About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Note: If there an overwhelming sense of revulsion and disgust welling up in your stomach, congratulations, you are in the right place.”

    I’m in the right place. Any details of the arrest and the charges?

  2. He should have seen this list.

    Countries with No Extradition Treaties with USA but with Diplomatic Relations – There is always a risk of an extradition but will be diminished in the absence of an extradition treaty of any sort. Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bophuthatswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China (People’s Republic of China), Ciskei, The Comors, Cote d’ Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Jordan, Korea (South), Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Maldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Philippines, Principe and San Tome, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Western Samoa, Yemen, Zaire, and Zimbabwe.

    Countries With No Extradition Treaty and No Diplomatic Relations with the USA – These countries would be those with the lowest risk for extradition. Andorra, Angola, Bantu Homelands, Bhutan, Bosnia, Cambodia, Ciskei, Cuba, Iran, Korea (North), Libya, Maldives, Serbia, Somalia, Taiwan, Transkei, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. Those in the color Blue are the countries we have known expats to live in.

    Andorra not having an extradition treaty with USA makes it a secure banking jurisdiction. Think about in the light of what recently happened in Switzerland.

  3. …Love is not love
    Which alters when it alteration finds
    Or bends with the remover to remove
    O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
    That looks on tempests and is never shaken
    It is the star to every wandering bark…


  4. Zimmerman will be acquitted; there will be riots; nothing will change.

    The American negro cannot be rehabilitated. Higher primates can nit live peacefully in the Renaissance Civilization of the atomic age.


    – Arturo


  5. Zimmerman will be acquitted; there will be riots; nothing will change.

    The American negro cannot be rehabilitated. Higher primates can not live peacefully in the gilded Renaissance Civilization of the atomic age.


    – Arturo


  6. “Note: If there an overwhelming sense of revulsion and disgust welling up in your stomach, congratulations, you are in the right place.”


    Then I see images of Sharpcoon hobnobbing in the highest levels of government and I know all is lost.

    I want this retched system to crash. If there is a God, please, I beg you … crash this intolerable system.

  7. “Zimmerman will be acquitted; there will be riots; nothing will change. ”

    One can hope – the riots will wake more Whites up.

  8. This worthless United fucking States of *spits* America is the wellspring of EVIL in the modern world, and needs to be DESTROYED.

  9. Now we know why they dismissed the Grand Jury.

    Didn’t want to leave anything to chance.

    This system is so transparently biased and political it makes me fucking sick.

  10. Zimmerman will not be acquitted. The criminal ruling class took no chances with a grand jury and they will take no chances with the jury, either.

    This is just the beginning. The USG will weigh in as well, most likely finding enough state involvement in “neighborhood watch” to find that Zimmerman was acting in an official capacity under the color of law, and violated Martin’s civil rights.

  11. “But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.

    24When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. ”

    Matthew 27

  12. All state government employees here should resign in shame. They just folded to Holder. Fuck them, and fuck republicans.

  13. The only option for self defense now is shoot,shovel and shut up.What a pathetic country it has turned out to be.

  14. The 3S’s indeed. When it becomes impossible to both live and live within the law, we all become outlaws.

    Now you can’t even protect yourself or your family from a nigger attack without then proceeding to jail where nigger attacks are a daily rite.

    Really, what options are left? Run? Bow down before their black gods and offer our flesh as a burnt offering? Fucking idolatrous scum.

  15. Assuming no new, game-changing evidence comes out, he’ll beat the rap. ‘Course, it depends on if George’s attorney does a good job of jury-selection. I.e., minimize Black and female representation, maximize Mestizo and male representation, and look for one guy with balls to prevent a single sociopathic negress from browbeating the rest of the jurors.

    And if he doesn’t beat the rap, he’ll beat it on appeal.

    The only question is, how much is it going to cost him?

  16. Backing away from my disgust (walking it off now), I realize it has been a pretty good day for secessionists. Hopefully, more people out there now realize the fundamental nature of BRA, the worthlessness of mainstream conservatism, and why secession from this disgusting tyranny is the only option going forward.

  17. They have made their move. With this indictment, they are telling us that white people will no longer be permitted to resist aggression by Holder’s People. I predict that Zimmerman will be brought up on federal charges next.

    This was as predictable as thunder after lightning. He is going down. We are ALL targets now.

    Our move.

  18. Svigor:

    I am not even sure if Zimmerman is still in the country (note: I just walked in, so I haven’t kept up with all the news in the past hour).

    His behavior in regards to his legal team has been bizarre and IMO, not helpful to his defense.

  19. I bet that a major motivator for this decision was the political elite wanting to postpone the race riots until safely after the November elections.

  20. There was no way out of this that didn’t involve consequences, we’ll see what the special prosecutor has, and how much this will cost the state(in a malicious prosecution lawsuit) should he not have anything.

  21. I can’t see how they will get a conviction on murder two. Worst case it is will be hung jury. Perhaps the powers that be will go for bs federal civil rights violations in the aftermath.

    All they did was give Floridians a chance to stock up on weapons and ammo in advance of the acquittal and ensuing race riot.

  22. Nathaniel, that may be right; it certainly was a factor. Once again, we see the value of having a gun in politics. Note, again, that the black radicals can call for open murder, up to and including a famous director inciting murder publically, and there is no response from USG.

  23. This might not be that bad. Black mob pressure forced the state to try him for some crime. 2nd degree per meditated murder will be impossible to prove, whereas something like manslaughter might have been a possibility to get a conviction.

  24. Of course, the persecuting attorney will be looking to pack the jury with Blacks and females, remove the Mestizos and males, and will absolutely be on the prowl for any men with balls who might stand up to sociopathic negresses in the deliberation room. So it might end up a wash. Tricky stuff, relying on a jury that passes through that gauntlet.

  25. Based on a quick Google search it appears that in Florida the jury must be unanimous in finding guilt or innocence in murder cases. So even if there are just a few whites or hispanics on the jury, I really don’t see them being about to convict him. This is going to blow up in the government’s face.

  26. This might not be that bad. Black mob pressure forced the state to try him for some crime. 2nd degree per meditated murder will be impossible to prove, whereas something like manslaughter might have been a possibility to get a conviction.

    IANAL, but if memory serves, juries often have the option of choosing a lesser charge on which to convict.

  27. Zim will win, it’ll just be a goddam mess before he does.

    Like a man said, Chip away at the stone.

  28. Folks, Zimmerman is toast. He will never be permitted to defend himself in a courtroom. Once he’s arrested, it’s over. The minute he enters the System — city jail, county lockup, state pen awaiting trial — the Suit Up and Boot Up Gang will TCB.

    Don;t you guys get it? This isn’t law and order any more. This isn’t crime and punishment. This is a political act. Its purpose is to show you and me the way it is going to be from now on. Its aim is to demonstrate what will happen to you if you dare lift a hand against Holder’s People.

    This isn’t about Trayvon Martin. Trayvon Martin was a two-bit street thug, and nobody on the other side gives a shit whether he’s alive or dead. This is about breaking the will of white people in America to resist black aggression, and nothing else.

    We will each of us now have to decide where to draw the line when facing Black Rage. Do we resist, and spend the rest of our short lives being gang-raped by AIDS-infected apemen in prison, or do we let them have their way with us on the streets, swallow our anger, and go home to our families?

    Don’t kid yourselves. There isn’t going to be any white resistance. Nobody in their right mind is going to make a lone stand against the media, the government, the military, and the wrath of the general public. And why not? Because nobody wants to end up like Zimmerman, that’s why.

    Things are going to get worse. Much worse. Pray.

  29. Based on a quick Google search it appears that in Florida the jury must be unanimous in finding guilt or innocence in murder cases. So even if there are just a few whites or hispanics on the jury, I really don’t see them being about to convict him. This is going to blow up in the government’s face.

    The problem is when all people with balls have been filtered out in jury selection. Then sociopathic negress jurors can browbeat the geldings into submission.

    But this case really isn’t a near thing, based on the evidence we’ve seen so far. They might as well put George’s picture in the dictionary next to “reasonable doubt.” So all they really need is a juror or two with strong consciences, and a halfway decent lawyer to make the proper arguments.

  30. If the bloom ain’t off the rose for most white folks in America by now, we are truly doomed. I don’t need the gubmint to tell me that I have the right to defend myself, and I’m pretty sure that most of you feel the same way.

    The upshot is that the gubmint continues to discredit itself and lose legitimacy among our people. This action will only embolden the darkies and set the stage for escalation of the ongoing violence against our people.

    Don’t let gubmint edicts override your common sense. Get and stay prepared. As Emperor Zero says about his Republicrat dopplegangers, “the policy is you’re on your own.” Fits both, sez I…

    We know where this is going, and we know where it will end.

    Deo Vindice

  31. Leaderless resistance From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Leaderless resistance, or phantom cell structure, is a political resistance strategy in which small, independent groups (covert cells), including individuals (solo cells), challenge an established adversary such as a government. Leaderless resistance can encompass anything from non-violent disruption and civil disobedience to bombings, assassinations and other violent agitation. Leaderless cells lack bidirectional, vertical command links and operate without hierarchal command.[1] While it lacks a central command, the concept does not necessarily imply lack of cooperation.

    Given the simplicity of the strategy, as well as the fact that it is difficult to stamp out, leaderless resistance has been employed by a wide-range of movements, from terrorist and hate groups, to the animal-liberation movement, radical environmental movement, as well as anti-corporate and anti-abortion activists.

    General characteristicsA typical covert cell operates as anything from a lone individual to a small group. The basic characteristic of the structure is that there is no explicit communication between cells which are otherwise acting toward the same goals. Members of one cell usually have little or no specific information on who else is agitating on behalf of their cause.

    Leaderless movements may have symbolic figureheads. It can be a public figure or an inspirational author, who picks generic targets and objectives, but does not actually manage or execute plans. Media, in this case, often create a positive feedback loop: the publishing of declarations of a movement’s role model instills motivation, ideas and assumed sympathy in the minds of potential agitators who lend further authority to the figurehead.[citation needed] While this may be loosely viewed as a vertical command structure, it is notably unidirectional: a titular leader makes pronouncements, and activists may respond, but there is no established contact between the two levels of organization.

    As a result, leaderless resistance cells are largely insusceptible to informants and traitors. As there is neither a center that may be destroyed, nor links between the cells that may be infiltrated, it is more difficult for established authorities to arrest the development of a leaderless resistance movement than more conventional hierarchies.

    Given its asymmetrical character and the fact that it is often strategically adopted in the face of an obvious institutional power imbalance, leaderless resistance has much in common with guerrilla warfare. The latter strategy, however, usually retains some form of organized, bidirectional leadership and is often more broad-based than the individualized actions of leaderless cells. In some cases, a largely leaderless movement may evolve into a coherent insurgency or guerrilla movement, as successfully occurred with the Yugoslav partisans of World War II. In the same conflict, the British leadership had extensive plans for the use of such resistance in the event of a successful German invasion.[2]

    While the concept of leaderless resistance is often based on resistance by violent means, it is not limited to them. The same structure can be used by non-violent groups authoring, printing, and distributing samizdat literature, using the internet to create self-propagating boycotts against political opponents, maintaining an alternative electronic currency outside of the reach of the taxing governments and transaction-logging banks, etc.

    [edit] HistoryThe concept of leaderless resistance was reportedly developed by Col. Ulius Louis Amoss, a former U.S. intelligence officer, in the early 1960s. An anti-communist, Amoss saw leaderless resistance as a backup for the possibility of a communist seizure of power in the United States.

    The concept was revived and popularized in an essay published by the anti-government Ku Klux Klan member Louis Beam in 1983 and again in 1992. Beam advocated leaderless resistance as a technique for white nationalists to continue the struggle against the U.S. government, despite an overwhelming imbalance in power and resources. In the same year, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) was formed as an eco-resistance movement.

    Beam argued that conventional hierarchical pyramidal organizations are extremely dangerous for their participants, when employed in a resistance movement against government, because of the ease of disclosing the chain of command. A more workable approach would be to convince the like-minded individuals to form independent cells, without close communication between each other, but generally operating in the same direction.

  32. Even though this is horrible for Zimmerman I think this is good for ourside. Look how pissed off we are now how much more pissed off will we be when the trial is over how many more Derb type articles will be out there. John Brown by himself was just a small time operator but he helped spark the first American Civil War this might be our John Brown incident.

  33. I am beyond disgusted at this “press conference”. The preening, grandstanding, strutting. “Prayed” with Trayvon’s parents? Trayvon a “sweet” child? “Justice for Trayvon?”. The bias is stomach-turning.

    Apparently this witch is up for re-election this fall. This isn’t playing well with the white majority in this corner of FL.

  34. Svigor, your heart is in the right place, man, and I really, really appreciate that you are a comrade. But, believe me, you know nothing about the “justice system” and how things work. You’re still referring to a textbook understanding of the system. Things do not work like that. The jury will be packed with pliable morons. They will get the verdict they want and need. And, in the off chance they don’t, they will simply try him all over again, all to the cheers of the crowd.

    We are in a revolutionary situation.

    There are no rules. There is no textbook.

  35. Second degree murder is quite a stretch. Let’s hope there is one real man on that jury.
    And could someone fix up a rope for Angela Carey?


    (2)?The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
    (3)?When a person is killed in the perpetration of, or in the attempt to perpetrate, any:
    (a)?Trafficking offense prohibited by s. 893.135(1),
    (c)?Sexual battery,
    (h)?Aggravated child abuse,
    (i)?Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult,
    (j)?Aircraft piracy,
    (k)?Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb,
    (m)?Home-invasion robbery,
    (n)?Aggravated stalking,
    (o)?Murder of another human being,
    (p)?Resisting an officer with violence to his or her person, or
    (q)?Felony that is an act of terrorism or is in furtherance of an act of terrorism,
    by a person other than the person engaged in the perpetration of or in the attempt to perpetrate such felony, the person perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate such felony is guilty of murder in the second degree, which constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

    That fucking chimp Bobby Rush is on the news now ….

  36. Don’t everyone panic. This is the first of Al Sharpton’s national race hustles/scams. Some of us lived through Sharpton’s New York City race hustle scams of the late 80s, early 90s. We took on, took down the Rev. Al in the Big Apple then. We’ll take down his fat, Black ass now in Florida, or anywhere else.

    Stay strong White brothers.

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