About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There are some comments to the article, where his readers are apparently gossiping about us here.

    One that I found strangely complimentary:

    “I find them fascinating the way I would find tame wolves and wolf-dogs fascinating. While they are interesting to observe, I have to remember they are just a single leap and bound from tearing out my throat.”

    Oh DWL’s, nigger-lovers & various subhuman throwbacks, flatter all you like, but you’re still going to have to take me somewhere nice:-)

  2. I got quoted there too.

    The diarist reminds me of various semioticians I’ve met. Professors of nothing.

    I’m not that much of a fan really. The Romero zombie flicks (a Pittsburgh whitopia native) were much better. The strange absence of blacks is also quite notable. They probably could not manage enough headshots when the zombies came. To many gangster bullshit weapon grips no doubt.

  3. HA!!!!! The OD is quoted on the Daily Commie!

    Chaunceydevega loves us. He/It is yet another acolyte, who whats us, but is fighting it. When a Blogger/Journalist/Whatever uses more than 50% of the space in an article quoting the subjects – well it’s only a mtter of time befire He/She/It begins using Amren as a Gateway Drug, and then starts sending donations to SBPDL, and Stormfront, and then starts purchasing authentic Nazi regalia at gun shows.

    They are fascinated by us because we have far more original insights and observations, than the spawn of all the Kike Fags and Spawn of Kike Fags Chauney’s citing ( Hall, Butler, Lacan, Bakhtin, Laclau, Dyer, Lipsitz, Frith, Fiske, hooks, Foucault) Foucault? What? Is Chauncey kidding? Really? How sad…..

    They know we are interesting, fabulousm and right.

    Should any posters from there wander over here – please delineate your reasons FOR your monomaniacal and irrational compulsion to include Negroes in every little thing. Tel us “why”? Cite verifiable examples of Why Negroes are Needed.

    Also – for Guilty Pleasures – ‘fess up who you’d really want around in a Zombie Apocolypse? Merle and Darryl, or some Negro? Tell the truth. We won’t report you.to the Kultural Kommisars….


  4. Chris – re: that tearing of the throat bit – that fraud Freud hit on a couple of accurate insights: “sublimation” and “projection”.

    “I find them fascinating the way I would find tame wolves and wolf-dogs fascinating. While they are interesting to observe, I have to remember they are just a single leap and bound from tearing out my throat.”

    Hhhmmmm….sounds like kinky time fantasies, in the darkest hours of the night….

  5. “I find them fascinating the way I would find tame wolves and wolf-dogs fascinating. While they are interesting to observe, I have to remember they are just a single leap and bound from tearing out my throat.”

    Awwwww, to the contrary. We are nothing but a harmless bunch of little lovable fuzzballs. A pack (gaggle? flock?) of kind-hearted little teddy bears. Just some folks on the internet, having a fun virtual tavern chat.

    Now blacks on the other hand, now with them you better watch your throat, arms, ears etc. Chauncey. They’re the one with the reputation for snapping at the drop of a hat.

  6. I wish they’d post the entire thread. That was a GREAT thread, They’d learn something.

    “Hunter Wallace says:
    March 22, 2012 at 3:06 am
    We exist far outside the boundaries of their paradigm.”

    That’s why they find us so fascinating.

  7. Y’allz too legit to quit! Straight for the big time.

    I’m pissed I couldn’t read that thread. Enjoyed season 1 but I’m waiting for season 2 on dvd and I know there were spoilers all up in that thread

  8. I must have missed your review Hunter.

    I read the comic a couple of years ago, because I like zombies, vampires and things like that. Where you see Black zombies, I see unending millions of non-Whites, mass migrating into all White countries and only White countries, and forcibly integrating with us, until we Whites are exterminated everywhere on the planet.

    Anyhoo, I found the comic to be repetitive and full of leftist, anti-White BS. I got the impression the author had no particular story in mind, he was going to keep creating random situations, until people got bored and stopped buying it. So it was no surprise to me, when I learned it was written by a self chosenite. lol

    Man, even when they have zero talent, these folks get published and put on the televitz. So I wonder if there is some cabal of rich anti-White folks, like George Soros, that pick this garbage out, because of its political messages and keep buying it in bulk and shredding it, until it gains a momentum in the mainstream.

    It seems art isn’t considered “art”, unless it has anti-White leftist, moralizing in it. Exactly what year did that start?

  9. Who cares what the Daily Kosmics “think”. They are all about debt-financed Group Entitlement and nothing else. When the debt-bomb explodes, they are chaff in the wind and we will be cleaning up the mess they left behind. Well and good.

  10. Correction, I couldn’t find proof that Robert Kirkman is one of the self chosen, but his comic books absolutely reeked of it. Blacks on blonds, gays, you name it. Then you have this story, where his artist is suing him, for conning him out of the rights to the comic:

    “Walking Dead’s” Robert Kirkman sued by illustrator

    “Asked during a podcast how a comic book writer should find an artist to draw his or her stories, Kirkman dryly replied, “Trickery and deceit.””

    He could be White, and he looks White from his picture, but I wouldn’t want him in my community.

  11. I can’t find any info about Kirkman actually being a genetic Yid – but he’s immersed in their world. Like Timothy Geithner – he’s a de facto Yid.

  12. Sometimes the heathens (that’s what “gentile” means) are the worst. Zeal of the convert, and all that; they don’t know how much is too much so they go all gauche.

    But yes, between the name and his writing, he sets off the Jewdar big time. I haven’t G**gled his photo yet.

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