The Rebel Yell


In this exclusive clip from the 1930s, Confederate veterans step up to the mic and let out their version of the rebel yell. Consider this a belated Veteran’s Day post:

“Sadly, in the eyes of the press, not all Civil War veterans were equal. No black volunteers served with the Confederacy, while African Americans contributed some 160,000 volunteers to the Union war effort. Yet they are almost never even acknowledged, much less seen or heard in the library’s films and recordings.

. . .  After Reconstruction, the role of African-American soldiers was largely airbrushed out of the war’s narrative in the name of national reconciliation.”

Jewish historians like Kevin Levin are dredging up these black Union soldiers for their own purposes. BRA came to be remembered as a horrible mistake in the Northern states. The Yankees themselves later admitted the South was right.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I had a friend in Marines back in 60s who could give a good Rebel Yell, It was not like He Haw of Buck Owens show but Yea haw, my Marine Friend yelled it so loud it was unbelieveable! The Oriental Martial Artist have a yell which could kill! High Noise yells and being Gentlemen does not bring total victory. We have to figure out attrition and overwhelming numbers……David Lane explains it good, Germans hads best trained fighting army, the South best Assualt Calvary—but they lost. The Khazars are masters of cunning and stealth, we have to learn from them and beat them…..

  2. @JT

    Most of the Stonewall Brigade were from the mountains of what is now the eastern West Virginia panhandle. These fellows have a high pitched mountain twang to their voices. It is even noticeable today.

  3. CNN has been covering the homosexual scandal at Penn State where the politically correct advocates of homosexuality like former Penn State President & Jew Spanier, and Roman Cathlolic “Joepa” Paterno have let “pc” do them in.

    Paterno is a Roman Catholic, so I don’t see any reason to be surprised that his asst. was allowed to have homosexual sex with young boys in the gym & football building even after he retired.

    Then the Jew Spanier—he’s a damn Jew—what do you expect from that tribe of sodomites.

    Have you seen the grand jury transcript?

  4. We ran out of shoes and cannonballs.A large army can capture territory but then comes
    the guerrilla forces making it hard to hold on to it.IMHO the south relied to much on conventional war,massing large armies together and leaving lower states unprotected.Should of fought a guerrilla war instead of a war of attrition.

  5. 300Rum: William Clarke Quantrill told Confederate War Cabinet you cant win a war being Gentlemen…… Your right about tactics. Also more teams should have went North. They did not set enough of fires…..

  6. True.Politicians and generals want results you can see instantly.You know,stand on line in the field and mow each other down.You could still see that mindset in the early days of the Vietnam war.Screw that.
    Great video Hunter,the last thing the SPLC wants to see is us paying tribute to confederate veterans.

  7. I remember how in the 60s they took all the High Schools, like South Dade in Dade County, Florida who used Rebel Flag and Played Dixie made them change that. There was a school in Miami called Robert E. Lee and they closed that. When I was growing up we had Jeff Davis and Robert E. Lee Holidays, that was stopped in 60s to. Also in Hollywood Circle in Broward County the Rebel Flag was flown all the time. Then in late 80s it was taken down with the influx of Northern immigration to South Florida. Things change. maybe NEWS FLAG in future will be all over……

  8. Castro conquered south Florida without firing a shot. Long after Castro is dead, south Florida will still be Cuban.

    Then you got your large Jew population too.

  9. Earlmundo Armand Pitts III: Alot of Cubans are hard workers. Many want to return to Cuba. White Spanish are good people. Things can change, maybe in ways you will not like. Jews are not having children and they are leaving South Florida. What do you think will be the future?

  10. Most Cubans in South Florida are very much white, almost pure Spanish. They are not well liked by the other Latinos because they are “arrogant,” and think themselves better than the mestizos. By my lights, Cubans are damn fine people. Compare Marco Rubio to any of the sorry-assed Republican candidates for president. Who would you rather have as a political leader?

    Problem #1: The Haitian influx is and will continue to be the biggest challenge for South Florida.
    Problem #2: The rest of the Latino horde from South and Central America continue to flood into South Florida.
    Problem #3: The old Jews are dying off, but the younger ones, along with the other Yankees, keep on coming down from the North. Being the most powerful of the three groups, they do the most damage. They are virulently hostile towards anything Southern, being taught to hate Southerners from birth.

    The future here is tenuous at best. When the economy finally collapses, this will be one of the biggest hellhole nightmares in America. Many places are already extremely third world in appearance and prospects. It’s an artificial existence anyway, a twentieth century aberration. In the end, I expect Nature will reclaim her own…

    Deo Vindice

  11. The Spanish White in Tampa have assimulated into White American Culture. They like country music and Rebel Flags. The younger Spanish in South Florida, speak English more than Spanish. Like Tom Metzger says, the Latinos are at a crossroad, do they go with WHITE or go dark? Robert Matthews has plainly stated North America to Rio Grande River will be White. The Tribulation is in process and a small seedbed of Whites will conquer again all of North America North of Rio Grande River. Yankee Boys want to be boss and are jeaulous of a White Southern Movement. I believe the White Southern Dixie born movement will win out in the future, and that is Truth From click Other Articles.

  12. Apuleius: Excellent response. You are right, Rubio is a million times better than those others. California is worse than Florida. Check out on google: And This is Only One State! In Hoc Signo Vinces—–THE NEWS FLAG…….

  13. Sadly, we lost Jefferson Davis Middle School in 2005. As justification, the culture destroyers compared the Confederates to the Nazis, of course. Makes you just want to spit…

    Hold the line as long as you can, Jax.
    Love that big ol’ flag in Tampa, though.

    Deo Vindice

  14. It is already obvious that “normal times” ended about three years ago. The collapse is accelerating now in Europe with the fall of the Italian and Greek governments. The financial shitstorm brewing in Europe is headed our way.

    Let’s not forget: Maywood, Vallejo, Prichard, Hammtrack, Harrisburg, and now Jefferson County. The dominoes are starting to fall in the United States. To anyone familiar with the Meredith Whitney municipal bond apocalypse theory, you are seeing it play out now.

  15. Rubio is telling you what you want to hear. In the final analysis Rubio like all Cubans is a “high yellow” & a Roman Catholic.

    You got these three points right:

    Problem #1: The Haitian influx is and will continue to be the biggest challenge for South Florida.

    Problem #2: The rest of the Latino horde from South and Central America continue to flood into South Florida.

    Problem #3: The old Jews are dying off, but the younger ones, along with the other Yankees, keep on coming down from the North. Being the most powerful of the three groups, they do the most damage. They are virulently hostile towards anything Southern, being taught to hate Southerners from birth.

  16. @ John Thomas… “…The Spanish White in Tampa have assimulated into White American Culture. They like country music and Rebel Flags. The younger Spanish in South Florida, speak English more than Spanish…”

    Sorry, but that’s such a joke.

    I’m beginning to wonder if ANY of the non-wasps “assimilated.” Wth does that mean anyway: “assimilate.” You say they like “COUNTRY MUSIC and rebel flags (which is not their flag, why don’t they fly their own?)— IS THAT REALLY “my” culture???

    It’s like some cheesy NYC tax-paid parade they have every other day for Puerto Ricans or whatever “group.” The “saint pat day” parade. The X parade…

    They want to boil down all cultures into some Emeril culinary dish. Italian is Noodle! Asian is Sushi! Mexican is TACO! South is grits and rebel flag!!!!

    Culture ISN’T SOMETHING DEAD. It’s a living thing that happens when people like you get together. “Uncontrolled Energy” of your cultural group, an organic thing with people with whom you share HISTORY, religion, trajectory to country, not just some pop culture signifier.

    Sorry but that is just SO shallow!

    I’ve met Cubans, and well, they are cuban. They usually impress upon you how SPANISH they are. Personally, spanish culture is my least favorite of all. I don’t really care how european it is, lol. Ever since Vatican II was imposed on the non-catholics in the u.s., they were crammed down the throat of every citizen. I’m sure some are really great people— but they have their own culture. Why not celebrate it?

    Europeans turned the u.s. into Europe.

    Southern culture—- is so much more than flying rebel flags, or country music, or grits and gravy, and our unique trajectory to the u.s. why is everything always reduced?

  17. Also—

    I don’t even know what it means for “a spanish white to assimulate.” With what— anglo saxons? Ulster Scots? With people who fled catholicism as surely as Anglicanism? If most Americans could say what they actually think=== probably a lot of “assimulated” people would feel less so. (Which is why they can say nothing).

  18. “They want to boil down all cultures into some Emeril culinary dish. Italian is Noodle! Asian is Sushi! Mexican is TACO! South is grits and rebel flag!!!!”

    Thread winner!

  19. dixiegirl: I feel the same way as Tom Metzger about Spanish. In the WN Movement there has been many good people who were of Spanish roots. There was this one Spanish Roots Retired Marine who helped White Movement for years. Tom Metzger on his White Aryan Resistance News and Views has alot of good things on White Spanish of Spain. It took the White Spanish Christians 800 years to drive out the Moors in Spain! I prefer Rubio over all those other cruds who are extremely anti white and pro Zionist. As far as Dixie—-Truth From Who Is God, click OTHER ARTICLES and you will see some good articles from Battle Ax News!

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