About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t like any of them. But the mainstream is fully backing Newt. And I don’t trust the mainstream any further than I can throw them. I do not think Mitt can win the general, but I don’t think any of them can. I think the fix is in for Obama, so I hate to see good conservatives compromise again only to get their asses handed to them. This is the time to reject dipshits like Hannity and who they are pushing. The whole edifice needs to be rejected until it responds properly to our desires. Especially if the fix is in.

  2. Does anyone really care? Remember, whoever occupies the WH on 1/20/13, the anti-White agenda goes on.

    Remember, when you vote for any of the anti-White “choices” you are giving your implied consent to the anti-White agenda. Not ONE of these charlatans has given ANY evidence of being pro-White, only the contrary.

    IMO, unless you can vote for a third party pro-White it’s better to stay home. At least on the national level the “two party system” disenfranchised us some time ago.

  3. In the general election I’m voting for Romney instead of a minor party candidate this time. I know his administration will be as bad as both the Bushes were but Obama is far, far worse. I’m only doing this because I’m pretty sure Romney will not appoint a gun control advocate to the Supreme Court. Obama will.

  4. Voting for a white guy is voting for a white guy. End of story.

    This Obama fellow has genocide in mind. Maybe not on his watch. He’s hidden it well but the adoption of Trayvon (like a black Ceasar or JC himself) really means you have no choice now.
    He’ll favor black over white everytime. It’s just that simple. Romney is a transplanted Essex Boy anyway.

  5. The Republican party is turning into the de facto white party. There is nothing inherently wrong with that as it will gradually tend to take on pro-white positions by default. We are bankrupt and have no more money to fight Jewish wars in the Middle East. Domestic issues will rise more to the forefront during the coming decline of the USA.

  6. Paul over Romney in the primary, then Romney, but Sanitarium not! Obama victory however slim would be taken and run with as a clear mandate, must not happen.

  7. I’ve lost all interest in this race. Once in a while I check up on a story about the latest gaffe committed by the 3 GOP dunces or about Paul’s grassroots organising (they seem to be doing a good job of taking over the GOP in many areas, which is positive). Anyhow, I guess I prefer Romney wins the nomination because I despise Gingrich and Santorum – they are dangerous men. Then again, Romney isn’t much better but at least he doesn’t dream of seeing his face on Mt Rushmore like Newt or starting a holy war like Santorum. But none of this matters because at this point it’s almost impossible for a GOP candidate to win the White House based on simple demographics. They are effectively an opposition party from here on out.

  8. I’m with you Palmetto Patriot. Obama will be re-elected and there will be revolution. I welcome it.

  9. @White & Confederate

    Really? What day is it going to happen? And where? Who will be the belligerents? I’m just curious, because everyone keeps saying, as if reassuringly, that it won’t matter if Obama wins again, because there will be “a revolution”. So how is it going to start? Who is going to shoot first? I’d love to hear some more details, since people are so sure it’s going to happen.

  10. Romney is not exactly their ATeam. But Obama did step in shit by adopting Trayvon.
    There’s enough about Trayvon to trip up Obama. This was a rare moment when he’s got ahead of the program.

  11. PalmettoPatriot wrote:
    at this point it’s almost impossible for a GOP candidate to win the White House based on simple demographics. They are effectively an opposition party from here on out.

    Good point. People have asserting how ‘popular’ Barack Hussein Obama remains, as with ~45-50% approval lately he is certainly more popular than Bush was. If 1/3rd of the people polled at Nonwhites, and they support Obama 3-to-1 (the Nonwhite vote margin he got in ’08), that would mean ~30-35% of Whites support Obama. Excluding Jews, it’s certainly under 30%.

  12. In what sense is the Sanitarium vote “a rejection of Bush” if the Bushes, especially the Junior, were regarded like Sanitarium as the moral or social conservative choice, and when Sanitarium is apparently as willing as both Bushes were to start wars beneficial to Israel? A Bush- (neoconservative-) rejection vote would be for Paul, among the existing choices, I think.

  13. If Romney represents another Bush, doesn’t Sanitarium resemble him MORE closely?
    Republican voters in the southern states, and in most states, so far, seem to want another Bush, instead of Obama.

  14. The only shooting that is going to start is going to be by the niggers who will riot if Obama is *not* re-elected.

  15. In what sense is the Sanitarium vote “a rejection of Bush”?

    Mainstream is pushing Romney, not Santorum. Everyone who followed the mainstream and voted for Bush got their asses handed to them. This is the same mainstream that refuses to address how bad Bush really was.

    They are not voting for Paul because they are still trapped in the matrix, but trying to reject it as best they can.

  16. Voting for a white guy is voting for a white guy? What does that mean??? Do you think any of the white politicians in office are “on your side”?? You think white politicians give a shit about white genocide? You think business leaders care?

    All you are doing when you punch a ballot is swapping out a black Obama for a White one. And Christy, LETS HEAR YOUR SOLUTION!! No wait. I already know what it will be: more voting, take it to the courts, bigger, better websites bla bla. The advocacy of 75 year old men living in Panem.

  17. 49 to 27 by the last estimate, but both get to share the 20 delegates.

    Those neo-“conservative” premillennial-influenced southerns are thrilled with him, white Republicans making over $100,000 income chose Romney “as most able to defeat Obama,” and Gingrich far more popular than Paul.

  18. @Chris313. It is impossible to know what particular events will precipitate a revolution. It is either a revolution or genocide for whites (whether gradual or quick). What is your point? That since I can not provide details about how a revolution will occur that it can’t occur? Who would have predicted the Boston massacre and its consequences? The better question is what can WE do to create a revolution!

  19. The”Bible Belt” in Appalachian and rural eastern Pennsylvania, too, is solidly behind Sanitarium at the moment. Paul “the closet racist” with his “dangerous foreign policy and legal marijuana” is rejected.

  20. @Orion14

    I don’t have a solution, and never claimed one. I advise white people to be responsible for their own existence to the extent their able, to adapt to difficult circumstances as best they can, to develop a strong will, and to fight with the weapons they have — i.e. VOTING. Not sitting and pissing about how “the system is rigged” or “the jooz control everything” or “Romney and Obama are the same”. In other words, live in reality. FUCK you.

    @White & Confederate

    I don’t categorically rule out a massive governmental/societal change in this country’s future. All tyranny’s crumble eventually. History speaks that loud and clear. But I’m not betting everything on some tired grumblings about what white people will do if such & such line crossed. Short of an act of God (Hurricane Katrina and resultant chaos, for example) white people just aren’t going to do shit, and everyone damn well knows it. Certainly the niggers do.

    Many people believe that the last chance for a white uprising in this country, was when the National Guard marched that little sheboon into that all-white school back in the 1950’s. That was the most clear and malicious violation of freedom of association that had ever been visited on a free people, and brazen gesture of what would be to come, and white people did nothing. For the safety of their very flesh and blood they did nothing. Why would they suddenly rise up in righteous cause, if Obama gets another four years to desecrate a government that even the most blindlt patriotic have lost faith in?

    Come November, I vote for Romney. For now, that’s the most I can do.

  21. Santorum detonated on the talk show circuit, accused Zimmerman of being sick and malicious. Imagine that. Must be psychic and has visions of events where he was not at!

  22. @Rudel

    I’ve known the mantra for a while. Pretty much everyone around here is wise about race. It’s impossible not be, if you’re white in Detroit and the surrounding area.

    Respect to Denise and everyone else who shouts back, really. But I stay out of it anymore. I used to welcome it when anybody, anybody at all, would try and have a go at me over something racial — and it always ended with ME in handcuffs. I’m tall and broad-shouldered and have dark hair & eyes, and can honestly look menacing sometimes. The cops are always going to look at me first. So I prefer to stay clear if it anymore. If I’m physically attacked by niggers, then all bets are off and the gates of hell fling wide open. But short of that, I have no more interest in engaging idiots who I’m confident will be messy crime-scenes someday.

  23. I think it was one the stupidest things I’ve ever read. There’s no “religious awakening” going on in this country, unless perhaps it is an awakening to what a crock of shit most religion actually is. But that’s nothing new. Paul Drockon sounds delusional.

  24. Ok man. You keep putting your hope into Romney and betting against the religious right and we’ll keep laughing our asses off the whole way. How’s that sound? You’re a Jew, Chris. You and your pro-choice Catholic friends are nothing but Jews. You hang out with people who say they are one thing, but believe something totally different, just like Jews. You’ve got legal issues, just like a Jew. You keep telling people that if they act according to their beliefs (like moving somewhere white), they are stupid, just like a Jew. You date Jews, just like a Jew. You’re nothing but a belligerent little Jew. Enjoy!

  25. @Landshark

    Thanks, I will vote for Romney, and you rapture-bunnies can fill your church pews with all the mulatto babies your women crank out.

    Being Catholic while having a pro-choice stance is hardly “Jewish”. It just means my beliefs, and those of my close friends, happen to be nuanced. And that’s hardly anything unusual. But I don’t expect you to comprehend any perspective that is less 100% arbitrary in nature, given the fecal matter compressed in between your ears.

    And yeah, I dated a Jewish girl once upon a time. What of it? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you sound jealous. What’s the matter, are women turned off by your bitter, Jew-obsessed, misogynistic personality? I’m shocked.

    Go fuck yourself.

  26. “313Chris says:
    March 25, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    I’ve known the mantra for a while. Pretty much everyone around here is wise about race. It’s impossible not be, if you’re white in Detroit and the surrounding area.

    Respect to Denise and everyone else who shouts back, really. But I stay out of it anymore. I used to welcome it when anybody, anybody at all, would try and have a go at me over something racial — and it always ended with ME in handcuffs. I’m tall and broad-shouldered and have dark hair & eyes, and can honestly look menacing sometimes. The cops are always going to look at me first. So I prefer to stay clear if it anymore. If I’m physically attacked by niggers, then all bets are off and the gates of hell fling wide open. But short of that, I have no more interest in engaging idiots who I’m confident will be messy crime-scenes someday.”

    Chris – I think we all must do what workd for us, in our own little world. I’ve stated before – I am a 5’3″ female, and I can get away with REAMS of crap, that great big White men can’t right now. Chris – I have had Great big White men back me up. I would have had a great big UGLY La Raza Spic beat the crap out of me, in broad daylight, at an Anti Spic invasion rally, once, a few years ago, had not 4 LARGE, silent, literally imposing MEN been literally right behind me. The Spic was giving me crap – and hurled it RIGHT back – and I can be really sarcastic – and he turned on his heel ,adn came at me. Then he saw the guys behind me.

    I run my mouth in MY world because I know my audience, so to speak. I’ve participated in all sorts of events. With other females. The guys involved always took excellent care of us. Haughty Blonde would FREAK if any-one messed up her lovely face, or even her hair and clothes. She’s as obnoxious as I am, when she gets going. I’d be more inclined to physically fight back, if attacked, but she’d stroke out on the spot. We have one tall redheaded gal, though, who used to scare the little baby Skinheads whne she partook of the grape. but she didn’t even want to ever get punched out.

    Considering your locale – you are just trying to survive. We don’t need any dead WN, or imprisoned Whites. No way. Do wha’ts best. I am in my little sphere. I am in NO physical danger from the Whites I’m trying to awaken. I’m trying to do some preventative racializing.

    I think you are GREAT. If the mass Chimp Out occurs – just make sure you get out of harm’s way. We don’t know each other in person – but I value your life VERY much.

  27. @Denise

    Thank you very much! Sometimes I get the feeling that I could have been your little brother in some other life.:-)

  28. Chris – thank you. You are my brother. I am your sister. I love you. I do. this is all online – but you can get a real sense of some-one’s “soul”. You are wonderful. And make you have a bug-out route, when the time comes.

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