The bronze bust of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest in Live Oak Cemetery in Selma has disappeared.
It was stolen in the middle of the night on March 9th. The Sons of Confederate Veterans is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the return of the monument.
The Montgomery Advertiser article fails to mention that Al Sharpton was in town all week leading a march by Organized Blackness from Selma to Montgomery over the spread of Voter ID laws.
The Forrest bust mysteriously disappeared on the same night as the Sharpton rally in Montgomery. It hasn’t been spotted in any of the local scrap metal places. The manner in which it was stolen suggests it was an anti-Confederate political statement.
This could be another case of the scrap metal thieves who stole the copper sword above Lincoln’s tomb last year. The timing suggests otherwise.
Organized Blackness was quick to react to the crime:
“Attorney Faya Rose Toure, the most vocal Forrest critic in Selma, said she didn’t have anything to do with the disappearance, but she is happy it happened and even volunteered to defend the guilty party or parties —if caught —“free of charge.”
“(Forrest) was a domestic terrorist, and I think the man who took (the bust) did us all a favor,” said Toure, formerly known as Rose Sanders, the wife of state Sen. Hank Sanders, D-Selma…
It didn’t take long for angry black Selmians to begin calling for the monument’s removal. Protests included the dumping of garbage on it. Demonstrators once tossed a rope around the bust and tried to yank it off the heavy base. It broke.
“Jews would not tolerate a statue of Hitler in their neighborhood and what they put up in our neighborhood back then was pretty much the same thing,” Toure said. “Descendants of those who enslaved us insist on honoring someone with Klan connections.”
If Toure had her way, the Forrest monument would be removed from Selma. She said it has “no place” on public property.”
Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest is best remembered for the manner in which he dealt with the Black Undertow.
How would the real Nathan Bedford Forrest have dealt with the likes of Al Sharpton and Faya Rose Toure? Would he have responded to such an insult like Connie Chastain?
White Southerners can learn a lot from Nathan Bedford Forrest. Foremost among these lessons is how we should have responded to Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement.
Note: If there had been more Nathan Bedford Forrests and fewer Connie Chastains in the last generation, Selma wouldn’t be an uninhabitable Black Undertow city today.
The loss of this bronze bust of Forrest is less important than the loss of Selma, Dallas County, and the whole Black Belt region to White people, not to mention Birmingham, because MLK succeeded in getting the Voting Rights Act shoved down our throats.
As they took his song
They stole his pride…
As he faced the sun he cast no shadow.
I think Forrest would be enjoying his notoriety.
Looking at Zimmerman you actually see the motivation of the
Confederate. Protecting his neighbors, friends, family and property. Except of course he’s Hispanic. It’s sad that they had to pick up what was the white man’s burden. It’s pathetic to see these emasculated whites on Fox News. Our people are a shadow of their glorious ancestors.
If Zimmerman is white then Tutankhamun, Rameses, Scorpion King etc etc are certainly conclusively whites.
Demonstrators once tossed a rope around the bust and tried to yank it off the heavy base.
Noose! Noose! Noose! Noose! Noose! Somebody put a noose around a neck! Lynching! Legacy of slavery! Environment of hate! Violence against Black people by proxy! Call the Jenna 6!
Oh, wait, it was a noose around the neck of a statue of a white man. Never mind.
Speaking of lynching, it is Organized Blackness that is marching around in hoodies demanding the lynching of poor George Zimmerman.
One lesson in all this — there is absolutely no pleasing black people. They will whine, destroy and pollute until there is nothing but ashes. And then move on. This is becoming more and more clear. And that they take pride in this. This is the pride of their culture. It’s the best time they know how to have.
Land Shark – are we pals again?
“LandShark says:
March 25, 2012 at 5:09 pm
One lesson in all this — there is absolutely no pleasing black people. They will whine, destroy and pollute until there is nothing but ashes. And then move on. This is becoming more and more clear. And that they take pride in this. This is the pride of their culture. It’s the best time they know how to have.”
Yup. Indeed.
Of course, Denise. Until the next time.
Nothing like a little dust-up to keep the ideas flowing.
“Hunter Wallace says:
March 25, 2012 at 4:56 pm
Speaking of lynching, it is Organized Blackness that is marching around in hoodies demanding the lynching of poor George Zimmerman.”
I love it when they do our work for us. Can you believe it? It’s too much fun. This is one event that I not ever ever ever would have invented on my own, were I given the Opp to “Show them as they are”. Are Hebes no longer stage-managing them? Tons of Nigs, in hoodies, waving little bags of bad candy – perfect.
This is perfect.
Sharkie – yay! (Now I wonder if Stoney will EVER “speak” to me again….)
Perhaps we can show our contempt by showering these protesters with skittles?
Shower them with Bowling skittles?
From 10,000 ft?
They hate Gen. Forrest above all other Confederate icons for one simple reason. He represents the one thing they have no answer too: whites rising up as one body after a humiliating defeat and defending themselves and their sacred honer.
They thought they had the South beat permanently, much like they now think they have white America properly submissive.They don’t want whites being aware of the only way out. As long as there exists a bare memory of men like NBF, their empire of lies remains at risk.
Forrest also represents a genuine military genius. He was born common, funded his first regiment and lead a Chevauchee campaign that would have impressed: Cossacks, Henry V, Alexander, Richard Lionheart, Saladin, The Polish Hussars and Genghis Khan, El Cid, Tarleton, Cromwell, Prince Rupert, Murat. Just on that level he deserves his statues. Never mind the Klan connection. He opperated like Patton or Guderian but with Dragoons.
Forrest btw is more Sectary Roundhead than Cavalier. His men were trained like Dragoons. Not founcey chargers.
Second video @ 2:34.
“These were men who knew what they were doing, almost all of them were veterans, they knew exactly the power of terror…”
I was going to ask who the trashy B**** was, and then I realized it WAS a Negro.
Never mind. Question answered.
The confederate vets invented the modern anti-occupation insurgency. The Taliban has nothing on them. NBF knew the purpose of an insurgency was NOT to meet the enemy in a head to head fight. It was to harass, tire and irritate him until he withdrew.
Sharkie – yay! (Now I wonder if Stoney will EVER “speak” to me again….)
Hell yea I will. Just been busy, and my personal life has been rough so I step away from the interwebs.
I have a tattoo of Forrest, Jackson and Lee. Kind of like the Stone Mountain relief expect I went with Forrest over Davis.
Well, I am as white as snow, and if I lived near that distasteful statue, I would be against it, too. It is as disgusting as a monument to Hitler–or Satan. We are all God’s children. When will we stop hating and killing? Maybe never…so sad.
Even worse than the defilement of this bust are the scurrilous rumors that Gen. Forrest was bisexual. Disgusting! His “long, flowing locks” detailed in many a Civil War memoir were a matter of personal taste in the era and did not signify anything except his wild spirit. Those who would besmirch his name by citing specious accounts of Forrest emerging from soldier’s bivouac shelters underdressed do not understand battle and encampment reality. And they have an agenda to destroy the name of this great man.