Twenty Africans Attack White Australian Teenager


OD is branching out overseas this year to take a look at the Black Undertow as an international problem and a worldwide threat to Western civilization.

As much as we love to discuss everything related to the American South, the more you study this insidious force, the more you realize the “content of their character” is racial in nature and that these “domestic extremists” manifest everywhere across international lines.

Is this Perth or Philadelphia?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Note that murder rates in East Africa, West and Central Africa, and the Caribbean are all roughly 3 times the world’s average murder rate; also, the murder rates in Europe and Asia are about half the world’s average. Wikipedia does not mention that many of the Africa murder rates are significantly understated because of inadequate crime statistics. Mapping murder throughout the world Whites and Blacks 100 Facts (and one Lie)
    Those people in the United States today who advocate a mongrelized Nation may be called disciples of Professor Franz Boas, who for many years was a member of the Department of Anthropology of Columbia University. … Professor Boas frankly and boldly proclaimed that he was in favor of miscegenation of the races. … He admitted that “it is true that the average size of the Negro brain is slightly smaller than the average size of the brain of the white race.” – Theodore Bilbo, “Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization”, Chapter X “The Mismeasures of Gould” by J. Philippe Rushton Lewis J. E. et al. (2011) “The Mismeasure of Science: Stephen Jay Gould versus Samuel George Morton on Skulls and Bias” “PLoS Biol” 9(6): e1001071.
    Bilbo argues, somewhat ridiculously, that the Negro race would be better off without mongrelization. This seems to me somewhat like the “Black Confederates” myth of the “non-racist” supporter of the Confederate flag. There are many statistical differences among the various races. Among women of similar height and body build, the ratios of pelvis width to femur length rank 1, 2, 3 among East Asians, white Europeans, and black Africans. East Asian IQ is about 105, white European IQ is about 100, and black African IQ is about 85 for people randomly selected in similar environments. Whites and Asians who want to increase the average level of stupidity and violence in their countries should advocate immigration of black Africans – the more the merrier.

  2. “Wikipedia does not mention that many of the Africa murder rates are significantly understated because of inadequate crime statistics.”

    Or that in Western countries race and violent crime stats are understated or purposely obscured.

  3. BC Bubba – The average IQ for black Africans is not 85, but 67-70. Black “African-Americans” average 85, but they aren’t full-blooded Africans. Mulattoes in Africa also average about 85.

  4. AnalogMan – note that I used the phrase “randomly selected in similar environments”; the average IQ for black Africans is 67-70 but almost none of them are born and raised in decent environments. Disease, nutrition, family size and intellectual stimulation have significant correlations with IQ. Very few full-blooded black Africans are raised by white parents or have environments that are as good as the typical European or East Asian environments.

  5. Bingo. They are a transnational menace. A transhistorical drag. They are the Blackguards.

    Perth was a whitopia until very very recently. Clean orderly, rich.

  6. It’s clear that academics and DWL want a lower caste created–halfwit servants to serve their needs.

    Halfcast (English word) kids are culturally lost and on top of that they have often had an effective lobotomy. Except they maintain their aggression along with their jealousy of their white counterparts. They are truly 1/2 a person. It can be seen in Obama’s book. It’s shot through with resentments.

  7. “AnalogMan – note that I used the phrase “randomly selected in similar environments”; the average IQ for black Africans is 67-70 but almost none of them are born and raised in decent environments. Disease, nutrition, family size and intellectual stimulation have significant correlations with IQ. Very few full-blooded black Africans are raised by white parents or have environments that are as good as the typical European or East Asian environments.”

    Many blacks raised by adopting parents, turn on the parent or siblings with murderous rage. A statistically significant number also tend to turn to crime around 15-25 and are forever lost to the criminal justice system–despite the best efforts of the adopting parent, who will bankrupt themselves and hurt their own kids in the process protecting the ungrateful ward. It’s actually an occupational hazard for the “zookeepers” to have such a child adopted. There are lots of horror stories. LOTS.

  8. The footage reminds me of modern zombie films like 28 Days later.

    Time for a rough police crackdown and a strictly enforced curfew or expect some serious retaliation from the Australians.

  9. Were they negroes or abbos? Aboriginals aren’t technically africans. From what I understand, they’re similar but worse. Like super-niggers.

  10. I’m just glad that the kid is alive – and he’s LEARNED. He’s not justifying the attack (It was only THOSE ones. They ae not all alike, etc).

    FYI – the Massa Simpson’s et al will be devoured by the Helot class they thing they are creating. The sooner the better. I just hate the idea of al the innocent Whites they are feeding to Moloch’s jaws, now.

    If any of you are in Oz – try to reach out to this kid.

  11. The video left out the explicit racial comments before the attack:

    “The only thing I heard before they caught me was: ‘Who are these white c**ts?’ It was totally unprovoked.

    “They kicked me in the head a few times, stomped on my head a few times, kicked me in the kidneys and the ribs…

    Detective Sergeant Steve Coelho said … “They have singled out white Australians and for no reason whatsoever, completely unprovoked, they’ve attacked one of the males…

  12. John says:
    January 24, 2012 at 3:48 pm

    “Perth was a whitopia until very very recently. Clean orderly, rich.”

    Yes it was. I grew up there and visited last year and was shocked to see Blacks all over the place. The first Black I saw, was on the side of the road as I was driving in. He was staring daggers at me through the windshield, as I looked at him in horror and was thinking, “Oh my god, Africans even here???”

    Perth is the most isolated city in the world and apparently even they need Blacks from deepest darkest Africa.

    It really is White GeNOcide.

  13. Have white liberals failed to realize that black Africans have lower-than-average-IQs, higher-than-average genetic propensities to cannibalism and historical grievances against white people? The European colonialists knew that the dark-skinned races of Africa and Australia are mentally inferior. The Australian aborigine average IQ is 5 points lower than the black African average, but the Kalahari Bushman and Central African Pygmy IQ is 5 points lower than the Australian aborigine average.
    There is a strong positive correlation between lower IQs and higher rates of violent crime. Aboriginal crime in Australia Mandatory sentencing and aboriginal crime rates in Australia

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