Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Rise of Black Run Amerika

Martin Luther King, Jr. scowls across the National Mall at Thomas Jefferson

District of Corruption

By the time you read this article, the American political and cultural establishment will be going through all the rituals of celebrating the holiest day in America’s secular religion: the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday.

It is on this day that we choose to commemorate the birthday of Michael King Jr., a Baptist preacher from Atlanta, Georgia and the most recognized leader of the so-called “Civil Rights Movement,” who is the only American who is honored by the state with his own personal national holiday.

The racialist blogosphere will be commemorating the MLK federal holiday by rehearsing the familiar critique: that King was a plagiarist, that he was a charlatan, that he was a playboy and a serial adulterer who failed to observe the Ten Commandments, that he was financed by the Jews, that he was a communist sympathizer, that he was surrounded by individuals who had ties to the communist movement.

All of these damaging accusations leveled against King are true … and they are all discussed in Taylor Branch’s three volume Pulitzer Prize winning history of the Civil Rights Movement: Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63, Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-65, and At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King Years, 1965-68.

In Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore’s Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919-1950 and John Egerton’s Speak Now Against The Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South, we are reminded that the segregationists were right and the Civil Rights Movement really was deeply rooted in Marxist tradition.

The Communist Party USA was agitating for “civil rights reform” before “the movement” was given its sanitized “mainstream” makeover in the 1950s. Martin Luther King, Jr became the public face of the “Civil Rights Movement” (which stretches back to the Plessy decision in 1896) following the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.

W.E.B. Du Bois, who had been the recognized leader of the Civil Rights Movement since the Niagara Conference in 1905, died a communist in Africa the day before MLK gave his celebrated “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. In commemorating MLK’s birthday, America forgets the radicalism of the movement that included such colorful revolutionary figures as Du Bois, Lovett Fort-Whiteman, A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin, James Bevel, Stokley Carmichael, Malcolm X, and Diane Nash.

Is there anything further to be said about Martin Luther King, Jr. and his destructive legacy? The truth is that we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the MLK legacy and its long term implications for America. The MLK story is still unfolding on the stage of world history.

The Chinese historians and social scientists of the 22nd century will study the present era in the United States – its political system, its economy, its culture – more intensely than any other topic in American history to discern how and why the most powerful and prosperous nation in world history embarked on the course of national suicide.

You live in a society …

(1) You live in a society … where Martin Luther King, Jr. is honored with a national holiday, but not George Washington.

(2) You live in a society … where Barack Hussein Obama is president and Eric “My People” Holder is the Attorney General.

(3) You live in a society … where Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice became Secretary of State on account of their blackness.

(4) You live in a society … where the existence of race is ferociously denied and labeled a “social construct,” but where “disparate impact” is used as a litmus test to assess and prosecute “discriminatory” employment practices.

(5) You live in a society … where the U.S. military worries that the armed forces are “too White” and discriminates within its own ranks “to promote diversity.”

(6) You live in a society … where 35 percent of African-Americans live off the EBT card which is paid for by the White taxpayer.

(7) You live in a society … where universities create vast “diversity” and “multicultural” bureaucracies as they raise tuition and cut courses in the classics.

(8) You live in a society … where black people get Section 8 housing vouchers, where they get TANF welfare checks, where they get Medicaid, where they get free government cell phones, where they get energy assistance, where they get WIC, where they get the EBT card, where the federal government squanders billions of dollars to tear down blighted ghettos and to create “weatherized” green homes for African-Americans to “stimulate” the economy.

(9) You live in a society … where every hotel, restaurant, department store, and private business is required by federal law to cater to African-Americans.

(10) You live in a society … where restrictive covenants are illegal and housing discrimination is illegal and Whites have no legal ability to preserve the character of their neighborhoods and businesses.

(11) You live in a society … where every public school in America is integrated by federal law and federal court decisions.

(12) You live in a society … where government contracts are used as a way to promote favored “minorities.”

(13) You live in a society … where police departments and fire departments routinely discriminate against Whites to promote African-Americans.

(14) You live in a society … where there are “hate crime” laws which require states to keep track of “hate crime statistics” and which impose tougher sentences on those who are prosecuted under these “bias crimes.”

(15) You live in a society … where the worst possible thing you can be is a “racist.”

(16) You live in a society … where the Catholic, Protestant, and Mormon churches have all suddenly discovered that “racism” is a sin.

(17) You live in a society … where the federal government squanders billions of dollars every year on the “Head Start” program.

(18) You live in a society … where journalists systematically fail to provide the racial details of shocking crimes and/or selectively ignore or promote crimes to advance their agenda of portraying African-Americans as victims.

(19) You live in a society … where the wrong racial comment or the wrong breach of racial etiquette can end your career even if you are a Senate Majority Leader.

(20) You live a society … where blacks are portrayed in Hollywood movies as everything from scientists to fighter pilots to geniuses to the Almighty.

(21) You live in a society … where the race of comic book characters are routinely changed to promote blacks.

(22) You live in a society … where every collegiate and professional sports team has been forcibly integrated and where simply participating as a White Christian athlete on the national stage becomes a cross you must bear.

(23) You live in a society … where a Negro criminal can assault a White man who defends himself, and Hollywood turns it into a movie about a Hispanic who beats up two skinheads to protect an innocent African-American passenger from racist violence.

(24) You live in a society … where the White middle class is taxed by the federal government to the point where it limits its own birthrate for the government can redistribute their wealth to subsidize the Black Undertow which is responsible for most of the criminal violence in our society.

(25) You live in a society … where the Black Undertow is allowed to destroy towns, cities, counties and major metropolitan areas and where drawing attention to this is considered more shocking and outrageous than the violence committed by the actual criminals who have ruined Detroit or New Orleans.

(26) You live in a society … which celebrates “diversity” and “multiculturalism,” but wages unrelenting war against the Confederate flag.

(27) You live in a society … where Southern heritage advocates pony up thousands of dollars for H.K. Edgerton to sing Dixie at their events and for they can bask in the moral aura of his divine blackness.

(28) You live in a society … where the “Civil War” is contested by White Southerners on the grounds of the existence of “Black Confederates.”

(29) You live in a society … where the immigration laws have been reformed for the explicit purpose of transforming America into a Third World country.

(30) You live in a society … where “whiteness” itself is suspect, illegitimate, immoral, uncool and unjust.

(31) You live in a society … where Herman Cain can be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, but not someone with the racial and cultural views of Thomas Jefferson.

(32) You live in a society … where the technology industry is accused of being “too White” and apologizes for its lack of “diversity.”

(33) You live in a society … where the Mainstream Media casually remarks that Iowa and New Hampshire are “too White” to hold the first presidential primaries in the nation.

(34) You live in a society … where Rodney King, the Jena 6, and the Duke Lacrosse Stripper could be taken seriously as plausible civil rights martyrs.

(35) You live in a society … where Morris Dees makes over $300,000 dollars a year as a “civil rights activist” and gives lectures about “white privilege.”

(36) You live in a society … where you are forced to conform and censor your thoughts and pretend your own personal experience with African-Americans supports the dogma of racial equality.

(37) You live in a society … where veritable mountains of taxpayer dollars have been squandered on housing projects, healthcare, food, welfare, and integrated schools for African-Americans in pursuit of the El Dorado of racial equality.

(38) You live in a society … where a scientist as distinguished as James Watson, the discover of the structure of DNA, can lose his position at Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory for making politically incorrect observations about the intelligence of African-Americans.

(39) You live in a society … where free inquiry and science itself has become subordinated as handmaidens to the cause of radical egalitarianism and where Stephen Jay Gould was taken as seriously by the establishment as Trofim Lysenko was in the Soviet Union.

(40) You live in a society … where trial and error and experience is not considered a valid path to truth or a compelling argument against the a priori assumption of racial equality.

(41) You live in a society … which loudly decries “prejudice” and “stereotypes,” but which casually stereotypes and stigmatizes and pathologizes White males in popular culture.

(42) You live in a society … where a positive sense of White racial identity is culturally verboten, but where every other race is encouraged to celebrate and revel in its own non-White racial identity.

(43) You live in a society … where about 30,000 White women are raped every year by African-Americans and this isn’t considered a topic for “respectable” political discussion.

(44) You live in a society … where even Ron Paul swallows his pride and proclaims Martin Luther King, Jr. to be one of his personal heroes, a man who led the movement which resulted in the greatest expansion of central state power in American history, even though he voted against the Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday.

(45) You live in a city … where powerful American corporations like Pepsi shower racial shakedown artists with millions of dollars.

In short, you live in a society where literally everything from religion to morality to culture to science to the political system to the capitalist economy has been hijacked, reconstructed, and subordinated since the year 1965 to the ideal of promoting African-Americans over Whites. Cartoons have not even escaped the Spirit of the Age.

Everything from the definition of justice and marriage to the nature of reality to the meaning of liberty and equality … it has all been changed in service of the radical utopian project of uplifting and promoting African-Americans to “equality” with Whites.

This includes even the ideals of “non-violence” and “universalism” and “colorblindness” which the revolution rode to power. Those ideals were quickly discarded after they had served their purpose. The champions of “colorblindness” and “non-violence” spun around on a dime and embraced “affirmative action” and “violence” as another means of promoting and exalting blacks.

In the Age of Obama, the peculiarities of the anti-White system have become more striking and explicit than ever before: White people are starting to awaken to the fact that they are living through a distinct and unusual phase of American history which is openly hostile to their interests, Black Run Amerika.

Black Run Amerika (1965-Present) is based on the fundamental premise that White America is wicked, reactionary, immoral, unjust, and illegitimate … something best tossed aside into the dustbin of history, as we plunge forward into the multicultural utopia and egalitarian nirvana of the coming millenarian age, where the assumption is taken for granted on the basis of faith that this rollercoaster ride will somehow work out in the end.

It is often forgotten that Martin Luther King, Jr. wasn’t the only Marxist-inspired African leader of his time. If Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would be celebrating his 83rd birthday. Nelson Mandela of South Africa is 93-years-old.

What happened to MLK’s peers like Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Mengistu Mariam of Ethiopia, or Laurent Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo? How did freedom and equality work out in the sub-Saharan African countries which gained their independence around the time MLK was active in the United States?

Stay tuned to OD as we explore these topics and the “Dark Continent” in Black History Month 2012:

Laurent Kabila's statue points the way forward in front of the Palais de la Nation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The statue of Laurent Kabila above, who patronized multiple mistresses and was assassinated like Martin Luther King, Jr. in 2001, was made in North Korea and now stands outside the Palais de la Nation in Kinshasa. This is what the infrastructure looks like today in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the 52nd year of black freedom and equality.

Perhaps it is time to reassess the MLK legacy … before his heir Barack Hussein Obama gets reelected and America collapses in a similar manner.

Update: It wouldn’t be MLK Day without a drive-by shooting.

Note: “The Chastain Challenge” has been postponed until tomorrow. Actual Black Run Congo has plunged to the absolute rock bottom of the world pecking order in terms of human development. Its only competitors on the honor roll of failed states are Somalia, Chad, and Sudan.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. we live in a society where White cannot afford to have large families in order to support feral negros, mexicans and other favored political groups. Supporting negros, mexicans etc is literally killing our people even when negros etc aren’t literally killing out people

    the negros, damnyankees and federalist can have their mlk day;

    I’ll be recovering from celebrating Robert E Lee day

  2. The “you live in a society” thing was very good! What it made me realize is that Marxists and their enablers, the Tribe of Thieves, got the reins of power and grossly and maliciously mismanaged the country.

    Also, the “racism” thing is quite ironic, because all the “racism” is against Whites, and it’s far worse than anything we ever did to any other group. As far as blacks, we gave them everything, we gave them Western Civilization, so long as they played a role in which they would not interfere. But no, the Tribe of Thieves whispered in their ear, “cry for equality, until you become the master,” and they believed it! Now they will lose everything. But they will have had a good run while it lasted.

  3. Maybe the ToT can intermarry more than they are at this point, that would be a good stat, how many jews actually marry black people. Anyway in a bit of irony, its my WAG that amongst the average DWL the celebration of MLK is quite muted simply because in that political coalition they must rub up against what amounts to are violent retards of BRA.

    Think about it, some peaceable global warming/recycling advocate for organic vegetable patches has to sit next to a wild eyed negro who does little in life but advocate racial violence, how pleasant that must be. And that is why the cults of the left are so rigidly segregated.

  4. 1960s Mehkah. Gibmahpeepuhl dat! Gibsmahpeepul wajoo Habs.

    2000 Gubmint Meka skupsher obs heim. Gibsus daiy obs 2.

  5. Yes, it seems MLK day doesn’t get the media coverage, etc., it used to.

    Segregated those leftist cults may be but they are ALL on board for White genocide. They have a common goal to “replace” us, their common enemy.

    OTOH, we Whites have no common goal against our common enemy. Many of us don’t even recognize them as an enemy.

  6. Do you think that he was being groomed for the Presidency?

    You mentioned Kabila, Mandela et al. It’s almost as if they were gearing up for office by the late 1980s. Jesse Jackson in 1988 was probably just following that script king would have followed.

    A lot of whites have never quite heard the narrative you just outlined. I remember that Obama appeared in black churches and rhetorically presented himself a Joshua to their (older unsuccessful pioneers) Moses he got to pull down Jericho and destroy Canaan. I didn’t like the language at the time. Presumably it was intended as a narrow metaphor for acheiving power. Now I realize the blacks literally DO demolish civilizations.

    Well, it’s been destroyed just as he promised that audience.

  7. where…. Whites have no legal ability to preserve the character of their neighborhoods and businesses….

    that truly shifts the point of view.

    now known as “The ‘You Live’ speech.”

  8. How long are you supposed to deep fry your MLK day waddymellons? An hour per pound? I’m stuffing mine with grape-menthol flavored little debbies.

  9. The only thing MLK days does in my city is a stupid parade that blocks off the streets and keeps you from going about your business downtown. One correction, James Watson was pilloried for raising doubts about the intelligence of Africans in Africa (same thing I know).

  10. “White people are starting to awaken to the fact that they are living through a distinct and unusual phase of American history which is openly hostile to their interests, Black Run Amerika. Black Run Amerika (1965-Present) is based on the fundamental premise that White America is wicked, reactionary, immoral, unjust, and illegitimate … something best tossed aside into the dustbin of history…”

    Without quarreling with the author, the facts he presents equally support a theory of the morphing of our republic into an oligarchy-based empire with far-flung military bases, unending wars, loss of constitutional freedoms, and a top-down sense of lawlessness. Apparently, personnel in the Bush II administration were even indiscreet enough to be willing to claim leadership of an empire, not a republic.

    Almost all republics have morphed into empires (Venice, Athens, Rome) with some small exceptions (Iceland, Switzerland) such that oligarchs dominating a nation convert it into a vehicle for empire. Of course, monarchies and military dictatorships frequently became empires, too, but what is happening to us is the old pattern of republics becoming empires.

    All the things listed in the essay support a theory that the founding peoples of the republic are being taught their place by the imperial oligarchs in the new political order, namely we are to serve as serfs, taxpayers, and soldiers…not because we are white, but because we are uppity and “need” suppression and attitude adjustments. Think of this nation at this time as a massive re-education camp preparing for total global empire.

    So the elevation of African-Americans over the founding European-Americans could be the simple, if malicious, reflex of the oligarchs who seek to maintain and expand political domination using the state forms established in North America.

    Their Turn Will Come

    The unusual feature of our times that the author has overlooked is that the decline of African-Americans has been carefully plotted as well and implemented by the illegal importation of millions of another ethnic minority whose members are rapidly engaging in “race replacement” of African-Americans who are losing territory and employment opportunities everywhere.

    The actual power of African-Americans is carefully hedged in by the imperial oligarchy, and the African-American fall into political, social, and moral irrelevance will quickly follow as soon as enough of us white Americans accept our own beat-down into moral irrelevance. Ten years from now we will all wonder at the sudden collapse of what has been indelicately labeled BRA.

    The dominant media culture and the corporate entertainment culture are completely devoted to the decline of the diverse white Americans within the nation we founded, but they are also completely devoted to the decline of African-Americans at the hand of new immigrants, the temporary advancement of Latin Americans, and the permanent advancement of various Semitic tribes.

    It is a strange, confusing picture, and we may be living through “a distinct and unusual phase of American history” indeed, but it may be a phase of world history dominated by the oligarchs largely based here. The energy given to this project will be difficult to divert, but rest assured, African-Americans will fall into meaningless long before white Americans will.

  11. Jason.

    That is too complicated.

    It’s simple enough to just point out this sort of day to day reality:

    Empires come and go. They are part of our collective history. Whether German, English, Scot, French, Spanish, Russian, Dane, Italian, Dutch, Swede.

    These empires we can absorb. The squabbles among Europeans if limited are not fatal. We can’t absorb blacks. They are fatal. They load up the stupid end of the bell curve and distort nature. We can’t support subnormal intelligence without being bled dry eventually.

  12. Denise,

    I like “Tribe of Thieves” because it makes people ask “what is the Tribe of Thieves?” Well, you answer, take a guess! in the back of their mind, they are thinking “Jews” but they can’t let this “evil” thought out. Then you smile, “I’ll give you a hint; they have their own country in the Middle East, and they own Hollywood.”

  13. Jason, interesting analysis. The only real disagreement I have is about the final demise of BRA. It will fall only after White Americans have fallen into a state of meaninglessness, i.e., a minority population. The “imperial oligarchs” won’t be happy until they kill the goose laying the golden egg. Then it’s Mexiamerica. Hispanics don’t give a damn for blacks.

    Hispanics are being imported to “replace” both blacks and White middle class members. They are to do the menial and semi skilled jobs; importation of Asians and Indians are to “replace” the jobs done by professional Whites, e.g., medical doctors, engineers. Of course no one is being imported to replace the financial, media and entertainment elite. I think you know who I mean.

    The future will not bode well for the Jews, surrounded by a sea of brown that will hate them. If Jews succeed in their complicity to White genocide their end will follow shortly.

  14. All excellent points Hunter. I think the most heartrending from my perspective was number 27

    “You live in a society … where Southern heritage advocates pony up thousands of dollars for H.K. Edgerton to sing Dixie at their events and so they can bask in the moral aura of his divine blackness.”

    I can’t think of a better example of the total cultural degradation that the people of America and the South have suffered than this.

    Below is a link to a video of Mr. Edgerton speaking on the steps of the State House in Columbia during a Confederate flag rally. Starting at about 7 minutes you can see him praise Martin Luther King’s “dream” and the SVC helping to uphold it by marching in an MLK parade in Florida. At about 9:01 in the video he says he wishes he could stay longer so he could hug all these pretty women and then invites a young white woman named “Christine” up on stage and puts his arm around her.

    What would the real red shirts think of this?

    All this is being done under the banner of the Confederate flag. It would be better if that flag were buried and forgotten forever rather than see it so perverted and used to promote things that would have brought nothing but disgust to those who fought for it.

    This is all that remains of “the cradle of secession” it would seem.

    Hard to believe that not even 100 years ago the defenders of “white supremacy” Ben Tillman was the US Senator from South Carolina and Coleman Livingston Blease was it’s governor.

    In 1865 after the Civil War had ended South Carolina passed a law barring marriage between whites and blacks. This was before blacks were allowed to vote.

    In 1869 this law was made null when laws banning discrimination were passed.

    But in 1879 after the redemption of the state the old law was once again reaffirmed.

    In other words in 1865 and in 1879, a mere 14 years after the Civil War Confederate veterans and the “Real” Son’s of Confederate veterans as Hunter styled them rose up in South Carolina and banned mixing with their “black family” as H.K. Edgerton refers to blacks in relation to white southerners.

  15. Hunter Wallace writes:

    “Stay tuned to OD as we explore these topics and the “Dark Continent” in Black History Month 2012:”

    Jack Ryan responds.

    Looking forward to this Hunter. For others looking to get honest reports of “the dark continent” of Africa. I highly recommend the Italian movie: Africa Addio (Farewell Africa) which presents the transfer of White colonial rule to Black African anarchy in the 1960s. Also, read the “Caliban’s Kingdoms” section on decolonization in Modern Times by Paul Johnson.–aL8fUgAfZ17TaAw&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=modern%20times%20paul%20johnson&f=false

  16. Last October, The American Catholic blog had an article on the MLK statue. A commentator from another blog was appalled that no mention of God was on the statue, in spite of King being a minister. The very first comment about the omission of God said all the nasty (but true) things about MLK that was said here in this post. That commentator was attacked with the liberal smear word “racist”. Donald McCleary, the blogmaster, a supposed ‘conservative’ Catholic , along with his knee-jerk followers,vilified a fellow Catholic for telling the truth about King. Any attempt by the truth teller to tell the real story behind the civil rghts movement and MLK was mindlessly branded ‘racist’ by most of the other commemtators on the blog, with the exception of three other brave souls who dared to stand up to the mindless tide of MLK lovers. Finally, after a week of this nonsense, the truthteller was banned. He said to a friend, “it was no great loss, those people were idiots who couldn’t think for themselves.”
    Now The American Catholic.Com has a post about the signing of the King holiday bill. How about having a little fun with these self-hating white boys? Go to both the King holiday bill and the statue article and leave a comment on King’s real religious, political, and social persona. No not make any derogatory remarks about catholicism, because the commentator who told the truth about MLK is a devout Catholic himself. also, do not use any slang terms for Negro. Focus on the issues, that alone will make these idiots mad!

  17. The danger here, is to take on too big a task.

    You can’t fix absolutely everything at once.

    The main issue is to put the immediately threatening beast back in the cage. Jim Crow did that.

    Indeed whining blacks consider the prisons to be a stealthy form of re-enslavement. We tend to understand the massive prison complex as a last ditch effort to protect civilization from black pathology.

    If something like Legal segregation actually could be revived America would revive along with it. Looking at the defeated south in 1865 who would expected the coordinated and successful fightback they orchestrated will into the 20th century?

    It’s just a matter of doing what needs to be done.

  18. Seems like one day I went to sleep in a country that we used to call The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave and awoke in a country that hardly bares a resemblance to the country I was born in. I wonder haw long it will be before we are arrested and thrown into prison for not paying public homage to Michael King. Just like North Koreans were for failing to show a genuine level of grief at the funeral of Kim Jong Il.

  19. “The main issue is to put the immediately threatening beast back in the cage. Jim Crow did that. ”

    Unless we put both non-Whites and White anti-Whites, in a different country, to White and Normal folks, we won’t have a solution at all. But I’m sure you agree with that.

  20. personally I’d be in favor of an American military empire as long as we’re an all White nation, based on our traditions/ heritage and the empire is ran by Whites for the benefits of Whites.

  21. Empire by definition require the subjugation of other ethnics and races. Infact Empire is how you got your blacks.

    Returning to another point. The Aesthetics of the sculptures dedicated to MLK are disturbingly like those of Lenin, Kim Jong Il, Saddam and Stalin.

    It’s full on Socialist Realism. No
    art historian has pointed out this obvious fact.

  22. Good homage piece. You could’ve rounded the counts to fifty though. No, make that a hundred. Well, you could probably go on forever.

    Looking forward to finding out what is “the Chastain Challenge”. Did I miss something?

  23. I decided that this year I was going to make the most of Little Mikey King’s birthday. I stayed in bed til noon, had a couple of 40oz Hurricanes for breakfast, and now I’m getting ready to put a mess of pig guts on the grill. Later on I’m going to suck down some Thunderbird, huff some jenkem and beat my wife.

    Happy Martian Lucifer Koon day, folks!

  24. “In short, you live in a society where literally everything from religion to morality to culture to science to the political system to the capitalist economy has been hijacked, reconstructed, and subordinated since the year 1965 to the ideal of promoting African-Americans over Whites.”

    Congratulations on a fine essay that gets to the real soul of BRA.

  25. “I decided that this year I was going to make the most of Little Mikey King’s birthday. I stayed in bed til noon, had a couple of 40oz Hurricanes for breakfast, and now I’m getting ready to put a mess of pig guts on the grill. Later on I’m going to suck down some Thunderbird, huff some jenkem and beat my wife.”

    Hahahaha … I celebrate by having some “purple drank,” walking around the mall with sandals and black socks pulled up to my knees and not leaving a tip at Cheesecake Factory.

  26. The best part of MLK Day, after having the day off, is taking a spin around the anti-white… er, I mean “anti-racist” web and hearing lib prog whites and the orcs they serve bellyache about how MLK Day is bullshit because it makes evil white devils think that racism is over and that we live in a post-racial America and so on. Every act of prostration that the mainstream makes to the anti-racist cult just seems to make them more insane with anger. Political correctness always tears itself apart. It’s amusing!

  27. Orcs.
    Indeed. It was the old English word for foreign devil. They called Nomans this apparently. Tolkein revived really apt word.

    African Americans could just drop the American in African Americans, and just admit what they really think. They belong to subsahara and nowhere else. Somewhere below the Sahel and somewhere just above the Zambese River.

    Everthing else belongs to productive people.

  28. Pretty much what Mick’s day has become is a leftist and neo con love fest, or a love fest for neo cons and leftists, or an anti white hate fest for neo cons and leftists.

    I don’t think the Red symbolism incorporated into that abomination in DC was an accident.

  29. Hunter Wallace writes:

    “Stay tuned to OD as we explore these topics and the “Dark Continent” in Black History Month 2012:”

    Jack Ryan responds.

    Looking forward to this Hunter. For others looking to get honest reports of “the dark continent” of Africa. I highly recommend the Italian movie: Africa Addio (Farewell Africa) which presents the transfer of White colonial rule to Black African anarchy in the 1960s. Also, read the “Caliban’s Kingdoms” section on decolonization in Modern Times by Paul Johnson.–aL8fUgAfZ17TaAw&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=modern%20times%20paul%20johnson&f=false

  30. I dared not watch the “debate”. I expect they all got down on their knees to the Rev-Doc-King. I just hate seeing RP do it. In SC no less.

  31. Well done, Hunter. This piece is among your finest work yet.

    No point in watching the debate. I’m sure all the pusillanimous bastards prostrated themselves before the “blessed” memory of MLK while denouncing the Confederate flag. May the devil take the lot of them.

    Happy Lee-Jackson Day!

    Deo Vindice

  32. Black Run America: one name comes to mind, Marion Barry. Black run US cities are all failing and dying a slow death. Why? The voters are all black.

  33. “… fail to provide the racial details …”
    “The Bell Curve”, p. 64:

    An IQ test is a better predictor of job productivity than a job interview, reference checks, or a college transcript.
    Several studies have found differences between races in average reaction times. These studies have generally found that reaction times among black, Asian and white children follow the same pattern as IQ scores.
    Herrnstein and Murray’s 1995 book “The Bell Curve” argues that:
    1) Intelligence exists and is accurately measurable across racial, language, and national boundaries.
    2) Intelligence is one of, if not the most, important factors correlated to economic, social, and overall success in the United States, and its importance is increasing.
    3) Intelligence is largely (40% to 80%) heritable.
    4) No one has so far been able to manipulate IQ to a significant degree through changes in environmental factors—except for child adoption and that they conclude is not large in the long term—and in light of these failures, such approaches are becoming less promising.
    5) The USA has been in denial of these facts. A better public understanding of the nature of intelligence and its social correlates is necessary to guide future policy decisions.
    If the average IQ of U.S.A. whites is about 100, then about 1/6 of the whites would have IQs below 85. If the average IQ of U.S.A. blacks is about 85, then about 1/6 of the blacks would have IQs below 70. About 2 to 3 percent of whites and about 16 to 18 percent of blacks might have IQs too low for them to become responsible citizens who can make sound judgments. Jews and their politically liberal allies control media, finance and academe and deliberately suppress and marginalize the viewpoints of people like Herrnstein and Murray. The Republican Party is anti-white. The Democrat Party is ultra anti-white. White people who are pro-white have at least 5 problems: 1) liberal brainwashing, 2) open borders for non-whites, 3) lower IQs of blacks, mulattos, Amerinds and mestizos, 4) higher IQs of Ashkenazi Jews and Orientals, and 5) hostile, aggressive, demographically ascendant Moslems. White men who drink beer and watch sports on television need to wake up, and race realists need to wake them up. Race realists need to fight against the cultural Marxists in Wikipedia and all media, great and small.

  34. @ Bell Curve Bubba:

    Dem Jews are such a problem, considering that there aren’t even enough of them to run the media in America, anyways.

    Stop being such a conspiracy theorist. If the Jews are really “suppressing” this knowledge, then how come you know the “Truth”? The Jewspiracy is actually a fanbase and a money-maker. People that are silly enough to believe in it gives teh Jewz more money.

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