Trayvon Martin Tribute Video


The lyrics read:

“A mama’s cryin’ ‘Cause another young man has gone and died / He’s not some statistic / He’s another awesome destiny denied.”

Yeah, Trayvon Martin was denied the “awesome destiny” of winding up as a convict in the Florida state penitentiary system. There will be plenty of more representatives of the Black Undertow shot and killed in Chicago or Detroit by this weekend. It is no real loss to society.

We have an inexhaustible supply of Trayvons.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You have to watch the entire video to see that it ends with a picture of the poor schlub Obama-voting, self-described Hispanic Jorge Zimmerman. The guy is now being immortalized by BRA popular culture. The permanent meme is now Trayvon the black saint and civil rights martyr, and Zimmerman the white (hispanic) murdering racist. So a rather undistinguished but civic-minded short, portly Mestizo wakes up one day and is transformed into the great Aryan genocidal criminal. What an insane, despicable world Obama-era America is. Nothing is real, facts are irrelevant. Substance is irrelevant. It fits in completely with the election of Obama as a result of the votes of 43% of brain dead, zombie whites.

  2. When our grandchildren study this low down dishonest decade
    the characterization of Zim as white is going to be a case study is what went wrong.
    The Beautification of TrayVontius St Martin de Florida will be a case study in travesty.

  3. Sallie says:
    “So a rather undistinguished but civic-minded short, portly Mestizo wakes up one day and is transformed into the great Aryan genocidal criminal. ”

    That’s what’s necessary for BRA to survive. It’s not enough to demonize lily whitey WASPs anymore. Anyone who exhibits any tiny trait in any way superior to the aggregate black behavior must be brought down. It HAD to come to this, the search for any lowest common denominator must always traverse this path.

  4. As a protest to this video, I want to buy a little black lawn jockey, put a hoodie and a noose on it, and call it my “lawn trayvon.”

  5. fuck it, I can’t even get mad at this stuff anymore, it’s so ridiculous. Trayvon Martin had an awesome destiny as a lawn jockey, trayvonning up the stinking place, and that’s about

  6. Dammit to hell! I just glanced at the title and saw “Trayvon” and “video” before I saw “tribute” and just for a second I got excited because I thought Hunter had come up with a video of the wee lad taking the lead. The surprised look on his face would have been priceless. We could’ve put it on a loop and sold it as porn and donated the proceeds to the Mestizo’s defense fund.

  7. I agree with you, Hunter: I’ve been sorta thinking (more like brain-buzzing; it doesn’t really rise to the level of thinking) about the “truthiness” of that word, Trayvon. It seems to have a dog-whistle-like effect, saying so much without saying anything…

  8. Heard three black girls jibber jabbering “Trayvon” in between the usual bix nood.
    At the effing YMCA. Within my earshot.

    I think it’s clearly going to boil over.

  9. Must be fully viral, finding people who normally know nothing about anything serious (as in non-trivial, non-sports, non-celebrity, etc.) in the news saying they have heard something about “Trayvon.”

  10. Thanks God for the internet and sites like these. Can you imagine the same thing happening 20 years ago? How many lies have been forced on us in the last 60 years by the treasonous media??
    The main message that should be taken away from this incident, as well as Koney, is that the media has an extreme leftest, anti-White agenda. It’s plain as the nose on anyone’s face. To say they are simply biased doesn’t scratch the surface–they are downright treasonous.

  11. “As a protest to this video, I want to buy a little black lawn jockey, put a hoodie and a noose on it, and call it my “lawn trayvon.”

    Fuck dude, I just sprayed scotch through my nose!

    I reside in S. Indiana and there are a decent number of lawn jockeys. I have no idea where people get ’em but I want one now.

  12. Wayne is dead on. I dream of a national “follow a journalist home” day. I wonder what they’d do if some of their most slanderous and provoking editors started turning up good. Would the papers all howl in unison or do the deer-in-the-headlights look?

  13. The supply of Trayvons and Latwanas is not inexhaustible. There’s maybe 35 million of them out there, heavily concentrated in the biggest cities. After PonziCollapse and considerable urban culling back & forth between Trayvon/Latwana and Pedro/Carlotta, I expect manageable numbers; if any Congoids are left after further discussions – and this applies to YKW as well – they can go back to the Dark Continent….with profoundest apologies from HW’s lazy, non-cotton picken’ Cavaliers.

  14. There is a lot of material documenting past chimpouts flying around on the interwebs thanks to the Trayvon fallout.

    I just ran across this oldie but goodie; two Koreans take care of business during the LA riots in 1992.

    If it comes to it, I hope a critical mass of Whites show similar resolve.

  15. I’m not optimistic about urban Whites, most of whom are SWPLs and Cosmics…they’re going to be heavily culled too. So Sad. Whites in the ‘burbs and rural areas will deal summarily with whatever oozes out of the cities, then go in and clean up the mess.

  16. There is some realization that the cops were suspicious of Zimmerman. So there’s no cover up there. The DA looked at the evidence and figured a conviction was a dicey prospect. So this wasn’t the system being racist.

    I think the DWL are barmy getting so excited over this. It’s perverse. The kid almost certainly punch Zimmerman in the nose and then proceeded to batter Zimmerman.
    Are they not aware of Negro fighting styles? Cold clock, sucker punch, knock in the head while man is down. They think Tray charged a man who was waving his pistol in
    face and managed to break a nose without being cut down from 10ft.

    They live in a fantasy world.

  17. As a protest to this video, I want to buy a little black lawn jockey, put a hoodie and a noose on it, and call it my “lawn trayvon.”

    I already have the lawn jockeys. I’m going to have my oldest son get some hoodies for them

  18. why do people come to a pro Southron blogg and talk down about the South? Does that make them a troll?

  19. Thomas Fleming over at Chronicles is managing to be both useful in reporting on what is going on and at the same time trying to give us a black eye. He perfectly illustrates why “Conservatives” are not only useless but a major obstacle and problem. Of course, it is as obvious WHY the Thomas Flemings are this way as it is Trayvon Martin was nothing but an up and coming dangerous criminal whose criminal career was thankfully cut short before it could get off the ground. Fleming’s article and comments are a case study of vacillation. He gives a good account of Martin and why it is all but dead certain Zimmerman did nothing wrong. But, because Fleming is a “Conservative” and thus venal and has to kiss the ass of his paymaster instead of being a man, he is forced to throw this in:

    “Some white nationalists, it goes without saying, are happy the young man was shot. His skin color by itself is proof of guilt. How such people are any different from the Sharptons and Farrakhans, I simply do not know. They are, however, proof that skin color is not everything.”

    And then this in a comment:

    “The white bigot response is as stupid and generally uninformed as the black bigot response.”

    There is more, you can read the article, it is actually pretty good.

    But I will take issue with his assertion about us white racists. I would go out on a limb and dare say that to a very large extent it is BECAUSE of us that so much factual information is coming out to rebut the MSM version of the case. It certainly is not because of timid Conservatives. They let it go on for decades without giving the MSM a single cause of concern. It was us white racists using the internet and about 12 years of strident effort that has finally started the tide turning.

    Much more could be said and has been said but I am sick of the Thomas Flemings and that is all I can write tonight on the matter.

  20. I will say he included this piece of interesting information that I had not heard about yet. As Isaid, the article is pretty good otherwise.

    “. George Zimmerman is a member of his neighborhood watch association and regularly patrols the streets. For this reason he has frequently called 911 to report burglaries and suspicious persons. The mere fact that his group does not belong to this or that consortium of neighborhood associations. The neighborhood has, in fact, been plagued by burglaries, and the neighborhood association advised people to call the police first and then George Zimmerman:

    “If you’ve been the victim of a crime within the community, after calling the police, please contact our captain, George Zimmerman … so we can be aware and help address the issue with other residents,” the newsletter said. It added that the neighborhood watch group was looking for more participants at its monthly meetings.”

    That is what he did on February 26. When the 911 dispatcher learned that George was following the suspect, he advised him”: “We don’t need you to do that.” In other words, it was a suggestion and it did not come from the police. If you listen to other calls made that night, you hear similar advice being given people who witnessed the fatal struggle. “We don’t need you to go outside,” advised one dispatcher. Obviously, the intent is to protect the person being spoken to–and to absolve 911 from any responsibility for what might happen.”

  21. I don’t doubt it. He probably wrote the speeches. He is hag ridden with all of the very worst characteristics of the old school conservatives: One should not raise hell or even their voice because it is better to seem dignified. Better to retreat into old black and white movies and discussions of philosophers that no one cares about and ignore what is happening. It is better to go extinct than to have to kill a few niggers or to notice race. Always show respect to officials and such like Obama. Talk about a version of Christianity that no one but a handful ever practiced and act like that somehow has anything to do with anything or anyone.

  22. Well, I have been told that Thomas Fleming doesn’t really care for me, which is surprising in that I have never had any contact with him. I stopped reading Chronicles years ago.

    The only reason to go over there now is for the occassional Clyde Wilson essay. Wilson is nowhere near as active as he used to be. I don’t read the Ron Unz website either.

  23. ““Some white nationalists, it goes without saying, are happy the young man was shot. His skin color by itself is proof of guilt. How such people are any different from the Sharptons and Farrakhans, I simply do not know.”
    – Thomas Phlegming, traitor

    I will tell you, sir.Whites are RIGHT, Niggers are beasts.

    Your own ancestors in this land- yea, in every land they have lived, have reverted back to irrational, dangerous, murderous BARBARITY every time they have garnered the upper hand. It is only WHITES who have KEPT THE NIGGER DOWN.

    As is our predestined role as the Adam of God.

    In another light, the Jewsmedai wants to make George Zimmerman OUR Anders Berit Breivik.

    End of story. Once you realize this is all about CONTROL of a Subject population (their worldview- Jews believe ALL non-Jews to be ‘equal’ – equal CATTLE, that is!) you understand how the Spinmeisters view us all.

    Which is why SAXON HATE will come upon them like a thief in the night, and ‘great will be the fall of that house thereof….’ Deo Volente.

  24. Old English Poem.

    Let Shabbaz know this…

    “He was neither shaken by the small number of his men, nor fearful of the multitude of the enemy.”

    any one of us is worth ten of them.

  25. After the Shabbazian demand for “Schwartzgeld” Suburban Detroit should answer thus:

    “we will pay you with spear tips and sword blades.”

    Michigan should not bail out the sponging whiners.

  26. The ignorance is amazing. These people are the most ignorant black jackasses spurred on by the DWLs and anti-White media scum pushing the idea that this boon trayvon was innocent of wrongdoing. No judge, jury, defense, prosecutor; just the frigging pc anti-white newspapers and general atmosphere. Time to fight back stupid White Americans, instead of piling on the wood for your own fucking barbecue necklacing. God help these idiots. The boons just do what they do, if the stupid White morons would stop the whole thing could be squashed. Blacks are incapable of believing it’s their own fault but there is no excuse for Whites. TURN OFF YOUR TVs AND BAN ALL MSM NEWS FROM YOUR HOMES. Don’t pay into these scumlord’s pockets. Stop the presses.

  27. “As a protest to this video, I want to buy a little black lawn jockey, put a hoodie and a noose on it, and call it my “lawn trayvon.”

    Hilarious! Very, very funny!

  28. Thanks Lily Della Valle, that came from some weird place inside of me and I just ran with it. My unconscious (sp?) is relating Trayvon Martin to a lawn jockey, for some reason, I suppose.

    However, after thinking about it, instead of a noose, I would splash the hoodie with fake blood. Then, I would get a little gold tag and put “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA” and put it around his neck. That would be perfect!

  29. Indiana Mike said:
    “..Then, I would get a little gold tag and put “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA” and put it around his neck. That would be perfect!”

    Yeah! It could be a necklace with “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA” in big gold letters hanging from a thick-linked gold chain, just like those hip-hop boys wear. LOL.

  30. Jim says: “It’s not enough to demonize lily whitey WASPs anymore. Anyone who exhibits any tiny trait in any way superior to the aggregate black behavior must be brought down. It HAD to come to this, the search for any lowest common denominator must always traverse this path.”


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