About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jackroll coons need to be castrated. The nigminister of children’s affairs is just covering up for her disgusting brothers and sons. Any word on the race of victim? Damn them all. I hope the whites down there go collectivly postal before it’s too late. They might get decimated short term but they would win. They run the AF down there.
    Two weeks they’d have have it sorted out.

  2. If it’s SA Blacks gang raping a White girl, I would ask that OD and other responsible WN, Alternative Right cites not promote, contribute to its distribution.

  3. I find it hard to believe that Black South Africans gang raped a 17 year old girl. That’s a bit old for their taste, isn’t it? It must’ve been White guys or Cape Coloureds that did it.

  4. There was kidnap rape 1 mile from me in St Louis. 3 nigs. On Gravois.

    The true acts of these filth actually need to be seen, to be seen to be believed. They are

  5. I doubt she was white. This took place in Soweto, for one. Seems to have nigger-on-nigger written all over it.

  6. There was an article about gangrape in Guardian UK. It’s almost exclusivy perpetrated by blacks. The numbers were extraordinary.

  7. Gang rape is a common black breeding strategy. When you can’t pin down the babydaddy, the whole village becomes responsible for your brood.

  8. Are there any whites in Soweto? I don’t think so. This reminds me of the gang rape of the 11 year old hispanic girl by a bunch of blacks in Cleveland, Texas. I read somewhere that she’s not all there in the head.

  9. She was also “the mental age of a five-year-old” so yeah, chances are really high she’s not white.

    I bet the mental age of the rapists is in the single digits as well.

  10. I might be speaking for myself here,but I believe the only thing left for people like us to be able to make it through another day in BRA is the fact that we all realize that “if something cannot go on forever, than it will stop”. At this point it’s a matter of when and how. The “If” has already been settled.

  11. Whether she is black or white,it doesn’t matter the bottom line,she is a victim of crime,that’s what we should be concern about,if she was white,would she have felt a different pain,I doubt it,they is no different name for a white raped girl,rape has no color,so STOP PUTTING THE COLOR ON CRIME.

  12. Wow, you are possibly the most hateful people I have ever come across. You all have deep, unplumbed drains of ignorance. I hope karma hits you like a train.

  13. Hey panda express, nobody here is putting a color on crime, a certain singular “color” is putting crime on us.

  14. There’s karma. If something bad happens it’s generally some stupid aggressive nigger. Not a metaphysical, pseudo spiritual concept from the Indian subcontinent.

    You already know this anon. So don’t play coy.

  15. Racists are a sad bunch of people, all you care about of the race, ot the people, you are worse than the rapist

  16. God forbid karma hit a gang rapist. Right? Oh no, just people who complain about animals let out of their deserved cages. Apologists for black pathologies like Gang Rape are complete idiots. It’s at a point that the term for the crime ought to be explicit about who does it 90% of the time. You can rest assured this will not get the same over blown coverage as the innocent Duke LaCrosse team.

  17. Racism isn’t ignorance it is an epiphany. It is much less exhausting that twisting facts to fit a multicult ideology. It’s amazing how the word ignorance is relexively used when the guppy fishes can’t think of anything to actually say in the face of the raw hatred.

  18. @Oscar

    No, it would be YOU, who is in fact worse than the rapist, because you think that “racism” is worse than the physical act of rape. Go cry somewhere else. I despise niggers and I’m proud of it.

  19. Rape is rape, irrespective of the perp. All I see here are a clique of pathetic, bigoted ignoramuses who can’t wait to pin the nearest crime tag on the closest black guy… You do that to them for years and they continue to survive despite the odds. They sing “We shall overcome…” every time one of us deals ’em the race card. We never learn… We are too steeped in our so-called superiority to notice change happening all around us… Wake up and smell the coffee people! Change is coming and better be ready!

  20. @Panther

    “…can’t wait to pin the nearest crime tag on the closest black guy.”

    Chances are, that whenever a crime has been commited, the closest nigger is usually the one who has commited it.

  21. “Racism isn’t ignorance it is an epiphany.”


    ‘Colorblind’ education, PC dogma, multicultural brainwashing, it all worked on me, every last bit of it. And then it didn’t.

  22. well panda, you out to look into crime stats because if you are ever raped it’s statically likely to be by a nigger

  23. I love nonsensical statements like “crime doesn’t have a color”. No, “crime” doesn’t have color just like love doesn’t have a phone number, hunger doesn’t have a face and frustration can’t tie it’s own shoes. In their attempts to be clever, the left ends up saying shit that doesn’t even make sense.

  24. sorry 4 the victim does not mata if shez black or white..if any one thinks they are beta than others simply bcos the top of ther skin is lighter than the other they hav a seriouss problem
    coz inside we are the same..just bcos u white does not mean u hav 2 hearts or 2brains..dnt b childish people.

  25. in a sense Panda is correct, had Apartheid not fallen, this rape, not to mention many many more, would likely not have taken place.

  26. I’m South African and a report (in Afrikaans) this morning news site PRAAG, while dealing mostly with the controversy of newspapers and other media making use of stills and audio clips from the rape video, did reveal some salient facts:
    – the video clip was in the possession of EyeWitnessNews (their latest report on the 7 rapists’ court appearance this morning). They denied all requests by other media organisations for copies or links to the video, and have since deleted it off their servers
    – the girl is described as a “Sowetan teenager”, clearly Black
    – she’d been missing for three weeks, no explanation given – held as a sex slave by this gang?
    – the video is described as “child pornography” implying the minor age of the victim
    – the rapists’ ages range from 14 through 20, also referred to as “5 men and 2 boys”

  27. At some point, the black population will need to be massively culled. Everyone knows it; even the blacks. They’re just getting worse with each passing day – worldwide. They’ve always been a violent sub-human species but now with cell phones and internet, the info is being collected for all to see. They have no business being among other populations of humans. The racism accusation has worn itself so thin you can see right through it and it’s now almost meaningless. With an average brain 9 cubic inches smaller than the average human, they mostly operate from their reptilian brain. It’s like living with rattle snakes. They bite.

  28. Some of the comments by the drive-by critics reflect perfectly the brainwashing that has taken place in this country over the past 40 years. Racism is worse than rape. Right. Mission accomplished, Lefties.

    *anti-black racism by whites, that is.

  29. The vilest of crimes is committed, and all you do is put a colour on it? No thoughts about the young woman and what damage may have been done to her?. I have always suspected that deep down, every white is racist and bigotted. Go jump into the atllantic with your racism and bigotry!

  30. Apartheid era white cops, were very good at keeping down black on black crime. They were superior cops and the protected vulnerable blacks.

    The older system was vastly more safe.

  31. To all the dumb White antiracists posting on this thread, you do realize that apartheid actually kept a lid on these crimes right? Since Mandela rape has simply increased like
    a plague.

  32. Brute, in your opinion it’s pretty “racist” in here.

    You are just saying that because we are White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Panda, how is that stop the color of crime business working out for George Zimmerman?

    Panther, you sound like a deeply disturbed self hating white anti-White. Yes, change is coming all right. The tables are turning. You anti-Whites will soon be on the run.
    Wake up and smell the coffee.

  33. Awwww, lookie at all the cute little anti-White automatons!

    Wind ’em up and watch ’em go:

    “Beep! Racist! Beep! Ignorant! Beep! Racist! Beep! Ignorant! Beep! Worse than rapist! Beep! Ignorant!”

    I DO so hope, though, in the 2.0 version the programmers add a couple more phrases to the lexicon. These are getting tedious.

  34. Interesting thread.

    As an impartial observer it is now clear who is entirely correct in this debate in every conceivable way. Racism (telling the truth about black criminality) is worse than rape? Really?

    If that’s the best you’ve got then:

    Sign me up Mr Hunter Wallace!!!

    Free, free, i’m free at last…

  35. Everyone is racist. It’s just that fear, discomfort, and uncertainty we experience when we interact with an individual or a group of individuals that are different from what we are used to.

    There is always conflict between groups of people that are ethnically and culturally different.

    The good news is that these things tend to sort themselves out in time. As people live side by side in society, they tend to become more and more like one another, until the differences aren’t so great anymore- both culturally and genetically.

    So, as the world becomes smaller, geographical and political barriers become less of an impediment to travel, and the internet allows us to communicate freely and instantly, people will become more and more aware of one another and begin more and more to share the same culture.

    You can already see this happening- and quite rapidly as well.

    Unfortunately, for those who have very extreme views about race and what should be done to or with different races of people that do not belong to their race, there is no reversing this process.

    Regardless of how much noise this minority of people may make, the trend is obvious. Human society at large is very clear about what they feel is right or wrong and what is unjust, and currently society feels that hating people because of who their mother and father were or how much money they make is not right.

    But if it gets you off, go ahead and talk about how much you hate niggers because you think they’re all morally depraved subhumans, or how stingy and greedy all of the big-nose-jew bankers are, or how much dumbass, whitetrash like to f***k their sisters, because in 100 years no one is going to give a flying f***k about what any of us say or think because we’ll all be buried or cremated or cryogenically preserved.

    You’re a walking hunk of rotting meat, and no amount of screaming, swearing, praying, killing, eating, fucking, loving, or hating is ever going to change that.

    Don’t forget the score:

    Death Humans
    110 billion : 0

    Enjoy your blink of an eye.

  36. “John Galt says:
    April 19, 2012 at 3:23 am

    I might be speaking for myself here,but I believe the only thing left for people like us to be able to make it through another day in BRA is the fact that we all realize that “if something cannot go on forever, than it will stop”. At this point it’s a matter of when and how. The “If” has already been settled.”

    I have to agree. This is unsustainable.

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