Delmar Loop Riot


H/T Stormfront

As Trayvonmania winds down, African-Americans have rioted again in St. Louis:

“We are sick of this…I am a resident of the area. I witnessed this insanity firsthand. The DELMAR LOOP HAS LOST CONTROL. And, The City of Saint Louis is INDIFFERENT. More like, in denial. The level of violence is increasing at a frightening rate, month by month in the LOOP DISTRICT. There were over a THOUSAND “people” PARTICIPATING in the literal riot in the DELMAR LOOP. Channel 5 News is not presenting the facts, even though Channel 5 Five knows the facts. We have had enough of thee “POLITICALLY CORRECT NEWS.” The source of the problem is obvious. Begin speaking the TRUTH.”

They are Trayvon.

Note: In St. Louis, African-Americans are 49.2 percent of the population, but are responsible for 92 percent of homicide, 78 percent of rape, 93 percent of robbery, 87 percent of aggravated assault, and 82 percent of burglary.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is fucking pathetic. I love how it seems that no one participating in this thread can have a serious, civilized discussion about something without resorting to racist remarks.

    Also, it seems that several people need to pick up a dictionary and look up the word “Ignorant” because clearly no one understands what it means. Just because you’re surrounded by something doesn’t make me an expert in it. I’m in college and I’m surrounded by a bunch of biology majors. Am I a biologist? Same goes for people and cultures.

    Your bigoted views aren’t going to help anyone, least of all yourself. Instead of toting out-dated, uneducated and unfounded not to mention generally false statistics (Did anyone actually bother to check out the sourced material? Because I did.), why don’t you actually go out and try and do some good? Try and figure out why everyone was so angry that they rioted and stop it from happening again. Try and keep crimes like what happened to Trayvon (who, for those of you don’t know, was a boy who was shot to death for absolutely no reason. Oh, no. Wait. There was a reason. He was black. Totally means he’s armed and dangerous, right? Oh, no. Wait. He wasn’t.) from happening again. Go help repair some of the damage done to the Loop. Start up donations to help out.

    Get off the internet spouting bullshit and actually do something valuable with your time, instead of sitting and pouring out slurs like that makes you someone special.

  2. “Eisenhower as President really screwed the pooch.”

    What to expect? He was a Jew (passing as German).

  3. French Harp Music, Denise?

    Oh, Lord, no……. Salzedo, possibly. But stuff like Parrish-Elvars?
    Ugh. There’s only so much esoterica that one can take…..

    So, Denise, you are a petite one, eh? Well, I am more than a foot taller than you, and probably weigh (at least) over 100 pounds more than you. And I concur. Hell hath no fury like a Saxon Woman, awakened! lol (My wife’s ‘look of death’ can freeze me in my tracks, when/if she ever directs it MY way – shudders… and I’ve seen it in action against recalcitrant children, inane clerks, devious niggers, and officious oafs.)

    Brandon – (what a bs name- neither the strong, saintly Brendan of Irish lore, nor the Marlon BRANDO of 1950’s Hollywood fame….) are you a White Man? Are you a Christian? Are you even an American? Because your smarmy little temper tantrum-fest is unworthy of any of those three delimiters, in my book. And my book is the Bible. You neither share in the Weltanschauung of the Founding Fathers, the Saxons of yore, or the Church of the Ages- do you effing KNOW THIS? Your temperocentric views rest on little more than fifty years of Bolshevikist/Jewish/Talmudic PROPAGANDA, and NOTHING MORE!

    Not Science, not Anthropology, not Criminal records, not ‘Origin of the Species,’ ‘Civilization and its Discontents,’ nor even pap such as ‘We are the world.’ Instead, books like Avdeyev’s ‘Raciology,’ ‘Color of Crime,’ and ancillary works of science, literature, art, and culture, by Spengler, Bristow, Buchanan, Tolkien (don’t you ‘get’ that Middle Earth IS the continent of Europe, and ‘the shire’ is England, and that the Orcs and Uruk-hai are the bestial Nigger?) Lewis, MacDonald, Faurisson, Fraser, Sands, Vanhannen, Murray and Herrnstein, Carleton Coon, etc., etc., etc., are DECIMATING YOUR SIDE OF THE ARGUMENT, by sheer pointing out the fucking LYSENKOISM of “Racial Equality with the Nigger”- Got that one, yet????????

    You wonder why there are those who are anonymous these days? Could it be, perhaps, that sychophantic little assholes such as yourself, having weaseled and whined and wrung their hands to death, over the last half-Century, have now enshrined their meshuggenah anti-laws onto the edifice/carcass of Anglo-Saxon, altruistic Christian LAW, via spurious ‘claims’ of powerlessness, and disadvantage on the part of bestial savages like the Trayvons of the world? And places of work now exhibit a ‘Party Line’ that would have made Stalin cream his pants for sheer obsequiousness in acquiesence? And now, once having fallen for the fallacy of electing the “first Negro Phallus” as IDOL, we are repenting of our COLLECTIVE RACIAL SIN? And you DARE lecture us, you pipsqueak?

    Or, Could it be that your puking, puling faggot university professors (who got their tenure only because they are gay/jewish/anarchist, and not intelligent…) got your own silk panties in a twist, because you’ve got homoerotic fantasies yourlself about some black boy’s behind, like the ilk of the blessedly removed Clementi, of unhappy memory?

    IF you are of the last, you are no man, no hominid, no kith or kin of ANY White man I know, save perverts like Whitman, Bernstein, Cocteau, and Ru Paul…. all of whom deserve/d public stoning, and the utter annihilation of their works and historical record, from our collective consciousness, which WILL OCCUR, once we are back in power. Nowadays, it’s not just burning books- it’s one ‘click’ on the hard drives of the world, and NO ONE WILL REMEMBER.

    I’ve heard it said, ‘Payback’s a bitch.” I’ve also heard it said, ‘Never forgive, nor ever forget. I’m less jewish than that. Instead, I am of the opinion that (like Sardou/Puccini’s Tosca) I will say ‘Or gli perdono’ (Now I forgive him) one the lifeless bodies of the antichrists lie before me. I think I need some target practice, while reciting Ps. 139:22.

    Deo Volente.

  4. The first thing people should do is genuinely forgive themselves. Don’t worry about anybody else for a week. Just look at yourself and see your own flaws, realize you are just a human and move forward. Don’t blame social constructs, history, in groups out groups etc etc. Give yourself a break from guilt.

    The inability to do this is what spawns the DWL. They twist altruism back on itself. Inverting it and sodomizing it with ideology.

  5. gravi, look into how many niggers rape White women and kill/ rob White people then tell me why I should want any nigger near my family

  6. Gravi – what a sanctimonius little bitch you are. I’m not giving shit to the niggers in St. Louis.

    Yes I do know niggers. Live around and know their pathology quite well thank you very much. The ONLY people who like niggers are self-hating whites, niggers and Jews.

    If I give any money to anyone, it’s my tribe only, like for example the many poor white people in Joplin Missouri who lost everything in a tornado,

    Spare me your holier than thou attitude. I could care less.

    If you’re so special and helping niggers, why are you wasting time reading and posting here?

  7. wow OD is being trolled that is a symptom of more people reading the material. these folks may be spouting their conditioning to us via text, but they read the material, they have it in their brains no, worming in everytime a nigger man-handles some coalburner or shoves them, they will think about OD.
    “anti-racism=anti-white”, you cannot refute this and it will confuse and change your thoughts on this issue.

  8. Gravi is a sick little pussy, who would not say sheeyit to ANY of us, in person. He/It and it’s little pals would be in tears, begging for MY mercy, which will not likely be extended, within 5 minutes.

    Gravi – come and meet me. I’m gonna take you for a ride to ANY of the Nigger Holes in my region. I may be generous, and give you some weaponry. But I will dump you out of my car, and let your find your way home. Think you’re up for the Put up or Shut up You Anti White BEEYICH Challenge? Let me know, mmm’kay?

  9. Fr John – french harp music is wonderful, for lulling some-one to sleep. Mike seems to like the stuff.

    The rest of your post is GENIUS. I want you on the Judgement Committee, when we pass sentence on cretins like Gravi.

  10. Gravi,
    Your condescending remarks are one of the reasons why liberals are hated with such intensity. Just who exactly are you to tell us what to do and not do with our time? Who gave you such authority?

    It has been shown through Twitter, Facebook and school records that Trayvon was a thug in training and would most likely grow up to father ten little bastards with nine different baby mommas and end up in prison where he would get three squares and a cot courtesy of white taxpayers. George Zimmerman did us a favor. He should be given a metal.

    As for ‘unfounded and generally false statistics’, could you please provide a citation where blacks are not committing the majority of crime way out of proportion to their population percentages? You don’t need to study black ‘culture’ to see that wherever they go, they spread crime, filth and ruin. All of the major black cities are hellholes of crime and dysfunction, not to mention what is happening in Africa.

  11. @Denise:

    “Brandon – FYI – YOU will be hunted and persecuted. Your Pet Darkies will finish you off – devour you – if you are lucky.

    I am a White Nationalist woman. I know other WN women. Women are VICIOUS. Vengeful, and vicious. Men are actually more generous, and forgiving that are females. When females are riled – it goes to the MARROW. Some of us converse, and we make of amusing little scenarios, about what will become of creatures like YOU come up for the Judgement YOU deserve.

    You’d better pray that the Niggers eat you quickly, or you fall into the hand of WN, for punishment. Really -the justice of White Men is the best bet, for you and your ilk.

    God WON’T help you, if WN women are your Judges.

    Denise, Brandon is only another social sycophant wetting his finger up to determine the way the wind blows. For the longest time, it has been blowing in a leftist, Marxist, anti-White direction, but this go-along-to-get-along sheeple does not recognize that the wind is changing direction from self-loathing to sanity on the part of Whites.

    Expect Brandon and his ilk to sidle to the Pro-White ranks and then try to bullshit their way to the top of the heap after all the fighting is done and the battle has been won. Unfortunately, if history is any indication, White men seldom to never keep lists of traitors and collaborators to be executed in the future. So, all we can hope for is that Brandon gets fed his just desserts by the Negros just outside his gated enclave when that EBT card stops working.

  12. @Gravi:

    “Your bigoted views aren’t going to help anyone, least of all yourself. Instead of toting out-dated, uneducated and unfounded not to mention generally false statistics (Did anyone actually bother to check out the sourced material? Because I did.), why don’t you actually go out and try and do some good? Try and figure out why everyone was so angry that they rioted and stop it from happening again. Try and keep crimes like what happened to Trayvon (who, for those of you don’t know, was a boy who was shot to death for absolutely no reason. Oh, no. Wait. There was a reason. He was black. Totally means he’s armed and dangerous, right? Oh, no. Wait. He wasn’t.) from happening again. Go help repair some of the damage done to the Loop. Start up donations to help out.”

    I would suggest you climb off of your high horse, you self-righteous hypocritical jerk.

    What a relief it must be to you that now you have a REASON, an EXCUSE, a JUSTIFICATION to pull the SOS you have been pulling for decades now. And even then, it is a very flimsy one that looks increasingly more fraudulent by the moment.

    Though the mainstream media morons have bent over backwards and turned themselves inside and out to cover up the multiple crimes of little Trayvons against innocent White people all over the county, the INTERNET has been blaring the truth.

    Urban youths don’t NEED a dead wanna-be “No Limit Nigga” thug who just saw his new career of burglary and drug-dealing cut short by mean ole George Zimmerman cut short as an excuse to form flash mobs, rip off stores, assault innocent Whites, beat teenage boys to death, set little children on fire, etc.

    Here’s some cheese for that whine, now peddle your crap somewhere else to people that don’t have your number.

  13. “Try and figure out why everyone was so angry that they rioted and stop it from happening again.”

    Impulse control, future time orientation, conscientiousness, etc. Nothing we can do about them lacking the above, those takes a while(not to mention the appropriate environmental conditions) to select for after all.

    Of course you knew that already, you’ve no intention of ever associating with the lumpenproletariat.

  14. Clytemnestra,

    “Expect Brandon and his ilk to sidle to the Pro-White ranks and then try to bullshit their way to the top of the heap after all the fighting is done and the battle has been won. Unfortunately, if history is any indication, White men seldom to never keep lists of traitors and collaborators to be executed in the future. ”

    I know WN men, and we WN females jokes, amongst ourselves, how truly decent, honorable, and sweet they are. So many are absolute dolls.

    “Unfortunately, if history is any indication, White men seldom to never keep lists of traitors and collaborators to be executed in the future”

    That’s my job.

  15. “This is fucking pathetic.”

    Isn’t that is just your opinion? You may feel it is so but that doesn’t mean it is objectively true.

    “I love how it seems that no one participating in this thread can have a serious, civilized discussion about something without resorting to racist remarks.”

    This coming from someone who uses swear words on the first line of their comment. And good job equating “racism” to “uncivility”. Nice cultural marxist tactic, you attempt to dominate the meaning of terms right at the beginning to control the discussion. And last I looked no one is having a real discussion on these threads, we’re just voicing opinions, comments and shooting the shit. It’s a blog comment thread, not formal academia.

    “Also, it seems that several people need to pick up a dictionary and look up the word “Ignorant” because clearly no one understands what it means.”

    You mean to say we are ignorant of the meaning of the term “ignorance”?

    “Just because you’re surrounded by something doesn’t make me an expert in it.
    I’m in college and I’m surrounded by a bunch of biology majors. Am I a biologist? Same goes for people and cultures.”

    Who claimed otherwise? I was making the case that being in proximity to something *daily* makes it harder to be ignorant about it. Seemed like a logical argument, that pointed flaw in current common wisdom.

    “Your bigoted views aren’t going to help anyone, least of all yourself.”

    I think someone needs to check the dictionary for the meaning of the term “bigotry”. We were all pretty much on the same page, until you arrived with your intolerance of different viewpoints.

    “Instead of toting out-dated, uneducated and unfounded not to mention generally false statistics (Did anyone actually bother to check out the sourced material? Because I did.), why don’t you actually go out and try and do some good?”

    I see you don’t bother sharing such source material with us poor ignorants.

    “Try and figure out why everyone was so angry that they rioted and stop it from happening again.”

    You have to be kidding me. You’re actually saying we should cave in to the demands of those that use mass violence because they disagree with us? Maybe we should start rioting then? I’m sure the system would bend over backwards to change things in our favor so that we wouldn’t be angry enough to riot again.

    “Try and keep crimes like what happened to Trayvon…”

    Trayvon wasn’t the victim of a crime, but he was the perpetrator of one. Killing someone is not a crime per se, a crime is a legal concept. Killing someone under certain circumstances *might* be a crime. Get your definitions straight.

    “(who, for those of you don’t know, was a boy…”

    I don’t consider fit, muscular, post-pubescent, sexually mature males way taller than me to be “children”.

    “…who was shot to death for absolutely no reason.”

    If your definition of “absolutely no reason” means “assaulting someone and bashing their head repeatedly against concrete”, I would agree with the above.

    “Oh, no. Wait. There was a reason. He was black.”

    I cannot speak for Zimmerman, but I’m willing to bet he would have shot any ethnicity that was on top of him and bashing his head against concrete repeatedly.

    “Totally means he’s armed and dangerous, right? Oh, no. Wait. He wasn’t.”

    “Unarmed” is not a synonym of “Inoffensive”. Trayvon was indeed unarmed, and he was unquestionably dangerous, as he proved by his actions.

    “Go help repair some of the damage done to the Loop. Start up donations to help out.”

    So we have to subsidize the cost of a negro rampage now? Of volunteer our labor to help with repairs we have nothing to do with? I would rather the perpetrators were captured and forced into indentured servitude to achieve that same goal. They can pay for the damage they caused by forced reconstruction labor, by the sweat of their brows.

    “Get off the internet spouting bullshit and actually do something valuable with your time, instead of sitting and pouring out slurs like that makes you someone special.”

    You are projecting. Unlike cultural marxists we don’t need to be “made felt special” on account of our positions and opinions. We are simply engaged in trading of information and spreading the message with the goal of becoming a political force that cannot be ignored.
    People “spouting bullshit”, as you call it, was the reason I got access to the information that led to my racial awakening and a healthier outlook towards the reality around me. Before that, I was existing among a Zeitgeist of indoctrinated cultural marxism, and being given only false political choices that do nothing to chance the status quo.
    Were it not for this “bullshit”, only made available to me via the internet, I would have been denied access to important information. And you, since said information does not feed the narrative you adopt, would have that denied to me.
    My current position is the fruit of voluntary research, not some forced education in state schools like I one I was sent at the tender age of 6. I only lament I had to wait almost 3 decades before the technology that made it possible was within my reach.

    No one is forcing you to come here and have to read our “bullshit”, but if you really want to learn about it, we can recommend certain readings and videos you would do well to check out. Once you loose your ignorance about our ideologies, we can engage in a proper debate.

  16. You all are cowards. You come on the Internet to express your ignorant racism, but wouldn’t dare speak it in public. I can’t wait for the day to come when people like you all are hunted and persecuted. Because, the mentality that you mental midgets share is not far off from the immature masses that were fighting and shooting last night. Get off your pedestal and realize that you are not superior to any person on the basis of race.

    I love comments like this one, on so many levels. Let’s break it down, shall we?

    You all are cowards. You come on the Internet to express your ignorant racism, but wouldn’t dare speak it in public.

    This is a nice lead. We’re cowards because we fear negro violence; negros think it’s their right to violently assault racists. We’re cowards because we fear leftoid persecution; leftoids hate freedom of speech and peaceful dissent, and think it’s their right to suppress free speech and persecute dissenters.

    Sorta like how Soviet dissidents were “cowards” and “wouldn’t dare speak” their minds in public, LOL.

    I can’t wait for the day to come when people like you all are hunted and persecuted.

    LOL! See what I mean?

    Because, the mentality that you mental midgets share is not far off from the immature masses that were fighting and shooting last night.

    A classic example of leftoid moral retardation; many leftoids and negros really do think that exercising one’s right to free speech is tantamount to rioting and shooting.

    Get off your pedestal and realize that you are not superior to any person on the basis of race.

    Of course not. Whites are inferior. That’s why Jews and negros go apeshit when Whites even mention that they’d like to have for themselves the right on which Israel was founded; the right of a people to have a homeland; the right of all men to decide for themselves how to form their communities and institutions.

  17. This is fucking pathetic. I love how it seems that no one participating in this thread can have a serious, civilized discussion about something without resorting to racist remarks.

    This is how sociopaths “argue”:

    Wife: “you bastard! You slept with my best friend, and now I find out you’ve been dealing crank?”

    Sociopath: “This is fucking pathetic. You can’t have a serious, civilized discussion without resorting to cursing and calling me names!”

    See how that works? The sociopath really thinks nitpicking over dirty words constitutes an argument. He thinks he gets to frame the debate. He gets to declare that leftoid values must dominate the discussion. Pointing out that we called someone a “bastard” means he doesn’t have to discuss the fact that said “bastard” cheated on his wife and deals crank.

    Also, it seems that several people need to pick up a dictionary and look up the word “Ignorant” because clearly no one understands what it means. Just because you’re surrounded by something doesn’t make me an expert in it. I’m in college and I’m surrounded by a bunch of biology majors. Am I a biologist? Same goes for people and cultures.

    This and a buck will buy him a cup of coffee.

    Your bigoted views aren’t going to help anyone, least of all yourself.

    Au contraire. The fact that leftoids demanded that we propagate the realities of HBD (e.g., mean Black IQ is 1+ standard deviations below mean White IQ, and 1.3+ standard deviations below mean Yellow IQ) by blaming all of Blacks’ “problems” (i.e., not measuring up to White standards) on Whites is very helpful, both to myself, and non-Blacks in general.

    Leftoids love calling people they disagree with “bigots.” But they’ve long since forgotten what the word really means; someone who is intolerant of other belief systems, and insists that the whole world live according to his beliefs. That’s leftoids to a “t.” Leftoids are the ones who insist that the whole world conform to their beliefs; we’re content to live and let live. “Live and let live” is “hate” to a leftoid. That’s how nuts they are.

    Instead of toting out-dated, uneducated and unfounded not to mention generally false statistics (Did anyone actually bother to check out the sourced material? Because I did.), why don’t you actually go out and try and do some good?

    Leftoids think they get to define “good,” and we have to go out and do it.

    Try and figure out why everyone was so angry that they rioted and stop it from happening again.

    I don’t give a shit why Blacks are angry. The number of non-Blacks who agree increases daily.

    Try and keep crimes like what happened to Trayvon (who, for those of you don’t know, was a boy who was shot to death for absolutely no reason. Oh, no. Wait. There was a reason. He was black. Totally means he’s armed and dangerous, right? Oh, no. Wait. He wasn’t.) from happening again.

    I know a great way to stop people like Trayvon “No Limits Nigga” Martin from being shot for being Black. In fact, I know the absolutely most effective way to prevent such events:

    Restore to all men (even White men!) their right to decide for themselves how they’ll form their communities and institutions. In short, stop forcing people who don’t like each other, who don’t want to live together, into close proximity.

    But this simple logic makes too much sense for leftoids, apparently. They’d rather force all the peoples of the world together into one, big, chaotic jumble, and then point the finger at Whitey when something goes wrong.

    I mean, this is as obvious as the nose on your face: stop forcing “racists” to live in close proximity to people of other races. You’d think this would be obvious. Unless…unless…leftoids like racial conflict. Unless they actually want more racial conflict. Then their behavior makes perfect sense…

    Go help repair some of the damage done to the Loop.

    Taking power away from leftoids, and putting a stop to their “let’s force people who hate each other to be neighbors and coworkers” insanity is the perfect way to repair the damage they’ve done.

    Get off the internet spouting bullshit and actually do something valuable with your time, instead of sitting and pouring out slurs like that makes you someone special.

    Stop fomenting race war and ethnic strife: stop leftism and anti-White racism (AKA, “anti-racism”).

    • Bravo. Makes perfect sense to me, but it will never penetrate the leftoids distorted, perverted view. I’m so sick of the nig in society.

  18. Nigs…I’m so sick of them. I’ve watched them systematically decimate St. Louis, just as they have throughout every major city in the U.S. Their act exactly as a virus does. I lived on the border of black on one side/white on the other while growing up. In those days the boundaries were pretty much observed. What hasn’t changed though is the nig. Now I’m talking over 50 yrs. here. They have made no progress whatsoever. Their still as vile, ignorant, little ambition, crime ridden, destructive to others property, loud, obnoxious, totally stupid. They always have their hand out for something, anything. What a completely wasted race of morons.

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