Hoodies for Trayvon

North Carolina

A rally for Trayvon Martin was recently held inside this Yemeni-owned convenience store in Farmville, NC when three African-Americans stopped at Hustle Mart to purchase a pack a Skittles and an Arizona iced tea:

Update: The Derb covered this scenario in 10(b) of The Talk: Nonblack Version: “Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.”

Note: Kyle Rogers observes that Marion Barry has been stirring up hatred against “dirty Asian shops” lately.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks for your vigilance Hunter. Did you happen to read the UK’s article on Hitlers grandkid? Very interesting.

  2. “But we need African-American businesspeople to be able to take their places, too.”

    Aid them all the support, welfare, and education that one ought to be appreciative of, and yet they pester on, demanding further compensation. The notion of honest hard-work is alien and is only corrigible with the lash of a whip.

  3. Where are the Anti Fascist Yemini Shopkeeper Guards?

    Oh that’s right they are busy assaulting a bewildered white skinhead.

  4. We are all “white native Americans” now…

    The more the blacks expand white as a definition the sooner they will end up buried.

    Incans and Cherokee are Dwyatt Mann now. So much for the most successful genocide in history.

  5. In Russia the convenience stores are enclosed kiosks with bulletproof glass, like a box in the street. You point to what you want, clerk tells you price, you put your money through the slot, you get change then product through the slot. The rest of the time the clerk can sit their watching TV,reading or surfing the internet.

    This is how I would do a convenience store in an area with robberies like this. Convenience store clerk is statistically the most dangerous job in the country — more dangerous than commercial fisherman. Blacks are more dangerous than the mighty Ocean!

    Of course there’s some danger when you are changing shift and you have to leave the kiosk. Body armor, maybe a bulletproof shield, and some major firepower. and if there’s anyone suspicious in the area at shift change time, call the kwaps.

  6. Is Florida likely to be in play for Obama in November?

    Looking at the raw politics might show the real motivation for the press gang and the WH conspiring.

  7. Y’all check out the top comments on the “hitler’s grandson” story at Daily Mail.

    The reason, lack of emotional knee-jerking, and “that’s actually pretty cool” comments are the most popular.

    Tide = turning. Fast.

  8. Since we’re forced to have ME people coming here they too need to discover all the joys of vibrant diversity that the black community brings.

    Is that sheriff for real? He acts like he’s shocked by this TNB. Is he just acting for the news bite or is he an ignorant naif?

  9. Sentence each of them to six years and wait for the second anniversary of the murders.

  10. State of race in America
    Juan Williams
    April 9 2012
    c span


    Non-Whites vent hatred on Whites. I was channel surfing with a non-aware White and we hit this and they were stunned to hear the hate in their voices and words against Whites. This is so raw their hatred and intent to eliminate us that no White can block it out while it is going. That takes many hours with Wolf Blitzer.

  11. Paven wrote — “The notion of honest hard-work is alien and is only corrigible with the lash of a whip.”

    You disgust me. The fact that people like you exist in a modern “civilized” country like the United States sickens me. Someone should whip you, see how you like it you sadistic ass-hat.

  12. This country is not civilized.

    Look at the prisons for example. They are rape camps for smaller inmates. Integrated jails n sheit. Wonderful.

    Civilized???? Pffffttt.

  13. Paven wrote — “The notion of honest hard-work is alien and is only corrigible with the lash of a whip.”

    You disgust me. The fact that people like you exist in a modern “civilized” country like the United States sickens me. Someone should whip you, see how you like it you sadistic ass-hat.

    The truth hurts. Blacks are fond of confirming this particular truth, with their mantra about how “they” built America. Right; slavery seems to be the only way to get a decent day’s work out of them.

    What’s that line? Ooooooh, it ain’t my fault.

  14. This country is not civilized.

    Look at the prisons for example. They are rape camps for smaller inmates. Integrated jails n sheit. Wonderful.

    Civilized???? Pffffttt.

    Nick knows that. Hence the scare-quotes around “civilized.”

  15. nick says: “Someone should whip you, see how you like it you sadistic ass-hat.”

    Libtard “projection” in action. Suggest someone should be whipped and then call THEM a sadist.

  16. Nick – are you a Wayvon? A “White” Anti racist? (Code for Anti White)?

    Fuck you Nick.

    I hope some Nigger ass rapes you, and cuts off your wee little dick, and burns you alive, and, and leaves your dead, mutilated corpse fo rat food. Just liek they did to Christopher Newsome.

    He didn’t deserve thst fate.

    You DO.

    And oyu are CREATING that Fate, all by yourself.

    We know who we are.

    We also kow your kind fo waht you are.

    We won’t help you. We’ll leave you to your richly deserved Fate.

    Rot in Hell, Nick.


  17. Nick, I do not condone such action. In fact, I condemn any use of physical torture, with the only exception being the death penalty. Merely I state the necessity of it to bring establishment and make use of such a lowly-being in a first-world nation, whether it be civilized or not. Would it not be preferable to free them into the environment of their inherent nature and not let that impede western ethics? Or is our current course acceptable to you?

  18. Nick is either an anti-white white, a Jew dick sucker, a rat-faced Jew or a Nig. Hard to say.

    Showing your true colors right Hipster Dufus?

    You piece of shit. I bet the 85 y/o grandma in Tulsa didn’t like being tortured and raped by some young black filth. She died hours later in the ER.

    When financial collapse happens and it will. I hope you’re stuck in the cities, with your hipster outfit on. If they don’t sodomize or rape your stupid ass, they’ll eat you when the food shelves become empty. Whiny little bitches like Nick will be one of the first ones running to the countryside asking for food.

    If I saw it, I wouldn’t lift a finger for your type, none whatsoever.

    Denise said it better than me, but your ignorance is still sickening.

  19. Annie – the “Nicks” are our very worst enemies.

    We know them by their fruits. We know what they are. They won’t be able to “blend in” when they beg us to save them from the Trayvons.

    And we won’t.

  20. Denise and Annie — great comments to Nick! It’s always fascinating to see how our women are actually angrier than the men. I’ve heard that the worst thing in a war is to be captured or handed over to the women of the enemy tribe.

    I look forward to many more women like Denise and Annie joining our cause.

  21. Denise and Annie Oakley tag team Nick the wee Dick. Gotta love it!

    Denise, you remind me of my late mother. She used to sit in front of the TV and when Walter Cronkite came on she would give him the finger with both hands. She would yell “f__k you Walter, f__k you” and other obscenities. My father was sitting there taking it all in and would say “gee Barbara, I don’t think he can hear you”.

    Neither of my folks were too fond of your favorite people either, the YKW’s. I certainly have my opinions too but I have come to use the term anti-White to describe all of our enemies. It covers a whole multitude of evils without singling out any group in particular. This has beneficial practical consequences IMO.

  22. “In Russia the convenience stores are enclosed kiosks with bulletproof glass, like a box in the street. You point to what you want, clerk tells you price, you put your money through the slot, you get change then product through the slot. The rest of the time the clerk can sit their watching TV,reading or surfing the internet.”

    In Blak Run Amerika, slave owns YOU!

  23. “I’ve heard that the worst thing in a war is to be captured or handed over to the women of the enemy tribe.”

    You ain’t kidding. You should see a conversation between me and my wife on the YKWs. She is spitting venom after a couple minutes, the look in her eyes is something fierce! I think the reason is women feel emotion in a way men cannot even fathom. I’ve stood next to many caskets of young men after a mother and father have lost their boy, the fathers are obvious grieving, but the anguish from the mothers is something I know I will never understand.

    When it comes to the enemy, a man would use a bullet or rope and be done with it. I suspect women might have other methods.

  24. More – I’m sorry I never met your Mom. She sounds like was a hoot! And she did traise her kids right, didn’t she?

    I think it’s not Left or Right any more – it’s White, or Anti White. Period.

    And I have NO problem with calling Hebes the Spawn of Satan. You must call a demon by it’s proper name, in order to fight the demon.

  25. Jim,

    Annie and I used to have these great conversations, on the proper methods of delivering justice to our enemies.

    I will leave your blood un-curdled, for now.

  26. I think more of the same has a point in dividing the world between White and anti-White. At times it is necessary to name the Tribe of Thieves, but done too much it gets repetitive.

    Also, the T of T is more an opportunistic infection than anything else. They take advantage of our weakness, and they certainly want to keep down White Blood Cells like us.

    But the more anti-white they are, the more they activate the White immune system. That’s why the Trayvon Martin and Eric Holder have been godsends for us.

    The System is losing, but we are not winning. That’s the problem, but it’s not a bad problem to have. We got to get our shit together and start making small victories, and not necessarily in the ideological arena. More in owning convenience stores, learning how to be flexible, mobile, but family oriented Market Dominant Minorities, with an emphasis on math and science and engineering education. Undoing American anti-intellectualism in ourselves, which is our collective weakness.

  27. Kievsky – The reason I do not EVER let up on the Jew thing is because a whole lot of Whites don’t understand that Jews are NOT White.

    Thay they are being opportunistically infected.

    EVERY TIME I go to osme “conservative” event – Jews are crawling all over the place. Even so-called “WN” events.

    The historical, and utterly tragic parasite pattern well keep repeating the destructive cycle until Whites STOP it.

    Jews. Just say “NO”.

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