H/T GL Piggy
We knew last year that somewhere in America a “trayvon” would initiate violence against the wrong person, maybe a White business owner, and that all hell would break loose.
There were discussions about that scenario here and elsewhere last year:

The latest rumor is that Trayvon’s YouTube account has been discovered. It also seems that Trayvon was referring fights at school. Do you think Trayvon’s parents, family, and friends might know more than they are letting on to the media?
Note: It is probably worth noting here that “Big Bruh” asked Trayvon on Twitter about “swinging on a bus driver.” GL Piggy has also found evidence that Trayvon had taken part in at least two fights in the three months before his death.
Trayvon was quite the renaissance man, wasn’t he? Drug-dealer, B&E artist, future Air Force officer… and an amateur fight promoter to boot. Truly a no-limit nigga.
This video is the real “smoking gun.” It all makes sense now.
This is quite literally the KO punch to Sharpton. It is going to come out that Trayvon had been involved in some kind of “Fight Club” subculture. Maybe something like Knockout King. His peers and probably his family know about it too.
No Limit Nigga Suckerpunch.
He’s a black but his nose looks like a boxer’s. It’s extra squished.
Hunter- here’s the next item of newsworthiness you MUSt report on.
THIS is the clarion call for Whites to war, if ever there was one.
This is the Stalinism of the Ukranian Genocide, applied to niggers.
Trayvon Durden.
Bwhahahaha. It’ll become increasingly impossible to have sympathy for No Limit Nigga. The press will drop this one. There’s too much proof that Skittles is a shit.
Also the girl friend. She’s gone awfully silent. Could she be a Tawana?
“MY People” (Holder) says.
I meant, in reference to John’s link, where My People is quoted: “Affirmative action has been an issue since segregation…(t)he question is not when does it end, but when does it begin…(w)hen do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”
When does it begin?!
This story is toast. Quite possible the establishment consisting of lefty Super Zips and their step and fetchit conservative dopplegangers consign this to the memory hole rather quickly. We get an uneasy truce till the cruel vermin of the Super Zips find the next “Great White Defendant.”
Indeed, when does the material slide of the black abate? When do the benefits of AA kick in?
I find it staggering that 12% could play everyone else for so long.
More St Louis Knockdown King.
at a certain point they ought to be treated as
hostiles on sight.
John says: “Trayvon Durden.”
*snort* good one.
The myth of “Saint Trayvon” is not only knocked down, it’s getting curb stomped.
Maybe ABC will report on this story a week from now.
Part of the Trayvon collection:
I’m sure white feminists will be denouncing the No Limit Nigga as “sexist” – any minute now.
Lightbulb moment:
Is there any hard evidence linking Trayvon to the “Knockdown Kings?” Was he a member, or at least a fan?
It just keeps looking worse and worse for Lil’ Tray Tray and the ‘lovers who promote him.
All white people need to arm themselves,learn how to use their weapons with confidence and get a conceled weapons permit.If you have a family member or friend who served in the US military ask them to help you with your weapons.You DO NOT have to be the victim.This is the only way when we are forced to live with the evil beasts.
The author of the Destructure blog (thumbs up for his coverage of this case) noted that even with all these revelations about Martin in this case, polls show 73% of the public still wants Zimmerman arrested.
For those of us who really see what this case about, are we in an echo chamber?
No. The vast mass of the public do not care.
There is a baseline of 12% black who want him strung up. Another 30% of DWL who want him dead. That’s a baseline of 42% ignorance.
No DA will want to prosecute this as murder or manslaughter. Zimmerman is consistent and proven trustworthy at every major turning point in the revelations. No DA wants to turn into Nifong. The defence will be too easy.
Fr John, Hunter did cover that story, in the forum
Indian Mike, no feminist will condemn trayvons music choice. They save their condemnation for traditional and Christan, rural and Southron White men. Never for negros, or hajjis or whatever bad boy, loser makes them tingle
There is a forum just sitting there for anyone who wants to start their own discussions here.
Yes, I know, Stonelifter. I was being sarcastic.
I saw the viddy. Looks like the innocent boyish antics of a bunch of future medical researchers, engineers, and dazzling innovators, to me, n’est ce pas?
Police report:
After the Zimmerman/Martin incident, Trayvon lay in the morgue for three days before his family came around to make arrangements. When the police contacted Trayvon’s dad, the first thing out of his mouth was to ask, “Has he been arrested?” Watch for this entire squalid episode to disappear from the mainstream media as quickly as it exploded into it.
As soon as the “parents” realize then can’t get a “civil rights” settlement cash payout from the city, they will go back to ignoring their hellspawn like they did when he was alive. Negros don’t really care all that much when their kids die. I’m serious. They put on a show, then go back to whatever.
Hard to tell… they all look the same to me.
A dead black child is like winning the lottery for blacks. They get to sue “Whitey” and be on tv and the magazines. They could care less about Trayvon.
..your mama
All white people need to arm themselves,learn how to use their weapons with confidence and get a conceled weapons permit.If you have a family member or friend who served in the US military ask them to help you with your weapons.You DO NOT have to be the victim.This is the only way when we are forced to live with the evil beasts.
are you scared white boy?
We knew last year that somewhere in America a “trayvon” would initiate violence against the wrong person, maybe a White business owner, and that all hell would break loose.
well at least he never killed your kind
AW DAMN that video is removed from YOUTUBE, please please tell me you ‘saved a copy’ of it??? ?_? I would love to see it, I NEED TO SEE IT !! WAAAAH
@GLORY MARIA – how the FUCK you know what TRAYVON DID or DIDN’T DO? KILL ‘YOUR KIND’, indeed you stupid fucking whore. Niggers kill OUR KIND quite enough, the entire time denying the violent nature inherent within them.
94% of all murdered blacks are killed by other blacks. More blacks are murdered every single year, than ALL blacks killed by the KKK, lynch mobs, and legal executions COMBINED for the duration of history. In other words NIGGERS KILL SO MANY NIGGERS EVERY SINGLE YEAR, that if you took every single nig killed by the KKK, lynched, or executed since the inception of the KKK, that number would STILL NOT EQUAL the number YOU KILL YOURSELVES EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Then year after year after year, EVERY YEAR blacks murder more blacks than all those figures combined – every single YEAR.
Well that’s one thing you excel at, KILLING NIGGERS, you stupid fuck cunt.
the #1 cause of death for black american males ages 14-35 is HOMICIDE by another nigger. LMAO – #1 CAUSE OF DEATH IS YOU!! Killing each other! Fucking RIDICULOUS.
And no nigger – neither the white boys, nor the white girls (like me) are scared.
It’s something we call common sense, something I know you knuckle fucks don’t have; as is evidenced by the walking about with dick in hand, crotch squeezing used to keep the pants from dropping to the ground – but if niggers are going to jump around like monkeys in the jungle, attacking whites at random, because one fucking thug got shot LIKE HE DESERVED – THEN white people should have guns!! That’s not fear, it’s a reasonable precaution.
AS IF you fucking niggers gave a SHIT what happened to your ‘youth’ you would be doing something about black on black murders, BUT YOU DON’T and you don’t. Fucking nigger males murder their own kids daily, don’t even acknowledge the rest, fuck everything that moves, spreading AIDS, syphilis & gonorrhea at every turn, impregnating 12 year olds & increasing the amount of neglected abused bastard children exponentially. My god, but aren’t you PATHETIC.
Got your ‘civil rights’ and this is what you do with them. Stop getting married, abandon the kids, fuck incessantly and recklessly, spread disease, kill each other, beat each other, beat your kids, murder your girlfriends kids, rob and rape, steal and squeal, huh? The 3 things niggers invented THE 3 R’s, ROBBIN’ RAPIN’ & RAPPIN’ THE 3 r’s used to stand for reading, writing & arithmetic – not ANYMORE because you illiterate low IQ shit brains have gotten the school standards lowered SO MUCH that nobody gets out of school with any fucking sense.
My school stopped teaching anything new pretty much after the fourth grade, and you niggers STILL complain you can’t pass cause it’s RAYCISST. Even though they already DUMBED IT DOWN for niggers, and LOWERED THE IQ STANDARD BY WHICH RETARDATION was measured because 50% of all niggers fell into the retarded category – so they said OH all right 70 is no longer considered retarded, now it’s 59 – and that’s only borderline retarded. YET STILL a whopping 15% fell into the retarded category.
YOU NIGGERS are smart if you fail school, because that’s racist, but if you’re up for the DEATH PENALTY then you squeal that you’re RETARDED. CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAY’S L’IL NIG !!