About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Romney will win Colorado without much challenge. Santorum will likely win Minnesota. I’ll go out on a limb and predict that Santorum wins Missouri as well, but I think it will be close, maybe Iowa-like.

    If I’m not mistaken, Missouri is no-binding, but it’s coveted nevertheless, since any victory in these contests makes a statement to the voting public, and provides subject matter for the cable-news discussion panels. It’ll be an interesting night.

  2. None of the votes tonight are binding.

    I see Romney in general losing steam. People are getting tired of him. Obama is going to get four more years.

  3. I think we are on the cusp of watching the Republican Party disintegrate. It’s going to be one hell of a show.

  4. Lots of excitement tonight. Looks like Santorum is surging.

    I’m on a roll with my analysis!

    If Adelson & Pals reach an understanding with the Tea Party clique and the Dixiecrats on Santorum, you could have an anti-Romney coalition with legs. Why Adelson went with Newt over Santorum in the first place is beyond me.

    The latter is an infinitely more reliable puppet.

    If the anti-Romney groups have enough sense to throw in quickly and effectively behind Santorum, and if Romney either fumbles, starts running for the general election too soon, or both, the coronation may not go as planned.

  5. There was an article in Culture Wars within the last couple of years that made Santorum out to be the most repellant Zionist sellout to come down the pike since Ted Kennedy. I need to find it. It’s very, very bad.

    I couldn’t pull the lever for him, even though he’s a fellow Catholic. Or Romney, or Gingrich, for that matter. The whole crew is a freak show, except Dr. Ron Paul. Not that I agree with everything he says.

  6. Matt,

    I saw your article on Greg’s website about Ron Paul. Don’t you think it would be an interesting experiment to give libertoonism a trial run?

    I mean not in the sense that Ron Paul is our savior or that there is any truth to libertarian ideology, but specifically to witness what would happen on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working?

  7. I’m generally a fan of ISI press (Intercollegiate Studies Institute), they publish a lot of agrarian, “third-ways” type stuff. So, I was surprised to find out they published Santorum’s book “It Takes a Family.”

    The book is so condescending, patronizing and shamelessly ambiguous, that I had trouble reading it. A few quick examples: Santorum uses a generic feminine pronoun instead of the traditional male.

    “The economic downturn has caused the average American to sell her house.”

    I know contemporary academia talks this way, but it drives me up the wall. It’s a blatant denial of traditional Christian gender roles in favor of the limp-wristed altruism of a bunch of ivory-tower ideologues who get-off on being dominated by women.

    Another quick example of the book’s condescending tone, is the way it divides the economic classes into “littles” and “bigs.” This sounds more like something taught to first-graders than serious class analysis from a presidential candidate.

    Going on his book and his public comments during the debates, I’m not at all impressed with Santorum.

  8. Hunter,

    I foresee a terrible turn of events in which Black Americans swarm like locusts on the overwhelmingly White churches, proclaiming their allegiance to whichever denomination they stumble into in their characteristically bombastic way. Welfare benefits to Blacks are a very small price to pay for the benefit of avoiding that anti-White nightmare of evangelicals and liberals finally getting what’s eluded them for all these years: Black people directly fawning over their altruism and beneficence.

    The only reason Blacks in America are so surly and detached from Whites is because the EBT cards empower them to be so. The worst possible thing that could happen to those of us who actually want separation is for Blacks to be thrust into a situation where they must integrate and be deferential to Whites or starve.

  9. This is wholly off topic (and I had a dismal day, so I am in an atrocious mood) , but I’m watching the show “Switched at Birth”. It is THE MOST racially radical show on TV. They now have Meredith Birney on, as White Grammy, talking bout the imperatives of “biology” “Biology tells us what we are” direct quote.

    They are setting her up to to be the Old White Bigot – but the other storylines are equally outre.

  10. How could ANYONE listen to Santorum for even five minutes? Even if you get past his politics and general weirdness (like taking home the dead kid for his other children), or the sanctimonious blowhard-ism and theo-fascist bullying and complete lack of realization that others exist (many others) who see him as the living definition of empty-headness and being a jerk, and the “ugly american” incarnate– how could anyone even pay attention to him? Where did he come from? Increasingly, we will see these people without a resume, who make it just b/c of loads of financial backing, and the fact that the “frontrunners” are so undoable, the ongoing ‘protest vote.’

  11. Denise,

    Is that the show on “(Anti) Family Channel” that has a deaf girl?

    If I recall, the pilot episode had the deaf girl mixing with a noble negro (there are no other sort in Hollywood.)

    I’ll check the writers though. I thought that Family-Channel movie, “My Future Boyfriend” had some pretty anti-egalitarian themes in it, though I don’t recall now why I thought so. If they’re by the same writer / producer team, we might have an in-the-closet paleo-con working for the Family Channel. (I highly doubt it though. Likely it’s wishful thinking on our part.)

  12. Matt,

    Having seen the Section 8 riot in Dallas and the EBT card riots in Clayton County, GA last year, I would say that cutting off the 35 to 45 percent of the African-American population that is dependent on the EBT card and TANF welfare and WIC for survival would produce riots by the Black Undertow on a scale that would dwarf those in Britain last year which were a reaction to the austerity measures of the Cameron government.

    It is also worth nothing that wealth redistribution within the Union is the only thing that props up every Black Undertow city in America from Detroit on down to Tuskegee. Government employment and affirmative action created an artificial black middle class.

    Libertoonism in practice would lead to race riots which would all be captured on smart phones and uploaded to World Star Hip Hop. The videos would spread around like wildfire on Facebook and Twitter.

    It would harden racial attitudes.

  13. “The worst possible thing that could happen to those of us who actually want separation is for Blacks to be thrust into a situation where they must integrate and be deferential to Whites or starve.”

    The percentage of killers among the black underclass is too high for that.

  14. It is also worth noting that the Obama stimulus is basically propping up the black holes on life support. Remove the government spending and states and localities start going down and banks start failing and you have a real collapse underway.

  15. Unlike Obama, Ron Paul is ideologically committed to Austrian economics. He wouldn’t stop the collapse from happening. He would let the whole rotten system “unwind” instead of propping it up for years and delaying the inevitable with unsustainable deficit spending.

  16. What would happen if Haiti and sub-Saharan Africa were taken off the global version of the EBT card?

    We are going to find out in a few years simply because the aging population of Europe won’t be able to sustain their welfare dependencies abroad while their own economies shrinking due to aging.

  17. We’re focused like a telescope on black people here … because we can count on black people to act black as the shit really starts to hit the fan, financially speaking, and we can count on their misbehavior to get captured on video and spread around the internet in a way that hardens racial attitudes.

    The first visible sign of “The End Times” of America to ordinary White people will be black people acting black in their communities while the media does a rehearsal of Katrina with fresh accusations of White racism.

  18. It is gradually happening. There was a Pew Study last year which tracked perceptions of anti-White bias. For the first time in American history, the White majority began to perceive anti-White bias as a bigger problem than anti-black racism in the mid-2000s.

  19. The only sector of the White community that believes more needs to be done to uplift blacks are the White liberal minority which is less than 20 percent of White America. SWPLs are surprisingly opposed to further race based civil rights reform.

  20. “It isn’t “the Jews” that are responsible for America’s cowboy neo-conism and support of Israel.”

    No, it’s the fault of anyone that wants to have an iota of legitimacy in mainstream discourse.

  21. Shotgun – yes. The Noble Negro appeared in ONLY that one episode. He vanished. The show is very schizophrenic; all the “White bigots” are taught their weekly “lesson”…however….it’s JUST like the Harry Potter stories. Rowling did everything she could to be lavishly, ostentatiously PC – but her Multi Characters were just shadows..walk ons. She gave detailed, minute physical descriptions (as female writers are wont to do) of her main White characters – her REAL People. All of the characters had very White phenotypes – red hair, Harry’s green eyes, etc. The most beautiful character in the book is a French demi-Goddess, namd Fleur Delacourt. The Flower of the Court. So dazzlingly, supernaturally beautiful that men went daft, in her presence. There are loads of references to her enormous blue eyes, and “waterfall of silvery blonde hair…a silver waterfall” etc.

    Rowling tried so hard to be PC – the Pure Blood vs Mud Blood angle – but she NEVER got the whole Race issue right. She, like millions of others, doesn’t understand Race at all. The Mudbloods are all Human vs Witch born – but her REAL PEOPLE characters are all White. Very very White. The Patel sisters (Indians, who are variants of Caucasians), described as “the prettiest girls in Hogwarts” were never physically described. Except for one reference to one of them having long dark hair. In thousands of pages. The physical characteristics of the Real People are gone over endlessly. It’s implicit Whiteness off the HOOK. I always thought that aspect of the Potter Saga was a hoot! That – and all the real race mixers in the Potter books wind up disgraced, or dead. Rowling kills off the miscegenators.

    It’s the same with this show. There’s PC lessons galore – but it”s all surface, and strained. The Nigras have vanished. Literally. They’re aren’t any, on the show. It’s all Whites, and Latinos. The show is obviously trying to prep young Whites for acceptance of the Vibrant types – but the characters and storylines undercuts the agitprop at every turn. The Whites are all successful, intelligent, GORGEOUS, and motivated There are numerous blue eyed blonde boys, who are WONDERFUL characters. Sweet, funny, interesting, kind, charming, and heart-meltingly beautiful to behold. The deaf girl was being pursued by a stunning HOT young “rock” musician, with long wild sun-kissed locks, and a body….well….I’ll stop now. The Blue Eyed Boys are NOT the villians, on this show. ABC Family must be going the way of the fashion industry. “Yes – we gave you a few interesting Darkies – a whole issue of Vogue, in Black – but those issues didn’t sell at all. The Advertisers don’t like that. So – well – what more do you want? Run along now…”

    The Latinos are “nice” people – but really dysfunctional, not good at school, unstable, liars, explosive temperaments. Bad with money. The “rich” White family have literally provided swank housing for the Latinas. I was going to watch one of news stations, for the GOP dog and pony show – but I passed the show, and was entranced by a stunning blue eyed teenager, in the girl’s locker room, accusing one of the (genuine) Mestiza students of stealing her watch. A fight breaks out – the Mestiza shoves the White girl – and the White girl FIGHTS BACK (HURRAH!) the deaf girl (fine Nordic bone structure, light eyes, strawberry blonde hair) tries to intervene, the mulatto male coach rushes in to the locker room (!!!!!) and breaks up the fight. The next scene occured inthe coach’s office. The 2 White girls are being chewed out, and they ar punished by being forced to do Community Service in the Spic part of town. Ther’e NO investigation into what happened to the missing watch. The Spic girls was not punished at all for the first physical attack. Now – I ask you -the whole thing was created to make the Rich White Girl look bad, and “racist” but the actress is beautiful, and very charismatics, who ever she is, and the White girls were punished. By being sent to a dangerous part of town to CLEAN UP AFTER THE SPICS. The young female audience, I suspect, wil not ingest the intended message. All these Teen shows give ques out, on fashion, and behavior. The young White girls, watching, will SEE 2 really good looking, well dressed, REALLY PRETTY (I want the BLONDE Barbie! I want to be like HER) being unfairly treated, and physically attacked, by Mud People. (They cast a very sullen, swarthy, squinty eyed Mestiza as the low class ghetto trash “poor oppressed Mestiza). Oh – the Pretty Snotty Rich White girl is nearly assaulted AGAIN by Squinty eyed Mestiza, during her slave labor Community service mea culpa.

    The other funny element- the producers have taken care to cast the White family with actors that bear a physical resemblence to each other – but the Latinas look nothing alike. The N’ere Do Well ILLEGAL father of the “Puerto Rican” girl (some one tell the writers that PR is a Protectorate) was portrayed as a VERY good-looking Moreno. Very dark coloring – but tall, athletic, and handsome face. The Latina (I’m using the show’s vernacular) mother is definitely some type of Hispanic. The Latina grandmother is WHITE. Latin American WHITE. Very fair skin, VERY tall, and really rather elegant features. The “Switched” deaf girl could be a grand-daughter. The Latina mother actress look NOTHING like either one of them. And the Latina girl – she’s an Italian Alpinid – and totally WHITE. She doesn’t even look like a Med. She’s lovely – but’s WHITE. I’ll bet she’s really a Celt. She looks liek a Celt. She doesn’t look like other actor on the show. Couldn’t they cast some Latina starlet? Shouldn’t the La Raza crowd be insulted?

    This show is not perfect – but the writers can’t help themselves. Nature Uber Alles. Fascinating.

  22. Santorum is MENTAL. I’m rather embarrassed for PA. PA can be a whacko vortex, though. Watching Santorum is like watchig some type of well funded, but spiritually low budget horror movie. Creepy horror movie. Not mere blood and gore – but gross weird creepy pervo stuff – that you wish you ever saw – because it’s more about the writer’s fetish, and not the storyline, and now it’s in your head, and it’s GROSS, and there’s no way you can rip that part of your brain tissue out because you don’t know exactly which brain tissues the images are stored IN, or else you would rip that tissue out, and you tell yourself to STOP WATCHING THOSE WEIRD SICK CREEPY HORROR MOVIES.

  23. Santorum is MENTAL. I’m rather embarrassed for PA. PA can be a whacko vortex, though. Watching Santorum is like watching some type of well funded, but spiritually low budget horror movie. Creepy horror movie. Not mere blood and gore – but gross weird creepy pervo stuff – that you wish you ever saw – because it’s more about the writer’s fetish, and not the storyline, and now it’s in your head, and it’s GROSS, and there’s no way you can rip that part of your brain tissue out because you don’t know exactly which brain tissues the images are stored IN, or else you would rip that tissue out, and you tell yourself to STOP WATCHING THOSE WEIRD SICK CREEPY HORROR MOVIES.

    Written and produced by Jews. With weird, mis-shapened faced actors.

    That’s Rick Sanitarium….ewwww.

    I’m sorry, William Penn. It was never supposed to be this way.

  24. Turnout was extremely low in Missouri. Paul will do better here during the caucuses, but Santorum will still take the state. This is working class union country and Romney is highly disliked here.

  25. In case it has been missed, every candidate now – including golden boy Mitt and bubba boy Grinch – has “surged” and fallen, except for the consistent Dr. Paul. Things may look bleak but there’s a light out there in the fog.

    As my parents never would’ve said, ‘thank God for the younger generation’.

  26. “Rowling tried so hard to be PC – the Pure Blood vs Mud Blood angle – but she NEVER got the whole Race issue right.”

    Oh, Denise. You are the kind of person my wife would love to talk to- she says there are no THINKING women in our entire state! BTW, Great insights in your post, especially the phrase “slave labor Community service mea culpa.”

    Where were you in 2007, when I wrote this?
    Or 2009?

    Yes, the insights of Rowling are steeped in the White, Medieval, Christian culture that once informed all of Christendom- which included America, because she was White and European as well. But it is only as we begin to SEE ourselves as we once DID, will we be able to DENY the PERVERTED vision of what the Christophobes wish us to see ourselves as…..


    When we finally can do that, and ‘the Saxon begins to hate,’ THEN we shall have victory. Not before. And no caucus, nor president, pope, or premier can save us from the wrath to come. Only our repentance, and our turning from the miscegenating hordes, and doing a collective “Te-bow” to the Almighty (and meaning it), will…..

  27. And the Latina girl – she’s an Italian Alpinid – and totally WHITE.

    Actually she is Latina (Latino).

    This is another thing that needs taken back.

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