About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I like his “golds” pic better. Now if we can find a twitter when he is ebonicing about his gat or 9, with a pic would even be better.

  2. I suppose TRAYvon’s typical nigger IQ prevented him from comprehending that the most common cause of death for the kind of people he was trying to emulate is gun shot wounds.

  3. Consider the other side, low IQ blacks with low impulse control have but one function in society, and that is to terrorize whites, and look how its turning out. One moron is dead and many whites are turning against BRA and no telling when the EBT card ain’t gonna work. Have some sympathy

  4. How do we know this is the same Trayvon? Some people are claiming these pictures are a different Trayvon.

  5. You guys on this site are a bunch of Neo-Nazi idiots. Anyone who still uses the N-word is a bigot and a coward. Get a friggin life and move on- ALL races have their low-lifes. Clearly I see this site is dedicated to one sector.

    Playing Roots Backwards, you must have gone through some garbage or some messed up upbringing by other bigots to develop the hate you have. I am sick of this polarized country and you all should be too.

  6. Hey Mr. Anti-White we can apply critical theory to any race not just whites like you anti-whites.

  7. >>>ALL races have their low-lifes<<< Thanks for learnin' us right.

    We are about percentages. What fraction of nigger males goes to prison? Care to guess?
    The answer is one of three. . .What fraction of nigger males has invented anything of import? The answer is zero. . .The nigger violent crime rate is eight times the White rate. . .What is the median IQ (Intelligence Quotient) of dark Africa? 67, believe it or not. . .These tendencies are inborn, not heritable. . .They cain't be fixed. . .

  8. No not Neo Nazi. Denise might be but I’m not. I’m very racist though–Openly so.

    It’s just that if you look at black run countries they do tend to massacre whites. Unless the whites can bud suburbs they get macheted my mau mau scumbacks. If you are white, saying you vote O and support Trayvon will not help you– the black will just sneerat you and keep on stomping on your thick skull and hack at your limbs.

  9. @J Reezy:
    March 29, 2012 at 7:00 pm

    In your opinion we are bigot, hater, naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjoos, etc.

    You are just saying that because we are White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  10. Are white people gonna have their ownWhite group maybe the white panthers? Oh no wait, that would be racist

  11. J Reezy – the blacks drew first blood on this one, not the whites.

    I’m no coward but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you’re either a self-hating nigger or Jew OR a self-hating anti-white white.

    You don’t see whitey burning people alive, raping grandma or beating the shit out of one black male. Doesn’t happen.

    Here’s the rub. We want nothing to do with non-whites, especially niggers. Yeah you heard that right, niggers. Even decent black folk are tired of niggers. I’ve heard many a black folk in the south wish they could purge their race of niggers.

    Is there low lifes in all races? Of course. But in a white homeland we’ll take care of the white niggers while the rest of the non-whites take care of their niggers.

    I have a life and I don’t have to move on. I want to save my race.

    If you’re such a “moral” person who clearly abhors racism, why the hell are you here? Don’t you have a store to loot?

  12. TabuLa Raza,
    What fraction of nigger males goes to prison? The correct answer is not nearly enough.

    J Reezy, you getting a little confused. Maybe your meds need to be adjusted.
    Neo-Nazi’s we are not…we are just your worst nightmare…awakened whites who are really, really, really tired of your type and their bullshit self-righteousness and negro worship.

    Utopia failed. BRA failed. You failed. Game Over…All ur bases are belong to us.

    Have a Dixie day!
    Deo Vindice

  13. John – I’m not a Neo, or Paleo NS. I’m a Celt. I am Nazi Empathetic though. The Reich had their reasons….

    Reezy – you are sick of the what…? “Polarized” what? Move to Detroit. Right away. It’s not polarized at all! Send us pics.

  14. Apuleius says:
    “All ur bases are belong to us.”

    Funny, I was thinking of that very video after I posted my last message. You read my mind. It was a short story, but still..

    Speaking of videos, I clicked on the video I posted above again. An interesting feature on YouTube that is either relatively new or I never noticed before: Right under where it lists the # of views, likes or dislikes, it has a graphic of an open eye (big brotha is watching..) and says,

    “As Seen On: Comments for Occident…” and it’s a clickable link.

    Click on it, and you get this: http://www.youtube.com/social/blog/miolzr5Y3s8 —- Videos mentioned by Comments for Occidental Dissent. That page lists all videos mentioned in comments here. Freaky!

  15. Oh is this the site where the. Red neck peckerwoods migrate too? Lol still malesting little boys are you? What a joke of a society!

  16. @oski

    Oh, you’re one of those little black lawn-jockey’s who is so desperate for any kind of attention from white people, that he’ll troll a white internet site, just to be called a nigger? Lol, still wishing you were white, are you? What a sad little black NIGGER!

  17. @Lily Della Valle

    Good find. This video says it all. And this is the young Negro at his best – milling around, cheerful, playful, full of life – and yet even here subhuman in actions, bereft of the capacity to learn and speak the language that he was born into, feral, moronic and utterly repulsive.
    Furthermore it has to occur to the viewer immediately when they see the good clothing worn and all the other accoutrements that this degenerate, morally empty race is being fed, clothed, protected and generally nurtured by the White society that they pathologically resent and prey upon.
    Truly any White who can view these blacks in this video and not recoil in profound disgust and alarm is a truly hopeless fool. I say alarm because if BRA isn’t awokened to this 40 million strong horde will bring murder-like conditions here African-style

  18. Thanks, HarryO. You described it all beautifully. I was really astounded by the video. They are all jumping up and down and screaming like primates, yet they have nice clothes, some of them rather expensive, top of the line cell phones, etc. There is no attempt at all of civilized behavior or speech by this crowd. Guess that’s what the union-run, taxpayer-supported government schools in that area are cranking out these days. God help us.

  19. Wow, one for whitey. You still know we’ll beat the shit out of any one of you. Maybe all that field work made us strong and all that sitting in house watching us made you weak. You don’t have to like us, cause everything about our new culture influences your kids, geniuses. They wanna be just like us. And soon everybody will be the same niggers you love to hate. You fucking idiots. If your stupid ass ancestors didn’t get the great idea of leaving their homeland to exploit every other race on their on land and try to make a fucked up society based on the hard work of innocent, enslaved, and mistreated people, we wouldn’t have revolted and become hostile to our captors. Now you’re mad because we do the same to you? Cause we beat you like you beat us? You act like we should forgive you. Fuck that. Live in fear pussies! Lock your door when you see us at night. You fucking weaklings only have the power to hold your little clan meetings online now. So shut the fuck up, enjoy the ride, and reap what you sow. Cause we have the whips now CRACKER!

  20. what there is nothing wrong with black people..

    the problem is when pure black people try to be around white people.. the wrong way and stuff..

    they can live in harmony like reggae people.. and stuff..

  21. you will call black people primates..

    who cares if they look like primates..

    they can be civilized..

  22. stop messing up race relations by calling black people monkeys.. they can’t help how they look..

  23. there is no God.. that is why you have to stop depending on God to make black people act right..
    and depend on your own god dam selves by stop calling them names and stuff..

  24. no your minds are all wretched and vulgar society will never achieve it’s fullness unless everyone listens to me..

    all blacks need to just only date white people.. and all white people except the ones who are dating blacks continue to date white people..

    turn blacks whiter..

    blacks are not animals.. but whiter blacks fix race relations..

    problem solved there is no God.. so solve your problem the LOGICAL WAY..

  25. Once you go black you never go back …. literally.

    The one good thing about “progressive” whites screwing blacks is that their offspring are color coded. In time, this will reduce the number of “progressive” whites and eliminate this genetic error from the white gene pool.


    “You still know we’ll beat the shit out of any one you.”

    – There isn’t a nigger on this planet that could do shit to me. Come to Detroit and look me up. Boy.

    “Maybe all that working in the field made us strong and all that sitting in the house made you weak.”

    – I wouldn’t know about that. My great grandfathers built highways under the blistering sun, my grandfathers did back-breaking work in factories, and my parents were city cops. Looks like my people are a lot stronger and tougher than yours. You worked in a field? In which prison?

    “You don’t have to like us..”

    – No, I don’t. I really hate all of you.

    “..because everything about our new culture influences your kids”

    – You don’t have a “new culture”. You don’t have a culture at all. You niggers aren’t human beings at all. You’re just some strange kind of chimpanzee off-shoot that has the ability to mimic human speech and behavior. You don’t influence our kids, the Jew does that.

    “They wanna be just like us.”

    – No, I assure you that white kids don’t want nappy pubic wool on their head, or a wide flat snout, or shit-colored skin, or a big fat buffalo ass. They don’t want a retard-level IQ. And they like to bathe. So keep deluding yourself, nigger.

    “And soon everybody will be the same niggers you love to hate.”

    – I do love to hate niggers, but I think you’re wrong about everyone else. Everyone else already hates niggers the same, if not more (if it’s even possible) than I do. If Whitey were to disappear tomorrow, the Mexicans would kill most of you, and the Chinese would eat the rest of you. What will you be having today, Mrs. Chen? Stir-fried Trayvon over white rice

    “If your stupid ass ancestors didn’t get the great idea of leaving their homeland..”

    – Mine had no choice, COON. It was either come to America and work like a dog, or stay in Europe and starve to death.

    “..to exploit every other race on their own land..”

    – Oh, you mean building houses and hospitals, and digging wells and growing food for you filthy, ungrateful savages? Sorry about that. We left a long time ago, so niggers you can resume your superior way of life any time.

    “..and try to make a fucked up society based on the hard work of..

    – ..WHITE people, nigger. OUR hard work. You niggers never contributed a damned thing. That’s why it was “fucked up”. WE did all the work for YOU. Fucking nigger.

    “..innocent, enslaved, and mistreated people..”

    – Niggers aren’t innocent of anything, niggers enslaved each other long before the white man ever did, and we treated you better under our rule than you’ve ever been treated in history.

    “..we wouldn’t have revolted and become hostile to our captors.”

    – You niggers destroy everything you come into contact with, because that is your biology. Niggers have chimpanzee DNA. You aren’t human beings and thus cannot control your impulses. It doesn’t matter how anyone treats you. You act out because your self-loathing (and what nigger wouldn’t be — just look in the mirror) and you know deep down that you’ll never be anything more than an ugly, stupid, smelly, useless half-monkey. Go kill yourself.

    “Now your mad because we do the same to you?”

    – I’m mad because you destroyed my city, my country, and murdered the life that I should have had. But before my time on earth is done, I promise that I’ll have repayment from you niggers. In blood.

    “Cause we beat you like you beat us?”

    – You never have, and never will, “beat” us, NIGGER. At anything. We brought you here in chains. We conquered you in battle on your own soil. Even our old men beat up young nigger thugs on buses.

    “You act like we should forgive you.”

    – No white person alive today, did anything to any nigger alive today, that merits forgiveness. You niggers on the other hand, have hurt us more than can be expressed in words.

    “Live in fear pussies! Lock your door when you see us at night.”

    – That’s the first honest thing I’ve heard a nigger say in a long time. I’ll remember your words when the race-war starts.

    “So shut the fuck up, enjoy the ride, and reap what you sow.”

    – Save that advice for yourself, NIGGER. You’re the ones getting the free ride, and . And when it ends, we are going to WIPE YOU NIGGERS OUT.

    “Cause we have the whips now CRACKER.”

    – And we have all the guns, NIGGER. You lose. Now go fuck your nigger mother and get shot by a spic.

  27. 313chris for president. It was hard to even remain serious reading all your amazing replies because I am so disgusted with these apes as a whole. They can never put together a decent sentence in the first place, so I know there will be no reasoning here. You are a true patriot, and every word you spoke is gold.

  28. tingy says:
    June 6, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    “all blacks need to just only date white people.. and all white people except the ones who are dating blacks continue to date white people..

    turn blacks whiter..

    blacks are not animals.. but whiter blacks fix race relations..

    problem solved there is no God.. so solve your problem the LOGICAL WAY..”

    Anti-Whites say, to solve the race problem, there can only be one race.
    That is a genocidal statement.

  29. That was beautiful 313Chris. And for the rest of you, in the privacy of your own homes, please stand up and applaud for 313. Well done sir.

  30. Caldwell says:

    ‘That was beautiful 313Chris. And for the rest of you, in the privacy of your own homes, please stand up and applaud for 313. Well done sir.’

    Fabulous! How did I miss that?

    “..because everything about our new culture influences your kids”

    – You don’t have a “new culture”. You don’t have a culture at all. You niggers aren’t human beings at all. You’re just some strange kind of chimpanzee off-shoot that has the ability to mimic human speech and behavior. You don’t influence our kids, the Jew does that.

    “They wanna be just like us.”

    – No, I assure you that white kids don’t want nappy pubic wool on their head, or a wide flat snout, or shit-colored skin, or a big fat buffalo ass. They don’t want a retard-level IQ. And they like to bathe. So keep deluding yourself, nigger.

    “And soon everybody will be the same niggers you love to hate.”

    – I do love to hate niggers, but I think you’re wrong about everyone else. Everyone else already hates niggers the same, if not more (if it’s even possible) than I do. If Whitey were to disappear tomorrow, the Mexicans would kill most of you, and the Chinese would eat the rest of you. What will you be having today, Mrs. Chen? Stir-fried Trayvon over white rice’

    This is my favorite.

    “..to exploit every other race on their own land..”

    – Oh, you mean building houses and hospitals, and digging wells and growing food for you filthy, ungrateful savages? Sorry about that. We left a long time ago, so niggers you can resume your superior way of life any time.

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