Faileocons Are Appalled

National Review

Check this out. The faileocons are appalled by John Derbyshire’s article.

Rich Lowry, who was saying “Al Sharpton is Right” just a few days ago, is denouncing him. What a joke these worthless fucking sissies are!

Update: Conservative heavyweights “Ramesh Ponnoru” and Jonah Goldberg don’t want to be associated with Derbyshire!

If you are dumb enough to believe that National Review is a conservative magazine after publishing “Al Sharpton Is Right,” you haven’t been paying attention to their content for the last decade.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Concur totally, Hunter. And what ever came of the Tea Party? Are they still thrashing around trying to prove they are not racist?

  2. Rich Lowery is a joke; the National Review is a joke; it has been utterly worthless since at least early 90s when William F. Buckley attacked Pat Buchanan an anti-semite in the ’92 GOP primaries. Around the same time, Buckley ran off Peter Brimelow, Samuel Francis and the great Joe Sobran, God rest his soul. Sobran wrote the iconic line “an anti-Semite is not so much a person who hates Jews as a person certain Jews hate.”

    Lowery doesn’t seem to realize he is a laughing stock among all strains of informed and educated American rightists as well as among mainstream centrists and leftists. The intellectual step down from men like James Burnham, Revilo P. Oliver, Samuel Francis and Joe Sobran to Rich Lowery and Jonah Goldberg is simply too much to contemplate. It’s worse than a joke; it’s grotesque.

    Try to imagine the scale of cowardice required rush out at 8:00 PM on a Friday night to write a single sentence letting the world know that National Review does not endorse Derb’s essay! I mean damn, saying that couldn’t wait until office hours on Monday morning? Are Lowery really that craven and that terrified of liberal opprobrium? The question answers itself.

    As for Derb, he is not a writer I usually read because I have not forgiven him for attacking Kevin MacDonald, but that essay is a masterpiece. I love how he combines scientific facts, blunt observation and sarcasm into his points and how he equates talking to your kids about Blacks to talking to your kids about sex. Brilliant.

  3. Needless to say, no one at National Review shares Derb’s appalling view

    Needless to say, bwahahahahahaha!

    Needless to say, that since the 60s, at least 60,000 innocent whites have been mass-murdered by black criminals to the near total silence of “National Review.”

    Needless to say, several million innocent whites, both men and women, have been mass-raped by black criminals since the 60s to the total silence of “National Review.”

    Needless to say, there are hundreds of thousands of black on white assaults every year most of which common sense would tell you are aggravated or motivated by racial animus that are totally ignored by “National Review.” The only place you’ll find LESS exposure of racist hate-crimes against whites than in the “Washington Post” or “Mother Jones” is in quisling “conservative” rags like “National Review.”

    Needless to say, hundreds of American cities have been ethnically cleansed of the white descendants of the the people who built them and destroyed to the total silence of “National Review.”

    Needless to say, the white population has declined from approaching 90% to some 65% in a process that had it happened to any other people might be labeled racist colonialism and genocide. Needless to say, this process will end in the extirpation of Western Civilization, America, the Conservative movement, the Republican Party, and the white people who made all of them, to the total silence of the only-concerned-with-millionaires-and-feeding-at-the-trough poltroons at “National Review.”

    Needless to say, the crooks at “National Review” are collaborators and traitors.

    Given reality, Derbyshire’s article is as weak as twice-skimmed milk. I don’t see how anyone, any white, can take the boneless wonders at “National Review” seriously, not even brain-dead Freepers.

  4. P.S. – If the white-hating left manages to whip the Trayvon Martin thing into race riots (like they want to) “National Review” is going to look pretty silly – of course they don’t mind looking silly as long as they get their blood money. Principle-less whores have no pride.

  5. P.P.S. – Thousands of those mass-murdered, tens or hundreds of thousands of those mass-raped, have been children. “National Review”, complicit in war-crimes.

  6. Of course they’d have to attack him to keep up appearances. This way no democrat can ever call them racist now.

  7. Is it even worth registering? Do they moderate? I don’t mind getting banned after 1 post – but I’m not going to waste MY time ripping those castratis a new one if it’s pulled right away. Ball-less empty sacs, they are.

  8. Needless to say that Rich Lowery has no close black friends, they are all white. Needless to say that Rich Lowery and all his white friends send their kids to private predominantly white schools. Needless to say that Rich Lowery doesn’t go shopping, dining or the movies in the black part of town. Needless to say that Rich Lowery lives in a white part of town, although it is much more expensive. Needless to say why is that.

  9. I like how the comments on that post are disabled…

    They don’t want any NR readers saying “well actually…”

  10. If comments are disabled on that post, just post comments regarding that on the newest post that they AREN’T disabled on. Once started, comment streams typically diverge from the nominal topic anyway.

  11. The liberals have apparently flooded the zone in the Derb article comment section. Their mewling is amusing, but it gives the false appearance that suddenly a bunch of Takimag readers are all up in arms about a bit of race realism.

    What Takimag reader doesn’t know that Derb knows the score? Previously he has skated around it somewhat, but he gets as close to the edge as any mainstream pundit,

  12. Lew,

    As for Derb, he is not a writer I usually read because I have not forgiven him for attacking Kevin MacDonald, but that essay is a masterpiece.

    Personally, I believe Derb disagreed with KMac forthrightly, engaging him in an adult debate. He’s married to an Asian with interracial kids (and should therefore be seen and treated as functionally non-White), but has been quite courageous in addressing racial issues and has been quite gentlemanly in his discourse and engagement with a group of people he had every incentive in the world to dismiss harshly.

    I respectfully disagree that the “Marx of the Anti-Semites” episode makes him an enemy.

  13. I’ve been posting all over that blog. Especially to a couple of white hags who are self-hating negro worshippers.

  14. Normally, NRO wouldn’t even be worthy of commentary here because the magazine is so obviously a laughingstock that has nothing to do with conservatism and employs non-entities like Ramesh Ponnoru that it is not even worth the time of responding to.

    National Review jumped the shark when I was in middle school. If Derbyshire should be criticized for anything, it should be writing for that worthless magazine in the first place.

  15. Again, the headline in NRO last week was Lowry’s column, “Al Sharpton is Right.” It was beaten like a pinata on Free Republic. The average conservative agrees with Derbyshire.

  16. I well remember Derbyshire’s attack on McDonald. It was a perfect example of and illustration of a point and observation I made in a post here last week. It is a terrible fallacy of our people and needs debunking in the worst way possible. It is possibly our primary weakness as a people and why we are in the mess we are in this day.

    Derbyshire explained WHY he cannot criticize Jews and why he must shun anti-semitic writers and thinkers. You see, when he was younger, just a boy I think, Derbyshire knew an old Jewish couple and they were nice to him. He was close to them. He has fond memories of the old couple. And so, throughout the rest of his adult life he believes he MUST defend and champion Jews as a group. To do anything otherwise, a tropism of his mind dictates, would mean that he must no longer love that old man and woman, gone for decades now, who were genuinely loving and caring to him and provided so many precious memories. To do anything but venerate Jews as a whole would be to destroy those memories.

    This is how a LARGE percentage, possibly all but a literal few, of our peoples minds operate. This tropism is that prevalent. It is why so many must hate the memory of Hitler and Nazi Germany. It is the reason so many must condemn the Confederacy and what it stood for. It is why so many must “support our troops.” It is why so many must hold essentially the same opinions on so many subjects as their mothers and fathers, as their grandparents did. To do otherwise, they think, would mean that somehow that translated out to no longer loving your parent(s) or grandparent(s).

    Nothing could be farther from the truth.

    As I stated in my post on this point last week, my father was well on his way to being a strident advocate of Israel and believing that that advocacy would somehow bring on the “Second Coming” when cancer took him. My dad was totally under the influence of the gang of venal evangelists who came on the scene around 1980 to promote Jews and Israel. Jack Van Impe was a favorite of dad’s and mom’s house still has Impe’s books and there are still “Perhaps Today” lapel pins in drawers.

    But I don’t think my dad would have been that way today, since I am here and would have set him straight, lol. But don’t you know that if I was to say something about Van Impe of the rest and comment negatively on some of those books that no doubt mom and probably my brother and sister would say something to the effect of “but dad…and now you are saying things like that!” You all know how it goes. The same thing happens if you comment about WWII and people will say,” Well! [fill in the blank family member] fought in that war! Now you are defending Germany and saying something good about Hitler?”

    But all it really means is that dad didn’t know what the hell was going on and could have used much more in the way of education o the subject. It just means I know more about it. AND THAT”S ALL! It does not mean I no longer love his memory or have rejected him. My dad didn’t know anything about physics or what a Laplace Transform was either. I do because I like those things and have devoted years to studying them. He didn’t. But no one would think to say I have stopped loving him because I know more math and science than dad did. But it is the very same thing.

    This point, concept, really, that I am talking about is a biggie. Make no mistake. It needs to be met head on and our peoples thinking straightened out concerning it. We have to remove that millstone from about their necks. We need to carefully explain that it is a matter of knowing better based upon having more facts and that’s all. It doesn’t mean you have to stop loving someone or that you have turned “traitor” or something to a dead relative or friend.

    This tropism of the mind has Derbyshire’s thinking on the Jews screwed up, and it has a lot of our peoples mind’s screwed up as well. On a lot of very relevant subjects.

  17. He wrote a couple of pieces about McDonald. In one of them he told about the old Jew couple and his reasoning.

  18. I think it’s brainwashing Brutus. I get the same feeling of despair that you do when I encounter those walls. But in the end I feel those are the 70% of people that will follow along as soon as the paradigm shifts. In other words, they don’t really care what they are saying, they are just going along to get along.

    As for Derbyshire and the JQ, obviously it would have been career suicide. And as someone in the last thread said, he has two kids to get through college.

  19. Nations are held responsible for the actions of nations. How many “nice old German couples” suffered at the hands of the allies? The jewish nation has displayed it’s disdain for white western christian culture time and time again. I have met more than a couple kindly old black folks, real salt of the earth people. I still want them removed from my country, not due to any personal animas, but out of concern for the threat their general population represents.

    How can Derby see this so clearly when in comes to blacks, but not jews? Has ever bothered to thumb through the phone directory at any major anti-western media groups or academic institutions? Not a lot of Tonya Jacksons, plenty of “nice old Jewish folks” chairing the very causes he opposes. The jews as a nation have been weighed and found wanting.

  20. “Speaking the truth in an age of deceit is a revolutionary act.”

    I am unable to make my daily pilgrimage to TakiMag. It may be that the traffic is too high or maybe an attack on the site.

  21. The faleos would be appalled at this video shot off the coast of Somalia of private security contractors (probably English speaking whites) blasting a bunch of pirates to death.

    Hurry before YT wipes it

  22. Dead Somali Pirates! A beautiful thing. “Camp of the Saints” should have ended like this.

    Comments section is a hoot. Lots of tips for urban rioting too. Wait till you see the whites if eyes, high vantage point, cool calm steady rate of fire. Good grouping. What’s not to like?

    “Sign me up…I’d do it for free…lit up…where’s the 50 Cal?!”

    Hardy farkin’ har har.

  23. W&C

    it’s good to see them shit themselves.

    Even though I think the skinheads they talk about are a unicorn creature. Rather like Zimmerman’s “whiteness”.

  24. I’d like to comment on Derbyshire’s “nice old Jewish couple” hang up that prevents him from saying anything bad about Jews in general. Eric Hoffer, who wrote “the True Believer” said that when you evaluate a person’s character, you have to judge both the person and the group he belongs to. Does the person and his group that conflict with yours? Does he always agree with the group or does he have the guts to say no when the group is wrong? Most Jews fall in line with groupthink. Derbyshire and people like him need to consider these factors in judging any group to insure their own safety

  25. They will tend to stick together, be very critical of any western European and be infinitely forgiving for any black.

    But it the end they know they must live off our fat.

  26. Liberalism explains nothing, it is crackpot metaphysics for emotional cripples, the very definition of a cult member.

    We are told to ignore genes but in the case of liberalism we are told to ignore the enviroments/cultures of jews, black and other failed peoples as well. That plain makes no sense to anyone with any brains whatsoever.

    What culture produced Tim Wise? What culture produce Trayvon?

    And importantly what kind of ARs were the contractors on that ship using?

  27. Lowry was probably picked by NR to lead the NR-screechfest so he could do penance for having written this article in a magazine (Time) that actually has a circulation of above twelve subscribers (Unlike NR): Why Obama Deserves to Lose . Unfortunately it looks like Slime, err, Time has started putting their content behind a pay wall, but the first few paragraphs basically captures the whole article. I suppose this depends on the assumption that even Lowry types can’t talk about the Obamamessiah that way and expect to escape unscathed, but I think I’m not on too shaky ground by making it..

  28. “As I stated in my post on this point last week, my father was well on his way to being a strident advocate of Israel and believing that that advocacy would somehow bring on the “Second Coming” when cancer took him. My dad was totally under the influence of the gang of venal evangelists who came on the scene around 1980 to promote Jews and Israel. Jack Van Impe was a favorite of dad’s and mom’s house still has Impe’s books and there are still “Perhaps Today” lapel pins in drawers. ”

    Thank you for posting this! I have the SAME PROBLEM with my relatives. Jack Van Impe is, personally, I’d estimate at least 30% of the problem with White America today.
    It’s this whole idea that “Jews have to be physically located in Israel so that will make Jesus come back Any Day Now — and so I have to see to it other White people’s sons die in the Middle East, or I’ll have to turn in my Rapture Ready tm card that is my never-have-to-die ticket” that is the foundation of all the Evangelical Christian nauseating Jew-worship.
    Without the evangelical jew-worship running interference for them, it would be magnitudes easier to yank control of the press back from the jews.

    But I don’t think my dad would have been that way today, since I am here and would have set him straight, lol. ”

    I’m NOT having any success. I’m desperate for ideas. Tell me, please, what arguments you’d use, what terms, what Bible quotes, what points you’d have made to straighten him out.
    All I get is a look of confusion and then horror as the “ANTISEMITE” Impe-implanted brain-buzzzzzzer goes off.

  29. I have never seen a greater amount of fact-free, truth-denying, emotion-dripping bunch of comments in my life as the Green Fag attack on Derbyshire’s article over on TakiMag. Do they not see that the sound worse than the Church Lady on SNL? Pussies.

  30. Matt,

    Thanks for the link. In re-reading Derb’s review after all these years, I agree with you it is not an attack on Dr. K. but rather just a pretty negative review. Although Derb clearly placed himself under Jewry and Israel’s banner, the essay is not as bad as I remembered.

  31. barb says:
    “It’s this whole idea that “Jews have to be physically located in Israel so that will make Jesus come back Any Day Now — and so I have to see to it other White people’s sons die in the Middle East”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Here’s a suggestion for how to handle these types:

    Suggest – “Support Israel, the homeland of the Jews…. Send them home”.

  32. RobRoy – I know you hate me – but I loved the viddy. Am having WAY too much fun with the viddy. Thanks!

  33. “Jim says:
    April 7, 2012 at 7:28 am
    Nations are held responsible for the actions of nations. How many “nice old German couples” suffered at the hands of the allies? The jewish nation has displayed it’s disdain for white western christian culture time and time again. I have met more than a couple kindly old black folks, real salt of the earth people. I still want them removed from my country, not due to any personal animas, but out of concern for the threat their general population represents. ”

    AMEN!!!!! I knew a nice old Jewish couple, too, years ago, whne I lived in Philadelphia. i really liked them. They were wonderful folks.

    I’ve already stated that I would not shove Nicholas Stix in an oven.

    So that makes 3.

    I think that’s fair.

  34. Denise:

    NRO has been pretty good with allowing (at least up until now) dissenting comments. However, I registered my Nom De Cyber over there a while back, but found out I could never post under it. I guess my online name is ‘too rude’. I have been able to post anonymously though without registering (you have to give a valid email address).

  35. John, I didn’t follow that link; it wasn’t necessary. I think the title demonstrates all we need to know about the article.

    It has everything: The sheer lack of class; the”racist” incantation that substitutes for reasoned argument; the hyperbole (I read more racist articles every day – it’s what I come here for); and, of course, the out-and-out lying (he has no intention of following through on his promise). Those people are worthless.

  36. I e seen more racist articles here.

    So I’d like to call that Smug bastard’s bluff.

    Eat Dog Shit after reading Hunter’s African History Month Series.

  37. A sub-continental brownster and a Jewish ethnic activist lecturing Americans on American conservatism. That’s chutzpah! They’re cosmopolitan liberals who don’t like being taxed too much.

  38. Good lord Denise that was the worst passive/aggressive female logic I have seen since this morning at home. I actually have few quibbles with you, but as per the human norm all quibbles must be hashed out into mountainous sized kerfluffles. Glad you enjoyed the video.

  39. If Christ had given the Jews their earthly kingdom, I’m sure they would have voted to crucify Barrabas instead.

    The vast majority of “Christians” are actively engaged in forwarding the exact agenda that Christ died in objection of, while purporting to be Christian.

    That a population so immersed in this level of deep, deep spiritual-psyhological dissonance and delusion has been able to even remotely protect its interests is surprising.

    Let’s face it — if Christ came back today saying the same thing he did back then, he’d be crucified — by Christians.

    Unfortunately I don’t think our solution is to ship Jews off to Israel, or anywhere else. Our solution is to recognize their speech, and marginalize and ghettoize them. After first plowing through millions of Christians of course.

    The Jews love to lead us over the edge. But nobody forced Christians to comply. The state of the West is the direct result not of successful Jewish tribalism, but of failed Christianity. Christians are pathetic. If Christ were alive today he would want nothing to do with them. And for the most part, I agree. Those who would truly follow Him should stay as far away from His “followers” as possible. They need to be tossed aside like garbage. Sorry.

  40. “Unfortunately I don’t think our solution is to ship Jews off to Israel, or anywhere else.”

    Why not?

    “Our solution is to recognize their speech, and marginalize and ghettoize them. After first plowing through millions of Christians of course.”

    But it would be a heckuva lot easier to accomplish the plowing through the Christians if they weren’t getting their weekly dose of Jack Van Impe — who is paid by his jewish paymasters in the media to reinforce, each and every week on Sunday morning talmudvision, what the jews want them to think.

    Denied that weekly Impish “fix,” our wildly-misled evangelical brethren would have a fair chance to get religiously clean and sober and come around to their normal, natural state of White-Americans-First, and then hopefully HELP us marginalize the jews.

    Shipping the jews off to israel (and consequently relieving them of their positions in American media) WOULD be ghettoizing and marginalizing them.

    WHY don’t you want them shipped off?

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