“War Against White People”: Trayvon Martin Retaliation Beatings In Michigan


Kyle Rogers is the single most effective activist in the White Nationalist movement:

“You didn’t hear about this is the media, but on the weekend of March 24th and March 25th at least seven white people were brutally beaten by mobs of blacks in Grand Rapids, MI. Five of the victims filed police reports. At least two other victims exist, and there are probably others. The local media has refused to report the cruel attacks and the authorities are resisting any serious charges.

I talked with one of the victims, 37 year old Jacob Palasek. He is a full time student and does computer work part time. He was attacked by a wolf pack of thugs on the corner of Sixth Street and Broadway in Grand Rapids, Michigan just after midnight on March 25th. The location is a mix of stores, offices, and residential neighborhoods. Jacob lives near where he was attacked.” …

Note: SBPDL and CofCC are the two websites that I read every single day. I’ve been a CofCC member for two years. It is the only organization in the racialist scene that is worth joining.

Related Links:

Possible Trayvon Martin Retaliation In Ohio
First Confirmed Trayvon Martin Flash Mob
Trayvon Martin Supporters Attack Confederate Monuments

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes, but how can we translate this to action? These reports at NO different from what I witnessed first hand at Cal in Berkeley, Calif. way back in 1987. The attacks form the same pattern, except that in Oakland it was much more likely for the White to end up dead. No news attention, nothing. Here and there, people complained about the double standard.

    Why is this different this time? What can we do to ensure it is?

  2. @KevinV

    – Nigger president and AG brazenly protcting da Trayvon yoofs.

    – Mob assaults are happening nation-wide, city & suburb, basically any place, any time, a handful of niggers are in one place at the same time.

    – Internet, and online video sharing are undermining the the MSM’s ability to suppress the truth.

    – White people have no place left to move away to, and remove unpleasant reality from sight and mind.

    – White people are beginning to collectively sense that they have no legitimate representation in their own government.

  3. We increasingly live in Mogadishu brimming with swarms of blacks with sail foams. It’s just a matter of time before people realize it.

  4. Hunter, you are correct about CofCC being the only organization in the racialist scene worth joining. You also should have said it is the only conservative organization worth joining, because we know what we are trying to conserve. Namely, our race, and our secular and religious traditions handed down to us by our forefathers. And it is also not afraid to focus in on the race question like the ‘respectable’ conservative groups. Their refusal to do so is an act of treason toward the racial, religious, and secular traditions of our people and their cultures. It so obvisious that the Blacks and the Jews are a pincer, (Jews on the top and blacks on the bottom) that’s trying to sqeeze us to death; but the mainline ‘conservatives’ ignore it because they want ‘respectability’ and they are afraid of the Jews and Blacks. Well, I’m afraid of them too, but I want to fix the problem so I don’t have to be scared anymore!

  5. Just read Noah Millman’s response to the Derb at AmCon, what a load along with the whiny comments. As I have said blacks are killing liberalism and though that thread might have seemed like a group hug for “anti-racism” the participants did not want to be there, their hearts were not in it. Damn that internet, bring back the days when the NYTs and Bill Buckley determined who was allowed to be a conservative.

  6. It would be interesting to see what would happen if every movement website responded to some negro outrage to hit that one spot in unison for the course of one week. Just as an experiment.

  7. http://www.teapartytribune.com/2012/04/13/obama-lawyer-admits-forgery-but-disregards-image-as-indication-of-obamas-ineligibility-damage-control/

    Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. Therefore, she argued, it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”.

    Hill went on to contort reasoning by implying that Obama needs only invoke his political popularity, not legal qualifications, in order to be a candidate.

    google: “Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image …groups.google.com/group/alt.politics…thread/…/dce8647679327096You +1’d this publicly. Undo
    19 hours ago – google: “Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery” About 516 results (0.20 seconds) …

  8. Robert in Arabia says:
    April 15, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    Taking an audacious and shocking angle against the constitutional eligibility mandate, Obama’s lawyer, Alexandra Hill, admitted……

    Jack Ryan replies.

    I believe this comment violates OD’s strict policy prohibiting CTs – conspiracy theories – wild, obscure obsessions of various kooks, cranks, societal misfits who are obsessed with some supposedly secret legal TRUTH in the past, which will supposedly CHANGE THE PAST, CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY and defeat an insidious secret conspiracy of INSIDERS who CONTROL EVERYTHING, but who will supposedly be taken down by a small group of dedicated patriots, who can’t get along with anyone, especially other conspiracy theorist kooks.

    Folks, Obama won the last Presidential election. That election is long over. No one here is going to reverse the out-come of the last Presidential election. In fact, if we don’t get our act together, Obama may very soon win another Presidential election as various White Americans will be spending their time trying to push obscure 3rd party Presidential candidates, dividing up over White religious church affiliations, obsessing over some CT, trying to get someone, ANYONE to listen to….


    This is the path to losing, doing the same old, same old that gets Whites to lose power these last 75 years.

    Obama was elected President of the United States. He’s an American citizens, the son of a Black polygamist Kenyan foreign exchange student and some idiot 17 year old White Leftist American woman. Both types are very common. They had their child in the US. Nobody flies have way across the world to leave the US – a first world country, to have their child born in Kenya, a 3rd world country.

    These CTs are a huge turn-off towards mainstream White Americans. When we present truths like suppressed real news stories of terrible Black crime, mainstream White Americans often dismiss us as the same Kooks pushing nonsense like 9-11-01 was a complete inside job and planes never crashed in to the World Trade Centers.

  9. jack ryan says:
    April 15, 2012 at 2:28 pm
    Golly, Jack, were you the man who fired Derbyshire? Maybe you are the guy who altered Zimmermann’s tapes. Maybe your last name iks really Rosen. Why do you leap in to protect President Doe? Maybe, some people on this board care about constitutional government more than pandering to the hopelessly stupid. Maybe if more people had cared about the identity of Manchurian Candidate we wouldn’t have the current mess. Of course, McCain, was a lunatic Zionist puppet, but forcing the Main Stream Media to come clean about the mystery candidate might have woken up a few people. Your demand for censorship nis a classically Cultural Marxist approach. You would look a lot better in a hoodie.

  10. BTW, are you the same jackryanvb on the Aryan mailing list who lives in Illinois and also the same jackryanvb as in this item?

    Men Seeking Couples (man and woman) in Illinoissearch.hotmatch.com/search/United…/35400-1-3.html?dcb…CachedNot helpful? You can block search.hotmatch.com results when you’re signed in to search.search.hotmatch.com
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    You +1’d this publicly. Undo
    Racehorse123 40 M. Bridgeview, Illinois, United States. Wink · Email · Hotlist · Invite as friend · Jackryanvb 47 M. Chicago, Illinois, United States. Wink · Email …

  11. Robert in Arabia says:
    April 15, 2012 at 7:42 pm
    Dear Hunter,
    Please delete my last post.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Hunter – please delete Robert in Arabia’s (what a name) posts for the last week. They violate OD’s comments guidelines against CTs. Plus they are just weird, nonsensical nonsense.

  12. Robert in Arabia says:
    April 15, 2012 at 5:43 pm
    BTW, are you the same jackryanvb on the Aryan mailing list who lives in Illinois and also the same jackryanvb as in this item?

    Men Seeking Couples (man and woman) in Illinoissearch.hotmatch.com/search/United…/35400-1-3.html?dcb…CachedNot helpful? You can block search.hotmatch.com results when you’re signed in to search.search.hotmatch.com
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    You +1?d this publicly. Undo
    Racehorse123 40 M. Bridgeview, Illinois, United States. Wink · Email · Hotlist · Invite as friend · Jackryanvb 47 M. Chicago, Illinois, United States. Wink · Email

    Jack Ryan replies:


    (Short answer)

    Robert, can you take this nonsense some other place – maybe….


    Kooks, nut-cases, societal misfits, conspiracy mongering mental cases – no wonder we are having a problem connecting with mainstream White Americans.

    14 Words.

  13. HW Said:
    “The equivalent of the Borg’s weakest spot is black people acting black on video.”

    Check this out: Black “college student” threatens white students, hits one of them (unprovoked), threatens to kill the white professor, screams anti-white racial epithets, says she wishes 10,000+ of us would be killed, etc, etc. There are several videos on YouTube documenting it.


    She is facing battery charges and likely expulsion from the college:


  14. If you are not the same jackryanvb why did this jackirayn vb post almost same comment atttacking my post on Takimag?


    jackryanvb 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand Can the editors here tighten up the comments section?

    This poster is pushing very old conspiracy theory (CTs) nonsense.

    The 2008 Presidential election is long over. Obama won the election. Conspiracy Theory cranks, kooks are a plague to American Conservative politics. CTs turn off mainstream America. Don’t let CTs, cranks, kooks, societal misfits – do’t let in to your homes, in to your political campaigns.

  15. My God, I can’t believe I found this web and posts. This April 2013, My daughter who lives in Lansing, Michigan [ white women 38 yrs old], was alone and two black women in her “townhouse complex” come in the house, kick her leg that she had surgery, a steel rod put in and a recent blood clot, beat her repeatedly in the chest, take a TV antenna and beat her in the head, grab/smash her cell phone while she tried to dial 911, trash her home, pour a coke in her purse, and then destroy her car. She lay in the doorway for 40 minutes and no one would help her or call 911, then a neighbor coming home found her and called for an ambulance, she spent the weekend in the hospital, and by Monday nothing was still done to arrest them, they did not take photos, the evidence, I live in Oregon and called more then 25 numbers to no avail, in 5 weeks the mayors office “alledged they would take care of this, get her moved away, [ they also had her 5 yr old being beatten at school], this was not treated as indictable charges and crimes. Taking a cell phone while calling 911 is a felony. The main perpetrator also just got out of jail 2 months prior for beating another women so bad, she had reconstructive surgery to her face. Still nothing was done, the state reps said this was not their problem, DV groups would not even provide resources as it is an assault, the DA would do nothing until the police filed a report. Then she was told to do PPO’s by the majors office so she did and had to serve and pay for process on her perpetrators, what if this was a rape ? Is there something going on we need to know about as this is the perfect “common law” case, of a true victim, wishing to prosecuate and yet the state and city is sitting back ignoring it as if nothing is a problem..these are indictable crimes at least two are felonies, the phone and when picking up a weapon to assault her, this is attempted murder. So where is your police, AG, DA, in any of this? Are they afraid of racial profiling more then justice ? If the author of this web or posters for Michigan have an answers, or a group working on this, let me know, PS….something is on the roll as our county just let in dozens of homeless, drug addicts, blacks and some scary criminal types are crimes went through the roof, and first time shootings and robberies here this past two months. It reminds me of operation “clean sweep”in 2009=2010 please contact me: elizabethsarmor@gmail.com

  16. Black white Hispanic (Zimmerman) don’t matter it’s divide and conquer I know for a fact I’m not going back to Africa no time soon for fuckin what just like none of you full bred American white boys and movin to France or England no time soon

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