Joseph Kony 2012


This video about Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda is going viral on Facebook. It is being spread around by bleeding heart liberals who know absolutely nothing about Joseph Kony, Uganda, or Central Africa.

Child soldiers, evil warlords, slavery … wow, that’s a real breaking news story. I mean it is not like this was going on in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Democratic Republic of Congo for over a decade.

Joseph Kony is a rather poor imitation of the great Liberian warlords like General Butt Naked, General Peanut Butter, General Mosquito, General Mosquito Spray, and General Fuck Me Quick.

Note: 100,000 to 500,000 Ugandans died under Idi Amin Dada, The Last King of Scotland and the Conquerer of the British Empire. President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda intervened in the Congo Wars where 5.4 million have died since 1996.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Not one liberal will take a step back and contemplate the repeated pattern of descent of the nigger into this charismatic warlordism dysfunction.

    Recall the letter written by the SA University president posted in the threads? Mbonobo McChimpanzee Muhdikizulu when he compared civilization to imitating the head Ape?

    This is just how niggers are. You can’t stop it. The Brits French and Belgians tried. The UN tried. All you can do is stop feeding them, stop pampering them and stop telling them they are special.

  2. “Stop feeding them and pampering them”

    You forgot, And Stop Letting Them Come Here.

    I don’t know who Joseph Kony is, and I’m not going to learn who he is, and I don’t care. But I suspect his atrocities-slash-activities or whatever it is he’s doing will inspire some DWL nitwit or evil government agency to squeal, “Oh dear oh dear, those poor child soldiers/FGM victims/whatever! We’d better re-settle hundreds of thousands of them in Maine and Minnesota and Iowa, stat!”

    Funny though how you don’t find too many Sudanese Lost Boys wandering around in Beverly Hills. Or Brookline. Or Martha’s Vineyard.

    As long as they rape Bridget and Cathy, but not Judith and Tova, all’s right with the world.

  3. Unfortunately for our activist, no one is going to touch Uganda. If they did, they’d be the person who touched Uganda last.

  4. Gavin should not be exposed to all this at his age. What can he do about it? How can he understand it? Children should be protected.

  5. Are we going into Uganda before or after we win invade Iran, Free Tibet, and win the war in Afghanistan?

    Of course the upside to all this will mean that during the mass mobilization required for “world peace” all these bleeding heart liberals will have to be drafted! Gavin looks athletic enough to be a mortarman. 🙂

  6. This is a piece by someone who purports to have been a part of IC for the last 4 years:

    “Have you watched the KONY video? Now you know all about this tragedy right? How Kony is the bad guy and if we raise enough awareness the good guys will get him, and then everything will be all right in Africa, and Bono will shed a single golden tear.

    Needless to say, it is a bit more complicated than that.

    Apart from this, the LRA is the same as every other ‘tribalism as politics’ style organisations which are sadly common in central Africa, and currently are the ruling governments in Sudan, Uganda, and the D.R.C.

    The LRA is not particularly unique, and, even more crucially, is a symptom of a disease, not the disease itself.

    But even if Kony is removed, the underlying social and economic ills will simply manifest as something else, like the Rwandan Genocide, the war in South Sudan, ethnic cleansing in Darfur, or the Congo war (which killed six million people). Hail Malthus”

  7. Kony For President 2012!

    Why not? He has all the right qualifications to be POTUS: he’s black, was born in Africa, is clearly a superior community organizer, now if he can master being white people’s imaginary black best friend, he’s a shoe-in! Hey, it’s not too late to compete for the GOP nod!

  8. When I scrolled through the video and got to the part about how “they were going to get their youth minds together and act and like fight the powrrr” all I saw was a bunch of whites and octraroons dressed as whites. That’s all I need to know. If these dipshits want to help so bad, why don’t they grab mommy’s credit card and fly there to become machete bait themselves?

    I’ll be alive to see whites become a minority in the US. It will almost be worth getting hacked to death with a piece of scrap metal if I can watch some of these DWLs get it first.

  9. intervention in uganda won’t take a lot of resources, which is why it might happen. All the DWL’s/ SWPL type will get to crow about the good work they are doing without risking themselves or laying out too much cash.

  10. “Stop feeding them and pampering them”…

    Used to be, in zoos, there were many signs saying, “Don’t feed the bears!” A trip to the zoo was about the danger of “the other.” Trotskyites decided to change it to petting zoos, where unsuspecting children are deeply encouraged to pet wildlife. There you have it.

  11. Funny though how you don’t find too many Sudanese Lost Boys wandering around in Beverly Hills. Or Brookline. Or Martha’s Vineyard….”

    Both catholic and protestant churches were very instrumental in resettling them in the u.s. and spreading them over cities— how many people even bothered to question a pastor about it? Or to tell them they were leaving a congregation due to church policies on immigration and assimilation, as well as Jesus’s take on politics, which seemed to be so different from their own? Pastors, ministers, priests, runners of seminary programs… why does no one even question them on a personal level?

  12. There’s a St Louis artist called Craig Norton who is evangelical, and his church adopted South Sudanese blacks. his art told the story of niggers in Africa and America. Craig also lived in the black ghetto in St Louis. As soon as he started
    to sell work he bought a house in Hannibal. Hypocrite couldn’t wait to leave the vibrant blackness.

    Stinking Christians and their black worship.

  13. You guys forget, Bosnia- a white country, did a lot of rapes too. Then the Americans raped at Haditha. I mean, rape is rape. Let’s be real here.

  14. Yugoslavia’s level of violence was the product of a civil war that represents a molehill in comparison to ethnic cleansing in Rhodesia, South Africa, Haiti, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Uganda, Mozambique, South Sudan, Kenya, Congo, Angola, Namibia, Nigeria, Chad, Senegal, Somalia, Ethiopia (and even a place like Detroit.)

  15. Also, Yugoslavia is a good example of a Universalist equalitarianism utopia that inevitably collapsed under the weight of natural ethnic and racial differences.

    The Bosnians might be white, but they are also heavily Ottomanized both in religion and by blood. The Serbs are exclusively ethnic Slavs and Orthodox.

    If anything Yugoslavia is a warning about multicultural fantasy. How could anyone could watch that civil war and still endorse mass immigration and population replacement of
    their ethne with outsiders?

  16. Georgia members of the Occidental Dissent community should all attend the pro Western Civilization event at Emory on March 21.

    Please spread the word and post on your blogs. Can anyone send this to CWNY and the Kinist Institute in Atlanta?

    Sponsored by the NAS, a heroic defender of anti-Diversity in academy.

    “Why Western Civilization? Tales from the Front”

    AHI charter fellow and Hamilton College Professor Robert Paquette will speak at Emory University about the culture wars that led to the rise, fall, and rebirth of the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization.

  17. This silly uber-liberal SWPL filmmaker does not understand the african and the satanic man-child that lives within the beast.

    This silly uber-liberal SWPL filmmaker, this competitive compassion athlete, has not read the works of Samuel Morton, Hesketh Prichard, Madison Grant, Thomas Hannibal Powell, Arthur de Gheaubineau, or Hunter Wallace.


    – Arturo

  18. “Both catholic and protestant churches were very instrumental in resettling them in the u.s. and spreading them over cities— how many people even bothered to question a pastor about it? Or to tell them they were leaving a congregation due to church policies on immigration and assimilation, as well as Jesus’s take on politics, which seemed to be so different from their own? Pastors, ministers, priests, runners of seminary programs… why does no one even question them on a personal level?”

    In a sense they have, 90+% of the income of the various resettlement agencies comes from the federal government, not from donors.

  19. Does this mean we are going to be housing a bunch of sniveling young black refugees?

    Who will grow up to hate us, rob then rape and kill us?

  20. Pretty much. Though there is hope, states can opt out of the refugee resettlement program, and Wyoming has.

  21. Uganda ought to be given back to the Brits.
    The Pakistanis and Hindus can administer the new colony. Just like the old days when the place was respectable.

  22. Another DWL seeking his own personal glorification through the suffering of black people. He presents the situation as though it were an aberration – “Africa’s Hitler”, when in fact the continent is littered with Konys. I think it is safe to say that white Facebook posters looking for low cost (to them) meaning in their lives will not save Africa. The only thing that would is recolonization, and that is not going to happen.

    The defining moment of this film is when the film maker solemnly presents himself to his four year-old son as a hero because he has convinced the government to send other people’s sons into harm’s way. It is an incredible level of narcissism.

  23. He’s Uganda’s Martin Borman.
    Idi is Uganda’s Hitler.

    Africa’s Hitler surely must be Mugabe. Although Mbuto might be the best fit. Hold on…who was in charge of Congo during the Congo civil war? That’s right it was total anarchy–no one was in charge!

    There are do many competing claims to Der Furhrer’s mantle.

  24. I’m getting the video shared from several FB friends. I’ve a good mind to direct them to, since they are so interested in African history and politics.

  25. the war crimes in the Balkans were over stated. Look into the difficulties the international courts have in getting convictions and long jail sentences. It was also a religious war driven by islam vs Christian, and Christians hitting back got the bad press. It was pure confession there with grudges that went back hundreds of years. Anyone who tells you they have a clear picture of what went on there is full of bravo sierra

  26. Agreed there Stonelifter. Amazingly these people now vote for each other in the Eurovision Song Contest. They are a rock solid voting block in that competition. They get on very well now.

  27. Interesting John. What I noticed when I was there was, the fighting stopped once the one side drove the other out of their AO. For example, if town “X” was traditionally Serb, the Serbs would drive the outsiders out, and than leave them be. Than they would welcome refugee Serbs to fill the void.

    I left the Balkans after 6 months; from what I can tell, it was the West siding with moslems over Christians, and as history shows, it was moslems doing most of the war crimes. Or did in the early stages. The Catholics and Orthodox folks got their act together and momentum changed.

    I don’t want to sound like an expert on the topic, because my time was limited, I only worked in one place and it was confusing as hell, but most folks don’t know what was going on and draw the wrong conclusions.

    I will never support moslems before Christians

  28. Social media and the internet is useless when it comes to actually accomplishing something. If you doubt me, look at the rip-roaring success internet favorite Ron Paul has had in the primaries. “Raising awareness” gets my vote for most overused and overvalued phrase of the decade.

    It’s all a big race to be fashionable. The hilarious thing is, once it becomes fashionable, the new hip thing is to oppose it. Supporting it is no longer cutting edge once 12-year-olds are v-blogging about it on youtube, so the hip 20 somethings that start these trends must find a new angle to remain avant-garde. Thusly the internet eats it’s own movements. It’s the electronic human centipede. A bunch of people stitched together eating each other’s intellectual excrement.

  29. Another DWL seeking his own personal glorification through the suffering of black people. …”

    the downside of the missionary mentality is impossible to explain to those who have it, the hubris, the self-serving ego elevation.

    What i didn’t get, now that I watched—- the whiny-voiced narrator goes on and on and on about about the sad-sack history of “rich powerful” people, the handful of a few, controlling others, (and this is bad in the liberal mentality).

    Ok, but isn’t that the root of the conflict, right? The Central government, previously a colonized deal, now ‘oppressed’ the minority (the northern poor people), and they are the group under Kony, presumably driven to such extremes since they are marginalized…

    The guy in the vid tries to have it both ways—- he states that oppressing minority groups by previously backed colonial states is bad (in which case, shouldn’t he be on the side of Kony)?

    Anyway, the main point is the speaker is openly motivated by ego, and HE IS NOT protecting his child (the nominal subject), saying kids like his or anyone’s should be protected—

    He is openly socializing his own child into an incapacity for critical thinking (seeing only one side of an extremely complex issue), moralizing and building one’s ego on the basis of that.

    His kid, sadly, will be quite the “useful idiot.”

  30. Is it just me?— do others feel sorry for little kids whose parents use them that way? It’s grossly narcissistic. (It would not be surprising to find the filmmaker is psychiatrically, clinically narcissistic, as many people who cannot see many sides of issues and react only as moralists, are that way— more so if they blindly socialize children into the same “black-white” non-complex thinking, non-critical thinking)

  31. “the downside of the missionary mentality is impossible to explain to those who have it, the hubris, the self-serving ego elevation.”

    Great point. I have tried to explain this to my mother. She “doesn’t see the harm in just trying to help”. I have tried time and again to explain that millions of their neighbors must pay the cost so the do-gooders can exercise their hobby and receive accolades.

    It’s like giving an award to the person who ruins the most cities, as long as they call it “outreach”.

  32. Just more nigger refugees. More and more and more. They breed. They displace they will hate you too.

  33. “the downside of the missionary mentality is impossible to explain to those who have it, the hubris, the self-serving ego elevation.”

    …Great point. I have tried to explain this to my mother. She “doesn’t see the harm in just trying to help”….

    Tell her: Wasn’t that one of Jesus’s main points— that motivation (the spirit behind the act) matters gravely? Even Serial Killers take a nice dish to a potluck, presumably. And John Wayne Gacy (sp?) was “man of the year” in his town. But it doesn’t make them good people. Just b/c you do something that seems nice, in a very narrow arena —without any idea of the big picture— just makes you usable.

    In a way, that’s how the better part of “liberalism” came about, imo— not what is meant by that today, but trying to push superficial people to be ‘bigger picture’ thinkers—- so they’d quit being so easily manipulated (for questionable ends) by the call to Do Gooderism. That’s why people started trying to teach “empathy,” putting yourself in another’s shoes, etc., to look at situation and context.

    Oh well.

  34. My darling little Germanic hispter hair stylist babygirl asked me Kony.

    “Kony?” sez I.
    “Kony..the African guy..”
    “Oh! Yes! That penny ante little African dictator. Yawn. Dear – he’s NIGGER. This is what Niggers do. He’s not even that special. Look up General Butt Naked, on the Internet, for some real fun….they have chimpanzee DNA. There’s NOTHING you can do about them. We’ve wasted trillions…….”

    And I then began to expound at length, for the benefit of the entire very crowded salon, about the utter pointlessess, of trying to do a thing about Niggers. In my best Theatrical Projection voice. “There’s nothing do be done about ’em. Let ’em kill each other. You can read Roman histories about ’em; nothings changed in thousands of years. Including the cannibalism”.

    I gave a detailed account of the pervasive, historical recorded dietary preferences of Africanus Disgustinrectus, which made every-one go, “Ewwwww. That’s GROSS”.

    Didn’t get one single syllable of DWLitis. and every-one there was totally hipster Fashionista.

    The BabyGirl Fashionista did agree that Americans are suffering, and we can’t keep sending troops and money everywhere.

    The other Uber Stylist agreed on the plans I had for my hair, this Summer.

    And then we all had a great conversation about the best place to get excellent and beautiful martinis, in the area.

    And I’ve discovered that a member of my little TeaTard group now believes the Hebes did 9/11, and is sending videos to all the other group members, because he, “….doesn’t care what people think anymore..” Direct quote. “It’s all Jews. You can see them everywhere now. The entire media is owned by Jews”.

    Now that [above] is directly due to my influence. I gave a little private speech, about as year ago, to select members of my group. And that bread has come back on my waters….one little ripple in a pond, and all….

    So it’s important that we Preach, each and every one of us, in whatever way worketh the best, in our own little spheres.

    P.S. – Salon fashionistas were directed to this site, in order to learn about “Hunter’s tribute to REAL Black History”, and Tea Party guy has now bene hipped to the existence of Stormfront. So this has not been an unsatisfying week.

  35. What a waste of time. Again, another (w)hite guy who thinks he can change the inherant savagery of the nigger.
    As soon a kony is gone, those who he oppressed will rise up to do the same as was done to them to another group. They are not victims, they are just on the losing side of a never ending cycle. A never ending cycle, it’s the way of the dark continent. They will never change and any intervention is useless.
    Leave the niggers to be niggers and let them decimate eachother, as nature intends.
    Bringing these savages here is a huge problem, they don’t fit in outside of africa. They belong there in their own killing fields.
    The idiot who made this film did more harm than good.

  36. No doubt, jew zuckerburg funded this activist.
    This seems to me as nothing more than a commercial for facebook.

  37. Even the mentally ill mud sharks do not want to live around too many blacks. Anything that has to be propped up with hysteria and witch trials is not long for the world and the anti-racist campaign fits that to a tee.

  38. Great point. I have tried to explain this to my mother. She “doesn’t see the harm in just trying to help”. I have tried time and again to explain that millions of their neighbors must pay the cost so the do-gooders can exercise their hobby and receive accolades.

    Have you tried pointing out that making someone dependent on you is not very helpful/Christian? Mom sends money to Obongo, Obongo has 10 kids with the money, Mom runs out of money, Obongo’s 10 kids starve to death. Mom keeps her money, Obongo becomes self-reliant and has only 2 kids, who he teaches to be self-reliant.

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