The Second Civil War

Blue and Gray now Red and Blue

New York

I want to draw your attention to three outstanding articles from around the internet which shed some more light on the coming conflict between “Red America” and “Blue America”:

(1) “Occupy Blue Wall Street” is a great new essay by Walter Russell Mead that looks at the guts of the “Blue Coalition” in New York City. The Blue Team is composed of four distinct groups which are now in the process of turning on each other:

– The public sector unions (if you have been watching MSNBC, they are constantly referred to as cops, teachers, firefighters, and first responders) that increasingly prop up the decaying White middle middle class in New York City.

– The upper middle class progressive social crusaders in New York City who are the most hated and despised group on the Left. There are lots of Jews and Yankees in this group.

– The White, Hispanic, and African-American lumpenproletariat that subsists off government services.

– The filthy rich who work on Wall Street, who live in Manhattan and the Hamptons, and who are the American financial elite and the ruling class of the New York metropolitan area.

Great insightful essay.

(2) Michael Lind has a new article called “How FDR Created Today’s Republican Party.” The modern Republican Party is the New Deal coalition minus White progressives and African-Americans.

Lind also discusses the tension within Team Blue between Blue Wall Street and the White working class in the Midwest. Wall Street is the driving force behind these free trade agreements. It finances the Democratic Party.

That is why Barack Hussein Obama, the Black Mascot of Wall Street whose biggest contributor was Goldman Sachs, was so eager to sign the new free trade agreements with Panama, Columbia, and South Korea, even though he is already at severe risk of losing key Northern swing states like Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

(3) Ronald Brownstein, author of The Second Civil War,  has a new column called “Our Mirror Image Parties” that tells the hateful truth about the Democratic Party: 63 percent of Democratic voters are non-Hispanic Whites, only 36 percent are non-White.

What does that mean?

It means that the White minority in the United States (the 33 percent of Whites that support Obama) is providing the lion’s share of the votes for the political party that is driving White dispossession on this continent.

Where do these people live? The overwhelming majority of them live in the Northeast, the Upper Midwest, and the West Coast. In other words, Yankeedom, The Left Coast, and New Netherland.

87 percent of Republican voters are non-Hispanic Whites. 62 percent are married. 84 percent are Protestant or Catholic. 68 percent are conservative. 73 percent say religion is important in their lives.

36 percent of Republicans are Southerners. 31 percent of Democrats are Southerners. White Southerners are Republicans. African-Americans are Democrats.

These three essays tell us what any Joe Six Pack can figure out from watching MSNBC: most Democrats are White, the overwhelming majority of White Democrats live in the North and West, and the White minority is using the Gentry Liberal Strategy to control the federal government.

White Southerners are a minority in the United States. It is numerically impossible to “take our country back” because Dixie is not synonymous with America. We don’t have the numbers to control the federal government.

The only realistic way to “take our country back” (create a version of America more to our cultural tastes) is to secede from the United States and create our own federal government in the South.

The alternative is “losing our country” by remaining tied to the DWL minority in other parts of the country who are represented by the likes of Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, and Michael Moore.

Note: This is equally true for the conservative parts of America outside Dixie like the Southwest which is the region that is being transformed into Aztlan by the Third World invasion.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You, I believe, think that OB will loose.
    Here is latest babble: Mitt Romney as the Nominee: Conservatism Dies and Barack Obama Wins.

    Good chance in my opinion. If so where does this leave your overall analysis?
    No real change I would guess? But the far left will come on strong with all their beloved issues such as race and immigration….going for the final kill of white America and with the culture machine working over the heads of little white girls and boys. “I want to be a black person mommy.”

    Idiot Joe on now talking Prez Politics with no Buchanan; I doubt if he will return.

  2. But the far left will come on strong with all their beloved issues such as race and immigration….going for the final kill of white America and with the culture machine working over the heads of little white girls and boys. “I want to be a black person mommy.”

    This only works in a growing economy, or the illusion of a growing economy. The culture machine runs on surpluses. They are going to be throwing people off the lifeboat now — social security first (young coloreds over white geezers). The white geezers can be very useful when they are out in the street — they know how to do things and they have lost their illusions.

    The Left has a perennial saying, “When the old white racists who remember leave it to beaver die off, there will be no more racists.” However, growing old and getting life experience creates new batches of racists every generation. Also, young batches of white racists are being created in the hell of BRA.

    We just don’t see them on TV yet. Therefore, according to most Americans, they don’t exist. It’s one of those things that is building up — you don’t see it until it’s totally permeated society.

    The first step is losing faith in the system, and realizing it’s all a sham. The second step is discovering us! Paleoconservatives, White nationalists, whatever you want to call us.

  3. Kievsky- Good points all. One more: “Jews have an expiration date.”

    Hunter- I don’t know how you do it, but the brevity of this column, that still packs a punch in illuminating for us Yankees, how to view the world, is a marvel.
    Thanks again. I always think when I read your posts… and in new ways.

  4. Hunter writes:

    The only realistic way to “take our country back” (create a version of America more to our cultural tastes) is to secede from the United States and create our own federal government in the South.

    The alternative is “losing our country” by remaining tied to the DWL minority in other parts of the country who are represented by the likes of Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann, and Michael Moore.

    JR Responds:

    Hunter is arguing that MSM lying Libs Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore are now “in power” – ruling over proud White Southerners in Dixie, which HW argues needs to be an independent country. I think this is a bit of an exaggeration as most Whites in the South or anywhere in the US no longer worship, or even care what MSM Lib talking heads say these days. But even supposedly independent European countries don’t have their own movie industries, their own TV and radio networks run and staffed by local Whites promoting the positive local White culture.
    The key here as cultural marxist know, is cultural power, not legal political power. If the White South has its own culture – White country music, White NASCAR, white Southern accents, White folk history (including lots and lots of exaggerated folk history tales where everything bad in the mid to late 19th century was done by Yankees), and then manages to get back local Southern control of TV, radio then the White South will exist and prosper as a White nation. No region or even independent country will ever be completely autonomous, self sufficient, without any foreigners coming in and out of its borders. The South should work to be more like Japan, Switzerland in uniquely Southern ways.

  5. As of now the cultural elite still scare southern white women with the clarion call of the Left, “Racist.” Because they can scare these polite timid women who seek social respectability with this hate word the Dixiecrats are spinning their wheels in the southern mud.

    I wish this were not so, but if you doubt me go to the LOS webpage and try to find any reference to the resistance to the reconstruction, ain’t there.

    One word is destroying the South “RACIST.” I spent 15 years sending money to Michael Hill of the LOS and they never could deal with that word and therefor are nothing but a racket. Too bad but that is the truth.

  6. Thanks for links. Didn’t really get this part: “…The fact that today’s Republican Party is mainly a coalition of former right-wing Democrats explains its curious relationship to the past. Based in the former Confederacy, its leaders…”

    The neo-cons are from the confederacy? lol. Whatever was of the New England Yankees, a reality that no one discusses is how 1900 Jews (especially organized communists) and “ethnic whites” meaning Catholics, tapped right into the Yankee utopia vision (for their own people) in their own ways.

    The communists, who also fought in the ‘union,’ worked on their end of Statism, centralization, etc. The Catholics, the same— with a history of Theocracy, centralized economy, corporatism, no separation of church and state, secretive elites, corporate organization of the church, disregard for the intelligence of the “masses,” rhetoric of the “initiates,” not the common man, the “cult of the experts,” (pundits, elites, etc.), the indoctrinated idea of “charity” as being strictly monetary (not the ‘ministry of testimony or witness”), the emulation of the masses of “saints” who give monetarily, working muscle for the corporatists for the corporate machine (low level military), Empire Christianity, reliving Rome, Romanizing things s/a “games” (which transmit values) s/a football becoming Romanized (since Vat II, done in arenas, stadiums, fought by ex-slaves, often criminals, with criminality a part of the rhetoric surrounding the play, etc.)

    Anyway, the southern protestant was always very different from the NE prod, the yankee, but the other European groups (Catholics and Jews) clearly brought their baggage and have replayed their every adventure abroad—

    In the U.S., they are facing off against each other just as they did in Europe. The Jews got Israel, the socialization rights over the masses (The Theocracy of the PC Religion), and the Welfare part of the Warfare-Welfare State. The “right wing,” the Catholic end, got numerical control of the U.S. (Kennedy open border policies, Hart-Celler, etc.) –Of course the “catholics” they bring always stun them when they don’t really have much in common, lol.

    Anyway, the Catholic Nationalists have gotten an embassy (Reagan’s acknowledgement of the papacy in embassy), the Mexicans who they count as theirs, property, etc, etc. The new “Gun Belt” is the catholicized south, and connected to the military (in turn connected to socializations left over from the roman empire).

    The Statist Coalition, the Warfare-Welfare State, The U.S.-Israel tradeoff between European subgroups, hardly happened only b/c of Puritans (lol), as much as everyone will want to continue blaming them for everything.

    Coming from that sort of position— how does this have anything to do with Dixie. Dixie wasn’t the willing seat of the Empire’s installations.

    Tens of thousands of acres of Dixie were appropriated to give the “New South” it’s peculiar feel. Miles of land became the strip malls “for convenient living,” (shopping!) that are the center of “consumer” corporatist life. Other areas roped off for federal or state projects, prisons, warehouses for people, elder homes, military bases, training camps, etc.

    Imo, all this don’t have shit to do with farming.

    The Yankee Nation is based in have-not-ness.

    It is a coalition of people (not all Puritan, by any means, lmao—NYC the epicenter of this Ethos, has only 3% WASPs— oh, right, they continue after hundreds of years to make others do what they’re doing, those white devils, you know).

    What binds the Yankee Nation is that they do not create things.

    Even in the Industrial Era, (they’ve now put all those “ethnic” workers to pasture) it was underwritten by the ugliest, anti-community rhetoric (screw your neighbor, we’re built on competition, toot your own horn, self-promote, ‘sell yourself,’ etc. Even presidents talk now about “selling to the american public.” (very different from having a relationship of representation.) People socialized under that don’t realize they cannot really treat others as in a community, it is a rhetoric of usury, an honor among theives.

  7. If Romney is put in, Obama could win. The public has passed on him over and over. They see him as a slick corporatist, a puppet for MIC, and as the incarnation of crony corporatist capitalism.

    Also, while many old Southern Democrats have shifted parties, it’s a 49-51, and they are not excited about it. Even some young people recall the corporate abuses of the 30s, having been told by their families, then seen replayed in 70s, and de-industrialization. They know these people will never do anything for them, nor care for them or their families, and adherence to this only grows, as even MIC loyals lose pensions, etc.

  8. “Wall Street is the driving force behind these free trade agreements. It finances the Democratic Party.”
    Wall Street serves itself. It finances whoever will support its needs. Like the multi-national corps, its corporations have no loyalty to a party or to the nation, it presumes the government exists to serve its needs. And the government, in extending “person-hood”, indeed serve their needs. And in campaign finance, ensure their representation.

    Is the South so different economically, culturally, demographically, etc. that secession heals all ills? The waters have been muddied in the last 50 years.

    In regards to the “Blue Coalition” – theyve been at each others throats since Tamminy Hall days. The unions will bow down to whoever pays them, the poor will bow down to whoever pays them, the goo-goos will blindly pay and Wall Street will gladly pay as long as their earnings outstrip it [and when it doesnt, they cry poverty & too big to fail and easily get their way]. Every NY politician, blue or “red” (lets say violet), knows who they pay tribute to and who they can screw.

  9. HW, I just want to tell you how important what you’ve been doing recently is to the struggle. I’m referring to the historical information you’ve been posting. For years I’ve been reading people with all sorts of non-msm differing political agendas and they all have one thing in common. All they can focus on is coming up with some sort of magical plan to win, usually by converting the masses via political propaganda. It’s my considered opinion that merely exposing White Southern men to their real history, the way you’ve been doing, over a period of time, w/o whitewashing it for little old ladies like the LOS, will regenerate the national feeling that has been pounded out of them over the last few decades. I know for a fact that a single article about Edmund Ruffin, written in National Review (I think it was) was the biggest inspiration for the creation of the LOS in the early 90s. Well, it was only one article and it was more nationalistic than racial so the organization remained timid. But the type of real, unapologetic stuff you’ve been posting, if continued, will turn our mice back into men. I emphasize that it must continue. Flash in the pan will just be put back into the subconscious closet. I wish I could back it up with more than just comments, and if and when I’m able to I will, but in the meantime please keep this up.

    I’m less enthusiastic about the Democrat vs. Republican stuff, unless it’s aimed at eventually turning Southerners into Secessionists, via the Rep party or not (wouldn’t that be ironic as hell?). I know that conservatives thought they might take control of the GOP in 64 and 80 and both times had no chance. Times might be different now but I’m still skeptical unless they’re steered to secession.

    There may be some problems in organizing SERIOUS secession sentiment but I think it’s by far our best hope.

  10. Kievsky says: They are going to be throwing people off the lifeboat now — social security first (young coloreds over white geezers).

    They are already doing that. That’s why I don’t understand the seniors going out to protest with the Occutards yesterday (here in Chicago). Does anybody in this country have a fucking clue or will they just allign themselves with any group at any time for any reason with out considering the possible repercussions?

    As for the South seceding ….. the North will never let it happen. The only way to remedy the South is to create an atmosphere that is not as hospitable to the undertow by reducing handouts. A state imposed fee for Section 8 units so that they become an unprofitable investments will shrink the housing supply. With less available free housing and reduced value on the EBT card, they will leave. This is a war. It must be treated as such as they are not going to shut up when they can no longer have a government provided 5000 calorie a day diet, free cell phones, cable tv, Xboxes, etc.; this is what they have become entitled to and they are going to fight for it louder than any person has ever fought against a tax increase to fund the undertow.

  11. RJP,

    Give it time. What are the seniors supposed to do — march with the NSM? That’s good news that they are taking to the streets. Of course the Occupiers will be rude to them and say, “whitey, step up, step back” and so on, and they won’t like that.

    Which is why we should be at the Occupy events. I wish I could hang out at Zuccotti Park!

  12. Jack,

    Hunter is arguing that MSM lying Libs Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann and Michael Moore are now “in power” – ruling over proud White Southerners in Dixie, which HW argues needs to be an independent country.

    There is a hard ceiling to Southern political power.

    We can vote 9 to 1 against Obama in Alabama and Mississippi and we can throw out every single White Democrat in Congress from the South, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are a minority in the United States, and that our political power fades outside of Dixie.

    The simple truth here is that we are hostage to the White majority that lives in the North and West. As long as over 50 percent of Whites in states like Oregon and Washington and California and New York and Vermont are voting for Democrats, we are going to continue to slide downward into oblivion here.

    We can’t “take our country” back because Dixie is a sub-nation that exists only in the Southeast. We can “take our country” back here, but if Whites elsewhere want to vote with Hispanics and African-Americans in every single presidential election, we are going to lose our country eventually.

  13. Bill Yancey,

    I know that conservatives thought they might take control of the GOP in 64 and 80 and both times had no chance. Times might be different now but I’m still skeptical unless they’re steered to secession.

    It is easy to see why Southerners have been so stymied in taking control of the GOP and why there is so much chaos in the Republican primaries now.

    (1) 36 percent of Republicans are Southerners. The “conservative base” is a code word for White Christians in the South and West.

    (2) The vast majority of the money behind the GOP comes from the Northeastern business establishment.

    (3) John McCain won the Republican primary by winning Northern states that vote Democratic in the general election.

    So we are still facing a situation where Southerners are a perpetual minority who are held hostage by the racial and cultural attitudes of Whites who live in other parts of the country.

    We are also going to go far beyond the LOS in that our primary focus here is not going to be the Confederacy. Instead, we are going to talk a lot more about Reconstruction and Jim Crow, and other periods of Southern history that are not as emphasized as they should be.

  14. Rob,

    One word is destroying the South “RACIST.” I spent 15 years sending money to Michael Hill of the LOS and they never could deal with that word and therefor are nothing but a racket. Too bad but that is the truth.

    We’re obviously not going to be producing a politically correct, sanitized version of Southern history here.

  15. I agree with RJP. There is no way the north will allow this. It would mean real war. Besides, there are a tremendous number of blacks in the south. As you already know, whole cities are controlled by blacks. We must elect local people who will start cutting benefits.

    A huge problem here even in heavily republican conservative North Florida, our local town councils ar heavily black. Just look at the Crestview Florida council. Very few people turn out to vote. The black churches vote in mass. Now that said, our local black council has done a good job of cutting our budget and eliminating waste.

  16. Romney was passed over in the last election and lost to someone even weaker than he was, McCain. Ron Paul is recycled in every election and doesn’t gather enough strength to win a primary. Meanwhile the media and its polls are making a celebrity out of Herman Cain and his paltry campaign donations don’t add up to all the fanfare surrounding him. I can’t figure out if liberals are trying to strengthen Obama’s reelection chances by supporting Cain or if it’s just the GOP and their obligatory fawning over him because he’s black and they’re afraid of losing the hundred thousand or so black voters that vote Republican. I just don’t believe there’s alot of support for him among conservatives simply because he’ll suppress Republican turnout and because he’s not a conservative. I also think conservatives would be jittery about Cain selecting the next Supreme Court justices with his favorable stance on affirmative action and the fact he received an award from the NAACP for supporting it in the workplace. There’s also his Jesse Jackson moment with ol’ niggerhead rock. This sexual harrassment scandal has hopefully bombed his campaign into oblivion.

  17. How about our Music…..Good old Smokey Mountain Music. Our cultural Music must be revived. To hell with rap and jungle beat animal music. The NEWS FLAG symbol has it all in one package!!!!! The Powers To Be will more than likely put Romney in because the Northeast power bloc in behind him…..but nothing will change if he gets it. The Struggle goes on…….

  18. Herman Cain surged on the very day he gave that CNN interview attacking black race hustlers. I remember it clearly. That got a lot of attention on conservative websites.

    The only reason people shifted to Cain is because Perry collapsed over his support of the Texas DREAM Act. Before Cain surged, the same people supported Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry.

    Now they are shifting to Newt Gingrich. It is a sorry presidential field. If someone like Jim DeMint had run, this would have been wrapped up months ago.

    Hopefully, they will go back to Bachmann, who only lost favor when Rick Perry got in the race.

  19. The Lost Cause…is still Lost. If/when Obama gets re-elected via the EC, while losing c. 55-60% of the popular vote in a 3-way race vs. Romney vs. Paul, an existential political crisis will combine w a collapsed economy into a Perfect Storm. At least half the states that Nullify and Secede will be OUTSIDE the Old South: Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, eastern counties of Washington, Oregon (that’s right: even in non-seceeding states, rurals will be pulling way from urbans), several Midwest, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, etc. HW needs to pay more attention to the logic of the geopolitical situation, less to his Repetition Compulsion.

  20. If anyone secedes from the United States, it will be a Southern state like Texas or South Carolina where much of the White population already wants to secede, and where secession is not considered a radical idea.

    In an extreme economic downturn, racial tension would worsen in the South, and the ties to the Union would snap. Is Texas going to hitch itself to BRA’s national debt? Is Texas going to bailout California?

    What about the White people in Georgia and Mississippi? Are they going to live under a black government? Unlikely.

    We can already see which states are the most likely to bail on the Union. It is the ones that are already practicing nullification: South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Arizona.

    Just as before, it will have to be a group of states that secedes, which will force the other states to choose sides.

    Are the Western states going to want to remain part of the Union? Are they going to side with Washington? That will logically mean tying themselves down to Washington’s national debt.

    There is no future for the Western states in the Union either. They will become tax slaves to failed states like California which will vote themselves endless bailouts.

  21. “rjp says:
    November 8, 2011 at 8:08 pm
    Kievsky says: They are going to be throwing people off the lifeboat now — social security first (young coloreds over white geezers).

    They are already doing that. That’s why I don’t understand the seniors going out to protest with the Occutards yesterday (here in Chicago). Does anybody in this country have a fucking clue or will they just allign themselves with any group at any time for any reason with out considering the possible repercussions?

    As for the South seceding ….. the North will never let it happen. The only way to remedy the South is to create an atmosphere that is not as hospitable to the undertow by reducing handouts. A state imposed fee for Section 8 units so that they become an unprofitable investments will shrink the housing supply. With less available free housing and reduced value on the EBT card, they will leave. This is a war. It must be treated as such as they are not going to shut up when they can no longer have a government provided 5000 calorie a day diet, free cell phones, cable tv, Xboxes, etc.; this is what they have become entitled to and they are going to fight for it louder than any person has ever fought against a tax increase to fund the undertow.”

    The Day the EBT ends is happening all over. You Cavaliers and Crackers need to be ready to seize the day – cause that day is drawing nigh. The Perfect Storm hits – and that’s when you secede.

    But you know that.

    Up here in Yankeeland – the Yankees are CLUELESS. Undo influence of “Conmservative” media…the seniors ARE clueless, RJP. Tha’ts why they are joining up. The TeaTards have been grossly co-opted. Their dogged support of THIER Darky Nigger Cain (Anne Coulter actually used the phrase “our Darkies vs Their Darkies” in a recent , despicable column – PAY US, ANN!) , and have proved that their entire rasion d’etre is to Prove They Are Not Racists, and are running out of steam. Many regular members have just dropped out – and are looking for a new train to hitch onto

    The Occupy crowd looks kinda fun. Dirty, and strange – but lively. They certainly don’t give up easily! Hey – mebbe those kid are on to something!

    Kievsky’s right. Seniors beginning to Occupy is a GOOD thing. They need to see, first hand, what their Worst Generation delusions have spawned. I hope it HURTS.

  22. Hunter Wallace says:
    November 8, 2011 at 10:57 pm
    Hopefully, they will go back to Bachmann, who only lost favor when Rick Perry got in the race.

    She was just on CNN, squeaking that, “Herman had better deal with this -it looks bad, if he doesn’t. Get it straightened out, Hermie – or no dessert! for a week!”

    Her make-up and hair were flawless.

    I loved it. Ditzy White Dame punks Predatory Black Mandingo, Out of “love and concern”.


  23. and are looking for a new train to hitch onto

    Gravy train, as they understand the gravyty of the situation.

  24. Conservatives make up more than half of the Republican Party and they’ve only been able to nominate one conservative to the presidency and that was Ronald Reagan in 1980. I think the problem is they’re too beholden to the big business wing of the GOP. I think the solution is to reach across the lines and find new coalitions. I’m totally against militant feminists and homosexuals but there’s a rich crop of 18-24 year olds and unionists to draw from the DNC. I don’t have anything in particular against unions as long as they aren’t government ones.

  25. The Yankee Empire is doomed. The breakup will happen and it will be accompanied by violence. The government knows this already and is preparing for it.

    “Diversity” and race replacement is a deliberate policy that has been pursued by the government. Army Chief of Staff General George Casey’s remarks after the Fort Hood shooting are very telling. “My fear is the greatest casualty in all this will be diversity.” Why?

    To prevent or mitigate against mass defections from the military, they are pushing for more and more “diversity.” The feminist, hispanic, black, gay, muslim, and other varieties of diverse soldiers will not hesitate to pull the trigger on the white crackers they revile. At least so the government hopes.

    We must have no illusions on this score. The federal beast will become increasingly vicious as it loses more and more legitimacy and control over the people. Anyone who cannot see that is willfully blind.

    But the federal government reckons without its host. These groups are not united in common cause but only serve their own narrow interests. When the government paychecks and privileges end, their allegiance will follow.

    The best hope for Southerners, and all whites for that matter, will reside in our capacity for self sacrifice and our willingness to accept the hardships and burdens necessary for the good of our people. The other groups do not possess and have never possessed these qualities; they are the exclusive possession of whites and constitute our true heritage, North or South.

    Those who have not bought in to this obscene deracination project carry the only hope for our future. This force is strongest and purest in the South. When the time is right, our people will emerge from their long night. The young people await our leadership in this.

    “The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form.”–Jefferson Davis

    Hunter, your contribution in revealing the true history of our true nation is invaluable. Words cannot express my deepest gratitude on both my behalf and, more importantly, the behalf of our posterity.

    Deo Vindice

  26. All this excitement over the Tea Party for months and this is all they can come up with for candidates? Does anyone know anything about Gary Johnson or Jon Huntsman? Are they viable candidates? I see that Virgil Goode is running for the Constitution Party.

  27. I see Jesse Ventura grabbing the baton from Ron Paul and running with it. Paul is easily ignored. Ventura is not. Ventura has executive experience, ten times Paul’s personality, and can threaten and ass kicking if his orders aren’t followed. Paul/Ventura or Ventura/Paul. I don’t care. But they go together like rice and beans. Like the midget on the goon’s shoulders in Beyond Thunderdome, although Ventura is no dummy. Still, you can see Paul on Ventura’s shoulders yelling “end the fed” as Ventura beats Romney to a bloody pulp.

  28. Bill,

    That’s an interesting solution. We had some very hot days without AC this year. Sleeping in the heat is the biggest challenge. The trick is to take a dishtowel, soak in cold water, wring it out, and put it on your chest. That’ll keep you cool, and by 3 am it should cool off because the sun has been gone for so long.

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