About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. At first I thought the eulogizer was a gifted comedian … if so he is very deadpan. If he is willing to treat every 19-year-old African-American thug to a birthday party at Waffle House, then for his sake I hope he is a billionaire. The eulogizer might be a Korean Christian who has gone insane from the demands of feeling brotherly love for hoodlums from the hood.

  2. I have thought long and hard over this question. Clearly, the Koreans have done much in the arena of Presbyterian evangelism and missions, both in their native land, and even here in the USA.

    But are they SUPPOSED to?

    And it was that question that led me to wonder about the limits and extent of a) the “Israel of God” [Gal.6:16] and what ‘the world’ [Mk. 16:15, etc.] meant… to Christ and the people who were the recipients of the NT in the Apostles’ day……. and in the giving/spread of the ‘Great Commission.’

    When I read that the word “Ecumene” (which, in Greek, means/meant ‘the entire inhabited world’) then the extent and focus of the Seven ECUMENICAL Councils makes that word, ‘world’ very clear. The ‘World’ of the Apostles’ day, meant (and still does mean) ‘EUROPE.’ i.e., WHITE MEN.

    The Great Commission was never INTENDED to go to ANY but EUROPEANS!

    And, so we can focus on this misguided Asian’s prayer for a murderer (which God will not hear) and from a person not OF the ‘Ecumene,’

    here are my thoughts on a similar matter.

  3. LOL…this was HILARIOUS! I enjoyed that immensely….

    Nice find Hunter, and a very fitting tribute to “Dante” .

  4. Yes, good find Hunter. I thought the Asian American commentator was fair and principled and I wish that he had taken Dante to Wafflehouse on Dante’s 19th birthday.

    I don’t take great joy that Dante was killed, but it was fair, the right response to the situation and I hope all O.D. readers will be ready to step up and do the same if the situation is the same. We must be firm and fair with Blacks – the good, the bad and the Dantes.

  5. Bwaaaaaaah! Poor old Dante. Bwaaaaaaah! He gone. Dat Cracker shoot him fulla holes and he dint even do nuffins. Bwaaaaaaaah!

  6. Rudel writes:

    “Fuck gooks”

    And I couldn’t agree more. One of the most infuriating things about these little parasites is how they banded togethor with all the other “people of color” in 2008, and against their own economic interests I might add, to join in and put one up whitey’s ass. That is their true nature. No matter how quiet and orderly and productive they might otherwise be, they are “of color”. And any person “of color” is the natural enemy of white people.

    And I don’t give a shit how harsh and arbitrary that sounds. It is simply the truth, and is confirmed by 60,000 years of my peoples’ interction with races different from us.

    Now, as more and more whites begin to awaken and steel themsleves for the coming reckoning in this country, you see many gooks scrambling to get back on whitey’s good side. Fuck them. After the niggers and kikes are dealt with, Mr. and Mrs. Lee are going to be given the same choice that the Algerians once gave the French: the suitcase or the coffin.

  7. Ahhhhh helllll naawww! Dey kilt Dante! He was a gut boy turnin hims life around! Dante wuz tryin to get dat cheddar four hims babys mamma and get hims rap career started!

  8. I like him, he looks like a Korean version of me.

    “Now, as more and more whites begin to awaken and steel themsleves for the coming reckoning in this country, you see many gooks scrambling to get back on whitey’s good side.”

    Erm, no you don’t. One of the signs the US was past the point where the centre could hold was always going to be when Orientals joined the “People Of Color” bandwagon too. That’s been happening for a while and is all one way.

  9. Anon is right. The Asians understand the (current) literal financial benefits of joining the We Be Oppressed scam.

    Mary….tee hee hee…

  10. @ Fr. John:

    White nationalism is one thing, but turning away those that have taken Christ’s message in their heart because they aren’t white is a perversion of Chrisitanity, and just freaking pathetic.

    You are a nut.

  11. I watched some of the second video. Couldn’t get through the whole thing, Slants are CRAZY. If he’s hanging with Nigs from Dee-troit – he will see Dante again very very soon.

  12. It reminds me of the Pulp Fiction scene.

    Tarantino uses a crazy English holidaymaker as the Waffle House banit, and the nigger
    as the sword of justice. Complete fiction of course. Everyone knows that It would be in reverse. Besides this What a great heart warming story.

  13. HNIC speaks. David Gregory tells us what to think about it.

    Chuck Todd tells us Newt is hated by his Party…Florida panics GOP.

    Republican response up next. It’ll be fugging clueless.

  14. David Pflouffe says why it was the best speech ever.

    Economic case being made. Unemployment, borrowing nothing yet. It’s because of a large bundle of useless niggers. He’s almost suggesting it. But he won’t go there. It would be interesting if he did.

  15. This is odd to me. The Koreans in my AO don’t like blacks, and would make good WN’s if you know they were White.

  16. He is a silly kid. He’s trying to be “nice” to every-one. Even “racists”. Probably is practicing for some sort of “ministry” gig. Immature minds think that Christianity is all about being a pal. Sort of like a kiddie TV show host. He has a lot of growing up to do.

  17. Florida Gov. Scott has passed law to make all Welfare getters get Drug Tests! You know what, Anyone running for any govt. office should be required to take drug test. Also all the Senators, military, and even the Mulatto Prez should take one. Rumor is that he snorts coke and has blond hippy mistress. Also all the students in College and from grade 8 up. Give take Urine test. Also use hair and finger nail clippings to see if Senators do illigal prescriptions or drugs. Also all the Judges, Lawyers and public officials should be required to take drug test. NO RANDOM TESTING—EVERYONE!!!!”

  18. “White nationalism is one thing, but turning away those that have taken Christ’s message in their heart because they aren’t white is a perversion of Chrisitanity, and just freaking pathetic. You are a nut.”

    AQ. Thanks for the compliment.

    I’m not the one that is saying non-Whites can’t be Christian. What I am saying is that Scripture, and the praxis (how the church operated) for the first THOUSAND years of her existence, clearly denominates (or names, calls, points out) that it is Christendom, and Christendom ALONE that is the ‘Israel of God.’

    Now, since we don’t observe that truism anymore, the only options to reconciling that disparity are either to: a) admit our modern practice of ‘universal salvation’ (applied to races) is incorrect, and contrary to the Gospel of Christ [“I am come ONLY to the lost sheep of the House (race, people) of Israel” – Matt. 15:24] (which I am advocating)

    or b) deny the one-thousand year history of Europe (which both Papal Rome and Protestant Europe do)

    and then, c) find out who that ‘House of Israel’ is, and then see within them, the ‘Israel of God.”

    This is what the entirety of Protestant exegesis before the Abolitionists sought to do, from the Puritans in Boston, to Dabney in Virginia.

    On the contrary, AB, I’m not a nut. I’m deadly serious, and willing to die a martyr for the faith ‘..ONCE delivered unto the Saints.’ (and not the chinaman, indian, or hottentot)

  19. Jack Ryan:

    “I don’t take great joy that Dante was killed, but it was fair…”

    Then you won’t mind if I take your share of joy. It was more than fair, it was sublime. More, please.

    I couldn’t watch the whole video. What a smarmy little twerp. You could’ve asked me for the money to buy a new car, I’d’ve given it to you. Now look at you, you’re dead. Yeah, right.

    Chris: “Now, as more and more whites begin to awaken and steel themselves for the coming reckoning in this country…”

    Please, let it be so. Only Americans can save the world now. White people everywhere else are disarmed, gelded and tranquilized.

  20. “One of the signs the US was past the point where the centre could hold was always going to be when Orientals joined the “People Of Color” bandwagon too. That’s been happening for a while and is all one way.”

    This ‘all one way’ isn’t my experience. While I hope we can bring the color line back even regarding Asians, I’ve gotten a clear sense that many if not most Orientals know the bandwagon is wrong. They are often reserved in their commentary is all, many probably paying lip service to it while consciously knowing better. Much the same way many Whites do, consciously or not. I’d even bet that, precentage-wise, there are more DWLs than DOLs. Of course every race has plenty of idiots and they’re the ones with the microphone.

    I have a much higher opinion of the Japs than of the rest, to varying degrees. If we ever regain our place I hope that it will be the Japs who have done the same over there.

  21. “This ‘all one way’ isn’t my experience… I’ve gotten a clear sense that many if not most Orientals know the bandwagon is wrong.”

    I’m not saying they agree with it, just that over the last few years they’ve been sliding into the “people of color” camp because it’s the only logical reaction to the current reality and them doing that is a sign of a tipping point.

  22. Felicia, if you’re a White woman, please act like it. Start by learning to write English. Show a little pride in yourself and your heritage.

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