The Eunuch That Roared


Okay, it seems that Gus802 has succeeded as of 12 PM in getting Alex Pareene at Salon to jump on board the John O’Sullivan sissy politics witch hunt.

Note: Unamusement Park has an ongoing series called “Please Kill Yourself, Alex Pareene.” Actually, Rich Lowry should kill himself if he submits to this little eunuch for the third time in a week.

OD believes that “mainstream” conservatism is the biggest joke in the world. We’re patiently waiting to see Rich the Punk’s next move. The Prison Bitch Name Generator suggests that Rich’s prison name would be “3 Dollar Bill.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Alex has a whopping two comments. You could post a recipe thread and get more in an hour than that eunuch.

  2. Well, on the plus side, I tried out the ‘Prison Bitch Name Generator’, and it seems I have a pretty awesome prison-name.

  3. Hunter and Jack – I am usually against all sorts of cenorship – but this Rudel sounds just like the kike trolls, on the Incogman site.

    It’s disgusting, and stupid.

  4. @Rudel

    No. But since you really want to know, it’s ‘Hung Like a Horse’. Seriously. Now come up with something original; you already used ‘Asiatic wop’, and it really doesn’t make any sense anyway.


    I don’t mind Rudel’s antics. He’s pathetic, sure, but at least his goading gives me an excuse to indulge him and it makes me look busy when I don’t want to bothered at work.

  5. The Prison Bitch Name Generator has assigned way too much value to Rich. In reality he would be called “Two Pack Lowry” in the general population of any prison and he would quite often get stiffed for the two packs.

  6. The sooner every conservative is purged from the mainstream the better. It’s true they use dog whistles and won’t ever tell the truth. Maybe just maybe if they see all their influence slipping away some will change.

  7. PBR,

    Take Vonnegut’s vision of Dresden running backwards Dangerous bombs dissassembled, and write a similar narrative with the natives being dumped back in their African hellholes.

  8. W&C: Shocking statistics on miscegenation. Sadly, this is so common in my area that I feel like I can’t discuss race with friends because they have mulatto nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc. In many cases, the children were born and the black father and white mother are no longer together, leaving the mom to depend on the government (read: taxpayers) and the extended family to help care for these children.

  9. At least, in my Italian heritage, miscegenation, especially with blacks, was forbidden, at risk of being excluded from the family.

  10. When you are on a site with the battle flag, you don’t need to talk about the dangers of
    a black man fucking a white woman. Did you miss the banner illustration. I suspect that many a rapist and murderer also saw this scene before their personal end.

  11. “At least, in my Italian heritage, miscegenation, especially with blacks, was forbidden, at risk of being excluded from the family.”

    I believe this is true of most Whites. I’ve rarely met a White woman who wasn’t repulsed by the fecal colored beasts.

  12. Peak Negro has happened nationwide.

    Peak Beaner is hitting the Southwest hard too. Everyone I know is more openly racist in private about the garbage breeders from south of the border…especially young, white girls teaching in our Texas school system. My friend caught two 12 year old bean-bandits fucking in a janitors closet today. She is taking a 6,000 dollar paycut to teach at her 2A Anglo/German farm community.

    Fuck em. Call it like it is, everyone is ready.

  13. Compromise merely emboldens the liberals to seek further concessions. National Review opted for compromise in an attempt to buy peace and goodwill from people who hate them and always will. Instead of peace and good will – National Review finds more demands. The National Review staff is probably upset and confused. More demands will be forthcoming, followed inevitably by more humiliating compromise. I think Al Sharpton should be their next editor-in-chief. This would finally show liberals that National Review is serious about renouncing racism.
    Thank you John Derbyshire.

  14. John

    Yeah, that was the joke among nigger-hating assholes like us back when “Roots” first came out: I play “Roots” backwards so that it has a happy ending. The niggers walk backwards out of the cotton patch, onto the boats, then walk backwards off the boats and back to the niggers who sold them to the White folks, then walk backwards to fade into the jungle.

    Now THAT’S a goddamn movie that would bring tears of joy to your hateful old eyes. Mine, too.

  15. do you guys remember that horrible race-mixing video from Sweden?? Remember the pretty blonde girl riding the big black guy in it?

    Anders Breivik should have cited that video as evidence. It was cruel and designed to inflict pain.

    My parents, aunts and uncles were in high-school during the battles over forced integration in the South. As I watched the video again, I recalled that in their high school days my uncle (now deceased) and his friends once threw a Black kid off the school’s roof for repeatedly pestering a White girl after she spurned his attentions. For years, even fairly recently, I was ashamed a member of my family did that but not any more. Given the number of our people who have been raped or brutalized by blacks, I no longer care.

  16. For years, even fairly recently, I was ashamed a member of my family did that but not any more.

    Good to hear Lew. Sounds to me like you come from good stock.

  17. ‘Do you guys remember that horrible race-mixing video from Sweden?? Remember the pretty blonde girl ***ing the big black guy in it?
    Accursed be everyone who made this video. Accursed be the Swedish State who financed it. Accursed be the pimp who ‘stars/sings’ in it. May his fate be the fate of the poor deluded girl who was murdered by an animal.

    Misericordie, Domine.

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