Faileocons Are Appalled

National Review

Check this out. The faileocons are appalled by John Derbyshire’s article.

Rich Lowry, who was saying “Al Sharpton is Right” just a few days ago, is denouncing him. What a joke these worthless fucking sissies are!

Update: Conservative heavyweights “Ramesh Ponnoru” and Jonah Goldberg don’t want to be associated with Derbyshire!

If you are dumb enough to believe that National Review is a conservative magazine after publishing “Al Sharpton Is Right,” you haven’t been paying attention to their content for the last decade.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t want them shipped off because I don’t think a world with Israel is a world where Christians have an iota of moral authority. We need to deny them what Christ denied them.

    The State of Israel is moral Keynesianism. We lost the moral authority or desire to deal with them, so we gave them what they wanted. We need to deny the enemies of civilization at their entry point, or we lose the muscles needed to maintain our everyday authority. We need to pay for civilization every day. Or the debt becomes too big to overcome. Like Israel. That debt will be repaid with the destruction of the world. Guaranteed. As it very much nearly already has.

  2. “But nobody forced Christians to comply.”

    Ummm, let’s see. Van Impe, Hal Lindsey, Hagee, LeHaye all use mainstream media sources–sources which jews are indisputably in outsized control of– to indoctrinate Americans in so-called Christian Zionism.

    Their argument went like this:

    “The Founding of Israel (in 1948) PROVES the Bible is true!!!!!! Where the bible talks about Israel, we all used to think that was metaphorical, but we see it literally! That’s proof the bible, every single word of it, is literally true! And the “this generation” Jesus talks about means the generation born when in before May 1948; so Jesus is coming back in YOUR LIFETIME!! You won’t die– you’ll be Raptured!!!! Isn’t it great!!”

    “And, plus, since the bible is literally true, as the actual existence of a state named Israel proves, that means the jews are God’s chosen people, or it wouldn’t say so in the literally-true bible. Since jews are God’s chosen, you have a Christian duty to look after them. Look, it says right in there: ‘I will bless those who bless Israel and whoever curses Israel I will curse.’ So that means America better “stand with Israel” (translation: give Israel and jews anything they want –ed) or God will curse America.”

    “Plus, Revelations says that Armageddon is a terrible war where the whole world will gang up on poor little Israel, and Jesus will come and get you just before it starts. No Israel, no Armageddon. No Armageddon, no Rapture. No Rapture, you die. You want to get Raptured, don’t you? Then you better be willing to send your sons to fight Israel’s enemies or Baaaad Thiiiiiings will happen to America and YOU will be Left Behind when Jesus comes back!!”

    The religious carrot of never having to, actually, go through the tedious, messy business of dying because Jesus will come and Rapture you before you die, so long as you see to there are jews in Israel (which means you must “stand with Israel” so the Arabs don’t wipe them off the map and ruin the chances for Armageddon/2nd Coming/your Rapture/avoidance of death) is a POWERFULLY appealing thing to hear.

    I’m, frankly, not surprised that a huge number of ordinary Americans got taken in by this con. PARTICULARLY since the church pastors and leaders, all on the take of 501-C3 gov’t money, suddenly couldn’t seem to FIND the doctrines of old to counter the Impish hooey.

    Blaming the Christians for falling for the internally quite-consistent exegesis of Christian Zionism — particularly before the advent of the internet — is like blaming the children for following the Pied Piper. The people charged with shepherding the spiritual welfare of the average Christian and for educating him in true Christian doctrine — including that God’s covenant with jews died on Calvary — the pastors and priests, were DERELICT in their duty.

    To be sure, with the advent of the internet, the old doctrines are available to Christians who look.
    And what you are seeing is the young people are REJECTING the Christian Zionist heresy. The old folks are too committed, though, and their pride is too tangled up.

    Christian Zionism may not die until the “this generation” folks all finally die off. But when it dies, and it will — Jesus is NOT coming back Any Day Now — the newly rediscovered Zealotry of the Christians to put a stop to jewish perfidy will be a sight to behold.

  3. “don’t want them shipped off because I don’t think a world with Israel is a world where Christians have an iota of moral authority. We need to deny them what Christ denied them.”

    I don’t get that. How is shipping them off to Israel NOT like putting them into a ghetto, writ large?
    Where does the bible say that Christians have to LIVE with them?

  4. — the newly rediscovered Zealotry of the Christians to put a stop to jewish perfidy will be a sight to behold.

    — the newly rediscovered Zealotry of the Christians to put a stop to jewish perfidy will be a sight to behold.

    Zealotry of the Christians to put a stop to jewish perfidy will be a sight to behold.

    And the advent of that Zealotry would be hastened by disengaging the jews from their places in mainstream American media (and gov’t and finance and education) — which shipping them all to Israel would bring about.

  5. Barb – a very nice fellow on Stormfront tured me onto the Babylonian Talmud, ages ago.

    When I fist hit SF, I had NO idea WHY all those people hated Jews. OMG. Jews are so nice and funny! A little…high strung….and the Holocaust (Yes. I once accapted the Kabbalisitc Fairy Tale) rhetoric was a little tiresome – after all – what’s that got to do with people today? – but a poster asked me if I ever actually read any Jewish texts, besides the Old T.

    I said, “Not really…..”.

    He provided a link.

    I didn’t trust him.

    I found my own.

    And now?

    Take your Dad to a Lubavitcher site. They HAVE translations. They are PROUD of their Luciferian evil. They think it’s GREAT!

  6. “Blaming the Christians for falling for the internally quite-consistent exegesis of Christian Zionism — particularly before the advent of the internet — is like blaming the children for following the Pied Piper.”

    I understand where you are coming from here. But we’re talking about adults here, not children. And we’re not talking about lighting a menorah, we’re talking about “but for” causation of Christ’s death. Honestly, a child should be able to figure it out, let alone some ass wipe with their nose stuck in a Bible. True though, it was more forgivable before the advent of the internet.

    “I don’t get that. How is shipping them off to Israel NOT like putting them into a ghetto, writ large?”

    Firstly, because we’ve seen so far that the existence of Israel hasn’t stopped the howling of the Jews in the slightest. If anything it has emboldened them. Secondly, because having them around us is a powerful constant reminder of who they are and who Christ was. And unless we learn to deal with it on a daily basis, it will just happen all over again sooner than otherwise. Thirdly, moral ghettoization is less costly than banishment. Can you imagine the cost to the world of keeping world Jews imprisoned (and it would have to be the Jews of the world, because if it wasn’t all done at once, the rest of the nations would war against the expelling nation), keeping them out of trouble, keeping them from building bombs, infiltrating, etc? Basically you’d have to train everyone what a Jew was anyway. And if you could do that, they are already ghettoized.

    Regardless, you seem to be using renewed Christianity in one respect as a hopeful means of exposing the perfidy of the Jews. But I don’t understand how that can happen if a foundational element of your renewed Christianity involves giving Jews that which Christ died in rejection of (an earthly kingdom).

  7. I’d like to comment on Derbyshire’s “nice old Jewish couple” hang up that prevents him from saying anything bad about Jews in general. Eric Hoffer, who wrote “the True Believer” said that when you evaluate a person’s character, you have to judge both the person and the group he belongs to. Does the person and his group that conflict with yours? Does he always agree with the group or does he have the guts to say no when the group is wrong? Most Jews fall in line with groupthink. Derbyshire and people like him need to consider these factors in judging any group to insure their own safety

    Nice old Jewish couples aren’t “nice” unless you can tell them you think Whites should have for themselves what Jews have for themselves in Israel. Not nice enough to hang your political hat on, anyway. I bet Derb’s nice old Jewish couple would bare their fangs and hiss if he showed them a cro- er, I mean, told them Whites should have for themselves what Jews have for themselves in Israel (including deciding who gets to be White).

    Chance that the Derb put his “nice” old Jewish couple to the test: 0. Jews are great at being “nice” until you challenge their hegemony. If you say “yessuh” and “nosuh” and “massah” to them, sure they’re nice. Try to learn how to read, or take the shackles off, and out comes the whip.

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