About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @fuckracists

    Really? If you and I have met, then by all means, tell me your real name so I can remember your face and where I can find you. 🙂

  2. 313Chris: I assume that a white supremecist backing supports your previous response to me, which is based off of nothing more than conspiracy theories and hatred. A black guy created a multimillion dollar company because someone put a gun to his head and said “make me some money boy?” You amaze so much so that I have nothing else to say to you.

    Stone lifter: So I answer everything else and you still fish for a single victory that will never come. How long did it take for slavery and the century that followed to destroy the black identity? Equality was achieved 15 to 20 years ago on paper
    (real kife is different). I could stick by that response, but I’m not one for dwelling
    in the past (dwelling as in living). It’s documented today that blacks don’t receive
    fair treatment and equality (are even subjugated) to this day– that’s speaking in
    terms of legislation. Yet and still you ask, when us enough? When will blacks and
    minorities attain true equality? And what tax money is dedicated to blacks? I’m
    certain it’s not much at all. I think you’re misguided on that topic.

  3. @plain and simple fool

    “How long did it take for slavery and the century followed to destroy the black identity?”

    – Niggers never had an identity to be destroyed. Or a written language. Or a legitimate culture. They’re not human beings, and neither myself or any white person alive today bears any responsibility for their wretched state of existence.

    “It’s documented day…”

    – If you’re going to cite “documents” to support your argument, you better provide links.

    “…that blacks don’t receive fair treatment and equality to this day — that’s speaking in terms of legislation.”

    – No, niggers receive PREFERENCIAL treatment at every turn. Stupid fuck. Ever hear of affirmative action? Ever hear of the black congressional caucus? Ever hear of the united nigger college fund? You probably can’t hear anything over the sound of your own whining.

    “When will blacks and minorities attain true equality?”

    – Never. White people conquered the world and set foot on the moon. Niggers made huts out of grass and elephant shit and sexually contracted AIDS from monkeys. No man-made law will ever make niggers equal to whites. Take it up with God or Mother Nature, asshole.

    “And what tax money is dedicated to blacks? I’m certain it’s not much at all.”

    – And I’m almost certain you’re a fucking nigger yourself, considering your attitude of entitlement. Let me make it clear: Niggers are not white peoples responsibility. If nigger want better for themselves, then they can fuck off and make it for themselves.

    “I think you’re misguided on that topic.”

    – No, you are. Who do you think pays for all those nigger EBT cards, TANF welfare checks, Section-8 housing vouchers, and aid to Africa and Haiti? It’s certainly not niggers or illegal wetbacks or gooks. But if you think niggers deserve to be given more free money, then you’re welcome reach in your own pocket and do it yourself, cocksucker. Now piss off.

  4. You proved me right again. You’re an idiot. You will never admit to an injustice. First, I’m an educated black man, and not a “nigger.” Second, my sense of entitlement is because everything I have is what I’ve worked for. Everyone else in my family has earned their way to success–no free rides unless it was a scholarship for doing well in high school (3.8 in college too dickface and going for a master’s). EBT cards and whatever else you were talking about–if you knew anything about calculating the allocation of tax dollars, you would understand that the substatial gap between the total number of whites on welfare means th
    at more tax dollars are sent their way. I say this to disspell the purest form of stupidity you talk.

    By the way, Affirmative Action and Black Congressional Caucus, and NAACP was
    created because of the same ignorant dumbasses like you who didn’t know how to treat any non-white fairly. Every non-white race has a body derived from the
    same concept–to attain equality. In other words, a large body of people noticed
    there was a problem when blacks sat at tables and were assaulted for no reason
    or when Asians were kept on camps that had an eerie resemblance to
    concentration camps. There was a soul in them and they believed in true “good”unlike you.

    Third, no culture, identity, written language? Colonialism–this is why you’re
    oblivious to the African culture that pervades even today. Your accepted ancestors tried to replace with their own cilture–wipe it out. Ever heard of oral tradition? Africans memorized everything, which meant that the entire culture lived within the people. So even if documents were lost or destroyed at least something could be passed on by spoken word which brings me to my next
    subject. Oral tradition and the African culture resonates today in music. Almost
    every American instrument was taken from minstrel music. Ever heard of it?
    Or did someone put a gun to that black person’s head and say play that song and take credit for it? Idiot. By the way, if you need more examples read about it or is it against your neo nazi religion to read that kind of stuff?

    Lastly, you don’t want to give blacks the respect of saying “you are able to do as good as anyone.” You’d commit suicide the day that happens, because then you’d have to face your own inadequacies. You probably don’t have any other ambition than to hate blacks, because you’re mad that many of them have confidence, pride, some have education, dignity, security, and all these things you think we don’t deserve, because you don’ t have it. You’re just full of hatred. You’re nothing but a piece of shit that lives on the fringes of a world that’s trying to mature.

  5. @plain and simple nigger

    “You proved me right again. You’re an idiot”

    – As have you to me. You’re a nigger.

    “You will never admit to an injustice.”

    – OK, I’ll play. How about quasi-Afro/Mestizo George shooting feral ghetto nigger Trayvon Martin in a legitmate act of self-defence, and then being codemned as a “white Hispanic” and charged with murder? Since we both know that “injustices” only apply to non-whites, and Zimmerman is clearly not white, does this meet your standards?

    “First, I’m an educated black man, and not a nigger”.

    – No, you’re a nigger.

    “Second, my sense of entitlement is because everything I have is what I have worked for.”

    – Well pin a rose on your flat gorilla nose. You worked for something? What, do you want a holiday named in your honor? White people have been working for what they have for thousands of years, you spoiled black fuck. It’s called civilized society, which I know is an alien concept to you niggers.

    “Everyone else in my family has earned their way to success — no free rides unless it was a scholarship”

    – Scholarships for being a nigger ARE FREE RIDES, monkey. And everyone in my family were poor whites who got shitted on by everyone, including other whites, and they STILL made good in life. Neither myself or anyone in my family got any help from anyone. Go sell it to Marc Ferguson.

    “..for doing well in high school.”

    – Straining to pronounce the i-n-g’s at the end of words, reading at a 5th-grade level when you’re in the 12th-grade, and actually refraining from physically assaulting your teacher when he or she says something you don’t like, doesn’t count as “doing well”.

    “EBT cards and whatever else you were talking about — if you knew anything about calculating the allocation of tax dollars, you understand that the substancial gap between the total number of whites on welfare means that more tax dollars are sent their way.

    – So educate me, professor. I’d love to hear (well actually, I wouldn’t) what passes for your mathematics. White people are 72% of th US population, niggers are 13%. 8% of whites in America use EBT cards. 39% of niggers, 15% of spics, and 9% of gooks use the EBT card. White people pay, on average, 33% income tax in this country. These facts conclude that white people are nearly 3/4 the US population and use the EBT card less than any other race. Niggers are barely over 1/10 the US population and use EBT cards more than every other racial group combined. So explain to me how the allocation of tax dollars is helping white people more than niggers, you dumbass spook.

    “By the way, Affirmative Action and Black (Nigger) Congressional Caucus, and NAACP was”

    – ‘WERE’, dummy. Maybe those skollasheeps wuz fo bassetbawl?

    “..created because of the same ignorant dumbasses like you who didn’t know how to treat any no-white fairly.”

    – That’s just not true. I know exactly how to treat any non-white. Double-tap center-ring. 🙂 Or, rear-uppercut to the chin, lead hook to the jaw — lift it up, and chop it off. 🙂

    “Every non-white race has a body derived from the same concept–”

    – To get Whitey.

    “..to attain equality.”

    OK, do you even realise how stupid that sounds? You cannot “attain equality”. Equality is either inherent or it is not. Niggers are NOT EQUAL to white people. You are scientifically proven to be less intelligent, to have smaller brains, less critical and abstract thinking capacit, and less impulse-controly. You destroy everthing you inherit from white people. You make up 13% of the population and account for 90% of the crime. This is biological and will never be changed by the legally-enforced efforts of government.

    “In other words, a large body of people noticed there was a problem when blacks sat at tables and were assaulted for no reason..”

    – They were assaulted because white people DO NOT WANT YOU AROUND US. You’re ugly, and we don’t to look at you while we’re eating. You stink, and we don’t want to smell you while we’re eating, and you’re violent and unstable, and therefor it’s dangerous to be around you for any given amount of time. You don’t see us forcing our presence in your personal space.

    “..or when Asians were kept in camps that had an eerie resemblance to concentration camps.”

    – Yeah, and America was at war with Japan. Shit happens in war, pussy. My father flew with guys in Vietnam who ended up in camps and were treated much worse.

    “Third, no culture, identity, written language?”

    – I take that back. You niggers had a culture of slavery and cannibalism, and a verbal communication consisting of clicks and grunts. But definitely no writted language.

    “Colonialism — this is why you’re oblivious to the African culture that pervades even today.”

    – Yeah, sorry about that. Really. I’m sorry that my ancestors were bright and bold and intrepid, and sailed across dangerous seas and trekked into savage lands, and dragged your ancestors out of the bush and tried to show them that there was more to life than hacking each others limbs off, or mutilating your faces, or chasing wild animals with sticks and stones. Sorry about that. Really. And since whites have left our African colonies, you’re free to go home anytime. We’ll happily pay fot the boat ride, too.

    “Your accepted ancestors tried to replace with their own culture – or wipe it out.”

    – Da niggaz bilt dem peermidz an spayships an shit way back inna day, an den da albino mutant krakkaz fum da Caucuses Mountinz came an sto aw da nahlidge fum doz niggas.

    “Ever heard of oral tradition? Africans memorized everything”

    – Then why can’t they do it school these days?

    “So even if documents were lost or destroyed..”

    – What documents? You niggers didn’t even have papaer when the white man found you.

    “Oral tradition in the African culture resonates today in music.”

    We know. And this is the sum of it — Steal, Rape, Murder, Boast. But perhaps Kanye be teachin’ fyzzicz an shit wif dem beatz. Da krakka cayn’t hear it cuz he too raysiss.

    “Almost every American instrument was taken from minstrel music”.

    – Yes, Minstrel. Medieval European in origin, nigger moron.

    “Or did someone put a gun to that black nigger’s head and say play that song and take credit for it?”

    – No. Niggers take credit for white peoples accomplishments on their own. No one needs to force them.

    “Lastly you don’t want to give niggers the respect of saying “you are able to do as good as anyone.”

    – That’s because 1.) You simply AREN’T as able “to do good” (you like a slave) as anyone, and 2.) I DON’T OWE YOU SHIT, NIGGER. You destroyed my city. You murdered the life I should have had. You terrorize my people, and you’ve brought my country to ruin.

    “You probably don’t have any other ambition than to hate blacks..”

    – Not true. I hope to help ethnically-cleanse you from America someday.

    “You’re just full of hatred.”

    – For niggers.

    “You’re just nothing but a piece of shit that lives on the fringes of a world that’s trying to mature.”

    – You’re a delusional monkey who’s race is responsible for the utterly incomprehensible degredation and destruction of what could have been the greatest nation the earth ever saw. Vey soon, there is going to be a race-war the likes of which history has never witnessed, which you niggers will undoubtedly precipitate. And when the smoke clears, you will be WIPED OUT. All of you. Sleep tight.

  6. Plain and Simple Nigger – you are a Nigger. You may call yourself an “Educated Moon Cricket” – but were we to meet in person – I could get you to chimp out in under 15 minutes.

    Now, plain and simple Nigra – please detail why every single time your benighted Race is introduced into a White ecosystem – it all goes to Hell. ALWAYS. NO deviation from the pattern. Not once. Not one time.


    I’ll check back.

    P.S. – Whites, overall, are kind, and generous. Far too kind and generous. Were Whites as dreadful and mean and cru-el, as you paint us to be – we’d have slaughtered you ALL off ages ago. Keep that in mind………..

  7. Chris my love – you are being unfair. You’ve forgotten that the Black Peoples Could Fly, back in da African veldt, before da White Debbils came, and stolen all dat culture. and dat mojo, ‘n sheeyit.

  8. Chris313 and denise: you’re probably both backwoods fucks who believe the confederacy was the best thing that ever happened well guess what? There’s a reason why they lost and you’re just one of the withering numbers of you’re kind so what you say really doesn’t matter and also NOBODY GIVES A FUCK

  9. 313chris: the reason why you and your ” poor white” family got shit on by everyone else for school is Honestly probably because you’re a bunch of dumb fucks plain and simple

  10. “a bunch of dumb fucks plain and simple”

    Meanwhile, no one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them… “you are a bunch of dumb fucks plain and simple” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

    No one is flooding Japan with non-Japanese and telling them… “you are a bunch of dumb fucks plain and simple” …we are going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Japan.

    Only white countries are doing this, only anti-whites like you are pushing it. Its GeNOcide.

    Is everyone getting it yet???

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  11. Outlier says:
    “Therefore, “fuckracists” is code for “fuck-whites”.”

    What is funny is if “white racists” are really so bad, logically the “anti-racists”, would not want their beloved non-whites to live around us.

    Logical anti-white:
    “Hey those “white racists” are evil, lets give them their own countries, so they can’t be mean to our diversities.”

    But nooooo…. They keep forcing non-whites on us, where ever they find us.

    So their movement was never about fighting “racism” and they obviously don’t care, about the well being of their diversities, it was always about the elimination white people everywhere, using massive immigration and forced integration.

    Anti-racism always was a scam. Just ask Tim Wise, when he’s had one too many drinks.

  12. What is funny is if “white racists” are really so bad, logically the “anti-racists”, would not want their beloved non-whites to live around us.

    What’s even funnier, is that the few blacks that had the talent/means got the hell out of “black” communities and moved into white areas to escape niggers, but the anti-white whites won’t escape the “evil racist whites” in the suburbs and move into the ghetto.

    “Black People are too Ignorant”

    @ 2:45
    “It safer for me to walk to a KKK rally wearing a rope necklace, than it is for me to walk to the continence store after dark.”


  13. The thing I like about the Zimmerman/Martin shooting is that it has all the anti-whites (including the anti-white-whites) screwed-up as they can’t reconcile it.

    George Zimmerman accused the Sanford police department of corruption more than a year before he shot Trayvon Martin, saying at a public forum the agency covered up the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a white officer.


    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/23/zimmerman-complained-about-sanford-police-in-2011/?intcmp=trending#ixzz1vnrH8Hl8

  14. Thank goodness for people who want to discuss an issue rather than take debate as an opportunity to verbally defile a group of people. So it’s clear–I’m not anti-white, but I am anti-oppression of any race, creed, or color. To one point–ghettos. Ghettos are bad places with a crime rate primarily fueled by poverty and lack of quality education (which equates to no opportunities). Secondly, ghettos are the product of an inbalance in the wealth distribution of a nation and/or crippling social ailments (like racism or seperatist belief system in a country defined by diversity). Anyhow, who wants to live in a ghetto (the same thing used to oppressed Jews in the Holocaust)? I don’t and I’m fortunate enough not to. Ghettos were manufactured to control, oppress, and destroy. Is that still the purpose? Probably not, however the effects of ghettos will linger eternally unless something is done.

    Also, it’s proven that diversity improves business performance and improves the quality of higher education. More diverse populations produce more innovative ideas and process information from a broader vantage point– thus, they have a clearer understanding of the world around them. Furthermore, they’re more apt to produce the most universally beneficial decisions.

  15. The Zimmerman case–how does the Zimmerman case leave anti-racists unable to reconcile issues brought about by the said case? So, Zimmerman accuses the Sanford Police Department of being constitutionally unjust and ultimately proves the department’s unjustness by shooting an unarmed black teenager and receiving a pardon from all due processes of the law. Zimmerman was supposed to be detained, because he shot an unarmed person whom posed no immediate threat to his well-being. Also, Zimmerman seems to have possibly sought out confrontation after being warned not to do so. He may not be a racist, but his wreckless actions led to the death of a person so the situation should’ve investigated further before he was released. Furthermore, Sanford police has a
    long history of “questionable behavior”; thus, the primary concern is to ensure that Sanford law enforcement is upholdibg the law within the due bounds of the constitution of the United States. So what is there to reconcile? It’s not about Zimmerman–it’s about injustice. The issue needs to be addressed, not reconciled.

  16. Also, it’s proven that diversity improves business performance and improves the quality of higher education. More diverse populations produce more innovative ideas and process information from a broader vantage point– thus, they have a clearer understanding of the world around them. Furthermore, they’re more apt to produce the most universally beneficial decisions.

    bullshit, the book bowling alone kills that idea, where is your proof because the US economy and education system is a joke, pouring money down a hole to educate “people” who can’t be educated, we are no longer the leading inventors and the like of the world.

    you are either a fool or blind

  17. Okay–so you blame the people in the educational system for the systems failure? It’s also been proven that private school students (regardless of race) have higher math and reading levels than public school students (regardless of race). Second, we are not the leading inventors and the like because we have become a nation driven off of consumerism. Lastly, the US economy is in the toilet because of a lack of regulation over predatory business practices like subprime loans, which were’sold off at a cost and given to people who couldn’t afford to repay them
    My point about higher education and business performance–look it up. It’s common sense–if yellow Mike can build computers, blue John can hardwire, and red Larry can make any business successful then everyone’s better off together especially if they reach yellow, blue, and red people rather than yellow or blue or
    red people…

  18. I give my full support to those who’s skin have a high percentage of”Melanin”, not some white reddish pigs like my people..I hate being white and f*ck it, May God be with Black people.

  19. For once I side with Denise. In every country in which white rule has been removed blacks relapse into savagery. This is a fact. The classic example is Haiti in the Carribean but there are plenty of other examples. Such consistency of failure is only explainable through genetic inferiority.

    Intelligent blacks there surely are. But blacks as a whole are not worth much. Bill Cosby, a number of years back, tried telling his fellow blacks that they should stop blaming whites for all their problems. It was good advice then; it remains good advice now.

  20. You people who can say such hateful things towards any race are nuts. This website could be sponsored by Jerry Springer and the Jersey Shore.

  21. my questiom why do blacks claim to be brothers and run around shooting each other and then blame it all ion white people or in so many hateful towards jews whites asians etc while playimg the race card watch the first 48 on a@e who is always on

  22. Apparently some forgot that us Irish are entitled to the word Nigger. So please use it towards my countrymen and I. If you have a problem Detroit I actually own property there and your more than welcome to give me an address and I can show you what a real Nigger can do! Other than that I love Black people I am half Native American myself. Not a white boy whose family couldn’t stop from mixing amongst other worthless europeans. I’m Exactly 50% Irish / 50% KeeTooWah of the Cherokee Nation! A Blue Eyed Indian! So to you inbred Racists I would proudly fight amongst African Americans and Spanish to rid this country of your worthless Asses. Our land first!

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