About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wake up your bookies and put some money into firearms companies. Few if any Paul supporters will be voting for Romney. Quite a few will actually vote for the beast. Plenty of assorted other Republicans won’t vote for him either, so Romney has less of a chance than McCain did.

  2. Yes, Romney finishes off the competition today, with little hope for a brokered convention.

    Bill, I think he could salvage his hopes with a smart pick for VP, to balance his Mormonism. Like Christie. But it’s hard to believe the Provinces will vote for a Mormon regardless. Add to that the general stink of the Republican establishment, still fetid from the Bush presidency, and I’d say it’s a long shot. He’s running against a stacked deck, and he’s not a great player.

  3. What was truly shocking was his “Russia is our biggest threat” comment. That was actually the first glimpse inside his religious ideology. That’s straight from Cleon Skousen and Mormon mythology. To them, Russia’s change has all been a ruse. That they’re still Marxists, waiting to spring. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. But it was still a shock to the American people to hear that coming from a mainstream political candidate. Here’s the thing — how well will he be able to keep a lid on his kooky Mormon beliefs for the next 7 months? He’s been a genius at it so far, in MA and otherwise. But this latest gaffe was an eye-opener. Take it or leave it, but the American people spook easy.

  4. The only states Romney needs to worry about are Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, Colorado, and Ohio. I seriously doubt concerns about Mormonism will trump hatred of Obama for evangelical voters.

  5. Then again, maybe Russia is our biggest threat, insofar as they might stand in the gulf as we leap towards full Rothschild Death Star status.

  6. “I seriously doubt concerns about Mormonism will trump hatred of Obama for evangelical voters.”


  7. Obama is going to run an ugly racialized campaign. That much is already clear. For what its worth, I think Romney will beat Obama so long as he doesn’t flub the VP pick.

    If he picks someone like Ryan, McDonnell, or Christie, he will probably win. If he picks Rubio, then all bets are off.

  8. Mitch is the Annointed. I don’t know what he could do TO flub [it] save go on a shhoting rampage in a children’s medical ward, or something.

    Saw a brief profile of Anne Romney, on TV last night.

    She’ll win the election for her hubby. She’s a GORGEOUS Grammy, focused, and sharp as a very sharo knife. I ador Shirley Paul – but I’m in for Anne.

    She and Mitch have tons of kiddies. The profile related a little anectdote. After she had given birth to her 5th child, I believe, her OWM mother made some stupid remarks about overpopulating the planet, she’s having too many kids (her OWN grandchildren!!!???? What a BITCH. ), etc, Anne told her, “If you ever want to see your grandchildren again – you’ll knock it off NOW”.

    We need Anne.

  9. “Hunter Wallace says:
    April 3, 2012 at 5:44 pm
    Obama is going to run an ugly racialized campaign. That much is already clear”

    GOD I hope so.

  10. Land, my reference to bookies was intentional. Barring something more suicidal than usual by the beast, Romney cannot win. Talk to somebody in Vegas. Jesus could be his VP and it wouldn’t work. I know that people on our side have visions of unity, but so do those on the side of the beast. And Romney exudes the Whiteness that swells their numbers.

    I’ll give it to you like this. One third of potential Romney voters will not vote for Romney, regardless of the ABO campaign. Probably one third of those will actually vote for the beast. I might do it myself, after the fashion of Edmund Ruffin.

    Of course, all of this is subject to review by the Jews counting the votes.

  11. At this point I don’t care about the GOP race. It’s uninteresting and both candidates are worse than awful. They certainly don’t advocate ideas similar to my own. I wish them both the worst.

  12. “Land, my reference to bookies was intentional. Barring something more suicidal than usual by the beast, Romney cannot win. Talk to somebody in Vegas. Jesus could be his VP and it wouldn’t work. I know that people on our side have visions of unity, but so do those on the side of the beast. And Romney exudes the Whiteness that swells their numbers.”

    Oh man, the worst of both worlds. The kind of whiteness that swells the enemy’s ranks and the kind of whiteness that repels much of the base. That’s the problem.

    Somebody call Pat Buchanan.

  13. I could see Romney picking McDonnell. The guy’s military background and conservative stances on social issues might might ease the reservations that Southern republicans had about Romney. Who knows? He’s from Virginia. Maybe “the base” will thaw a little.

    I hear Paul Ryan’s name coming up frequently. Maybe it’s just me, but I get a Dan Quayle vibe from him.

    Christie is entertaining, but he’s tailor-made for the media. He’s Sarah Palin with male equipment. And he’s a fat slob. Harsh, but American presidential elections are 50% beauty-contest.

    I hope Romney doesn’t pick Rubio, either. It would be a disgusting, transparent, pandering move. The MSM would call him out on it in a second.

  14. The first Republican administration in, what, 80 years, without a Bush. That’s his biggest resume enhancer to the “those who can see” base. If he picks Rubio (under Jeb’s thumb), he is truly toast. I can see it happening, though. You know the Establishment wants it.

  15. LandShark, I can see it happening too or he’ll pick a woman, probably Michelle Bachmann. Worse yet, he could pick Herman Cain. There’s a good reason it’s called the stupid party.

    Like Hunter, it’s totally irrelevant where I live too. The Kenyon will take CT.

  16. Romney not only will lose, he will lose badly, just as McCain and Dole did. It is a testiment to the uselessness of the Republican Party that even though winning this presidential election should be fairly easy, even with a nasty liberal press, it managed to nominate a candidate who is widely loathed among the few remaining groups of Republican faithful.

    In the face of public revulsion at Wall Street-Washington crony capitalism and rule by banksters, they nominated a career financier.

    In the face of widespread unemployment, they nominated a down-sizing specialist who not only looks like the guy who laid off your father when he was 53, but gives off that same “I drive a Lexus” stench.

    In the face of a massively partisan press, they nominated a LDS man, whose religion is going to be made fun of daily from one coast to another for 7 months, complete with “do you really believe you and Ann will eventually rule your own planet as gods after you die” questions smack dap in the public eye.

    Final score: Obama 54% – “Mitt” 46%, and the usual crowd at NRO conveniently forgets all about how they pushed this clown for 2 years…..

  17. The worst thing that Romney has going for him is being seen as stuck down in the mud with Santorum and Gingrich. This is the tail end of the primary cycle. Santorum and Gingrich threw the kitchen sink at Romney.

  18. The real question is what happens between April and November. What can possibly break against Romney between now and then? Nothing much.

    All kinds of things can break against Obama: the economy, gas prices, black people acting black, foreign affairs, any number of unexpected scenarios, etc.

  19. My father retired from the Detroit Police Department at the age of 62. He had a long, decorated career, and nobody resembling Romney ever laid him off. And personally, I could care less about what kind of car Romney drives. If he owns a fleet of Lexuses, then it’s his own business how he spends his own money.

    I really doubt Romney’s Mormanism looks so alien, when compared to half-breed, crack-head, bathhouse-cocksucker Barry and the persistent allegations of him being a secret Muslim, let alone his association with Wright. This election will be about white vs. black, not religion or disgruntled laid-off company men. And it’s going to be close either way.

  20. Santorum barely beat Romney in Mississippi and Alabama. Newt Gingrich won two states. Free Republic was all for Fred Thompson in 2008 and Newt in 2012. The typical GOP voter will vote against Obama in 2012.

  21. I find it amazing that anyone thinks Romney is electable to anything, merely given observable objective reality that he is having a hell of a time winning Republican votes in a primary that is over, in a race in which he routinely outspent opponents 22-1, but time will tell. The only thing I ask of thinking people is that if today they think he is electable, and he loses badly in November, that instead of hopping on the next GOP disaster bandwagon, they begin to assess their assumptions.

  22. “If he picks someone like Ryan, McDonnell, or Christie, he will probably win. If he picks Rubio, then all bets are off.”

    I agree. Rubio would be 2012’s Sarah Palin, with less smarts and more baggage.

  23. Obama has been busy trying to trayvon the Supreme Court into submission over
    ObamaCare, causing a backlash among “conservative” commentators. I believe 60% of people oppose it.

    Meanwhile, RealClearPolitcs shows Obama ahead of Romney by about 4%, right now:

    Hmmm, don’t know who’s going to win…don’t know. The “WN commnuity seems to think Obama will win, but I think it’s too early to tell.

  24. I think Obamacare will pass. That will make the last remnants of the Old World disappear into the mist. By election time nobody will even remember what a conservative was or what the hell they were supposed to be conserving.

  25. polling seems to suggest that if BHO wins a second term it will because of White women. Good Lord I hope not. It’s one thing for BHO to win because more niggers and beaners show up to vote for him than Whites show up to vote for Romney but for BHO to remain POTUS because once again White folk vote for him is just depressing.


    Evangelical, old school fire and brimstone preaching are my kind of people. I don’t know of anyone who plans on not voting for Romney because he’s a Mormon. The folks I know who won’t vote for Romney say it because there isn’t a spits worth of difference between him and BHO and there might as well be a nigger at the helm when the USS America sinks

    My guess is, Romney will pick a crap VP; Ltc West or a chick. Didn’t Mitch have problems with his wife and decided not run for POTUS because his wife said no? Or am I confusing him with someone else?

    If Romney wins it will because of the Black Summer, gas prices, and the economy. I don’t think Romney will inspire a lot of White or GOP support with out things going really bad. Romney damn sure won’t inspire new and young White voters.

  26. Mitch McConnell is the senior senator for Kentucky. I haven’t heard his name thrown around for VP, but he would be a bad choice. He’s old-looking, and is divorced from his first wife, with whom he has 3 children. His current wife is a gook.

    Bob McDonnell is the governer of Virginia. I think that’s who Hunter was talking about, although I admit this was the first I’d heard if him being considered. He would be the best pick, IMO. He seems to personify more what Southern and rural conservatives wanted, while Romney appeals to Northerners and moderate-conservatives.

    Assuming McDonnell doesn’t have any shit on his shoe-soles, and he and Romney don’t have any friction, I think they could really match up against Nigger/Biden.

  27. Thanks Chris,

    I can’t speak for all Southrons, but locally the GOP will need to shore up Romney to do well in my county.

  28. It’s interesting that the latest polling has OB ahead of R. Back in ’80 I think Carter was about 10 ahead of Reagan at this time or even later and there ended up being a 20% swing. But that was 32 years ago and Amurrica has changed drastically since then with many more whites at that time (% wise) and who were far more conservative. I mean who would in their wildest have guessed we would today have a Kenyan negro white hating communist who has done more damage in three years than anyone in memory – and yet he’s ahead at this point. Republicans simply cannot put up an implicitly white racially identifying man who can by some reasonable metric be considered a conservative. The times are too far gone for that. In the end we can only truly ask, “are their enough whites who even in some misty way can see the desperate state of things and possess a gnawing sense of self-preservation to vote the negro fiend out?” The 2009 cong. elections give a hint in the affirmative, but that’s about it. I think it is a crap-shoot but if I were placing a bet I would put it on Romney.

  29. Hunter Wallace says: “The real question is what happens between April and November. What can possibly break against Romney between now and then? Nothing much.”

    Nothing much, except R putting his own foot in his mouth. Plus many conservatives don’t feel R is conservative enough, but as already been noted, that could be remedied by the right VP choice.

    Also, there’s the left created narratives like the Fluke/abortion “war on women” and possibly a “war on African-Americans,” etc. which could take root against R.

    Obongo seems to be pandering to his base, with pushing contraceptives on the Catholic church (feminists) and also holding off the Keystone pipeline (envirionmentalists, I guess), the “Trayvon, my son” comment pandering to blacks.

    I don’t get Obongo’s strategy; the Fluke/Abortion flap as a means to pander to women possibly, makes sense. But his base alone can’t possibly win him the election, and there’s no Bush backlash to work with anymore.

    Obongo seems incapable of triangulating towards the center, which is where Clinton was a master, bending politically depending on the wind and what it took to win.

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