Does anyone here want to take a shot at answering this question?
It sounds apropos in light of John Derbyshire getting slammed for bringing up biological racial differences in his article on The Talk (Nonblack Version):
“When 15-year-old DeKendrix Warner accidentally stepped into deeper water while wading in the Red River in Shreveport, he panicked.
JaTavious Warner, 17, Takeitha Warner, 13, JaMarcus Warner, 14, Litrelle Stewart, 18, Latevin Stewart, 15, and LaDarius Stewart, 17, rushed to help him and each other.
None of them could swim. All six drowned. DeKendrix was rescued by a passer-by.
Maude Warner, mother of three of the victims, and the other adults present also couldn’t swim.
The US has almost 3,500 accidental drownings every year, almost 10 a day.
But according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fatal drowning rate of African-American children aged five-14 is three times that of white children.
A recent study sponsored by USA Swimming uncovered equally stark statistics.
Just under 70% of African-American children surveyed said they had no or low ability to swim. Low ability merely meant they were able to splash around in the shallow end. A further 12% said they could swim but had “taught themselves”.
Note: This would make a good numbered post at SBPDL.
Some of it’s cultural, but mostly it’s because blacks typically have “negative bouyancy.” The qualities that make so many great runners make swimming more difficult and less enjoyable. They sink. So they don’t swim as much, don’t teach kids to swim, don’t have a culture of playing in the water like whites, and this often has tragic consequences.
Because water be rayssis.
Because they sink.
Atlantis here I come.
It’s also very strong evidence that they could never have left Africa without being slaved. If I couldn’t swim I probably never would think about a long sea voyage.
Do they ride horses much? I can’t think of any native cavalry from that bunch.
John! DRAT! Ya beat me to the punch.
Or should I say “punchline”?
I like to float…..I like to drift n water, on a Summer’s day, and think my thoughts….commune twixt the water and air….
I haven’t drowned yet.
If an alien Zoologist had arrived on the planet 500 years ago…
He might have classified Europeans as a sort of Aquatic or Amphibian creature.
The Blacks would have been categorized as some type of landlubber.
A (Jewish) rabbi siding with a nigger. Havent we seen that before?
Boteach has a long history of this.
Eric ‘The Eel’ Moussambani:
He’s from London isn’t he?
Equitorial Guinea.
Famous for being the only nigra on Earth that can swim.
And the only nigra on Earth with a sensible first name (not LaSqueesha/JaDeSwawn/Latrinious).
XYZ – The N double ACP – created by 12 Jews and a Mulatto (a coven, as it were).
Have ya ever read what Trotsky AKA Lev Brontstein wrote, about Commies ka Jews recruiting Negroes into Communism?
Think of all the Hebes, in the Civil Wrongs Movement.
Yup. We’ve seen that type of thing many many many times before…
Are you fucking kidding me:
DeKendrix Warner
JaTavious Warner
Takeitha Warner
JaMarcus Warner
Litrelle Stewart
Latevin Stewart
LaDarius Stewart
SMH at the names ….
I sink too, but am a good swimmer Could never do the butterfly though which may be because I sink.
John said: Do they ride horses much?
Trayvon was supposedly an accomplished horseman, as well as a master alpine skier. Supposedly he has been quoted as saying “Dem Dabull Back Dimon runs be raciss.”
My God, their names….
Yeah it’s like characters from “I Claudius” married and had children with Charaters from “Huckleberry Finn.”. Or “Life of Brian” and “Great Expectations.”
BiggusDikus Thatcher or Caligulavon Jaggers.
“None of them could swim. All six drowned.”
Natural selection at work. Glorious, it is.
Denise, if that’s a Doris Day icon you’re using, I’d like you to be my internet girlfriend.
Baldowl – it’s a deal. Just a long as you never forget that Merle, on the Walking Dead, is my TV husband.
When I was ten years old my cousins and I watched a nigger boy drown in a rock quarry near Monroe, Michigan. One of my cousins wanted to save him, but his older brother stopped him and explained that the nigger was in such a panic that he would likely drown him too.
There were only a few people at the quarry that day and nobody noticed the doomed nigger flailing and splashing but us. The sheboon and the other picaninnies he came with were too busy chomping on some fried carp to miss the unlucky cannibal.
We got on our bikes and peddled to the spot on Otter Creek where our folks had set up camp and told them about the drowned nigger. They figured that the sheboon would notice he was missing when she got ready to leave and that was the end of it.
You should have seen the look on my teacher’s face when I told this story to the class on Monday. Priceless.
Whites dominate swimming at the world class level.
Whites dominate cycling.
Blacks dominate sprinting with a capital D and blacks dominate distance running not by as much, but they still overall dominate. Caucasians have a better chance there.
“Why can’t blacks swim?”
The One Banana theory explains it all :
It’s quite simple really: One (average supermarket) Banana weighs on average 120 grams. The tiny, simplified negro brain on average weighs One Banana less than the brain of whites.
Two bananas weigh 240 grams, on average. As per Samuel Morton, two bananas is the average differential brain weight difference between whites and gorillas (higher primates).
Negroes are midway evolution-wise between whites and gorillas. Hell, this shit was common knowledge in our great-grandfathers’ time. [See: greatmindsonrace.com].
Negro dysfunction is BIOLOGICAL in nature, stupid.
How hard could this really be to comprehend ?
– Arturo
post scriptum : here in New Orleans, I saw an unusual sight roll by the Starbucks where I am sitting at: A custom-made or perhaps factory made stroller for triplets.
I remarked to a fellow sitting next to me: “Wow, did you see that? A stroller made for triplets! How often do you see that?”
His answer: “Maybe it was three different kids form three different mothers sharing a stroller?”
I thought about it and said: “Dumb fuck, why would three different mothers of newborns put their kids in a common stroller for three?”
(Wait for it, wait for it).
Sure enough, a while later the same three-baby stroller rolled by in the opposite direction. This time I was able to get a good look at the parents (wait for it wait for it wait for it) :
You guessed it: a dweeby beta-male white dude in sandals and a “wut-shoo-lookin’-at” light-skinned black female “mother” (who of course talked “white”) .
There truly is no hope.
– Arturo
That’s awesome, Denise. My mother raised me to hold Doris Day as the standard of ideal womanhood, and I still do.
My television wife was Tina Fey, but we’re in the process of television divorce: irreconcilable differences.
Arturo, I never realized one banana two banana three bananas four theory could explain so many of the differences between black and White people. It’s like “Clarissa Explains It All” on steroids. Quite amazing.
Anybody know if bananas float? I am going to guess that if they aren’t too ripe they do.
Baldowl – cool about Doris. I’ve been re-discovering her. She was GREAT. That pic is from “Pillow Talk”. BEST wardrobe EVER!
I understand the Tina Fey divorce. Her loss.
Arturo – there is hope. It’s just not alive in New Orleans.
I saw “Move Over Darling” again a couple weeks ago, and I laughed until I hurt. The movies from that era are like a warm bath after a day in the snow or a breath of fresh air after being cooped up in a pool hall.
In addition to being very attractive, Doris Day had a pretty good singing voice too:
Hmm my post got eaten. Anyway water is #7 on SBPDL, and there are plenty of horror stories on why blacks have few opportunities(clean, maintained pools that is) to teach their children to swim.
Just looking at Doris Day makes me want to go buy some sour kraut.
What a German specimen!
All that being said… I have to lay our modern problem with the vile Negro on …
TMC had a Doris Day tribute last week. I used to be repelled by her, when I was a “sophisticated” hispter teenager. Too gooey. Too sweet.
As an adult, I now understand that I was a totally snarky BRAT.
Doris Day was, and is, a wonderful woman. She was a HEALTHY beauty. I’ve been watching at least one movie a night. She was a very versatile actress. Very subtle. And a marvelous singer. Her moves are a glimpse into an era when every-one seemed sane. They were much witteir than I remembered. I’ve really enjoyed remembering America when She was White. Yes. Doris Day was a bright, refreshing, cheering ray of sparkling sunlight.
Jim – I’ve been singing that song for 3 days now. Not as wel as Miss Day, of course. Thanks!
Denise — go back and watch Hitchcock’s “The Birds”. On top of being really scary in a smart, subtle way, it’s also a glimpse into a time when California was white, well-dressed, witty, and unimaginably civilized and reserved.
We threw all this away for nothing, for less than nothing.
I hope there is a roaring hell so that it can be stuffed to bursting with baby boomers, on whose watch America was destroyed.
“XYZ – The N double ACP – created by 12 Jews and a Mulatto (a coven, as it were).
Have ya ever read what Trotsky AKA Lev Brontstein wrote, about Commies ka Jews recruiting Negroes into Communism?”
I admit I didnt know NAACP has such founders. As for Jews recruiting Blacks into Communism, yes, PARKER&MLK being one of their most famous stooges.
They can’t swim because it’s not part of their culture to learn how to swim. There were some decent black swimmers at the public pool I used to go to, just not very many.
They are not amphibian people.
Imagine a black regiment at Utah Beach!
White men can’t jump and blacks can’t swim! It all evens out doesn’t it?
When 15-year-old DeKendrix Warner accidentally stepped into deeper water while wading in the Red River in Shreveport, he panicked.
JaTavious Warner, 17, Takeitha Warner, 13, JaMarcus Warner, 14, Litrelle Stewart, 18, Latevin Stewart, 15, and LaDarius Stewart, 17, rushed to help him and each other.
None of them could swim. All six drowned. DeKendrix was rescued by a passer-by.
Jesus H Christ, it’s like some evil minstrel show. It’s like that scene from Mom and Dad Save the World where the idiots keep picking up the grenade.
One goes in, starts drowning, then SIX of them drown trying to save him. And then the original ‘tard gets saved. It’s like a deadly Keystone Kops routine.
When I was ten years old my cousins and I watched a nigger boy drown in a rock quarry near Monroe, Michigan. One of my cousins wanted to save him, but his older brother stopped him and explained that the nigger was in such a panic that he would likely drown him too.
When I was picturing the Wayans clan here drowning, I was tussling with the same moral dilemma. I can EASILY see some groid dragging me down to a watery grave in his panic. In fact, I’d say that’s probably the default outcome.
Denise — go back and watch Hitchcock’s “The Birds”. On top of being really scary in a smart, subtle way, it’s also a glimpse into a time when California was white, well-dressed, witty, and unimaginably civilized and reserved.
We threw all this away for nothing, for less than nothing.
I hope there is a roaring hell so that it can be stuffed to bursting with baby boomers, on whose watch America was destroyed.
What I find really interesting about this is people’s response. When you say something like, “the 50s were better for Whites,” or something similar, they say “lulz, you want to go back to the time of no ipods, that’s so dumb!” Uhm, yeah, I was wishing for an end to scientific progress. Idiots. Obviously the liberals’ responses are even dumber, lots of whining about how everyone else had it. Like I give a shit? Blacks show Zero, I mean ZERO sympathy for Whites. Why should I give a shit about them?
As a very young man, I joined the Navy. When we got to the point where we had to demonstrate we understood how to dive into water from around deck-height and how to turn our simple dungarees into a makeshift life preserver, almost all of the black guys in my recruit company refused to get in the pool. They were not just nervous, they were shit-scared.
I had some responsbility for the guys in my squad, so I talk to these guys. First, I tried to comfort them, i.e. we’ll be right there with you, there is a experienced guy here as lifeguard if anything goes wrong, we’ll get through this together, etc.
Next, I used some pursuasion. We had a number of weeks in at Great Lakes at that point and it was clear that this hurdle was mandatory.
Finally, I couldn’t help myself: you joined the freakin’ Navy and you’re scared of water? What, exactly, did you think you’d be around? You do know we have an Army, right?
4 black guys got kicked out for failure to even attempt it. The other guys got over it. After boot, I talked to a black company commander about it and he said it happens all the time.
It’s a strange phobia, to be sure. But it sure as hell is real and it has nothing to do with lack of exposure to pools, disadvantage, etc. It seems to be a built in thing.
Welcome back, btw.
Anne Francis, Carole Landis, Gene Tierney, Jeanne Crain, Joan Leslie, Joi Lansing, June Haver, Rhonda Fleming, Rochelle Hudson, Vivien Blaine, Vivien Leigh, yum. Hollywood’s gone way downhill in the looks department.
It’s a strange phobia, to be sure. But it sure as hell is real and it has nothing to do with lack of exposure to pools, disadvantage, etc. It seems to be a built in thing.
Openness (to experience)
I’d say O, C, A, and N play a role here, but O is the dominant factor. They don’t call them spooks for nothin. A very superstitious people, afraid to try new things.
A few years ago we visited an outdoors Safari park in Florida. A large moat encircled the primates’ exhibit area but there was no other barrier. The tour guide explained that the apes bodies have such dense muscle tissue they are unable to cross the moat.
I meant to add that fear of entering large bodies of water is normal, especially opaque ones. Water is far from our natural environment. And who knows WTF is swimming around down there, in its environment? It takes high Openness to get over it (though average White Openness seems well above what’s needed). It doesn’t help that Blacks aren’t very buoyant.
Hey, I just remembered that groid talk radio team that did that “he made it white, white, white” schtick. Remember that? Some surfer chick got attacked by a shark, and the groids were having a grand old time, a good laugh, making fun of how Whites are always being eaten by sharks.
I guess that gives us open license to have a good time singing and joking about how Blacks are always drowning?
Funniest. Thread. Ever.
Wow…it’s scary that people like “y’all” live and breathe on the same earth as my children and me…what uneducated, confused creatures you are–no doubt the result of parents and friends of the same gene pool.. wow, just wow…I clearly “stumbled” upon this site accidentally–
Why cd,
“what uneducated, confused creatures you are–no doubt the result of parents and friends of the same gene pool.. ”
Are you admitting that intelligence and temperment are mostly heritable?