Live Thread: Super Tuesday

United States

The polls are open in Georgia, Idaho, Alaska, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. Does Mitt Romney pull away with Super Tuesday delegates? Does Rick Santorum regain his momentum? Does Newt continue to play interference for Romney?

Does anyone care at this point?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @John

    We’ve had several Haiti-style chimpouts in Detroit over the past two centuries. And yet, the system still goes on.

  2. Mitt Romney will be able to tell his 600 or so grand children that he helped save the USA from racism by standing in a place where he allowed a black man to have a second term in office. Is this a plan or what?

    The US Founders never would have imagined an American elite so corrupt that they would dissolve the people and import a new one. But how about the WHITES? There future?

    How is this not genocide:
    White countries are being flooded by non-whites. We are told to be

    TOLERANT. We are forced to integrate. With assimilation we see the

    extinction of one race only, the white race.

    Its not funny, not comedy, its white genocide.

    When any of the candidates get serious and talk about saving the white race, then white people still have a future.

  3. The thing Paul is good on, is freedom of association, which is what we want….”

    think the idea is that –left to their own devices– many of problems would just come out in the wash.

  4. Well said Bernie and FedUp & I have no faith in rick perry either

    negros are harmless kittens compared to hajji’s and hajjis with nukes will be horrible for the West. islam has a very long, very well proven track record of invading the West when ever it gets the upper hand.

    I doubt iran would use nukes on the west in the next 20 years or so. Once they have a nuclear arsenal, they will use the threat as an umbrella to consolidate power in the middle east. Than iran will become a major threat to the West, inour children’s’ and grand-children’s’ time.

    now isn’t the time for ope war with iran, but it’s not the time to be soft on islam either. Now is the time for dirty tricks, like that computer virus that knocked them off line for a while, support different internal factions against each other, export feminism to iran, counterfeit their currency to the point it loses value, make sure their smart guys have the occasional accident etc etc. All the while the West should be gather it’s own strength to deal with islam in a more overt, aggressive manner.

    Where would you go Fthr John? Every White nation on the earth is ate up with marxism

    funny you mention Russian Orthodox, I’ve been emailing churches in AK, and I’m fair certain I will be attending a Russian Orthodox church once I get up there.

  5. Stonelifter: The only threat to the West is mass immigration from the third world. We need not worry about Iran because if the present trend continues, France will find itself with a Muslim president and control of their nuclear arsenal anyway. The West is being destroyed from within, and it’s not the Haji’s doing it, they are merely taking advantage of an open gate. Who opened the gate?

  6. FYI – Dianne NotSoFeinstein was on CNN tonight, assuring the Goy that she “feels” Israel WILL attack Iran.

  7. moslem leaders do not hide the fact the womb of their women is their main weapon for invading Europe, but to dismiss iran is foolish and short sighted

  8. It’s probably not a good idea to have another nuclear state out there. The case of Pakistan is quite telling. The place is a mess.

    However, what is lost and gained by invading them? That’s where all this talk leads.

    On another note, black peeps are clearly more of a problem down the line. They are dumb as rocks. There’s no way that they could keep civ running if they are allowed to keep multiplying as they are now. They are literally the reason the Arabs can’t be held off as they sap away GDP from core government responsibilities.

    The Europeans have been able to fend off Arabs and Turks for millenia,
    as long as they are not “Molly Coddling” useless niggers in their midst. That war has ebbed and flowed since 700.AD

    America, it’s no accident that you are now in decline, now that you have an approx
    15% black population. They siphon off too many resources. They have ensured that you did not settle Mars and the Moon as you were poised to do in the 1960s.

    Arabs have not crippled the US. All they do is sell oil. The Algerians in France and Pakistanis in the UK are a hangover from European decolonization. Had the abrurs been encouraged by Uncle Sam to stay in these places in the 50s there would be no problem.

  9. IMO any talk about Iran is a distraction from the turd world takeover of the West. Iran is hemmed in with rich Saudis on one side and nuclear armed Pakistan on the other, neither of which have any love for Iran. We’ve already watched with our own eyes how the Neocons turned a well intentioned payback attack on Iraq (in hindsight the wrong country) into a “free the Iraqi people” bleeding heart campaign as thousands of mostly white American boys were killed and thousands of Iraqis brought to the US (to replace them???). Iran would be just another opportuntiy to distract the patriotards as the real demographic war proceeds unabated.

  10. I’m not sure why the West can’t take on multiple problems, and really these problems have one root cause, cultural marxsim and one soultion, return to our traditional way of thinking and doing

  11. “stonelifter says:
    March 9, 2012 at 2:40 am

    I’m not sure why the West can’t take on multiple problems, and really these problems have one root cause, cultural marxsim and one soultion, return to our traditional way of thinking and doing”

    Amen and Amen.
    On RP, he’s soft on immigration, sure, but he hasn’t bowed to Israhell once as far as I know and would give power back to the states, which would translate to the South potentially being able to protect itself while the rest of the empire continues its steady decline…if he were able to get into office, he might actually be able to decrease the size of the federal government and will probably go after the Fed in an attempt to dismantle it, which is one of the greatest weapons of organized Jewry. Don’t pay attention to the percentages on tv just yet, remember every channel/newspaper is owned by Shylocks or gets its stories straight from Jewters

  12. I think all of gingrich’s support comes from his past reputation. People remember him fondly because back in the day he was the left’s poster boy for evil White man and enemy #1

    Now isn’t the past, but that’s my guess.

  13. We’ve already watched with our own eyes how the Neocons turned a well intentioned payback attack on Iraq (in hindsight the wrong country)

    Huh? Many of us were saying Iraq was the wrong country before Iraq Attaq 2. What, we gifted with “the sight” or something?

  14. On RP, he’s soft on immigration, sure, but he hasn’t bowed to Israhell once as far as I know

    So, he’s got things bass ackwards. Good to know.

    To be perfectly plain: hard on immigration and bowing to Israel would be a vast improvement.

    and would give power back to the states

    Well, that would be good, if I thought he really could. He could start a 4 year long national dialogue on the issue, which would be a vast improvement, so there’s that.

  15. Seriously, can someone explain to me how “bowing to Israel” is really a problem? Who gives a shit? Now, I’ll admit that, ceteris paribus, I’d rather tell Israel to go to hell and solve their own problems, but life isn’t ceteris paribus. I’d rather trade telling Israel to go to hell for a hard line on immigration. In fact, I’d consider that the bargain of the century; I’d trade invading the entirety of Western Asia and occupying it indefinitely for a hard line on immigration, and consider that a bargain. People who don’t want to risk dying over political stupidity shouldn’t enlist.

  16. “To be perfectly plain: hard on immigration and bowing to Israel would be a vast improvement.”

    If only we had such a candidate.

  17. “To be perfectly plain: hard on immigration and bowing to Israel would be a vast improvement.”


  18. “Seriously, can someone explain to me how “bowing to Israel” is really a problem? Who gives a shit?”

    Bowing to Israel is a problem because the very existence of Israel is a slap in the face to the Christian God, the God of the people who built Western Civilization, and therefore a constant drain on the moral authority of such peoples to live according to Western principles. One such principle being the idea that nations have borders.

    Israel is an abomination – the representation of the complete failure of Christ’s message, the end of the innocence and redemption paid for with the blood of the Son of God, the end of the Western world. There will be no peace in the West until it is annihilated.

    Clearly you’re not that simple minded Svigor. They’re not “just another people”.

  19. Who is facilitating our downfall? Muslims, blacks, and non white are not the problem. Iran is not a threat. The problem is with white people who serve to help the Zionist plans to destroy us. If whites go extinct it is their fault for not calling a Jew a Jew.

  20. Bowing to Israel is a problem because the very existence of Israel is a slap in the face to the Christian God, the God of the people who built Western Civilization, and therefore a constant drain on the moral authority of such peoples to live according to Western principles. One such principle being the idea that nations have borders.

    Israel is an abomination – the representation of the complete failure of Christ’s message, the end of the innocence and redemption paid for with the blood of the Son of God, the end of the Western world. There will be no peace in the West until it is annihilated.

    Clearly you’re not that simple minded Svigor. They’re not “just another people”.

    I disagree with part of that, and couldn’t care less about the rest of it. In a very real (if narrow) sense, I love me some Israel. Israel is living, breathing proof of Jewish hypocrisy, and more important, Jewish racism. Israel’s like the Jewish people’s gift to the White man; irrefutable proof that the whole Jewish “Diaspora package” (“civil rights,” “anti-racism,” “multiculturalism,” “integration,” etc.) is nothing but self-interested tactical posturing.

    Israel is the one shining example White men have of what they should be doing. The western world is one tiny paradigm shift away from ceasing to do what Jews say we should, and starting to do for ourselves what Jews do for themselves; of looking at what Jews do, rather than just listening to what they say.

    The west would be far worse off without Israel, in several ways.

    Also, there’s Israel as bargaining chip. All we have to do is withhold support for Israel until Jews reciprocate. We can’t use Israel as a bargaining chip if it no longer exists.

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