Amurrica Series: Why America Failed

Morris Berman explores the collapse of American civilization in "Why America Failed"


Morris Berman is the author of “Why America Failed: The Roots of American Decline,” “Dark Age America: The Final Phase of Empire,” and “The Twilight of American Culture.

Sounds like an interesting trilogy. In the interview, he talks about how the “neo-feudal” culture of the Antebellum South rebelled against the “hustler civilization” and was crushed by Yankee capitalism.

Yes, I understand this is another example of the “Culture of Critique.” It sounds like there is a lot in here though that has already been said many times before by Antebellum Southerners.

Listen to this:

“The culmination of a hustling, laissez-faire capitalist culture is that everything gets dumbed down, that all significant questions are ignored, and that every human activity is turned into a commodity, and anything goes if it sells. What we have is domination by corporate media, politics via poll-driven sound bites, a foreign policy based on unilateralism and preemptive strikes, a failing newspaper industry, a poorly informed citizenry, the unemployed winding up destitute, weak (or no) mass transit systems, and a health care system that ranks thirty-seventh in the world.”

This sounds like Confederate propaganda from the War Between the States. In Confederate History Month 2012, we will explore how the Confederacy ideologically diverged from the Union and created one of the most enduring strains of anti-Americanism that was adopted by the French.

“And so the alternative culture, though it has always existed on the fringe, and still does even now, has never seriously derailed the steamengine of the hustler civilization nor in fact even slowed it down perceptively. In fact that civilization will always take steps to marginalize it, even destroy it if necessary, a fact that Berman illustrates in a chapter on the antebellum South.

He shows how the South was “the one example we have of an opponent of [the dominant] ideology that had real political teeth,” and blatantly opted for a life premodern (indeed “neofeudal”), agrarian, slow, conservative, and honoring tradition, honor, chivalry, and hospitality more than making a buck or inventing a gadget. This ultimately the increasingly industrial and expansive North could not stand and so began a war to destroy it. “The treatment of the South by the North,” Berman says, “was the template for the way the United States would come to treat any nation it regarded as an enemy: not merely a scorched earth policy, but also a ‘scorched soul’ policy’” that it would use in Hawaii, the Philippines, Cuba, Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and anywhere else it could achieve it.”

The Deep South has always diverged from the North because it is the northernmost tier of a Caribbean civilization of slave societies that once stretched from South Carolina to Brazil. The founding settlers of South Carolina came from Barbados. Louisiana attracted a lot of refugees from Saint-Domingue.

There was a time before the Union when it was obvious that South Carolina and Georgia had more in common with Jamaica and Barbados than Massachusetts or Connecticut. France, Spain, and Britain took turns controlling the Gulf Coast. East and West Florida never joined the American Revolution.

South Carolina was a hotbed of loyalism which is why Cornwallis invaded the Deep South. Georgia didn’t participate in the First Continental Congress and even rejoined the British Empire during the American Revolution.

There were 26 — not 13 — British colonies in America in 1776. The six colonies in the Caribbean — Jamaica, Barbados, the Leeward Islands, Grenada and Tobago, St. Vincent, and Dominica — were too invested in slavery and too vulnerable to the Royal Navy to join the American Revolution.

By this accident of history, the Deep South ended up in the Yankee Empire instead of at the helm of a more natural federation of slave states in the Caribbean. The division of the slave states of the Caribbean among rival European empires would weaken all of them and lead ultimately to the abolition of slavery in Dixie and the British, Spanish, and French West Indies.

Suppose the Confederacy had won the War Between the States and pursued its own version of “Manifest Destiny” in the Caribbean. It could have created an empire based on racial identity, white supremacy, slavery, and inequality that would have been strong enough to challenge the drift toward liberalism and humanitarianism.

The course of world history would have radically changed.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Berman is a Jew. He will never be one of us.

    Also, here is a video EVERYONE must watch.

    Abolish both the Department of Education, and restore teaching to the local community, and throw out EVERY history/literature/science text of the last one hundred years. Start again….. They are ALL infected with this crap. As a college educator, I have seen it way too many times. I know now why I was always ‘persona non grata’ – I dared to stand up to this effing Leviathan.


    Who were the first humans to inhabit North America? According to the now familiar story, mammal hunters entered the continent some 12,000 years ago via a land bridge that spanned the Bering Sea. The presence of these early New World people was established by distinctive stone tools belonging to the Clovis culture. But are the Clovis tools Asian in origin? Drawing from original archaeological analysis, paleoclimatic research, and genetic studies, noted archaeologists Dennis J. Stanford and Bruce A. Bradley challenge the old narrative and, in the process, counter traditional–and often subjective–approaches to archaeological testing for historical relatedness. The authors apply rigorous scholarship to a hypothesis that places the technological antecedents of Clovis in Europe and posits that the first Americans crossed the Atlantic by boat and arrived earlier than previously thought. Supplying archaeological and oceanographic evidence to support this assertion, the book dismantles the old paradigm while persuasively linking Clovis technology with the culture of the Solutrean people who occupied France and Spain more than 20,000 years ago.

  3. Kyle Bristow wrote a book about this last year. Now it is going mainstream.

    In a discovery that could rewrite the history of the Americas, archaeologists have found a number of stone tools dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, and bearing remarkable similarities to those made in Europe.

    All of the ancient implements were discovered along the north-east coast of the USA.
    The tools could reassert the long dismissed and discredited claim that Europeans in the form of Christopher Columbus and his crew were the first to discover the New World.

    Previous discoveries of tools have only been dated back to 15,000 years ago and prompted many archaeologists and historians to question claims that stone-age man managed to migrate to North America.
    But the striking resemblance in the way the primitive American tools were made to European ones dating from the same period now suggests a remarkable migration took place.

    Adding to the weight of evidence is fresh analysis of stone knife unearthed in the US in 1971 that revealed it was made of French flint.

    Professor Dennis Stanford from Washington’s Smithsonian Institution, and Professor Bruce Bradley from Exeter University believe that the ancient Europeans travelled to North America across an Atlantic frozen over by the Ice Age.

  4. This great mind – Berman presents Jimmy Carter as an inspiring, American leader.

    My 87 year old Russian aunt Sonya living in France after we lost Russia to the Bolsheviks/Jews had very strong views against Jimmy Carter, felt that a leader of a powerful nation shouldn’t be named “Jimmy”.


  5. Hunter, I look forward to the series of posts that examine what an independent Confederate States would have looked like. The best interpretation is Winston Churchill’s and clearly the worst is Harry Turtledove. Your own would be compelling reading.

  6. This Jew leaves out Germany. Germany was the ultimate victim of the genocidal evil hateful Yankees. JCS 1067 and JCS 1779 in effect activated the Morgenthau Plan and millions starved, Holodomor style, in Germany’s Hungrjahrs as a result.

  7. Morris Berman???

    Yeah, Southerners are more related to the Biminis than to the republic they founded. Give me a break!

    HW, you ascribe too few sins to the sons of satan. This Southerner of four centuries would relish a Hitler and vomits at the thought of our alternatives today.

    Take that, PeePee.

  8. Sure.

    South Carolina was founded by settlers from Barbados. Louisiana was founded by the French. The settlers that founded South Carolina brought with them the culture and racial caste system of Barbados which spread across the Lower South.

    In the beginning, there were 26 American colonies. South Carolina was a plantation colony that exported rice and indigo. It wasn’t a religious utopia like Massachusetts of Pennsylvania.

    What’s the difference between South Carolina and Barbados and Jamaica? South Carolina was a mainland colony separated from the others by geography.

    What’s the difference between Louisiana and Saint-Domingue? Geography alone.

  9. HW, I sent you a msg on FB. I was wondering if you’d like to a do a podcast? I originally asked you about the Berman book but actually I think this subject of the Lower South and the Caribbean would be more interesting.

  10. Cuba certainly would have been a linchpin for the sort of federation you speak of. That sort of “Empire” would have needed to be run from Havana though. Saint Domingue would have been the southern reach of it. Virginia the north edge. Maybe Miami would be the Capital on second thoughts.

  11. Southerners did not have any problem with selling cotton to obtain luxury goods for their conspicuous consumption. Nor the the French have any problem with consuming fine food, expensive wines, high-end champaigne, and using prostitutes.

    Spare the lectures on capitalism. The South had no complaint, except that Northerners were richer than them.

    It is childish to blame free enterprise or capitalism for the imagined sins of the North when the North had actual sins that should be criticized. Such as their assault on the Constitution and the 10th Amendment.

    The North’s sins though were not railroads, ready-to-wear textiles, industrialization, or a larger population.

    While the South was a valient defender of the Constitution the Founders gave the nation, they had their own problems; a hostility to trade and industrialization, a contempt for working class whites, and that peculiar institution that eventually gave us BRA. What a better nation had the slave trade and slavery been ended at the Founding. Think how many fewer BRA problems we would have had without the huge numbers of slaves that were imported in those early years of the Republic.

  12. Federale, actually the South was all for free trade. It was the North that was for protectionism. As far as being hostile towards industrialisation, that is true to some degree, though by the 1850s the Upcountry in SC as well parts of the Middle South were industrialising. But I don’t see a problem with some resistance to mass industrialisation. I would also disagree with you about there being a contempt for working class Whites. Under the old Southern system working class Whites were protected. Compare that today where they are abandoned and forced to go to crappy schools full of foreigners and live in violent, degenerate neighbourhoods. I think working class Whites in the old South had it far better in many ways than they do today.

  13. (1) The South was the richer section of the United States until the War Between the States.

    (2) Saint-Domingue was the richest colony in the world. It was more valuable to France than all of the American colonies were to Britain. In terms of importance, the British West Indies were more important than the Southern colonies which were more important than New England.

    (3) The South’s greatest mistake was participating in the American Revolution and ratifying the Constitution.

    (4) The Yankees sold weapons and ammunition to the Haitians which they used to defeat the Leclerc expedition and exterminate the White population of San-Domingue.

    (5) Even after the extermination of the Whites, the Yankees continued to trade with the Haitians.

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines once made this remark about them, “Hang a white man below one of the pans on the scales of the customs house, and put a sack of coffee in the other pan; the other whites will buy the coffee without paying attention to the body of the fellow white.”

    (6) Yankees created BRA during Reconstruction. Blacks were already citizens with voting rights in New England before the War Between the States. The defeat of the Confederacy meant the triumph of Yankees and the extension of their regional social system nationwide.

    (7) In the aftermath of the war, “Yankee” became synonymous with “American” for the first time in Europe. Before the war, “Yankees” weren’t considered the dominant ethnic group in America.

    (8) The problem was never slavery which could have always been abolished and the blacks sent back to Africa on our timetable. It was our relationship with the liberal fanatics in the North, a result of the fatal mistake of joining the Union, that proved to be our downfall. The South would have never created the society that exists here in a million years.

    (9) Looking elsewhere, it was the Jacobins in France who imposed abolition upon the creoles in French West Indies. It was the British who abolished slavery in the British West Indies. It was also the British who pressured Spain and Portugal to end slavery in their colonies.

  14. The South’s hostility to Northern industrialization was broken with the defeat of the Confederacy. The result was that millions of Jews and European immigrants flooded into the North to work as a cheap labor force in its manufacturing industries.

    Fortunately, the South was bypassed by all this “progress” in the Northern states, where the Yankees were demographically swamped by the tidal wave of immigrants, and ultimately found themselves living under a Jewish oligarchy by the late twentieth century.

    I still think the South would have been better off as a stable and agricultural nation-state with a decentralized federal government and ethnically homogeneous Anglo-Celtic population.

  15. Scorched Soul warfare? Now that’s a meme worthy saying! Here’s a useful quote for those interested in deconstructing Judeo-Yankee psychological imperialism:

    “Also important to the American ideology was the feeling — expressed above in Lincoln’s address — of universality. Although the War of Secession had nothing whatever to do with ideology of any kind — and in any case, the Southern legalistic rationale of the War was more consequent than the Yankee idea — Lincoln felt impelled to inject the issue of ideology into the War. The opponent could never be simply a political rival, bent upon the same power as the Yankee — he had to be a total enemy, intent upon wiping out the American ideology. This feeling informed all American Wars from that time onward — any political enemy was regarded ipso facto as an ideological opponent, even though the enemy had no interest whatever in American ideology.”

    More can be read here:

    Narrative weaponization is the future. Study advertising, communications, and psychological warfare.

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