Note: If there is an overwhelming sense of revulsion and disgust welling up in your stomach, congratulations, you are in the right place.
Note: If there is an overwhelming sense of revulsion and disgust welling up in your stomach, congratulations, you are in the right place.
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I was around in 80’s and 90’s (70’s too) and we didn’t gave a nigger POTUS, a nigger AG, and a gelded white population back then. Things are different now. I don’t panic, but I’m damn sure bracing for the worst.
Worth a view.
Could we be witnessing the next Mike Nifong in the making? Her news conference doesn’t carry even a hint of objectivity.
xxxtonygunsxxx 2 comments I sincerely hope that Mr. Zimmerman behaves like a man when he finally speaks. I hope that he stands up for himself and defends himself admirably as did Anders Behring Breivik and does not stoop to apologizing and groveling like every other white man has been doing recently. He defended himself and he should be proud. I am proud of him. I wish that our gated community had a watch leader as efficient as him. If he is charged with manslaughter and convicted which is unlikely he will serve no more than 3 months all of which would be in 24 hour protective custody so he has nothing to worry about not to mention that he will be wealthy from legal action and interviews etc. after the fact. Thank you Mr. Zimmerman, for keeping the residents of Twin Lakes safe and secure and watching out for the innocents in your community. May we all have the same courage and tenacity. http://amren.com/news/2012/04/backwards-on-racial-understanding/
I’m watching this case from Canada, and have a couple of questions for you lot: during jury selection are the lawyers representing the prosecution and defence allowed only a limited number of objections to jurors? That is, can the defence keep objecting to jurors all day until they get a jury they like, or do they have a limited number of objections during the selection process?
Second, in a legal sense, how would it be possible to find an impartial jury? Surely this case has reached a point of cultural/media saturation that it would be impossible to find members for a jury that hadn’t both heard about the case, and formed some opinion of it.
Assuming the case goes to trial, in the US system does the jury have the option of finding the defendant guilty of a lesser charge? So, can they find him guilty of say, manslaughter even though he’s been charged with 2nd degree murder?
Finally, being a long way away from this case, based on what has been released to the media already, it looks to me as if the prosecution is going to have a very difficult time proving a murder charge, –and that may be the point of this exercise. Due process will at least appear to be being done, but all the facts of the case will be presented without the media filtering what is presented and what isn’t. That doesn’t make it less shitty for Zimmerman, but it does seem that if they really wanted to convict him, they’d press manslaughter, not murder, charges.
Robert – For all of its faults, Canada is still under the rule of law. You can ask Conrad Black about the U.S. system, or just read his latest book, for the rule down here.
As an attorney, let me answer your questions directly (although, I am not a Florida attorney, so my answers will have to be in general).
Each side has a limited number of juror objections without cause, but unlimited objections with cause. However, as the juror pool in today’s U.S. system consists entirely of people who are either govt workers or people who are not bright enough to evade jury duty (or both), this hardly matters.
No, the jury cannot find him guilty of a lesser charge, unless Florida law is radically different on point. I can’t imagine it is.
The state is not interested in an impartial jury; therefore, defense arguments to that effect will have no real impact.
Robert, both the defense and the prosecution have a limited number of strikes.
Second, in a legal sense, how would it be possible to find an impartial jury?
Impossible. For one thing, there is no such thing as an impartial nigger.
So, can they find him guilty of say, manslaughter even though he’s been charged with 2nd degree murder? Yes.
Robert from Canada: you have posed the wrong question. To convict on 2nd degree murder in this case will be virtually impossible, unless they have some magic unimpeachable new evidence that nobody’s heard yet.
No, it is the process itself that is the punishment, as with Steyn/Levant vs. Canadian Bureau of Horseshit not so long ago.
Win or lose, Zim’s life is ruined.
And that is their real goal.
Cubans and whites need to brat down the doors to ensure they are on jury duty now.
If you are in Florida don’t evade jury duty. Think of your grandkids and the violent hell you will inflict if you evade. A couple of stealthy Dwyatts on the jury and he’s safe.
That dumb bitch Lawyer is going make a fool of herself. Nifonged will she be.
The fix is in for sure and settled. He is to be lynched. Neither the prosecution nor the defense is relevant. Big Brother has come to a final decision. A sufficient number of blacks will be positioned and any token Whites will be sure to be worthless cowards and will convict as they are threatened to if that is even necessary, which it will almost certainly not be. He will go as decided and BRA will proceed apace to the hellish nightmare that awaits.
“That is, can the defence keep objecting to jurors all day until they get a jury they like, or do they have a limited number of objections during the selection process? ”
Limited number of peremptory strikes(these are the without cause ones), these are of course deemed racist by blacks.
“Second, in a legal sense, how would it be possible to find an impartial jury? Surely this case has reached a point of cultural/media saturation that it would be impossible to find members for a jury that hadn’t both heard about the case, and formed some opinion of it.” – If the media hadn’t mediaed then it would be fairly simple. Unfortunately they’ve turned this into a national spectacle, so the number of people out of the loop is going to be a small one indeed.
“Assuming the case goes to trial, in the US system does the jury have the option of finding the defendant guilty of a lesser charge? So, can they find him guilty of say, manslaughter even though he’s been charged with 2nd degree murder?” – I believe that this is the case.
“Finally, being a long way away from this case, based on what has been released to the media already, it looks to me as if the prosecution is going to have a very difficult time proving a murder charge” – Given what we have to see this is correct. However according to waglist Zimmerman immediately cooperated with everything the police wanted, interviews,re-enactments, and so on. And if there is any discrepancy between the accounts(that he spent hours of his time after midnight giving) the special prosecutor can hammer away at that as “proof” that wrongdoing occurred, that his account of what transpired is false, and that he is guilty of 2nd degree murder.
Good points anon. Zimmerman should not have cooperated with the police. Buying guns is not enough, prepare for what to do after a self defense shooting occurs. Everyone should watch this:
Woe is me says the racists on the site. The sky is falling, how pitiful you all are.
tee-hee says: “Woe is me says the racists on the site.”
It’s not so bad. At least Trayvon Martin, future rapist, is dead. And that’s a good thing!
I think one reason they charged second degree is because they know the worst they will do is a hung jury. There will be at least one and probably a few blacks on the jury. The blacks on the jury will vote to convict not matter what. Then, the prosecution will just try him and retry him until they get the result they want or until he pleads out. The prosecution never has to worry about an NG because there will always be a few blacks on every jury.
Tee asshat,
I see the “Libs” in my area – and they are clueless pussies, “seeing” for te first time, the truth about American Afreakans. One of the Libsters told me “He wasn’t racist before….but…”.
You’ll not the past tense, there. If you don’t know what that means – look it up.
The sky is falling. So is the BRA. You may be surprised at what lands on you.
Let’s just hope they don’t draw the jury from some heavily black area. Still, there are lots of mushy headed suburbanites these days, like the ones who convicted that kid who simply peeped in on his queer roommate taking it in the butt and was blamed for his suicide.
Is that supposed to be giggling,or are you some kind of gook and that’s actually your name? Lol. Sad attempt at trolling. Save your pity. Us “racists” will be just fine when the sky falls. We have all the guns;)
313Chris is the official bouncer around here.
Heh, heh. I always thought that was Denise’s job.
Chris, my dear little brother – nah. It’s you.
Heh, heh. I always thought that was Denise’s job.
I thought she was the cook, with her fondness of ovens and all
But this case really isn’t a near thing, based on the evidence we’ve seen so far. They might as well put George’s picture in the dictionary next to “reasonable doubt.” So all they really need is a juror or two with strong consciences, and a halfway decent lawyer to make the proper arguments.
It doesn’t even pass the smell test. Zimmerman spots Lil Tray Tray acting suspiciously, calls the cops, is anxious that the cops arrive, then supposedly gets tired of waiting for the cops and decides he’s gonna kill himself a nigger (despite knowing full well the cops were on their way). Total BS.
No, the jury cannot find him guilty of a lesser charge, unless Florida law is radically different on point. I can’t imagine it is.
Really? I thought it was normal that the jury can acquit on the greater charge but find guilt on the lesser included offense. Does it depend on the court’s instructions to the jury or the prosecution’s request for a lesser included offense?
Zimmerman won’t be acquitted, they charged him with second degree murder so the jury will be able to knock it down to manslaughter. He’ll get about 10 years.
“Zimmerman won’t be acquitted, they charged him with second degree murder so the jury will be able to knock it down to manslaughter. He’ll get about 10 years.” – JohntheSecond
I agree with this sentiment. The second degree murder charge was brought to temporarily pacify the feral nigger animals’ blood lust on the street while simultaneously stimulating continued mindless intellectual chatter among white-hating white “liberals” and “conservatives” alike on the radio and boob-tube in order to keep the general population befuddled. It’s basically part of a Roman styled bread and circuses campaign courtesy of the ruling Establishment which has already managed to whip up deep-seated antipathies towards “whitey” despite the fact that Zimmerman is not even a white man!
Even the most rabid, mad dog, pro-negro Jewish legal minds have already stated that it will be very difficult to convict Mr. Zimmerman on a second degree murder charge given the elements that must be proven by the state leaving the door wide open for a conviction on a “lesser” charge of manslaughter which, in Florida, still brings with it a maximum sentence of 30 years.
It should also be noted that given the demographic makeup of America’s prison population which is heavily populated with violent, hate-crazed, ape-like blacks coupled with the New Black Panther Party’s ‘bounty’ on poor Mr. Zimmerman’s head, you can rest assured that any conviction of the man that sends him to the Big House will be tantamount to a death sentence.
Ain’t post-modern Judeo-Amerika a slice?