About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One needs a helicopter to stay above the hypocrisy in this country. Everyone who thinks {and speaks} outside of the box is shown the door. I’m becoming more and more convinced that who we vote for {Ron Paul aside} is about as important as which soft drink we prefer, or which fast-food establishment we are most likely to drive-through. It’s all just Theatre. Spirituality, a sense of humor, and my like-minded associates become more important to me with each passing day.

  2. What an awful, awful woman.

    She doesn’t know any better, you know that.

    Still, I think I’ll save this vid, just in case we ever get the opportunity to explain why anyone with a female mentality shouldn’t be allowed near politics.

  3. McCain did Obama a huge favour picking her.
    Were there no articulate runningmates?

    She’s like a cartoon of a rightwinger. Most rightwingers can give an educated conventional account of history that is both accurate and comprehensive.

  4. Lincoln (1858): “Let us discard all this quibbling about this man and the other man, this race and that race and the other race being inferior and therefore they must be placed in an inferior position.”
    “… the abolitionists wage war against us … a war of religious and political fanaticism … waged not against our lives but our character. The object is to humble and debase us in our estimation, and that of the world in general, while they overthrow our domestic institutions. … Should it succeed, our fate would be worse than the slaves we command.” — John C. Calhoun (p. 499 of “Deliver us from evil: the slavery question in the Old South”)
    The racial egalitarian versus racial non-egalitarian debate has science on our side at least with regard to negroes. Lawrence Auster’s analysis should convince most white liberals, because he has studied the matter thoroughly and honestly.

  5. I take exception to her stated policy positions(and the ones left unstated). The fact that every time she opens her mouth she drives the left livid however, is awesome.

  6. Fascinating. The secular religion of Americanism expressed in phrases like “guiding hand of Providence” and “God-given liberties” along with its saints like The Great Emancipator shall save America from the results of applied Americanism.

  7. Lincoln was the greatest traitor this nation has ever known.
    But Sarah actually believes the BS that he was the “Great Emancipator.”
    Just like she believes ‘Israel has a right to exist.’

    Mighty’s comment called as it really is.

  8. I don’t have the link on hand, but a simple Google search leads to a few sites claiming she is of Jewish stock.
    It would explain quite a few things about her, provided they are factual.

  9. Does anyone have the same reaction to her voice that I do? It’s like listening to chalk on a blackboard. As for Lincoln…that corporate bag man….he “saved” America by declaring war on half of the nation and killing 600,000 men. Some savior. I’m proud that my great grandfather fought him, in an Alabama regiment in Lee’s Army. He was an Alabama Irish-Catholic. Here that Dixie Girl? You fundamentalist yahoo…

  10. “…is about as important as which soft drink we prefer, or which fast-food establishment we are most likely to drive-through. It’s all just Theatre.”
    well said, i believe that destroying this materialist lifestyle and empty culture is the prime draw we “white nationalists”/”southern nationalists” can have on others, whenever i see a disillusioned youth such as myself lamenting the sick degeneracy around them, i remind them of biology and conservation, you know like “saving the rainforest” ,except we are saving blue eyed and various exellent haircolored women from extinction. once you can establish an ideal you can find meaning.

  11. Fascinating. The secular religion of Americanism expressed in phrases like “guiding hand of Providence” and “God-given liberties” along with its saints like The Great Emancipator shall save America from the results of applied Americanism.

    Yes, this is, basically, what has led American politics to the level it is today. Ridiculous nostrums that make no sense. Cheaply applied counterfouge is what it is. It’s the fact that so many otherwise sensible men subscribe to something that they know is opposite of their survival that is so disgraceful.

  12. @Hadenuf

    Hey moron, what is to be gained by calling Dixiegirl a fundamentalist yahoo? So your great grandfather was a Catholic, so what? If an idiot like you can’t see that we have bigger fish to fry than your pathetic personal sensitivities, then who needs you? We have enough Leftist psychos to deal with than fifth column types like you. What makes you even crazier and stupider yet is your attacking someone for their Protestantism. 99% in 1789 and the South is very predominantly so still today – get it? Given your childishness and dumbness I’m sure you don’t, so go ahead and nurse your insecurity and self-centered sensitivity and let me have it. Coming from the likes of you it will be a pleasure.

  13. Here’s an interesting HardRight femme: http://barnhardt.biz. Major blindspots re Jews, race in general, and an originalist believer in the Roman Mystery Cult, but also many economic/political insights combined with a tremendous killer instinct…In one of her videos she bookmarks the Koran with strips of raw bacon, then critiques and burns it page by page, and concludes by giving her address to any Jihadists who wanna try her out. Some of this apparently vis a horrific childhood trauma. Sez I’m a “perverted, evil monster”, even tho I generally like her. Imagine what she thinks of her enemies…

  14. Was Lincoln a DWL? Who are the main enemies of White Christians? Jews, Moslems, blacks, mulattos, liberals and cultural Marxists.
    “This is getting to a very, very extreme place. The ruling powers that be in society, the liberal powers that be in society with the Muslims, have constructed a false reality. … And that false reality has gained power over us. … In fact, modernity, to a large extent, is almost a history of false realities. … What we have to do is assert the truth against this false reality. … The guiding principle of liberalism is that discrimination is the greatest sin. … Muslims in large numbers do not belong in any Western society.” — Lawrence Auster
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZkvExDz-Ao Islam and the West…Can They co-Exist (Part 1)
    Liberal beliefs:
    1) Anyone who is against Jews is a genocidal, ignorant bigot unfit for society.
    2) Islamofascism is a serious problem, but Islam is a valuable, traditional religion with great spiritual depth.
    3) Black Africans are genetically equal to all other races.
    4) Being pro-White is foolish, hateful, ignorant, bigoted and self-destructive in a modern society.
    Anti-liberal beliefs:
    1) Jewish behaviour is the cause of hatred and pogroms against Jews.
    2) “If Islam is a nation … then the jihadists are the soldiers and the regular members are the civilians.” — Lawrence Auster
    3) In terms of statistics, blacks raised in a totally black environment have an IQ averaging about 70. Blacks raised in a favourable White or Asian environment have an IQ averaging about 85,
    4) If Whites do not become pro-White then they shall become extinct or victimized.

  15. The woman speaks like she is still running for 8th grade class president….

    She is, essentially.

    And thank you HarryO, but it doesn’t bother me in the least— these guys could not be further from the truth about me or my real life, lol.

    You’re right on your stats, and in reality, after a lifetime of knowing real Southerners, (whose families fought for the confederacy), all I can say is I never met one catholic among them, in the UDC or CVS crowd (although follow Pat Buchanan, the one in-th-flesh exception I’ve ever heard speak in real life).

    Hadenuf— do you really not know, nor accept, that you really are the anomaly in the southern experience? Surely, you ‘get’ that much…right?

    In the ways you chose to disparage me, for simply stating the truth, you seem like one of those Rachel Maddow types— oh, those horrifying little protestant “evangelicals” (rarely am around anyone who could be construed as anything vaguely like that, btw)— but this is the standard, straight out-of-t.v., cutdown, worthy of Chris Matthew followers or something.

  16. Palin champions the kind of potemkin patriotism that respectable conservatives and their followers love to embrace.

  17. “oh, those fundamentalist yahoos! those fake caricature-people of the south! so many psycho white rednecks who are like t.v. shows! omg, they all look like Jesco White! all of them “evangelicals” and ex-moral majority members! surely, dixiegirl is heavily tattooed and swilling beer and driving around with a gun rack!” lol

  18. —do some people really deny that there’s a connection between catholicism and militarist-corporatism, fascism proper— and that this fascism was incompatible with the u.s. constitution?

  19. Palin champions the kind of potemkin patriotism that respectable conservatives and their followers love to embrace….”

    people should use the word jingoism more than they do now

  20. Actually Dixie Girl, I was thinking of the old lady with the three sons, who I don’t think drives anymore. She is totally myopic. Just like you.

    Can you Southerns get a handle on your women?

    I don’t care for Palin, but I get the feeling she shuts up when Todd asks her to.

    You’re pro-abortion, right? You’ve never answered my question, so I figure it’s the wrong answer. Please, tell the people what you really feel about Western Civilization.

  21. If the Protestant Majority lost their country to Catholics and Jews who do they have to blame but themselves?

  22. “I’m becoming more and more convinced that who we vote for {Ron Paul aside} is about as important as which soft drink we prefer”

  23. Fascism is infinitely preferable to BRA–which has the constitution in tatters already. The Italian group Casa Pound has done more for whites than an army of Dixiegirls sitting on their asses in front of their computers. Large numbers of Italian high school students are embracing their message, and –if the liberals have taught us nothing else–youth are the key to the survival of our race.

    Dixiegirl, you are not the only one who despises the nonstop stereotypes of Southerners depicted in the media. Even we benighted Papist Southerners object to that ridicule of our fellow countrymen. It would be more helpful for you and others if you attack the real enemies rather than those with a superficial resemblance to these enemies. This requires discernment. Which requires some degree of intelligence.

    I would love to see the day when Protestant Southerners go after the Jewish/neocon influence with even half the zeal they possess for the sadly decrepit Catholic church. I won’t hold my breath, as I know most Protestant Southerners are “superpatriotic” pro-neocon, pro-AIPAC types who don’t mind seeing their youth sacrificed on the altars of the Yankee Empire serving Israeli interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. Youth that are the key to our survival, if you need to be reminded.

    Hmmm…Casa Pound or the Southern Baptist convention? Who do you think is more pro-white? A little learning is a dangerous thing…

    Deo Vindice

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