The Camp of the Saints


I’m just tacking this here as a shout out to new commentator, Wayne.

I was searching the blogosphere looking for recent mentions of this website when I noticed that a Christian Zionist neocon patriotard website called “The Camp of the Saints” had mentioned one of our discussions here.

The site really doesn’t look that active. It is a poorly written aesthetic clusterfuck. I presume the choice of the domain name was meant to leach search engine traffic off the title of a great book.

Anyway, I got a few laughs out of reading this. It is one of the funniest things I have read since Ronald Barbour told the internet he was going to make The Ultimate Sacrifice back in 2008.

Note: I had almost forgotten how much “mainstream conservatism” sucks. It has been experiencing something of a Renaissance ever since Newt won the South Carolina Republican Primary.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wow. Ronald Barbour. THE Poster Boy for the Self-Selecting Darwinian Nature at Work Club.

    I still hate Newt.

    Pics of Niglet faces are all over my Girl Scout cookie boxes. Sigh. But the Scouts that sold me the cookies was a REALLY cute, vivacious, enthusiastic little blue eyes girl, with light brown hair. Her troop was out selling ,during our recent semi-mini blizzard, and she was really happy that her group sold so many boxes, since they went out in the mini-blizzard. I cogratulated her on her resolve, and perseverance.

  2. Speaking of soaking up bandwidth for useless info let me relate a story about the F-111 stealth fighter recently removed from service. When they finally got around to sending it to airshows for the patriotard stroke fests they must have had some serious wear on them. One show had it flying low and someone videotaped it while something went wrong and it literally stopped in mid air and fell to the ground, damndest thing. An apt metaphor for zionist conservatism I must say.

  3. New Mead essay looks worthy of reading:

    Writing about the onset of the Great Depression, John Kenneth Galbraith famously said that the end had come but was not yet in sight. The past was crumbling under their feet, but people could not imagine how the future would play out. Their social imagination had hit a wall.

    The same thing is happening today: The core institutions, ideas and expectations that shaped American life for the sixty years after the New Deal don’t work anymore. The gaps between the social system we inhabit and the one we now need are becoming so wide that we can no longer paper over them. But even as the failures of the old system become more inescapable and more damaging, our national discourse remains stuck in a bygone age. The end is here, but we can’t quite take it in.

  4. Let’s see.. Did my gravatar thing work..?

    That video was really funny. I forwarded it around and now everybody is ad-libbing inappropriate stuff out loud with “fuck yeah!” chorus and trying get a rise out of the people with no sense of humor…

  5. Chris has now transformed into 313Chris. I would have stayed plain old Chris, but the name has been already been taken at Gravatar. So I had to modify my posting name in order to upload my new avatar.

  6. Ah some good old fashioned neocon/zionist bashing! Good stuff. Also, were any other regular OD readers reminded of a certain Pacific Northwesterner when reading about that Ron Barbour character?

  7. He lists Lincoln, Grant and Sherman as among his ‘admired leaders.’ And yet he reveres the Founding Fathers. lol Wonder what Jefferson and Henry would have thought of men like Lincoln, Grant and Sherman who made war on their State and people? No doubt they would have fighting alongside Lee and Jackson in defence of the South against such barbarians.

  8. A white person should never do a video in youth face. – ramzpaul A Youth Cloud Over America (ramzpaul) Schultz regrets Perry remark about ‘big black cloud’
    HW wrote, “The end is here, but we can’t quite take it in.” The Youth Undertow has truly brought a youth cloud of doom.

  9. None of their websites make any sense. They often look like MySpace pages decorated with American and Israeli flags. I’m convinced they are 1 STD below us in their average intelligence.

    Even the people who say the craziest shit in our corner of the blogosphere – people like Soren Renner, J Richards, and Big Von – are not really dumb. Bill White was really smart.

    Dumb people seem incapable of thinking outside of the dominant paradigms. That is not a problem we have ever had. With these patriotards you see them passively regurgitating talking points from Hannity and Limbaugh.

  10. Hunter, thanks for the call out and post! I naturally gravitated to the site because I’ve read the book. Talk about false advertising! Sad really. And funny. Funny that they really believe the “establishment” is out to get them! The Red Dawn motif! LOL They are the freaking establishment! The website claims to “Celebrate and Defend Western Civilization” but totally REFUSES to acknowledge the race that created Western Civilization. I couldn’t help but notice the pictures he posts are of wonderful, beautiful white women with a total lack of diversity! According to Mr. Belvedere however, Tomas Sowell, Marco Rubio, and Bill Levin are as much a part of Western Civilization as Newton, Columbus, Martin Luther or any of these lovely ladies. I got in a few commnents before I was given the boot. My bullshit meter pegs whenever I hear Muslim (and only Muslim) immigrants and Iran being bashed, yet multiculturalism, divershitty, mass immigration and tolerance is given a pass.

  11. P-tards worship authority, provided it’s firmly established and been around a while. Politics is over their heads, but in their day-to-day activities they’re probably the largest productive sector. What they unwittingly represent is a good argument in favor of hereditary monarchy. Treason is a big issue with them, although they only recognize it in instances when it has been unsuccessful. Before I realized the futility of doing so I liked to tease them with the fact that all of the American founders committed outright and declared treason, whereas the Lincolnians committed underhanded treason against their beloved Constitution – and thereby against the founders. The inclusion of Grant and Sherman, the ‘punishers’, says it all.

  12. Good insight, Bill. I hadnt seen it that way till you mentioned it. Imagine how psychotically pro-white these kind of fellows could be if they had the right leadership. It’s almost scary to think about.

  13. Looking at The Camp of the Saints, you are right! The site looks quite discombobulated! Note that by the time he saw the Confederate flag, he had basically already concluded you were a racist.

  14. These neocon armchair commando bastards can continue to shove their heads up their asses. Their day is almost over. None of these Lincoln-worshipping idiots is prepared for what is coming. The pathetic Yankee Empire cum Idiocracy they seem to revere so highly is itself the most complete refutation of all their imbecile notions about the superiority of “democracy.” This part of the herd needs culling badly.

    At least they’re good for a laugh. Until it strikes me that they are entirely sincere…
    Low trash Yankee scum.

    Deo Vindice

  15. I wonder how far I can go before I get banned………..I’m a woman. My name signifies my status. Do they know we are there? Hhhmmmmm……….

    FYI – I have ben doing something Ihaven’t done in YEARS. I’ve been watching the Daily Show. Yes – Jon Stewart is NYCJoo Lite – but he’s been making relly funny cracks about the GOP candidates. As well as semi-regular references to the Jooz. I got sucked in tonight because the show kicked off with “SOTU 2012 – We Watched Because You Couldn’t Stand It”. Which hit a bulls-eye. I know his commentary serves a Managed Decline into Noahidey Amerr’ka – but the real politicos are too painful to watch. Anyway – the best part was when they showed a clip of a now disciplined House Nigra Obama, proudly declaring the ironclad subservience of America to Israel (the Andrew Adler editorial was duly noted) – and the cameras had cut to Chuckie Schumer. Yikes! Stewart nailed it..

  16. There’s no difference between mainstream conservatism and liberalism. The only difference I can see is that typically conservatives don’t like to tax the rich.

    Both entities worship niggers as a matter of course.

  17. Denise I think you would get further than I did. He has a nice little article written by a Rabbi Rabinger bemoaning the 2nd halocoast that’s going to start any day in Europe due to those evil anti-Semitic Muslims, and of course complacent Europeans are to blame…but at least they have Israel to go to now. You would enjoy it. Mildly critical comments on this article got me booted.

  18. Bill Yancy: “P-tards worship authority, provided it’s firmly established and been around a while. Politics is over their heads, but in their day-to-day activities they’re probably the largest productive sector. What they unwittingly represent is a good argument in favor of hereditary monarchy.”

    Agreed. I have great affection for typical middle-Americans, but at the same time I am dismayed at how clueless they are about the real threats to their freedom. I often think they need a petty nobility to deal with external threats.

    The old upper middle class used to serve this function.

  19. Wayne – thanks for that tip. I’ll check out that article. I’ve only marginally explored that site. The regulars here are well aware of my legendary PhiloSemitism (cough cough) – so Ill have to see if I can resist that very tasty dish…

  20. Stewart is pretty funny. Neurotic Jewish funnymen are not the problem. Infact Stewart is clearly embarrassed by Israel. He’s not really all that political either. He just points out the obvious with a sardonic twist. He wanted to be an actor but got this weird satire gig instead.

    The real trouble are the pseudo academics like sperm and Wilfowitz.

  21. Oops Perl and Wolfowitz … The neoconservatives who threw trillions away in Iraq, to democratize them. The fascism of liberalism: The neocons. Vampires.

  22. Denise –

    Even those Girl Scout cookies have been subverted.

    Extract: “Several years ago. a quarter of the Girl Scout councils nationwide admitted to partnering with Planned Parenthood, the nation’s abortion giant. When questioned about the affiliation on NBC’s “Today Show,” Girl Scout CEO Kathy Cloninger had no compunction in confirming it.

    The Girl Scouts have been “pro-choice” for years, but now they’ve been caught supporting promiscuous sex for girls. The Planned Parenthood sex guide offered at that “girls only” U.N. meeting offered this advice on Page 11: ‘Some people have sex when they have been drinking alcohol or using drugs. This is your choice. … If you want to have sex and think you might get drunk or high, plan ahead by bringing condoms and lube or putting them close to where you usually have sex.'”

  23. “Good insight, Bill. I hadnt seen it that way till you mentioned it. Imagine how psychotically pro-white these kind of fellows could be if they had the right leadership. It’s almost scary to think about.”


  24. Treason is a big issue with them, although they only recognize it in instances when it has been unsuccessful.

    What a great line. Perfect. Describes humans in general.

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