The Derb Gets “Uppity,” Forgets His Place, Gets Fired


Jared Taylor writes:

“But what does it say about our country that even “conservatives”—and only “conservatives”—suffer from such hair-trigger nervousness about race?”

I will take a shot at answering that question: it says that “the Left” is culturally dominant in the United States, especially in the culturally sensitive news and entertainment media, and that “the Left” determines who represents “the Right” by bestowing “respectability” and “legitimacy” upon its own handpicked “mainstream” conservative opposition of gelded Beltway career girls.

What do you call a boxing promoter who schedules fights with nothing but lightweights? Isn’t that what you would call a racket? Maybe a neverending stream of money and energy that flows into a controlled safety valve where it will dissipate and never pose a real challenge to the dominant social group?

“Why is this? Part of it is the vicious double standard that protects every group but whites from “negative stereotypes,” but it is also because no one is afraid of obvious foolishness.”

I wouldn’t call it a vicious double standard. It is more like a single standard. It is a type of racial etiquette.

The Jim Crow South had a racial etiquette. In Black Run Amerika (BRA), everyone knows what happens to White people like John Derbyshire when they go off the racial script. Derbyshire was fired simply because he got “uppity.”

The Derb forgot his place.

Note: Previous generations of White Americans were not conscious that they were living through the “Early National Period” or the “Antebellum Era” or the “Roaring Twenties” or the “Jim Crow South.”

In much the same way, few people today are conscious of the fact that they are living through Black Run Amerika, a distinct epoch of American history that began when Lyndon Johnson uttered these famous words before Congress on March 15, 1965.

Their cause is not our cause. Marching from Selma to Montgomery while singing Negro carols in 1965 gave a bunch of White liberals in the Northern states a thrill up their leg but it didn’t change the underlying physical structure of reality.

Racial differences didn’t cease to exist because MLK had a hallucination on the mountaintop.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rahm managed to get away with telling a black administrator that most of the kids there wouldn’t amount to squat, so they obviously have no problems with democrats occasionally telling the truth.

  2. That book I Am Legend which was pointlessly bastardized by Will Smith’s casting, was a bout this process. You stay the same while all about you “change”. You somehow end up looking like the Vampire to the infected. They even sent pet humans to trap and mollify Legend.

    Casting the black in that role undermined the whole chilling point of the story.

  3. If we are in BRA the hostility to Russia seems more and more fake everyday. At least they are white. Miltantly so.

  4. I suspect the same thing about the NSM. Maybe some of its members are sincere, but I’m sure it’s filthy with Feds. Read the book “Blood’s a Rover” by James Ellroy. It’s basically a memoir of a fed under J. Edgar, and claims that the FBI assassinated JFK, RFK and MLK.

    Stay away from WN 1.0 types. Fortunately, the Feds are focused on WN 1.0’s –that’s the war they know how to fight, and 2.0’s avoid illegal activity.

    I’m quite confident that the WN 2.0 strategy of discourse poisoning and tribe building is going to take us all the way, and nobody has to go to prison or die violently, at least not in this phase. Who knows how things will be 10 years from now.

  5. Denice had a good tip on the Lawyers Guns money message board. Good sport to be had.

    Don’t troll them though. Just make good points about historical examples of chimpouts.

    Seems like they are up for a debate.

  6. Did Derb foresee and telegraph his departure with a joke?

    His last Radio Derb (3/30/12) started with a humorous knock-off of Obama’s on-mic gaffe when speaking with the Russian president:

    “This is my last contract with NRO. After the contract is settled, I have more flexibility. [Unknown voice: “I understand. I will transmit that to Gurbanguly.”] ”

    See transcript here:

    While this joke stands on its own, it could also have been a wink and nod at what he knew would be coming. The draft Talk would have been submitted at least several days in advance, and Derb must have known the kind of shitstorm it would kick up. So maybe he was telegraphing his departure from NR with an innocuous joke that no one would have seen as “off” at the time. The “flexibility” he will gain is further freedom to write what he sees as the truth.


  7. The “left wing” has rejected Marx’s message of class struggle and replaced it with a message of racial grievances.

    It took me a long time to get over this, but I still think the right is worse than the left.

    To the left, a Black person who runs a fortune 500 country should fight for black rights with a Black person who lives in the ghetto. This is unmarxist. Marx would argue for class struggle.

  8. Of course. One thing for conspiratorialists is that NRO is innoculation for racists.

    NR can say, look we fire racists! But also they quite clearly promote the Parthian Shot that said racists make.

    Derbyshire is at one exalted and leper.

  9. The idea that Whites are uniquely evil is anti-materialist and unmarxist.

    It implies that people are motivated primarily by white ethnocentrism instead of by material gain.

    Christopher columbus wasn’t motivated by Spainish ehthnocentrism but by gold. Hitler only cynically pretended to be an “aryan racist” and actually wanted money and power.

    But the left wing today goes around talking about whites as evil. They’ve fucked up the message. It should be class struggle and material conditions as the message.

  10. Iceman,

    I am quite Marxist. The guy was also fantastically racist too. He hated black savages. He loved colonization. The problem with Marxism, or more precisely it’s practical application as Communism is that it enforces equality. That’s simply against nature. What is it called: Liberal Creationism. Most of the economic observations he made are quite accurate though. Any good plantation owner would have been well served reading it closely. Marx also thought anti slavery was bunk.

  11. It’s not accurate to say that it enforces equality. It enforces the idea that people should have the material they need.

    “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” That does not mean equal. A patient who is dying of cancer needs more than a healthy person.

    And Marx didn’t believe that races and individual were all biological equals.

  12. John – they pulled my posts. some idiot at the bottom of the thread ballbed aobut going outside the zone etc. of wht you’ve been taught. I did a HUGE post on all the Whites that did – and were murdered for their troubles. INLUDING Whites who defied the traffic rule, and stopped to help Negroes, and were MURDERED.

    I also rebutted the guy who stated “why” he doesn’t live in Detroit of East St Louis. All of my language was polite. (Doris Day is now my Gravatar – so I feel I owe her image respect). I offered to give real world fianaical data, on how much money, time, and energy has been lavished on those “poor, oppressed, under-served Citizens – but I was blocked.

    I’m actualy really disturbed. The posters on that site are well-to-do. They’ve obviously been (mis) educated. I doubt ANY of them are Black, or have anything to do with Negroes at ALL. I thought I’ve absorbed the concept of cogintive dissonance – but for some reason my breif experience on that site shook me. Relly disturbs me.

    they are HELL BENT on annihilation.They have no place to flee. they don’t. Paul Kersey mentioned something aobut leaving the USA, on his blog. Where? Where do we go? We won’t be elft alone ANYWHERE. Jewry HATES Whites. I know it’s not only Jes – but Jew ARE the froce, and the MONEY, behind the White Genocide. They ARE. They are licensed to print the money, almost everywhere. They can and do folllow us EVERYWHERE, So where do we go? Mars?

    We have to fight. Period.

    I just cannot believe how so-called “educated, elite” people are absolutely determined to destroy Civilization, and themselves, in the process. Their nastiness – and they ARE NASTY – betokens a certain level of self-awareness. They are dripping with HATRED. They call us Haters – but we, underneath all our anger, and despair, are trying to preserve life and limg, and that whch is worth preservingf. We don’t talk aobut this enough – but we ARE positive, underneath our collective horror. We want tpo livve. We believe in Life, and tryng to create the Best LIFE we can create. I beeleive that this is basic, decent healthy impulse is what motivates all our actions, on the most fundamental level. We are the Light Bearers

    Not those creatures. They ARE death dealers. Not merely physical death – the death of the soul. The death of Light, and the very Spark of Life. And, in some fundamental level – the know what they are doing. They know.

    I don’t understand this. I use the word “evil” – but I guess I didn’t expect to get gob-smacked by pure, pure distilled evil, on that site. I thought I’d get a fun, snarky discussion, with a certian type of erudite crowd. I spent a large part of yesterday fighting with Lefty proles – and they can be so easy to diffuse, freak out, and undermine. I didn’t get blocked ONCE. It’s too easy, with certain demos. I thought I found a crowd that would be more challenging. Refine the debatng skills.

    I must go with my gut impressions. I usually am well served, when I Trust the Gut. I sincerely believe that the Left proles I sparred with, were we in person, would engage in honest, if hysterical debate, and not try to physically attack me – although one hoped I’d be gunned down. I had a sense of their sincere Humanity.

    That Lawyers, Guns, and Money site – they’d hand me over to Trayvons – the NIGGERS THEY DESPISE – and watch my slaughter with quiet glee. They’re not Human anymore.

  13. The question raised by Hunter is about America being pro black. Insanely so. BRA a country run for a sullen, unmotivated, stupid minority.

    It explains a great deal about why things are so dumbed down. Why things seem so dishonest. Like the scene with the magical Negro Morpheus. What is happening now does feel quite right. When you pay your taxes, watch the news, commute, pay school fees, when you bite your lip…

    It would be fun to dub that scene with a racial twist. Along with the scene when Smith says Morpheus stinks, there could be a great deal of fun to be had.

  14. It’s a particular type of “pro-black” ideology that essentially says that all differences between Whites and Blacks are the fault of Whites.

    I am “pro-black” in that I admire thuggish Blacks but that’s different from the establishment view that Blacks and Whites are equal.

  15. Marx was a JEW. Marxism is a total scam, designed to extract resources from the Goy he worshipped. he WORSHIPPED the Goy. Listening to you too debate the tenets of Marxism – he got you.

    He still got you.

    The ideological veneer is tailored – TAILORED – to catch decent, sincere, genuinely kind White men. You kow – YOU two. It’s brilliant.

    You both want basic needs to be satisfied, so that people doent’ have to struggle to stay alive. You can use your time to learn, and gorw, and develop, and advance. Not merely yourselves – but humanity in general. Although You Two would commit resources to your own Race. Which is healthy and normal.

    Marx wanted material goods, and financial security, so he could gamble, booze, and whore around. And that’s IT. Being a Jew and all. Jews do not beleive in an after life. The reaosn the concept of the AfterLife is so critical is because it advanced Humanity into a Spiritual Realm. NOT a mere physical realm.

    Marx’s scam is still working on You Two.

    I’m not insulting you. I simply wany you to see it for what it is.

    Why don’t you both take the concepts that YOU love, and admire, and devlop what YOU think Marxism is, into something that is you own. Move it forward. Beyond Jew treachery.

    We need ideology. We MUST base our arguments in morality. Take what you love, and remold it, into something that helps US. Our Race. Our People.

    P.S. Iceman – Hitler was NOT just into Money and Power. He was PROFOUNDLY Spiritual. He was practical enough to know that one needs money, and the power money confers, in this world, to advance his goals.

  16. Yes Denise they are dishonest and as a consequence evil. They will happy explain away any and all dysfunction as the fault of WASPs and Anglos.

  17. People are motivated by Desire and Hate. That’s about it. Desire for knowledge, travel, beauty.

    Hate is important too. The things you don’t like. The repellant. The pursuit of power falls into this category. Generally because a king must hate, foreigners and hate his aristocratic rivals and his debased peons, in order to maintain himself. The problem with BRA is that the hatred is untrammelled. It’s not the normal Selective hate of a king it’s the hatred of natural slaves unleashed on masters. It destroys entire cities with rot.

  18. Kievsky writes:

    “Stay away from WN 1.0 types. Fortunately, the Feds are focused on WN 1.0?s –that’s the war they know how to fight, and 2.0?s avoid illegal activity.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Agreed. I highly recommend racially aware WN readers here consider joining, hanging out with White biker clubs/gangs. They are implicitly racialist and have managed to be out in the open groups of tough Whites in uniforms. Tough White bikers are respected. Learn to ride a motorcycle – it’s also a good way to meet chicks, works for me.

  19. John says:
    April 8, 2012 at 2:29 pm
    People are motivated by Desire and Hate. That’s about it. Desire for knowledge, travel, beauty.

    Hate is important too. The things you don’t like. The repellant. The pursuit of power falls into this category. Generally because a king must hate, foreigners and hate his aristocratic rivals and his debased peons, in order to maintain himself. The problem with BRA is that the hatred is untrammelled. It’s not the normal Selective hate of a king it’s the hatred of natural slaves unleashed on masters. It destroys entire cities with rot.”


    Fascinating point about Selective Hate. Hate itself – a primal emotion, which I believe exists to protect us from harm, has been pathologized, by Die Juden, foo the Alabaster Goy. (Not for themselves of course. They, collectively embody and worship Hatred)

    The King must Hate, and Hate Seletively. Yes. The King is the land, and the land is the King. Our Western Kings have ceaded to Hate the Enemies of Their Land – their People – and now Hate Their People.

    Yes. The King must Hate. And if the King Hates the thing that he is ordained to love and protect -the People themselves – he becomes a cancer unto his Land. His People Then the People must Hate the King. And REMOVE the cancer.

  20. Mmm….The bikers around thse parts are drug dealers, and are NOT racially aligned. Yes – they are racist – but money comes first. And they are disasters for females.

    Perhaps they are more upscale, and honest in your neck of the woods. I’ll stick to dancing.

  21. John – go to Black websites. You are wrong These 2 rare birds ARE viewed as a ticket to slaughter Da Honkies.

  22. Denise you simply cannot debate with cultists, any exchanges you have with a cultist is for the benefit of the third parties in the area. If you are serious about breaking a cultist you might try the hint of responsibility, IMO people end up in cults so they can avoid the concept of responsibility.

    But get off the notion of conversion of the zombie brain dead.

  23. Bingo.

    I prefer the worship of beauty given a choice. Titian, Manet, Matisse, Turner, Picasso, Duchamp… That’s my cult.

  24. The great chimpout will still happen. Yes. But they won’t be able to roam arroind with rifles in the street just yet.

  25. While we are about shrieking and moaning something real important has happened.

    You can now go on a conservative web site and explicity say that “anti-racism” is a fraud and it is nothing but anti-white, and this fraud “anti-racism” is promoted soley for the benefit of the Left. ( adding that clause might be a neccesity if the site is GOP good Democratic bad simple minded)

    But a keep on shriekin’ cuz it entertains me. No not really, I find Somali pirates getting ARed a whole lot more entertaining.

  26. Another ball knocked out of the part, Hunter! Great post. Spot on and I agree 100%. It’s time for us all to admit that the left is dominant in America, and has been for more than 40 years.

  27. .

    RobRoySimmons wrote :

    “… I find Somali pirates getting ARed a whole lot more entertaining.”

    So, what kind of rifle does a pirate use ?

    Why….. an ARRRRRRRRRRRR-15, of course.

    (No precious third world minorities’ egos were harmed in the writing of this joke. Wouldn’t bother me if it did, though.)


  28. Denise,

    Good job at the Lawyers Guns and Money forum. Don’t get discouraged. They bash you, but your ideas are going into their minds.

    We are viral, we are contagious, and you are doing a graet job in spreading the contagion. They aren’t showing symptoms yet and that frustrates you, but don’t be frustrated. When you plant a seed, does a plant jump out of the ground instantly? Of course not!

    Same thing here. Keep up the good work.

  29. RRS – I wasn’t trying to convert. I was tryng to SUBVERT. Also – I thought I’d get a “higher” level of resistance. I like to know how to undermine their arguments. Keep the nails filed, so to speak.

  30. Kievsky – I’m just cheesed that I didn’t save those posts. I worked on them. I point by point rebuttal – especially regarding the amount of money LAVISHED on Niggerdom. I was just warmng up. I’m sorry I did not get those points ON.

    Those creatures are really demonic, though.

    I did come away with a lesson. What to expect, etc.

  31. Denise,

    Every broad knows–leave them wanting more.

    One or two comments and then “fuck off to…”

  32. Seems like a good example of liberals picking an opponent to fight.

    Why discuss Derbyshire at all if, when a real racist shows up you censor them on a blog post?

    The real problem is that you are 90% right. Except the Neo Nazi stuff you ate often spot on. Your history could be a bit more polished but it’s basically right.

  33. “To the left, a Black person who runs a fortune 500 country should fight for black rights with a Black person who lives in the ghetto. This is unmarxist. Marx would argue for class struggle.”

    That is the class struggle, just the opposite one that Marx argued for. lumpenproletariat + bourgeois/intelligencia vs the proletariat. In 1960 they basically had the system that they wanted economically, but had failed to destroy our institutions(and thus accomplish their real aim) so they had to switch tactics.

  34. I’m in a hurry, so I won’t comment on Derbyshire. But I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

  35. While a little off topic, I came across an old (1980s) book on ancient Carthage today and began reading a section about Punic/Phonecian religious practices prior to the Roman conquest. According to the authors, the Semetic Carthaginians practiced child sacrifice to the god Baal at a place called the Tophet. One archaologist has identified the word ‘Moloch’ on the stelaes erected over the sacrifices. The Carthaginian word ‘moloch’ was written MLK! What a satanic coincidence

  36. Where do we go?

    Denise, it’s kind ofa massmarket paperback, thats out of print, but Thomas Perry wrote a book titled Island.*listing*title

    Basically they find an island on a map that is only sometimes documented and they determine it is only visible at low tide. So they haul in what they can and build the island, slightly similar to to the establishment of Galt’s Gulch in Atlas Shrugged, but for different reasons. Actually it is much more than that but this novel has forever been in my mind since I found it in a 99¢ bin over 20 years ago.

    It may not be the answer but it gives a starting point for creative thought.

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