Rich Lowry Takes Orders From The Left: Robert Weissberg Purged From National Review

Robert Weissberg purged from National Review

New York

If you needed any further evidence that National Review is a controlled opposition magazine that transparently works for the Left to enforce PC, Rich Lowry (the author of “Al Sharpton Is Right”) has fired Robert Weissberg after Charles Johnson’s Little Green Footballs wrote a post about him.

“Unbeknowst to us, occasional Phi Beta Cons contributor Robert Weissberg (whose book was published a few years ago by Transaction) participated in an American Renaissance conference where he delivered a noxious talk about the future of white nationalism. He will no longer be posting here. Thanks to those who brought it to our attention.”

IREHR, Little Green Footballs, and Media Matters swung into action … within 24 hours, Weissberg became the latest casuality in the National Review purge.

It might be worthwhile to start an email campaign to pressure Victor Davis Hanson, Heather MacDonald, and Mark Steyn to quit writing for National Review. There are plenty of other rival “mainstream” conservative outlets like The Daily Caller that would gladly publish their material.

The purge of John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg has exposed how the “mainstream” racket actually works: the Left controls the Mainstream Media and is culturally dominant in America, it sets the ground rules of public discourse by pathologizing its opposition with a laundry list of cockamamie sins (i.e., racism, nativism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc.), and the Left determines who represents the “Right” by hand selecting its own conservative opposition and labeling them “respectable” in exchange for accepting the dominant taboos.

In exchange for allowing the Left to set the ground rules of public discourse, the career girls who control the false opposition “Right” like Rich Lowry are rewarded with plush careers in New York City and the Beltway which are made possible by a neverending stream of donations from disgruntled conservatives in the Heartland, which are consciously diverted into safe channels that pose no threat to the system.

This whole system is consciously designed to fail. The National Review racket is consciously designed to ensure that the Left always triumphs and to turn America into Canada. This is exemplified by obsequious columns by Rich Lowry like “Al Sharpton Is Right” and now it has even got to the power where Charles Johnson has veto power over who represents conservatism.

Lawrence Auster has wittingly labeled Lowry the “non-entity” of National Review. What else do you call someone in such a position of power in the conservative movement who spends his time blogging about his dead cat?

Note: Weissberg’s last post was “Academic Crimethink.” It seems that opposition to PC is “crimethink” at Rich Lowry’s National Review. The non-entity who fittingly blogs about the death of his house cat stands athwart history yelling, “what can I do today to please Media Matters and Little Green Footballs”?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How threatened is VDH?

    He’s a very well respected military historian. Groundbreaking study about Hoplites in his dissertation. I’d think he’s untouchable. He’s a little too much like Edward Luttwak with his pro Israel bias though.

  2. Lowry is destroying any credibility with real people his awful rag ever had. ‘Respectable conservatives’ are a thing of the past. They have no backbone and no place in the future.

  3. A (Jewish) “neo-con” is not a Conservative. Neo-conz are simply liberals who love War…provide it’s a Zionist war. Path of NR was set long, long ago, when Buckley started sucking up to Norman Podhoretz…that’s when Revilo Oliver & Joe Sobran understood something wicked, i.e. Jewish, was afoot and walked away from the mess. Now? So what, who cares. Thanks to the net, we can say what we want w/o asking the permission of kosher c**ks**kers like Rich Lowry.

  4. The average conservative voter needs to be made aware that National Review is a “false flag” controlled by the Left. Especially while there is so much outrage over purging Derbyshire.

  5. Victor Davis Hanson, Heather MacDonald, or Mark Steyn will be next.

    When Rich Lowry is finished with National Review, it will be populated by nothing but morons like Kathryn Jean Lopez.

  6. “the Left controls the Mainstream Media and is culturally dominant in America, it sets the ground rules of public discourse by pathologizing its opposition with a laundry list of cockamamie sins (i.e., racism, nativism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc.), and the Left determines who represents the “Right” by hand selecting its own conservative opposition and labeling them “respectable” in exchange for accepting the dominant taboos.”

    All they ever do is call Whites names like “racist”, over and over. Its nothing but school yard bullying tactics and they do it, because it works.

    When people are more terrified the anti-White label, than they are of the “racist” label, it will be us that control the message, not the anti-Whites.

  7. National Review is a joke now, as if they didn’t know Derbs or Weisbergs actual views on race.

    They’re just caving to the Racism-Industrial-Complex.

    In a way, it’s good because now the NR just looks foolish and folks looking for actual conservatism will end up at places like OD.

  8. Hey Hunter, when do you think we will we see the end of Black-Run Amerika? Can’t be to far off now.

  9. Pardon my disinterest in the entire Derb story. My subscription to NR ran out about 1974. It hasn’t been “conservative” since Buckley realized that Southern men weren’t going to revolt! Anyone who’s taken it seriously since then deserves his fate, including residents of the “Heartland”, whatever that is.

    And who is Robert Weissberg, and why should anyone care about another Jew trying to piggyback a claim to righteousness?

    Why do I feel greasy just reading about this?

  10. (1) No one here has ever taken National Review seriously.

    (2) Derbyshire was something of a celebrity and had a big fan club at National Review and in movement conservatism.

    (3) The people who like Derbyshire are furious with Lowry.

    (4) I recognize the name but I know little about Robert Weissberg. He spoke at the 2012 Amren conference. I wasn’t there.

    (5) This is just an opportunity to polarize and discredit Rich Lowry and National Review. He has thrown another one of his writers to the lions to appease Charles Johnson and Media Matters.

    (6) It is in our self interest to pile on and take advantage of the situation.

  11. Sorry but I’m afraid I disagree. Anyone who has studied ‘conservatism’ for a long time knows that it’s always at least a decade behind reality (think Pat ‘melting pot’ Buchanan). Anyone jolted by the latest firings at NR is a long since lost cause. Winning such people over is equivalent to a tax hike! You may receive an extra public service on paper but you won’t be able to get them on the phone as your property value plummets.

  12. I used to be one of those fucktards. I was “jolted” by the way the conservatards treated Ron Paul. I know, Ron Paul. Here was a man who espoused just about everything they claimed they stood for, and they slaughtered him. Mercilessly. Four years later, here I am. All it took was seeing their phoniness in action, in a way that was unavoidably obvious, and I began to question everything they espoused.

  13. The biggest problem we are facing in the Lower South (aside from Dispensationalist Christianity) is that too many of our own people are invested in “mainstream conservatism.” It seems to me that moving forward with a secessionist agenda necessarily requires discrediting the leaders of that whole scene and exposing it as a racket.

    How can we get anywhere as long as our own people are voting for the likes of Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum? We might not be able to win people over from that scene who have been involved in “mainstream conservatism” for decades but we can dissuade new young people from joining it who haven’t yet made up their minds.

  14. BTW, jews gotta go. No room for them. We can agree to amicably split, but that’s as generous as I’m willing to be. No half of the house, no alimony. Just BUH-BYE!

  15. MajikFireHornet says: “Thanks to the net, we can say what we want w/o asking the permission of kosher c**ks**kers like Rich Lowry.”

    And there it is. They are losing control of their readership, and they are panicking. It’s all the terrible, terrible explicit racism that is starting to emerge.

  16. Denise- “Ahhh…it’s not the Jews. It’s never the Jews….”

    Darn, beat me to it… again! LOL

    No, seriously. This is ‘the’ TEXTBOOK Bolshevik modus operandi, for quelling ANY and ALL dissent against the Kosher/Pravda party line!

    If it weren’t so historically verifiable that the Jews did this in Russia in 1920, in Hungary under [Jew] Bela Kun in the 1920’s, and as a standard ‘line item’ in the Protocols as well, you might think there was a conspiracy going on….

    Well, there is!

    As Edgar J. Steele noted, ‘It’s ALL about race, stupid!’ (not you, Denise- lol)

    How much longer will this pantywaists carry on, as IF THE JEWS WERE GUILTLESS?


  17. For the record- even if Weissberg himself is a Jew, the JUDEN Master Race apologists have also long ago decided, that ‘it is better for one [Jewish] man to die for the country, than that we lose our name and our place.’ I believe that is written in the Bible, where the Pharisees spoke of the ‘expediency’ of killing Christ.

    We have records that International Jewry also was behind the pogroms that are affectionately (but wrongly) called the “holocaust” – turning over the ‘less desireable Jews’ to the ‘goyim state’ in order for THEIR plans to come to fruition.

    Hey, so what if 100,000+ jews died in WWII? (it wasn’t a false figure of 6 Million, that’s for sure!) “Nu, if we get the Brits to give us Palestine….. who’s to care?”

    Doubt me? Then you haven’t read enough, or dug far enough into Jewish complicity.. over the last two thousand years.

    “God hates the Jews.” – St. John Chryostom

  18. Jim: I tried to read the linked article, but couldn’t manage it. You’re right, it looks like something written by a schoolgirl. Pathetic.

    I wouldn’t worry much about Hanson et al. They’ve had plenty of opportunity to write the truth, but either they are true believers, or they have preferred to toe the line for the sake of their income streams. Maybe at the end of their respective careers, they will also elect to go out with a bang, like Derbyshire. Don’t count on it.

  19. “Anti-racism” is deceit and Lowry is playing his part in deceiving the people. If you don’t state up front that “anti-racism” is deceit you are not being as effective as you could be.

    Make that your declaritive sentence then add your wisdom and smarts, but if you skip the part about the “anti-racists” being deceitful then you will do little to distinguish yourself from the millions of other whites who have objected before you.

  20. I could play the “anti-racist” as a devil’s advocate and honestly I would drub most of you. Like shrieking “nigger lover” at me or any anti-white does nothing positive for whites.

  21. May his cat dying be a harbinger of things to come. (I hope I am not guilty of ‘hate speech’.)

  22. Hunter Wallace says:
    April 11, 2012 at 5:26 am
    “The average conservative voter needs to be made aware that National Review is a “false flag” controlled by the Left. Especially while there is so much outrage over purging Derbyshire.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    I’ve tried to do this straight forward task since about 1990; but for most Whites they are trapped in the Limbaugh world of Conservatives (good) vs Liberals (bad) and they love all things military, will accept any and all Neo Con war propaganda lies to support wars against Iraq, Iran. The one issue that breaks through the support for NR, fake Conservative establishment is mass NW illegal immigration. That’s our issue and the people are with us.
    With other issues, regular Whites fear that they will fall out of successful mainstream society, lose their jobs, become outcastes if they get out of line. And they are probably right, they risk being labeled as “not conservative”
    They want to be patriotic, they want to be on the side of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, their Southern Baptist churches that say we MUST SUPPORT ISRAEL and we CAN’T BE RACIST.

  23. What else do you call someone in such a position of power in the conservative movement who spends his time blogging about his dead cat?

    A liberal.

  24. Well, I at least feel bad about the cat. Jew-puppet or no, anyone who’s kind to animals and mainfests grief for their passing, isn’t all bad.

  25. As a thought experiment, I’d like to see a NRO contributor write in the corner simply the following: “I oppose white genocide.” Would Lowry fire him for this position?

  26. Porter they have no answer save censorship for that statement. But they can deal with the rest of our arguments by basically just going off into lala land of Blank Slate Theory emoting.

  27. The conservative movement needs people like Weissburg, Jared Taylor, The Political Cesspool and Patrick Buchannan and not neocons like Jonah Goldberg, Rich Lowry, and others who spout liberal views on race, pander to blacks and hispanics and too chicken to speak in the interests of whites (the only people who vote for the Republican Party). This is why I’m not voting for any of the ‘neocon’ choices the RP is serving up.

  28. George Lincoln Rockwell called it the Conservative Playpen in his book White Power. The Jews will let you play there as long as follow the rules. The rules are you don’t talk about race and you don’t talk about Jews.

    Fr. John+ — Oh I believe you.

  29. “There are plenty of other rival “mainstream” conservative outlets like The Daily Caller that would gladly publish their material.”

    Wasn’t The Daily Caller just as pc re: Derb as NR?

  30. Jack Ryan

    However if enough Whites bucked the Elite on the issue of American-Israeli
    Empire, and in defense of the Nation, there would be far less question of job loss.

  31. i have taught my kids the same thing that derby wrote about and i have taught all of them how to handle fire arms.they all have permits to carry and know when to use deadly bad if some lib-freak does not like it but we will not be victims of any criminals running lose on our streets or breaking in to our homes.i canceled national review when buckley died because i find the NRA first freedom a better publication for conservatives.i have not believed any thing talking heads like rather or wallace say since i was a young paratrooper in viet nam because they lied about everything and sided with the commies.the media still sides with the commies such as our fearless leader bongo, the affirmative action commie.

  32. Bruce what were black “soldiers” like there?

    Probably a mixed bag but were any much use? Any bolshevik types?


    Did Zimmerman have some sort of mental breakdown recently?

    He isn’t talking to his own lawyers.
    He supposedly fled the state of FL. (is he on the run?)
    He actually talked directly to the prosecutor (something a lawyer would strongly advise against).
    Washington Post says the Prosecutor will charge Zimmerman

  34. Hunter- I kno Weissberg is a Jew. I was going to attend that AmRen Shadow conference, but I got some inside dope, in advance, and got the Hebie-Jeebies.

    I got a full-on breakdown, though, from some-one who did attend. BOTH conferences.

    Taylor’s little party made my Insider wonder if the Insider attended a Bar Mitzvah, by mistake.

    And – what Fr John said, up the thread. The Big Jews will jettison the little Jews, if convenient to do so. Weissberg will suffer as much as Elliot Spitzer has suffered.

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