Live Thread: Super Tuesday

United States

The polls are open in Georgia, Idaho, Alaska, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. Does Mitt Romney pull away with Super Tuesday delegates? Does Rick Santorum regain his momentum? Does Newt continue to play interference for Romney?

Does anyone care at this point?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The inevitability of Romney’s nomination has been a foregone conclusion from the get-go. The difference in the direction the country will take under Romney or Obama will be negligible.

  2. Check out the American Spectator link in the OD forum. Now that leftists have succeeded in getting Lou Dobbs fired from CNN, Glenn Beck from FOX News, and Pat Buchanan from MSNBC, they are really going to stand tall now for Rush Limbaugh and resist “blacklisting.”

  3. LandShark, interesting take. He could be right but we need another Bush like we need another Obama. In the end it will make precious little difference anyway.

    Hunter, let the neocons “stand tall” for fellow neocon Limbaugh. None of these people are our friends and would have no qualms about letting a pro-White or “holocaust denier” hang out to dry.

  4. Romney isn’t a neocon. That’s why the rapture bunnies won’t support him — they can smell their own kind, and he isn’t it. Romney is a bland, moderate-conservative who keeps his social and religious views out of his politics. Which is ideally what you’d want in a presidential candidate, but such is unacceptable to the freaks that have highjacked conservativism.

  5. Romney wins Vermont, Massachusetts, Virginia.

    Santorum wins Tennessee and Oklahoma.

    Gingrich wins Georgia.

    Ohio, Alaska, Idaho, and North Dakota still up for grabs.

  6. I care

    Support the whitest candidate with the best chance to win

    Romney looks good

    Don’t let Neo cons get control of him

    Stay very strong against cave ins on immigration , pandering to Blacks and other non Whites

    I’m around White Latter Day Saints in Southern California – some of the nicest,
    Best looking White people you will meet anywhere in the world.

    Stay positive.

  7. If Romney loses Ohio, the media will be howling that his campaign is failed, despite his enormous delegate lead. I’m so damned sick of these glorified high-school gossips dictating the outcome of elections with their never-ending “analysis”.

  8. I really don’t care who wins the nomination. There won’t be any substantive change. But it doesn’t look good for the general election when a candidate eeks into the nomination with lukewarm support, especially as the pronounced frontrunner from day 1. I don’t think Romney can beat Obama and that becomes more and more apparent when, after 6 years and umpteen millions of dollars, he’s still sweating states on Super Tuesday.

    I think we want Obama in office for four more years. As violent revolution begins to break out round about 2013, we don’t want a friendly white face on the anti-white regime. Too confusing. We want our government to look like exactly what it is — a chimped-out broke ass morally bankrupt pimp with no hand left.

  9. My sense of the Obama election was That it was engineered to prevent wholesale black rioting when the economy tanked. He breakfasted with Bloomberg right before Hillary was stonked in one of the debates. Media collusion clearly occurred. It was all very carefully choreographed. Without getting lost in the reeds Romney stands no chance. White people do not act a group yet. Most of the social ills in America could be sorted out in a very short period with a white supermajority voting for it’s own ethnic self interest. Blacks have been very good at acting as a political block. It’s one thing that could be learned from them.

  10. Chris. No. I don’t think I’ll be starting the revolution. But one never knows what life might throw at them. Many think the revolution has already begun. Clearly we are polarized beyond repair. The question is if it will be violently resolved (with one of my favorite experts putting that chance at 70%) or peaceful. He posits there is a 5% chance that the current revolution will fizzle and vanish.

    Interesting take on Obama, John.

  11. Liberals assume that demographic change will change the electorate in their favor, but there won’t be corresponding changes in the culture, the economy, and especially the political system.

  12. I think the system will continue to lose legitimacy. It will become more detached and remote from the white population. I think the economy will continue to tank and there will be more debt and less wealth to redistribute.

    The irony is that the increase in non-white political power will be complemented by a decrease in non-white economic power. A poorer and weaker white majority will result in less wealth to redistribute and cuts in government services even in blue strongholds like Detroit and California.

    I think this will ultimately bring violence into the political mainstream. I think the Black Undertow will initiate the violence, but Whites will defend themselves like the guy who took down Dante Lamont Williams.

  13. To paraphrase an account of one possible violent flashpoint:

    In 2014 the upgraded Panama Canal will open. This will divert up to 3.5 million containers away from Long Beach and LA ports. These ports support, directly or indirectly, 500,000 jobs in the LA area. Over 30% of Californians don’t have enough savings for 90 days without a paycheck. This will be a huge flashpoint.

    We’ve been sold out racially, culturally, economically and territorially. Right from under our feet. Half our population loves this fact, that evil whitey lost the nation his forebears hacked out of the wilderness. Shit. It’s all over but the crying.

  14. All I know, is that I don’t see white people acting anything close to what we’ve been seeing in Middle East. Sure, white people in America bought a record amount of guns this past Christmas season, but I don’t envision folks using them for anything more than defense of property or personal carry. Covington and other similar types can take any fantasies of a “white revolution” and chuck them in the trash. As long as there is electricity, passable roads, food on store shelves, cops reporting for duty, and any kind of order of succession at the executive branch, there will be no revolution. It’s not in white American’s nature anymore.

  15. Romney’s base are Mormons, Wall Street, and Belmont Whites. This doesn’t inspire much confidence that he will build the border fence or do much of anything about immigration.

  16. Peak Oil was reached in 2006.

    I think it is becoming clear that everytime the economy tries to heat back up it gets choked down by high gas prices and food prices. This is going to get much, much worse over the next ten years.

    For all the talk of the Bakken formation and the Canadian tar sands, it doesn’t make up the decline in Mexican and North Sea production, the inability of Saudi Arabia to keep up with demand, or the disruptions in oil production in Iran, Sudan, Syria, and Libya.

  17. Romney will be the nominee, for sure. Barring something unforeseeable. But for shear entertainment it would be classic end times insanity seeing one of those two certifiable lunatics running for President.

  18. Then again, first nominally non-Christian President has a certain end-of-the-road feel as well, so it wouldn’t be completely incongruent with reality.

  19. CNN is reporting that Romney has a small lead in Ohio with 91% of precincts reporting. Outstanding precincts are said to be in Romney-friendly territory.

    It’s being reported that Splice (Santorum) is leaving Ohio and will not be speaking again tonight. Perhaps a gesture of concession?

  20. As the white demographic shrinks it will probably cease to indulge in the 60/40 left right split and act in a more unified way somehow. There might even be an uptick in the birthrate. People may realize old age is safer with a few sons and a few daughters to keep an eye out for them instead of a pension based on stocks. As the boomers are eased down the cloaca and forgotten (finally) who knows what models of kinship may develop.

  21. “….I think the system will continue to lose legitimacy. It will become more detached and remote from the white population. I think the economy will continue to tank and there will be more debt and less wealth to redistribute….”

    But already, there is so little, between the Welfare and Warfare paychecks.

    Just anecdotally, when is the last time you met people not living on some part of corruption? Either they get warfare-welfare directly, or they administer some aspect, or work in state, local, fed government…

    Then the “small business owner” —totally misconstrued by the empty-headed fascist republicans— is put forward as some “ideal,” like in the “elections,” LOL! The hairdressers, manicurists, etc, etc— are doing the hair and nails of warfare-welfare wives, (recycling public money). Plumbers, electricians, etc, doing the same, or getting larger government contracts… The others, s/a the shopkeepers, are just living on markup.

    Name 10 people who truly contribute to wealth generation. And then — are they working for the proverbial agri-farm gmo culture, or maybe making drugs to zonk little kids with?

    People who actually attempt to generate “new” wealth (create something) are far and few between—- and many who could do so, do not, b/c they really are taxed to death (at like 75%)— once you add up small business taxes, sales, property, paying all the taxes usually picked up by businesses, also the “fees” while many others set up businesses to shave off their money, various agentings (like in the small arts), and so on. The other way out, is “living on investments,” and well, that supports the whole shebang; if one cuts investments that are “dishonest” out, then the portfolio would be virtually nonexistent.

  22. oh— said the small business owner is misconstrued—- meant the gop goes on about them —the reference is to the fact that many used to provide necessary services in real, coherent, desired communities, or they actually created what they sold— the reference is to the old “innovative” population— but today’s small business is usually just markup or giving services to warfare-welfare paychecks

  23. George Bush gave us Obama. If Romney manages to win the general election in November, what do you think he will give us after 4 years of bumbling in the White House?

    I’m going to make my stand in Texas with Rick Perry. Fuck the rest of the country.

  24. All I know, is that I don’t see white people acting anything close to what we’ve been seeing in Middle East. Sure, white people in America bought a record amount of guns this past Christmas season, but I don’t envision folks using them for anything more than defense of property or personal carry. Covington and other similar types can take any fantasies of a “white revolution” and chuck them in the trash. As long as there is electricity, passable roads, food on store shelves, cops reporting for duty, and any kind of order of succession at the executive branch, there will be no revolution. It’s not in white American’s nature anymore.

    People become more fascist and more religious as adversity increases. That’s what the science tells us, anyway (sorry, no cite). That does not bode well for this regime, because increasing adversity is built into the system, and fascism and religiosity are their kryptonite.

    Basically, liberalism depends on lots of chickens in pots. As the chickens disappear, legitimacy declines. As legitimacy declines, support for high taxes, and big government will decline. Whites will become wholesale tax cheats, experts in hiding their wealth from the parasites. The willingness to contribute to a public good devoured by parasites will erode.

    People who want to think intelligently about politics should drop black and white, binary thinking into the trash can. It’s really astonishing to me how common binary thinking is, even among people who pay attention.

    Basically, I think White American support for the regime is going to evaporate. A large body of water doesn’t evaporate overnight. But it does evaporate.

    Stop thinking wishfully, folks. Regimes FAR, FAR worse than ours limp along without violent revolutions. Our revolution will be an ideological/cultural/political one, and it will occur over generations, not overnight.

    We’re going to starve the beast, not shoot it in the head. It will die with a whimper, not a bang. Whites will retreat into gated communities, like Whites in Mexico. Resilient communities will move from the imaginations of a fringe into the mainstream. Information control will continue to slip out of the hands of the elite.

  25. When things break, I think things will go from ok, to total $h!t storm almost over night. Our wealth will disappear, crime will go up, the left will gain power, things will get worse, but still be ok compared to most of the world than boom. Not sure what will cause the sudden shift, might be a chimp out because the EBT cards won’t work, or some feral nergos will get away with heinous crimes against Whites, the negros get bolder, Whites get angrier or China might lay claim to our natural resources to pay off the debt, or White folks might have a mass awaking. If I were a betting man, it will be the EBT cards not working.

  26. There are a number of things that y’all aren’t observing. Obama is the first Nigger President, that is for sure. That should be your first clue.

    His starting his re-election campaign as the [sic] first ‘post-racial’ president has now dropped the masks- his first focus group? His own bastard nigger ‘brothers’ – the giving of the vote to Blacks was the start of the end of this country.

    Next, the Obamanation’s continued (and only decent thing he’s done) distancing himself from the false flag nation of Occupied Palestine [i.e., Isra-HELL] and their bloodlust for war with Iran (BTW, who has had it clearly proven that they are NOT working toward nuclear weapons- but, even if they were, why can’t THEY safeguard THEIR borders? We have been killing those people as the War Machine (not me, personally, because America has not listened to her populace since at least the ouster of the Shah- remember him, boys and girls?) of the West, since at least the 1970’s.

    This does not bode well for the pseudo-Xtians who think Scofield is the Fifth Apostle, and would willingly (and STUPIDLY thereby) go to the FEMA camps, should his Obummerness declare Martial Law, rather than join with the other ostracized Whites (for ‘those people’ are all white, mostly) to drive the Nigger into the sea… for the simple reason that the Dispensationalist types have had their entire RACE and Christian CULTURE decimated by the Deicides (christ-killer Jews) over the last sixty years, ever since ‘IzzrEL became a state, in confirmation of biblical prophecy).

    Which means, Whites are not going to provide a concerted front before the Black Beast, with the Obama as the Whore riding the Beast…..

    With all banking now tied to electronic ‘switch-pulling’, don’t think that the ‘mark of the beast’ scenarios will NOT come to pass, even if we don’t get a tattoo or a microchip installed on our person- but then again, national Biometric passports now are becoming mandatory in almost all Countries, which contain everything from blood type to iris scans. So, it’s here. The question is, where can you go, where White or European/Christian racial consciousness is active and alive- as it clearly is NOT in the USA. So, when you folks finally THINK it is time to leave this latter-day Haiti, be prepared that the new law (which takes place in 2013) that anyone leaving (financially speaking) from the “Brave New America,” will forfeit over 25% of that money, just as an ‘exit fee’ from the Late, Great USA- or is it 50%?

    The states that are thinking that they can stop NDAA are only going to be able to do so, if they secede. But, as even the posters on this site have shown, the IDEA of secession goes SO against the ‘false gospel’ of the USA as a divinely-blessed nation, that no one has the ideological fortitude to do so- and, even if we all did, how big a town could we all fit into- maybe, Pray, MT- like James Edwards noted over at ? Countries take millions of like-minded individuals who are fighting against the Jew Machine. At this point, only Hungary and Russia seem willing to do so- via Jobbik and the new constitution/actions of the current gov’t in the former, and Putin’s renascent Russian Orthodoxy in the latter. But even the ‘nationalist parties’ in Western Europe, are constantly, consistently, NOT given legitimacy, Marine Le Pen notwithstanding.

    I once thought that I could ‘wait it out’ but I now see that the wolves will turn with the ‘thurd world’ [the ‘h’ is silent] types, come the Revolution, and liberal whites, Kikes and Faggots will gladly kill along with the semi-divinized Nigger, and it will be a conflagration that will rival the siege of Jerusalem in AD70 for its thoroughness, blood-letting, and envy. Or it will be like the French or Bolshevik revolution in its’ fury, and hatred for Christendom Man. Which is not something anyone should live through.

    I will say it now. I was wrong to prep, to buy a gun, ammo, and land. I should have left the USA ten years ago, when I could still have been a viable emigre in a land more suited to my ideological stances. Now, it is almost too late, and no amount of bullshit patriot grandstanding will save us. Leave, save yourselves, and your children. Flee from the wrath to come.

  27. @Roots

    Rick Perry doesn’t give a shit about you, any more than Romney would about me. Fuck Texas.

  28. Dipstick establishment controls about 1% of the land area but about 99% of the BS network communications. One day they will bobble the 99%. Maybe the day some jew tells the negroes to go pound sand Israel is more important and the EBT card is not refilled so we can make permanent war.

    Million different ways the wires can get crossed in this day and age and the matrix get shorted out.

  29. Maybe the day about 10% of the whites in this country start saying “anti-racism means nothing more than anti-white” instead of grousing about crime stats and the negro stupidity of the day. Legitimacy in this era is a thin reed.

  30. @Fr. John

    “Leave, save yourselves, and your children. Flee from the wrath that is to come.”

    Dude, go drink a glass of water.

  31. “Ron Paul should run as third party.:

    Why? So he can hector us about how blacks are the put-upon victims of a “racist” justice system and the war on drugs?

    So he can croak about Hispanics being treated like Jews in Nazi Germany?

    So he can moan about Muslims being discriminated against at airports (even though it is whites who are more likely to be stopped and scanned)?

    Paul is worse than Obama on race.

  32. “Paul is worse than Obama on race.”

    Yeah like most decadent White people, Paul is a wordist. That means he is loyal to words, opinions and ideas. So you can be any race, as long as you declare your loyalty to Ron Paul’s opinions, he will be loyal to you.

    The thing Paul is good on, is freedom of association, which is what we want.

  33. “I’m going to make my stand in Texas with Rick Perry. Fuck the rest of the country.”

    I’ve got some bad news for you: he plans to make his stand with hispanics and asians(specifically indians). He could have worked to arrest the growth of those demographic groups by actually enforcing our laws as they exist today, he is not.

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