Thomas DiLorenzo on Alabama and Mississippi Primaries


Sad, but true:

Alabama and Mississippi have been added to South Carolina on the list of southern states that overwhelmingly supported warmongering neocons over the only Jeffersonian, states’ rights, constitutionalist, just war candidate in the GOP field, Ron Paul. Much of this support is credited to politically-active “evangelicals” who tend to be some of the most bloodthirsty people anywhere. Indeed, they booed Ron Paul at one of their big conventions four years ago when he reminded them that Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace. They booed him in South Carolina this year when he suggested that the Biblical Golden Rule should be considered as a guideline of foreign policy.

Some commentators have said that the victories of Rick Chickenhawk Santorum in Alabama and Mississippi are due to the large number of his fellow bloodthirsty “evangelicals” there, but I think there’s a little more to it. Southerners were demonized during the Civil War and the demonization has never stopped. The Mother of All Guilt Trips was placed on them by the state and all of its functionaries for generations. This led Southerners to attempt to “prove” their loyalty to the state by sending generations of their children off to fight in the state’s wars of aggression in geographically disproportionate numbers. We have gone from Southerners being the only group in American history to seriously challenge the “supremacy” of Washington, D.C. over everyone’s lives, to a culture that gleefully panders and grovels to its imperial rulers in Washington by sacrificing its children by the thousands in the state’s wars. It began with the Spanish-American War in which some actual Confederate veterans participated.

Most Southerners will continue to support the neocon agenda of endless unjust war that has nothing to do with national defense because to do otherwise would be to admit that, for generations, they have willingly sacrificed the lives of their children for no other reason than to kiss the asses of the politicians in Washington.

We put up with BRA too. There is probably no shame the present generation won’t submit to.

It has been like this ever since the New Deal when military spending transformed the Southern economy. In my defense, I voted for Romney because it was our best shot of stopping Santorum and Gingrich here.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Isn’t Thomas DiLorenzo part of the Chastain club when it comes to race?

    I’ve found when engaging with his disciples they often end up trying to prove the 19th century North was more racist than the South.

    For instance he seems to take a rather dim view of Lincoln in this Lew Rockwell article because of Lincoln’s campaign statements saying blacks weren’t equal to whites and his support for colonization.

  2. Good on you, Hunter. And yes, I realize it was a vote for the least of three evils, but it was the right move given the circumstances.

    I imagine you and I might disagree on many things, but at least Rick Santorum isn’t one of them. That man is a virus. Even Gingrich is remotely tolerable by comparison.

  3. He is talking all this shit about religion. The point seems to be to distract attention away from his own record as one of the most important Washington insiders of the Bush years.

  4. I’d also like to point out the whole premise of Dilorenzo’s article is a joke.

    Who taught Southerner’s to kill for the state?

    Their Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandparents back before they even were Southerners when they were still Ulster Scots and Englishmen.

    We conquered the south from Indian tribes.

    We were more than happy to invade Mexico to secure Texas.

    The filibusters were thrilled to kill folks and attempt to bring foreign lands into a slave empire within the Union.

    And finally the men who would come to make up the Confederate Command staff were more than happy to “murder” for the state.

    I like to introduce to you two United States Cavalry regiments. The First and Second US Cavalry Regiments were formed to fight Indians out West in 1855 by the then US secretary of War Jefferson Davis, the same Jefferson Davis who would go on to become the President of the Confederate States of America. In fact the nick name for the Second US Cavalry was ”Jeff Davis’ own” because he hand picked the officers that would staff it.

    The Second US Cavalry served in Texas and conducted raids against the Comanche, Kiowa and Lipan Apaches.

    The former officers of the Second US Cavalry would supply the Confederacy with 11 Generals. The most famous of which is none other than Robert Edward Lee. Robert E Lee led in the field a punitive expedition against the Comanche and the Second US Cavalry was his last command in the US Army.

    This is the list of Confederate Generals who served before the Civil War in the Second US Cavalry against the Indians:

    Albert Sidney Johnston, Robert E Lee, Fitzhugh Lee (shot though the lungs with an arrow), Earl Van Dorn (arrow in the arm and the right side), John Bell Hood (arrow pinned his hand to the saddle), Nathan George “Shanks” Evans, Edmund Kirby Smith, George B Cosby, William J Hardee, Charles W. Field, and James Patrick Major.

    As a side note I’d also like to mention Joseph E Johnston who fought against the Seminole Indians in Florida and J.E.B Stuart who was wounded when shot in the chest by a Cheyenne warrior in 1857, and Lewis Armistead who was out fighting Mohave and Paiute Indians in 1859.

    The idea that the South wasn’t always imperialist and dedicated to Manifest Destiny is as big of a lie as black Confederates.
    The reason people should remember the conquest of the South by the North as a black event is because it was the conquest of OUR ancestors and it was blow against white supremacy which was a blow against civilization itself.

    Southerners and what is left of the real American’s up North should oppose the forgein wars but only because they provide no benefit to our people, not because of some modern counter culture reason that “imperialism is evil” by it’s very nature.

    Charlie Reese said it best about 8 years ago now over at Lew Rockwell,

    “Our ancestors took this country from the British, the French, the Spaniards, the Mexicans and the Native Americans — at gunpoint. “

  5. I think these folks are miss reading Sothron’s rejection of Ron Paul. Paul supporters are enamored with the man and they can’t believe others are not. Paul’s sounds like a far leftist regarding queers, drugs, the border, foreign policy, and anti- military rhetoric…. Those are deal breakers to large number of people in the South. I have no doubt if in the past Paul did not support sexual deviants, kept his mouth shut about drugs and was anti-immigration he’d be in the lead.

    I don’t know who is the best choice out of a sorry group, but the last thing we need is more trade agreements. It’s hard to to get behind any of these candidates

  6. You’re dead on right stonelifter.

    Maybe their is more hope for his son Rand.

    Anyway three cheers for the land of the Longleaf Pine, tge Old North State.

  7. You’re dead on right stonelifter.

    Maybe there is more hope for his son Rand.

    Anyway three cheers for the land of the Longleaf Pine, the Old North State.

  8. Maybe Rand will learn from his fathers mistakes

    I suggest we focus more on what we can do and a little less on what politicians might be able to do for us

  9. The Southron assessment if Paul is the Southron’s un-doing. Since Southrons are going big time for the LUNATIC Sanitorium, then the South HAS been Yankeefied. The USA is now wholly Shabbos Goy looney tunes.

    Paul’s actual record and policies indicate the type oof Presidency he would create.

    So do Sanitorium’s.

    Sanitorium is the End of All Things.

    He and his spouse are seriously mental.
    I’ve heard commentators et al opine about the desirability of getting the weakest candidates to run against ONigger. That stunt was successful with McCain, after all. But America has now had 3 years of Onigger, and my left sock would win, if run against him. The Hebes installed a Nigger joke in office before the country was totally crushed. WHATEVER is placed against ONigger will win.

    And then – Ragnarock.

  10. Paul’s actual record and policies indicate the type oof Presidency he would create.

    it sure does, and it isn’t good in a lot of ways

  11. Something is deeply wrong with the moloch like sacrifice of Southerners.

    They act like Scottish highlanders. At least the Highland regiments enriched the Scts and gave them places like Canada and Australia to settle down in. What does the military offer veterans and their family?

    A plot of land in conquered territory? No. At least conquered land is tangible. A big commercial farm worth protecting.

    The entire promise To these guys rests on a military pension that will not be paid out
    one day. When the cash runs out what will these guys do? Form Freikorps? Aren’t the Hazari in Afghanistan descended from a mongol regiment? Why not repeat that strategy of pacification?

  12. “Most Southerners will continue to support the neocon agenda of endless unjust war that has nothing to do with national defense because to do otherwise would be to admit that, for generations, they have willingly sacrificed the lives of their children for no other reason than to kiss the asses of the politicians in Washington.”

    Jack Ryan replies:
    Regular Whites in the South and other places don’t see it that way. They just like being in the military, being patriotic, getting to play with guns. When Whites in the South and other places serve in combat, even in these Neo Con Jew wars, they are respected by their neighbors, they can get GFs, wives etc. And let’s give the Devil, or in this case the Children of the Devil their due – they’ve infiltrated and corrupted the major Southern Evangelical churches and these White church leaders tell their White men that these pro Jew wars are what the Bible commands and then there are fake folk heroes like Ted Nugent and Hank Williams Jr. Shouting at me to go off and fight – get some!

    The anti war crowd looks like a motley collection of old 60s hippies, or Ay-rabs and Ron Paul and other anti war patriots are just not great communicators. Anti – war Conservatives like Buchanan have been purged from the media.

    So my advice is that we play the cards we’ve been dealt and accept the reality that most White American boys in the South are going to continue to want to play army and continue to listen to corrupt Evangelical leaders who worship all things Jewish.

    Concentrate on immigration, local racial realities and just try to downplay lust for foreign Neo con Jew wars.

  13. What Paulian policies are negatives? Not voting for tax increases, or pay and perk raises for Governmental Vampyres? (Stope feeding the beast). Not sending dupes off to die in to illegal foriegn wars, that benefit the enemies of the dupes? Auditing the blood supply of the Vampyre Race? (Thus pulling the fangs out of America’s throat)

    Yup. Really bad ideas.

    Just as long as some lying hack makes STATEMENTS agin ‘ them queer faggots, and against them baby suction tubes (yet does nothing in reality) – then all is well with Whitey World.

  14. Ron Paul said the criminal justice system is unfair to blacks and that illegal aliens were unfairly being made scapegoats. He lost me right there.

  15. “Southerners and what is left of the real American’s up North should oppose the forgein wars but only because they provide no benefit to our people, not because of some modern counter culture reason that “imperialism is evil” by it’s very nature.”

    Great point. This is a point I have been trying to make to those on our side for years. If you are not expanding you are shrinking. There is no third direction. Unfortunately the “kumbaya culture” has invaded all corners of modern political debate. What’s the point of a war if it doesn’t benefit one’s own?? Because you can be sure, if you are doing the fighting and dieing, someone WILL be reaping a profit. It might as well be you.

  16. The men like to fight. Always have, always will.

    Give ’em something to fight FOR.

    I’ve always felt a militaristic society is far superior in form and quality to either a corrupt aristocracy or a decrepit democracy. If we had restricted the electorate to those who do the fighting and dieing and all else being the same, 90% of voters would still be white men. And when I say fighting and dieing I MEAN fighting and dieing, not Teequisa the fat desk-jockey “military hero”.

  17. Denise writes:

    What Paulian policies are negatives? Not voting for tax increases, or pay and perk raises for Governmental Vampyres? (Stope feeding the beast). Not sending dupes off to die in to illegal foriegn wars, that benefit the enemies of the dupes? Auditing the blood supply of the Vampyre Race? (Thus pulling the fangs out of America’s throat)

    Yup. Really bad ideas.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Most fair minded American White Natationalists agree that RP had many good issues. He just sucks on immigration, deserving his NumbersUSA D- immigration grade. And it is just a sad reality that Ron Paul is not a competitive Presidential candidate; he doesn’t have “the right stuff”. He’s way too old, he can’t communicate with regular White Americans who aren’t in this Libertarian cult.

    It’s just basic common sense things like honoring the 10th anniversary of the 9-11-01 Muslim extremist terrorist attack by saying some respectful words for the 300 White NEw York Fireman who gave their lives on that day. Does Ron Paul say something noble, Reaganesque? No Ron Paul commits political suicide by blaming America for the attack, tries to explain Saudi Arabian anger for American foreign policy.

    We need to support White leaders who are competitive, who are the right age – not 12 years olds and not 76 years old.

    Most of all, we all need to get out/away from the Libertarian cult. It’s a sure fire loser in Presidential politics.

  18. Ron Paul’s policies would hit immigration where it hurts by attacking the key enabler–massive wealth redistribution schemes. No need for fences, laws, etc, if the wealth redistribution sham is dismantled. And I mean all of it, from welfare to affirmative action, to foreign aid. Stop it all. This is what Ron Paul would desire. It’s the wealth redistribution that enables every other liberal scheme.

  19. “Ron Paul said the criminal justice system is unfair to blacks”

    My guess is Paul means this in terms of the war on drugs (and I agree but then its unfair to most Americans at this point) and/or he’s trying to placate the MSM. Which of course didnt and won’t work.

  20. “they have willingly sacrificed the lives of their children for no other reason than to kiss the asses of the politicians in Washington.”

    Ouch. Shades of Ted Haggard, and his iconic status as former butt boy for the NAE. Politics is all so gay these days…. because women (not like Denise, or my wife- they have their heads on straight!) got the vote.

  21. I called my people last night and asked them about the 4 big candidates

    Newt; Hell no! Got no morals and slippery

    Paul; They don’t like him. #1) he’s a sissy who’d curl up and pee his pants if things go sideways. #2) They like Paul on foreign aide, abortion, Fed/ sound money but figure he’s delusional on everything else. You don’t win friends around here by saying there’s nothing wrong with niggers, mexicans or queers; you also don’t win friends around here by bad mouthing the military and America. He pushes all the wrong buttons. The only thing he could do worse is talk down Gen Lee, Richard Petty, Dale Sr or Jesus.

    Romney; they don’t like him, don’t like his daddy and see him as McCain without the brass balls in days past. He isn’t one of them (working class), and figure he’s the kind of guy who’s had a soft life, don’t know what’s like to be short on cash and long on problems. Romney is seen as the kind of guy who ships jobs overseas and wants’ cheap mexican labor. Any jobs he creates won’t be for our kind of people. They’d vote for him in the general election, because they can’t stand having a nigger in the White House, but they won’t campaign for him. They learned that lesson with McCain, and think Romney is a watered down version of BHO. He won’t get the gop fired up; voter turnout will suck if Romney runs. They also think he’ll go left once he’s in office. No one mentioned him being a Mormon. Surprised me.

    Santorum; it’s all about immigration and they think he’ll be the one to do something serious about it. No one gave him much praise. My family is military or folks who’ve been hit hard by outsourcing jobs and the mexican invasion. They figure there will be no economic recovery for them until the mexicans are driven out & Romney reminds them of the bastards that shipped their jobs overseas. Even the one computer nerd says legal immigration is making work hard for him. Someone mentioned he has working man roots. They also think he’ll be the lest abortion friendly president and will roll back BHO expansion of it. No one thinks Santorum will end abortion. They rather have a better option, but to them Santorum is the best of the sorry lot.

    The last time I looked, the Army was 80% Southron White men. That’s more true for combat arms more technically advanced MOS. Although no one says it out loud, lots of Southrons feel it and NASCAR belong to us. Both of which are shitting on us every chance they get, but that isn’t here nor there. My point is, it’s hard for outsiders to understand how much the military means to small and rural Southron Whites or what a family business the Army is. When young Southron White men sign up, they aren’t just joining the Army, they’re following in someone’s footsteps; honoring their uncles, older brothers, fathers and grandfathers; his parents are proud, his grandparents are proud; his siblings look up to him; his neighbors treat him like a man and call him sir and mr instead of little Johnny. And it can be an exciting job in a world full of lame and boring. The more particle side; it’s where we go to learn trades and earn college money. There’s no college fund or affirmative action plans to help average IQ White men out like there is for women, niggers and the like.

  22. Obama, Romney, Santorum, Gingrich: same ZOGlobalist poison in different colored bottles. Ron Paul? A few good ideas, more bad, + his mom dresses him funny. Rand seems like a good guy…but by the time he runs for Prez, assuming we still have a elections in 2016/2020, Zion will have corrupted him too. It’s no longer a matter of individuals; the whole System has to go.

  23. MajikFireHornet says:
    March 16, 2012 at 3:03 am
    “Obama, Romney, Santorum, Gingrich: same ZOGlobalist poison in different colored bottles. Ron Paul? A few good ideas, more bad, + his mom dresses him funny. Rand seems like a good guy…but by the time he runs for Prez, assuming we still have a elections in 2016/2020, Zion will have corrupted him too. It’s no longer a matter of individuals;

    the whole System has to go.”

    Exactly. The System pulls individuals in, and the individuals cease to be individuals. They become one cell in a body. They do as the rest of the cells do. And they LIKE it.

    Most individual’s that go in now to Moloch’s mouth WANT to go in. They think becoming One in Moloch is GREAT.

    Diversity Training makes all the cells work together…….

    Moloch must go.

  24. The main problem with all the candidates from the “party of Lincoln” is that they are all Yankees of one sort or another…not much of a choice really. We do not have and will never have a political voice within the current political structure of BRA.

    The South is only useful to the GOP as a reliable and easily betrayed source of opposition to liberal Democrat overreach on social issues. Once they gain office, they govern according to the dominant liberal paradigm, all the while enriching themselves at the expense of their duped constituents.

    To add further insult to injury, they waste the lives of our young in foreign wars fought in the interest of those who benefit from the dominant liberal paradigm. These beneficiaries are most obviously not white Southerners, who are held in contempt by the politicians of both parties.

    Whenever and however, a free and independent Southland is the only way we will ever see true liberty and popular sovereignty restored. The leadership void is immense at present. The odds are long indeed. Our enemies grow more weak and desperate every day as the truth becomes more manifest every day.

    The bloom has long been off the rose. How long, oh Lord, how long…

    Deo Vindice

  25. Fr John,

    You are right. Women ought not get the vote. I’m an anomoly. I feel, but I think and analyze. I’m ot always right. It’s weird to be a Thinker woman. Most men and other women don’t like this. It’s weird and uncanny. I’m like Tiresias – only born in a woman’s flesh. Most people are herd creatures. (We Awake Whites just want our own herd, is all) The herd doesn’t like anomalies.

    When men like you lament about women having the vote – I have queasy conflicts. Women don’t belong in the public sphere, setting policy. Women infantilize EVERYRTHING. Most women do not know how to seperate their “feelings – and engage in rational, dispassionate analysis on anything. Oh – there have always been like me. WN are outliers, and WN women the outleirs of the outliers. The thought of relinquishing a essential mechanism like the right to vote shocks me in a visceral way – but then I must reflect – what am I permitted to vote for?

    Look at the “choices” wee have in this “Presidential” election.

    I’d gladly cede my right to vote, if it meant we’d have sane society again. But men must regain sanity first. En masse. I don’t know how this can be accomplished – and I’m not being flippant, I’m begin sincere.

    I think we are going to have to go “all the way down”…

    Last night I told Haughty Blonde to start reading your posts. She knows virtually nothing about theology. She’s attempting to combast the Zio Xians around her. I told her to start reading your posts, because you know your stuff, and she’ll be able to glean enough info to answer their blather effectively. Even without a detailed knowledge of theology – she’s already lucid, and she’ll be a lot more lucid than the befuddled fools she’s dealing with, with a bit of instruction.

    It’s a spiritual battle we’re in, as well a a physical one. We are so outnumbered – but we must fight on. To our last breath. And the fields of battle are many.

  26. “Wayne says:
    March 15, 2012 at 11:06 pm
    Ron Paul’s policies would hit immigration where it hurts by attacking the key enabler–massive wealth redistribution schemes. No need for fences, laws, etc, if the wealth redistribution sham is dismantled. And I mean all of it, from welfare to affirmative action, to foreign aid. Stop it all. This is what Ron Paul would desire. It’s the wealth redistribution that enables every other liberal scheme.”

    Damned right, Wayne! DAMNED right. Alas – until people learn how to THINK – determine and appreciate cause, and EFFECT – we are truly fuck-ed. There’s a lot of men that ought not be able to vote.

    I don’t give a flying one about what Paul sez about Nigs or Gays or sucking babies out. Because pulling the levers that stop the grinding gears of our Crazy word is what matters. Oh – I know it’s critical to be able to communicate effectively. I know he’s not doing this. It’s BECAUSE he’s dealing strictly in the mechanisms – the internal engines that drive the rotten system.

    People only see the surface. The facade.

    But taking down the nuts and bolts is what stops all the rest.

  27. lol Santy wants to ban ALL porn, talk about a whack job pushing his beliefs on others.

    And folks above (stone) criticize Paul for “sounds like a far leftist regarding queers, drugs, the border, foreign policy, and anti- military rhetoric…. “. Wow still ignorant, thats okay, I understand that a public education has failed you. Regarding queers and drugs (and hell lets add abortion), he deflects the choice back to the STATE, not to dictate like a king what is proper for all in the nation. Hey, you want to live in such a state, good for you, we have 50 of them and Im sure you can find your fit somewhere – hence the idea backed by the constitution.

    Ooooo the border, do some more research, a border fence is impossible. Stupid people who echo this call know nothing of topography. Why not have a DMZ? Have your shill candidates suggested that? No, they just want to waste more tax payer $$$$ on a dead end. Its more successful to target the illegals in employment situations and deport them (what Paul advocates). Lastly the ILLEGAL wars, Paul is not anti-military (look at his donation ratio from them), he only desires to get the okay from congress first before destroying an enemy, is that too complicated?

    Damn, enough of the sad talking points youre fed through your Rush/Hannity/Levin and learn to do your own research (on PAST actions).

    Here is a fun idea, imagine Mitts trying to debate Obama, what a TOTAL failure that would be:

    Zero: “thanks Mitt for the basis of national health care”
    RMoney: “No problem, after all there are vids of me from 2009 telling you how to do it and that I like your actions”
    Zero: “So yeah guns are bad”
    RMoney “Oh I totally agree”

  28. You are right. Women ought not get the vote. I’m an anomoly. I feel, but I think and analyze. I’m ot always right. It’s weird to be a Thinker woman. Most men and other women don’t like this. It’s weird and uncanny…”

    Agree with that. Would rather be doing things I’m obviously more suited for —as people on here point out to me, lol— than trying to think about things that don’t interest me all that much s/a politics. But in this current time, NO decent woman wouldn’t at least try to understand things better— for the sake of their own children.

  29. DixeGirl – I’m not saying women ought not to learn about politics, et al. Women absolutel;y SHOULD. Vote or not. Perhaps more women would be more helpful, and loyal to their own people.

    The problem is women are now using Uncle Sam to take the place of righteous husbands. I’m afraid that the inate emotional Nature of MOST women will forever preclude rational analisys.

    Remember – we are the exceptions. We still have the Mamma Bear instinct. I know I am doing what I do for 2 reasons:

    1) I am a Celt, and I want to say what EVER I want to say. I want to live FREE.

    Number 1 as well – I do not have children of my own. But I have many children in my life that I ADORE. They are wonderful. Delightful, intelligent, hopelessly utterly completely irresistably charming, and so gifted. I cannot bear the thought of witnessing the lives of the children I adore RUINED by the destruction of our Race.

    So I’ll do whatever I can.

    Dixie – we must do whatever we can to make sure OUR beloved children inherit the Earth.

  30. Maxx – Sanitorium will do whatever the Kikes tell him to do. He’s totally Queer for the Kikes. Lived in a Hebe fraternity in college. His darling White Christian wife, mother of all the Yids…kids….had an affair with a kike more than what…80 times her age? But Ricky forgave her excellent Shabbos Goy – PERFECT Shabbos Goy that he is.

    I’ll bet Shirley never put horns on Ron.

    That concept of STates Rights, and Sovereignity – well – it is kinda esoteric, for some folks. Manly men – who march off to war cause it’s manly to just go and fight, and you can make money hey the pay and beneifts are good vets would NEVER get screwed out of anything thet were promised right we have a TRADITION of going off to war which is really manly and herioc and honorable. Especially lost causes too many words to stay home and build the Nation of the soil you were born on and defend that soil from the slitheriest of snakes, who have so many words it takes too much …”thought”…to figure out what those words actually MEAN…hurts brain….hey….Snakes say GO TO WAR LIKE MANLY MEN! YAY! Dancing is for FAAAAGS. WAR LIKE FOOTBALL YAY!

    On a related topic – White lawyer (I can’t believe we still have any White male lawyers left) John Henry Borwn is going to defend the soldier to slaughtered Afghani wmen and children. This poor SAP is a 38 year old father. and has an excellent record, he’s had his foot partially blown off, but he was still sent back to fight to the poppy fields that are so very critical to Israel’s drug tade. He had seen his friend’s leg blown off the previous day – so MANY American men and WOMEN have utterly mutilated bodies – so valiant and heroic they are – and this poor dupe just “snapped”. God only knows what type of exotic and super secret drugs they soldiers are given, by our wonderful caring Light of the World authorities.

    Anyway – apparently this Brown guy (John Brown. Ya can’t make this stuff up) is going to put the war itself on trial. He’s from Washington State. He is very soft-spoken, very handsome, and has a very sort of “Earthy Crunchy” feel. I’ll bet he’s a Ron Paul supporter.

    I understand he’s a formidable lawyer. This is going to be interesting.

  31. Paul does far better in the great white North than South. So what does that say about the vaunted difference of the South, when it goes overwhelmingly for the most neo-“conservative” moderates?

  32. My VERY limited southern experience, over the years, of visiting North Carolina and Virginia, and Tennessee folks, mostly suburbanites, but some rural, is that they’re mostly satisfied with the present system (as the election results seem to show) and that their “conservative” CHURCH leaders are especially supportive of the present course to destruction.

    I’ve also thought of the FALKLANDS havens, of the deepest south, for several years, but since oil reserves are discovered there…their days of isolation are probably numbered.

  33. “You are right. Women ought not get the vote. I’m an anomoly. I feel, but I think and analyze. I’m ot always right. It’s weird to be a Thinker woman. Most men and other women don’t like this. It’s weird and uncanny. I’m like Tiresias – only born in a woman’s flesh. Most people are herd creatures. (We Awake Whites just want our own herd, is all) The herd doesn’t like anomalies.”

    This is the complete wrong time for that, as the single women are starting to realize that they’ve been sold a bill of goods.

    “lol Santy wants to ban ALL porn, talk about a whack job pushing his beliefs on others.”

    The sooner society burns the to ground the better. Go Santorum!

  34. Ooooo the border, do some more research, a border fence is impossible. Stupid people who echo this call know nothing of topography. Why not have a DMZ? Have your shill candidates suggested that?

    I agree, a border fence is as big a blunder as the Maginot Line. Letting cops arrest whole families of illegal aliens as they are walking along non pedestrian friendly suburban four lane divided highways on their way to the grocery store as if they are strolling through the village market in Oaxaca. Or showing up on job sites to run ID’s is a much better allocation of resources. Simple frequent Humvee patrols and helicopters along the desert border areas would suffice. A fence only makes sense in populated areas where you don’t want families of wetbacks, or banditos with 100 lb bales of drugs running through peoples backyards.

    As for Santorum, suddenly talking all this fundamentalist religion is not going to win over any independent voters and turn off the suburban female vote. Perhaps it is just aimed at upcoming southern primaries, but I don’t know if he would fare well in a general election. On the other hand, Romney is so passionless I also don’t know if he is the sure thing the Republican establishment thinks he is. I’ll vote for either of the two over The Magic Negro, at least the EPA, EEOC, and various other agencies will be purged of the radical leftists, college professors, and lesbians that are absolute disaster for this country.

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