Americans Divided By Race



Jack Cafferty writes:

There continue to be fundamental disagreements about when blacks will achieve racial equality. Whites are much more likely to think blacks have the same chance as they do to get housing and jobs.

Maybe around the time Zambia lands on the moon or the Bushman in Botswana figures out the mystery of the Coca Cola bottle.

Note: W. James Antle III has more commentary on the growth of White Nationalism. The “White Nats” are reportedly in The American Spectator comments. I find it doubtful that real “White Nats” would frequent that website.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. No no no.

    As soon as the Zimbabweans design a fighter jet that can tangle with a Spitfire, that’s when they arrive in the 20th century in parity with the Whiteman. No mistake in that sentence btw.

    Cafferty is a Fuckn moron. Thebonly equality possible is us murdered or bred out.

  2. Hey Hunter, don’t let this story die:

    Group Of Black Men Caught On Tape Beating And Stripping White Man

    Second Video Shows Brutal Gang Attack On Tourist Outside Baltimore Courthouse

    Onlookers jeer as man is beaten, stripped and robbed in Baltimore

  3. Whenever a mainstream white bloviator is speaking on race it is always with the same detached air that they would use if discussing the movements of driver ants in east Africa. The notion of being personally invested in the welfare of their own people is beyond the pale.

    In contrast, mainstream blacks and jews spit, sputter, and howl in explicit and personal racial solidarity…The only distinction between the two appearing in verbal facility.

    If the empire of anti-white liberalism is ever to wane, this will be one of the first inflection points: a white commentator takes his own side…and lives.

  4. Sean P – thanks for the posts – but if you scan back thourgh this site – been there done that. Right away.


    at a certain point you have to conclude that we are also a nation divided by sex.
    Just what is it about white women going all gooey over Trayvon’s Baby Daddy?

    The Assault stats? The bastardy? The rapes? The layofs? 25% increases in food prices? Doubling fuel costs?

    No it’s a creepy call to a woman who doesn’t want to reproduce called Sandra Fluke.

    The Euro-American female is committing ethnogendercide by backing this bullshit President.

  6. Do White chicks hate steady as you go father figures, with impeccable home lives, a history of caring for the brood, so much that they are going for the anti white black supremacy of Trayvon’s daddy?

    Are these polled women nucking futs?

  7. John, turn on the TV and you will see how they get our sisters to be this way, every goddamn 3 minutes there is a smiling magical nigger. the rage is so intense whenever this happens. luckily i can drown my fury in alcohol for the time being, at least i don;t have a child yet.

  8. also BRA is a white matriarchy, we do not have “LeMay” types, so naturally the “masculine” traits that are most prominently expressed are nigger shit. all the useless white morons emulate them as the White male has effectively been castrated, due to the ’68 revolution. but this southern nationalist mentality, the Bedford forrests and the jameses of the flyover country are soon to be on the rise again. the SWPLs and the Liberal whites are going to need white men again eventually, so this parade of mooncricket “masculinity” must go on. although if you haven’t noticed nigger-vainity has become more and more effeminant, with salmon colors and bow ties , and all that other filth. just watch some of the viewscreen, you’ll see.

  9. The Euro-American female is committing ethnogendercide by backing this bullshit President.

    So by supporting Romney, American men are not committing ethnogenocide? Srsly?

    Personally, I measure traitors by who they make babies with.

  10. I suppose it will be as futile to point this out here as it was at SBPDL.

    Other than the 107% support he received from negroes, Obama is president because of white men. Given the eight year abortion that was the Bush presidency, a democrat was going to be elected in 2008. The only question was whether it was to be the purple-lipped bat-eared mullato or the porcine prig in a pants suit. Guess who white men and women chose?

    White men: Obama +7
    White women: Hillary +20

    It’s also worth noting that in the general, white women voted for Duke Nukem by 7 points.

  11. Don’t drink. That’s the last thing you wanna do. Go to the gym or read a book. Join a Hurling team. Anything but Boozing to wipe away pain. Booze is for weddings, birthdays, funerals and Saturday night. Fuck it–go target shooting instead.

  12. Klaos,

    I’m not sure what you mean. I suppose voting for a Mormon is a form of Religiosicide. Another neologism.

    I expect the Republican is already in Netanyahu’s back pocket as well, for example.
    But at least Romney is Ethnically English. His family are from Essex.

    Obama brims with hatred for the Anglosphere. He’s not given up on the Kenyan Dishwashing Grandfather story.

  13. John-

    Take those polls with a grain of salt. A sampling of maybe 50 women in Seattle or Connecticut (which I’ll bet is where much of their “data” comes from) is hardly indicative of white women nation-wide. I grew up in a mostly female household. I’m the only boy in my litter, and my mother was/is very assertive and strong-willed. I wouldn’t say women are crazy, they’re just very protective of what is theirs. That article mentioned how Obama is accusing the GOP of “waging a war on women”– translation: he’s exploiting the Republicans opposition to abortion, among other things, to scare women into supporting him. He knows which buttons to push.

    Gender equality under the law, and the legal right to choose, are comparitively recent, and radical, changes from what had been, for centuries, societal norms. Basically, recent enough that women, who are the beneficiaries of those changes, still feel the necessity to vote with the chief purpose of insuring their legal rights. Whichever way you feel about it, it is nevertheless, a wedge-issue that is exploited every election cycle, to 100% reliability to divide the white vote. The GOP would do well to either change, or just shut the ever-loving fuck up about, it’s stance on abortion for once.


    Don’t turn to alcohol. Stop doing that! Racially-lucid white men have a responsibility to keep their wits about them, and their will strong, no matter what. Just do what I do — turn off the idiot box and do something physical. Take up karate. Drive out to Stoney Creek and go cross-country running out in nature. You live in the Detroit area, don’t you? There’s plenty of nigger-free areas that really aren’t that far out of the city. My point is, don’t digest the poison they try to feed you. Spit it back in their face, and assert ownership over how you would be made to feel. Hang in there, man.

  14. oh yes reading and weight lifting are great, i prefer to lift at home as then you are not exposed to niggershines at the gym, or wiggershines (which are growing in annoyance) do you ever feel like the “omega man” when you see all the whitefolks acting like niggers, its like you are the last whiteman. i guess perhaps it just all image based though. the “asthetics” or however you spell it of BRA are shallow b-ball nigger worship, and you know most people are trend followers, as that is how the herd defines, success or “coolness”.

  15. and about the white guilt stuff, that is utterly disgusting and we can thank “nailed jew” worship for such tripe. i mean whitewomen have been conditioned since around the 800s to prostrate themselves before a jew, a “victim”. how long would it take for someone to figure out that if they play the “victim” white women will protrate themselves before them. (although i hasten to remind all that this is not all white women, that kind of self-serving flagelation belongs to a select few, she probably had anabaptist ancestors or something, you can smell the “i am chosen” through the screen)

  16. thanks chris, i haven’t watched TV in a year or so, i only catch bits a piece of it when i ma around my (yuppie) family. as for the booze, it is only a salve, it really isn’t a good thing i agree, i quit using drugs, but when you can really see the world as it is and evryone else is so busy mulling about in the maze, totally unable to understand, or more likely unwilling (as it is dangerous) it gets real hard to sit there and take it month after month, but i can feel it, it won’t be long now. the other day i was walking home (ah-hem after some drinks) when a younger lad of say 18 started calling me a pussy, i stood there and stared at him. he was a white kid like me, and i did not want to fight him, he chickened out, he was very drunk. but what he said struck me, he started yelling angrilym “why are all whitemen pussies?” he was dodging cars, to the shock of his comrades and myself. i think alot of people are pent up at this system. they are tired of being conditioned to be “afraid” of being bold, of insulting people and more importantly being “raciss”. well there is my two cents for the day. what is it,
    “TUEBOR”, hah

  17. Not Omegaman. More like Agent Smith!

    Shawn of the Dead, if you laugh a bit.

    Or the book version of I am Legend. It’s something I only began to notice a few months ago. My area is 50/50 black. The Y is overrun with Bakkaballers and whatnot.
    I know they are not paying full dues as well. Lazy cunts. They should be doing homework. I also like to shock the competition with what I can lift and then follow up with a home counties English accent. Leaves em shaken.

    Books are the best though. Any military history will do. Anything about Colonizing Africa. Redvers Buller, Kitchener, Garnet Wolseley, Trekkers. There’s a great one about Bill Slim in Burma. Mike Hoare’s biography…lots of choices.

  18. oh and i moved real far away from the nigger infested cities in the southeast, only uncle tom suburban niggers around me now, they are not a real big deal. they just wear the costume, they don’t know how to properly “keep it real”

  19. i’ve been reading “Thu spake Zarathustra”, “conan of crimmeria” , simon macdowell’s study “germanic warrior AD 236-568” and might i suggest robert E. howard’s novels, a good texan writer taking about some white european chopping niggers in half with a axe, using great vocabulary, like “half-breed” and “coal faced cowards”

  20. oh and nothing like getting off work and firing up africa addio on the DVD and skipping ahead to dragon rouge.

  21. “Most white guys propose on one knee. Here some Red Guard Hag is prostraiting herself infront of some sniggering black. While a tall blonde fluffs the scene.


    Great play-by-play. If you follow the link past that to the memphis news site, the comments restored my hope after viewing that abomination.

  22. @Conchobar


    ‘Ha’ is right. Maybe an image of a U-Haul truck would have been more appropriate for the state seal, in the long run it seems. Anybody know a latin word for “I am a baby-boomer. I will abandon my children and grandchildrens futures to niggers”?

  23. Flashman novels.

    They are festooned with piles of dead niggers.

    Flashman, Flashman and the Great Game, Flashman at the Charge. Flashy even comes to America Ante Bellum. Meets Lincoln, is a slave foreman, a slave, a gun runner, a pimp… It’s fugging good stuff.

  24. LOL U-Haul, bah that is perfect, white flight, thats michigan for you, a cheap rental truck and maybe a black fist and some beercans scattered around a dead deer, that should be our flag.

  25. At the very least the English/England football hooligan is an atavistic reminder that
    an army of English can beat the shit out of Johnny foreigner in a punch up. Even when in said foreign country. White Americans do not have this ritual outlet. Of course you have your military but that’s no substitute for Occassional hand to hand combat. JDAMS are not quite as much fun as a a brawl.


    Oblivisci Nepotis!

  26. I’m reading through this thread, “listening” to White men talk to and encourage each other.

    Thank you.

    Sometimes I feel like the the posters on this thread, and SPBDL, and the Irish Savant, ar the only sane people left on Earth.

    Bless you fellows.

  27. Per the occasionally permitted patriotard: United we’re divided. Divided we’re united. They can take their ‘America’ back to Des Moines and Tel Aviv.

    And alcohol is much better for a man’s health than are wives, especially after the children are grown.

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