on the Mayflower.

    We have never been a “Shining City on a Hill.” There isn’t a Statue of Liberty on the Mexican border welcoming the “refuse” of Latin America. How many other lies are there in the history books?….”

    So true. Oral history and tradition is so important. Had some old letters from 30s, and the depression is far off in their minds –what year did media even start calling it that?—

  9. Denise is correct we had it recorded on the DVR and I fast forwarded it thru the show, and yes it is absolutely horrid TV. WAG time, the show starts an irreversible slide towards the exits.

    Hate to tell my lib friends this but black is out, only the South’s grim fixation on SEC football where they exclude white players is the only black worship left amongst whites not certifiably insane.

  10. I warned you about this show, Denise. It was too good to be true. They set us up just to knock us down.

    Anybody have any idea how it affects the ratings? Is that information publicly available? I think it is, but it would be next week’s show that would indicate a drop. Of course, this crime will attract the Darks and White race-defilers.

  11. Fr John, and Discard – I know. I knew the show was gonna go mental on Episode # 3, when Maggie – the “spunky one” (my fave Christina Ricci the CELT) – when insane trying to meet John Kennedy.

    Let’s just say that there were a few posts, on the Pan Am Message Board, expressing OUTRAGED disapproval of the miscegenation, with extremely detailed info on Black on White crime rates, obtained from another helpful blog, regarding Negro crime rates in Alabama, from 2010. Oddly enough – a Black female poster expressed outrage and dismay, as well. she didn’t want to see miscegnation, either.. A sistuh just doesn’t want to see an employed Black male paired with yet another gorgeous blonde.

    All complaining posts have been removed – yet may re-appear at strategic times.

  12. Rob Roy – the actor cast as the “nice” Negro sailor is light-skinned, vaguely Asiatic, ’round the eyes (some issue from some Negro GI/Asian “I love you long time” bar girl?), and so..very…well-spoken. So polite and cxonsdierate, and BELIEVABLE.

    I was aghast. The actress that plays Laura is exquisite. Raptuously beautiful. The final scenes, that focused n her face – she’s STUNNING. It was horrifying to watch.

    There were comments on the board, about rumours of the show being cancelled next year. I know it got fantastic initial ratings – but if there are rumours of cancellation, this must mean rating are dropping. The show is beyond lavishly produced. The clothing, settings, and camera work are absolutely top-notch – way beyond par for most TV series productions – and much better than most ABCshows – and must be exorbitantly expensive. The writing, however, is mediocre, and the spy plot is becoming absurd.

    The audience, from the MB’s, seems to consist of homosexuals, fashionistas, and those who are nolstalgic for the Good Old Days. If the plot lines are driving away all but the most Uber Libs – it will be a one trick pony.

  13. Denise if I remember from the “Friends” era that show was ripped by the usual suspects for lack of black characters. So they introduced a black girlfriend for Ross and as best I can tell that was the shark for that show. Whenever she appeared it seemed as if sand were thrown in the gears.

    It comes to mind that there have been other shows that did the same thing and suffered the same fate, but they escape my little mind at this time.

    One show that went the other way and it was commented on frequently for its removal of the magic negro was “Battlestar Galactica” though in honesty having Olmos as the captain kind of made up for it. Its MBs had alot of discussion on its casting, and very little censorship.

  14. “None of our ancestors came here on the Mayflower.”

    The wife of Jefferson Davis doesn’t count? Or the cousins of Robert E. Lee?

    And here’s a gem I found online.

    “On November 15, 2002, a long-standing Tar Heel tradition ended. On that evening, at the meeting of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association in the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh, the Mayflower Cup, awarded annually for seventy-two years, was presented for the last time. Created in 1931 by the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of North Carolina, the cup originally was awarded annually to the best published work by a North Carolinian, fiction or nonfiction”

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