About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. i hav sn lots of white rapists on criminal chanel…wat bothaz u about us bein black? liv us alone n liv our continent if we disgust u so mush, coz we dnt care.

  2. This isn’t a particularly vile crime. South Africa has been a bottomless pit of negro savagery for years. This is an everyday occurrence of the sort of semi-barbarism that exists under integrated governments.

    So you’re shocked by this crime – why? The only difference between this crime and other ones is that it was caught on video. I’ve seen much worse from black people in the U.S. and South Africa.

    The color of the perpetrators is not irrelevant either. They are showing you the “content of their character.” Their barbarism has manifested on too many occasions to count in South Africa.

    You live in a country where it is a common thing to rape children and throw babies out of windows. 1 out of 3 black males in your country admits to being a rapist. ANC = Animals, Necklacing, and Communism.

  3. (Bruce) Ward says:
    “The good news is that these things tend to sort themselves out in time. As people live side by side in society, they tend to become more and more like one another, until the differences aren’t so great anymore- both culturally and genetically.

    So, as the world becomes smaller, geographical and political barriers become less of an impediment to travel, and the internet allows us to communicate freely and instantly, people will become more and more aware of one another and begin more and more to share the same culture. ”

    I really don’t understand how you can say this, given the epidemic of crime in this country, most notably black crime. They certainly don’t share the overall culture of this country.

  4. “Ignorance.”

    LOL, we have a whole catalogue of crimes like this one in South Africa, or “Azania” as it is often called these days. No, we follow this stuff closely.

  5. Ward, you are clearly ignorant of black on White crime rates. The only way race issues with negros will be sorted out is force. They will either destroy us with their insanely high rate of crime or we will fight back and put them down. There is no possibility of a peaceful soultion.

    and your insults are music to our ears.

  6. While I agree that we exist as mere sand on a beach, or the bloom on a cherry tree, I think the niggers have cost us (America/Europe) the conquest of space. The expense of propping up nogs (both domestic and in Africa) since ww2 has literally sapped the life out of European and American. YT is a DNA pathfinder. Forever looking over the horizon or up into space. The Wright brothers, Columbus or Erikson, Von Braun were not accidents. Darwin, Newton, Watson, Crick, Lister, Pasteur, Galileo, Copernicus, Faraday, Dunlop, McAdam, Brunel, Stevenson, Daimler…endless.

    We are now strangling the future version of these kids by heaping cash into the inner city to Mollycoddle human filth.

  7. I’ve noticed that sometimes Fr. John signs off his posts with ‘Secession. Now. Forever.” This story and some of comments from visiting trolls, have inspired me to create a slogan of my own — ‘Extermination. Once and for all.’

    Any good?

  8. I wonder if some of the visitors are degenerates wanting to see the actual video. If so, sorry to disappoint them.

    No, not really. Not sorry. Haha.

  9. That’s sick. It might be unwarranted attention to be sure. Instead they get a fistfull of Voerveld.


  10. Attention Newbies! Learn the FACTS about Negroes. They possess chimpanzee DNA. They are NOT the same as Caucasians and Asians. Their behavorial patters nhave bene recorded for CENTURIES, by the various humans that came contact with them. Arabs are particularly descriptive, and educated, in their analysis. NOTHING changes, in thousands of years. It’s THEM. You can’t fix what’s WRONG with them.

    Preserve and Protect Human Civilization!

    Avoid the Groid!!!!

  11. Rape was not invented by blacks! You guys are not ignorant, you are all stupid! Are we forgetting how every where in history that whites used the other races because they were to lazy to do it themselves. You can bitch and complain all you want, but blacks, hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc are going no where. You idiots would perish without any of us!

  12. Ward- thanks for presuming to be GOD.

    As a priest, who had to completely overcome two different but related types of brainwashing, I can honestly say that Hunter and the regulars on this board are the vanguard of the renaissaince (French for ‘rebirth’) of honest White Racial discourse.

    That is the first type of brainwashing I had to overcome- the fallacy of equality.

    Just being raised in the North, I never was illumined by the vociferous and voluminous writings of the Antebellum writers on the inherent inferiority of the Negro. I actually believed that they were ‘just whites on the inside.’

    Then I read books like Avdeyev’s tome, Raciology. Written by a Russian with no cultural axe to grind, it utterly decimated that position. Reading confederate writers helped the scales to fall from my eyes.

    The second assumption was derived from a false cult, known as Western Christendom. Once I studied Holy Orthodoxy, and realized that the West is a FALSE construct, based on the heresy of the filioque and all the attendant philosophical presuppositions of Romanism (and her daughter churches in Protestantism), I realized that both Scripture, and the praxis of the Church were AGAINST RACIAL universalism- precisely because Whites are a UNIQUE CREATION, known as Adamkind, and the Scripture writers knew that Blacks, being evil, cannot change their natures; [ Jer. 13:23] moreover, the Bible was written and the Universe was created, for ONE PEOPLE (race, genos, am- it matters little which word in which language you use, it comes down to racial particularity, and Divine Election) ALONE… the only ‘Sola’ that matters.

    So, I fear all your bloviating rhetoric serves merely to prove that you are the unwashed, you are the non-elect, and you are still in your sins, worshiping a false idol of an Ebony god that cannot save. “Begone, before someone drops a house on you,” as a wise Elder once said in a fairy tale.

  13. Father John,

    could I impose upon you to provide me with some links regarding:
    heresy of the filioque and all the attendant philosophical presuppositions of Romanism

    I would like to read and consider.

    Thank you, Sir!

  14. It’s hard the square this with the Normanity argument made by Hunter. The Bastard was Fighting under the papal banner. The church militant was Norman. Some writers even suggest that England was vertually “orthodox” at the time of the conquest. The Normans fanatical Catholics.

  15. HW Said:
    “ANC = Animals, Necklacing, and Communism”

    How true. I can’t fathom the inhumanity of necklacing: placing a burning tire on someone, causing them to burn to death. As I recall, Winnie Mandela approved of this practice. This is done in Haiti, as well. I read an article by a white American woman who saw this being done to someone when she was a child in Haiti. Her parents were missionaries there, bringing all their children in tow. Shame on them for bringing their children to such a place.

    Apologies for calling Ward, a person posting on this thread, “Bruce Ward.”

    It’s an insult to Bruce Ward.

  16. to hell with u Hunter Wallace, all u pig asses should leave our Africa alone go back to yo miserable, cold and barren deserts. your own savagery barbarism was responsible for wiping native americans and australians off their lands that can not happen in africa. leave us and our crimes alone.

  17. You have WHITE Pedofiles in America, WHITE PIGS that butcher a whole family with a chainsaw.. what makes white people think that they are pure. You committ equally horrible crimes if not worse

  18. @Panther

    “…can’t wait to pin the nearest crime tag on the closest black guy.”

    Chances are, that whenever a crime has been commited, the closest nigger is usually the one who has commited it

    GD that was funny. Funny-true. I was howling over that one.

    I love nonsensical statements like “crime doesn’t have a color”. No, “crime” doesn’t have color just like love doesn’t have a phone number, hunger doesn’t have a face and frustration can’t tie it’s own shoes. In their attempts to be clever, the left ends up saying shit that doesn’t even make sense.

    Actually, crime does have a color. Black! I mean, really now. If we had photos of every criminal past and present, and we used photo morphing software to create a composite photo of them all, and weighted it for crimes committed (e.g., two rapes means you get your photo in there twice, five robberies and you get your photo in there five times)…

    …it would spit out a Bantu.

    Unfortunately, Bantus are too stupid to keep adequate records, so “photos of every criminal past and present” becomes even an even more problematic goal than it would be otherwise.

    sorry 4 the victim does not mata if shez black or white..if any one thinks they are beta than others simply bcos the top of ther skin is lighter than the other they hav a seriouss problem
    coz inside we are the same..just bcos u white does not mean u hav 2 hearts or 2brains..dnt b childish people.

    So, who’s dumber? Negroids, or anti-racists (YT haters)?

    Obviously, interracial crime is worse than intraracial crime. See, interracial crime foments racism and interracial strife, and as any “anti-racist” (YT hater) will tell you, racism is immoral, and interracial strife is even worse than plain old strife. So, according to “anti-racist” (YT hating) “logic,” interracial crime is worse than intraracial crime.

    Why are “anti-racists” (YT haters) so stupid? Why do other people always have to do their thinking for them?

    The vilest of crimes is committed

    …by niggers…

    and all you do is put a colour on it?

    I didn’t make them Black. What’s wrong with you morons, exactly? Serious question. Anyone know WTF is wrong with these retards?

    No thoughts about the young woman and what damage may have been done to her?

    Not now that I know she’s Black, no.

    I have always suspected that deep down, every white is racist and bigotted.

    They are. Btw, please spread this idea. I love it when idiotic niggers spread “anti-racism” by calling all Whites racist. What’s next, fighting nuclear proliferation with nukes?

    Go jump into the atllantic with your racism and bigotry!

    Well, they do go with me wherever I go. And niggers aren’t very good swimmers…

    I wonder if Panther has done any hard time?

    Sounds like he “din do nuffins” a few times to me.

    “But ah ayn diiiiiiid nuttin!”

    “Wut had happen wuz…”

  19. Rape was not invented by blacks!

    Nothing was invented by Blacks, so, I guess you’re right: that follows.

    You guys are not ignorant, you are all stupid! Are we forgetting how every where in history that whites used the other races because they were to lazy to do it themselves.

    Raaaciiissst Biiiiiiiitch! Sorry, somebody’s got to do the anti-racist job, since “anti-racists” (YT haters) won’t.

    You can bitch and complain all you want, but blacks, hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc are going no where.

    Wow, you really make a persuasive argument for “diversity” (fewer YTs).

    You idiots would perish without any of us!

    I know. You keep trying to do us favors, but do we have any gratitude? We just keep trying to escape you. And, crazy lil’ buggers that you are, you keep following mean, evil racist YT around…

  20. 313Chris: Extermination. Once and for all.

    Works for me. And the beauty is, we don’t actually have to do anything. Just stop feeding the animals.

    Quarantine Africa.

  21. I love it when assorted Antis and Orcs stop by, and volunteer to prove every point we make, via their idiotic and inane posts. [See above]

    “fuckuall says:
    April 21, 2012 at 2:32 am
    I for one will be glad to see all of you dumbasses burn in hell

    Shaia Sharmitli says:
    April 25, 2012 at 12:49 pm
    You are all idiots, geez louise.”

    BRILLIANT retorts! I’m dazzled! I guess….(biting fingernails)…I’ll just….(trembling uncontrollably)…have to stop…(breaking out in a glow. Ladies don’t perspire – they glow)…being a racist!

    Err…what did that Mike Meyer fellow say – “Not!”

    Thanks, Nigras!

  22. I’m sad to see that American people are actually really as dumb as the rest of the world potrays us to be I mean Seriously go burn in hell with the rest of your racist pig grandfathers

  23. What vile scum u Whites are……Thank God i am Black…..Youre weak, puny, ignorant and always will be….Its a shame u spawned from us in Africa. You hate us because u could not dominate us……..Wanted us to go out like the indians, no such luck. Now you bow down to a Black President…..killing u isnt it…….LOL….Your ranks get less and less as the years go by. U are more and more becoming extinct…..pity there is nothing u can do about it. Your daughters come to us by the thousands everyday making little mixed babies….wonder why devils. It less than a 100 years you will be nothing but a miniority for us and the brown to dominate…..Feel the clock ticking…tick tock, tick tock.

  24. @KPJ

    Keep believing that, nigger. But remember — Lions bow lowest before they strike.

    Enjoy these last moments of your pitiful life while you have them.

  25. I’ve come to understand that the “ignorant” on this forum strive to make everyone else out to be at the level of their own intellect–minial, barbaric, less than humane. In other words, an inability to comprehend the complexities of human nature and an inability to evolve beyond an elementary comprehension of any culture besides their own causes the “ignorant” to engage in an utterly narcissistic bashing and belittlement of every culture other than their own. I’ll sit and say “yes white person, you are perfect (even though a white person has raped and defiled, murdered women and children, stolen, violated and upheld laws in the same breath, manipulated, conned, and willfully attempted genocide). Funny thing is that in some sick corner of your brain you’ll take my point as a compliment, which further proves my point that you are the problem. You can’t grow to a height beyond your short and shallow view on life just like the worst of any other race. Take a look at what you do and say before you criticize anyone else or before you attempt to impose your childish ideologies upon people that have come to understand that people must live together peacefully or…(this is where I stop, because

  26. We don’t believe Whites are crime free; we do know negros and the like are animals and commit an ungodly disproportionate amount of crime to their actual numbers.

    Do the math and see what the crime rate in the USA would be if we were free of negros and latinos.

    We don’t need to to use words like ignorant or racist to shut down the debate because the truth is negros, lations etc are criminals in much higher numbers and are a drain on the nations resources.

    It is a very simple debate once you are willing to deal with the statistics and do the math.

  27. I think KPJ is that nigger Hunter linked to before, sounds like him.

    KPJ thinks that because he watches Jewish, “Latino”, and Italian girls with dyed blonde hair in the porn industry blowing black guys for money that this means Nordish Whites are losing the demographic war caused by miscegenation.

    Dumbass stupid nigger.

    We are losing it because of the massive waves of immigration into this country caused by our own traitors. You niggers are fleas that are a nuisance to us because of your savagery. Other then that, you are no threat to us.

  28. Without YT, all of you niggers would be in Africa starving to death.
    Go home, please. Your race is trash.

    YT supports you. You niggers are nothing but dead weight.

  29. IMO, we are losing our birth rate due to high taxes; Whites invest a lot into their children and can’t afford to have large families when the govt steals our money to give to niggers and the like

  30. Stonelifter:
    Statistics also show that minorities have not been afforded the same opportunities as whites. After slavery (which was fueled by a white interest in free labor), a social structure grounded in the slave-master relationship lingered. In other words, the exploitation of an entire race and predatory business practices of another led to the destruction of a peoples identity over the generations. On the same token, a societal expectation that blacks be inferior (even less than human) was established–also known as racism. Even during
    slavery, whites notoriously utilized famous anthologies (The Bible) accepted as
    the basis of “right and wrong” to justify their wrongs committed toward blacks.
    The whole while, many a blind eye were turned to the murders of blacks even after it was deemed that slavery was unconstitutional. Today, there have been prevading levels of unprovoked violence (even resulting in death) toward blacks unarmed blacks. Funny thing is, an staggering number of the perpetraitors walked free. It’s also been proven that a substantial number of minority arrests are unlawful and/or questionable. I will say that minorities are more proned to violent crimes (normally against another minority), but I’m confident that whites are punished less harshly than minorities and sometimes aren’t punished at all (check the stats). So I don’t know the stats you’re looking at , but don’t forget what the “statisticians” won’t show.

  31. bullshit! we have spent trillions trying to uplift negros, and the crime stats play out every where in the world.

    do your research, afrcians enslaved Whites as well, and in large numbers, and Europe didn’t start turning into a hell hole until it became full of non Europeans

    try again

  32. I’m not from Europe so I’m speaking from another point of view. I’m American. Yet and still, you’re missing the point that it’s not about who enslaved who, but about what took place as a result. For me, this discussion isn’t about black and white. When I say whites enslaved blacks, it’s to point out that the enslaved people were subjugated beyond “enslavement.” That doesn’t excuse criminal behavior but it does give proof that it will much more difficult to uplift one’s self when a person is treated as though they deserve no respect because of their skin color. In other words, a person is treated like crap and isn’t given a job because he’s purple in a world dominated by green people. The green people need to give him a job and allow him to learn if (by any token) can see a desire in him to do better. The situation behind race relations is complex like the intricacies behind a races’ marginalization, and cultural destruction and recinstruction, identity… money will not fix the problem, people will. In Europe, things are different and I don’t much about race relations there.
    I do know that in America, the monster just put on a new mask (the monster being racism with whites and non whites being a way to describe what I’m saying).

  33. some how much more money do we need to spend on negros before they are uplifted or they get to take the blame for their failure?

  34. Thanks for the sarcasm and obviously you don’t understand people. Money alone doesn’t fix social issues and if you want to talk about failures. Well there are people like yourself who will always fail to understand that you can’t raise a nation on money, it’s a set of societal beliefs and ethics. And by the way, did you know mostly rural dwelling white single females use the welfare system? I don’t say “they neef to stop being lazy. In the case that anyone abuses the system I say don’t support their lazy asses. Anyway, if you really want blacks to uplift themselves, why don’t you put together a petition that supports lower interest
    rates on student loans or suport a program that pushes for higher education, or
    why don’t you start a program that encourages something other than reason for
    you to keep complaining? You just want to find someone to blame like every
    other person (no matter what race) that doesn’t have the gumption to think
    through an issue and possibly go through a struggle doing so. I know I do. That’s
    why I started by bettering my self so I could teach others how to better
    themselves. You don’t want to solve the issue. You just want to point fingers and
    hate “Bobby” because he’s darker than you. You’re probably a self proclaimed
    visionary that can’t see outside a tiny box constructed of purely irrelevant
    nonsense. You dance around points, but don’t just say maybe I’ve been
    bullshitted too and I’m still falling for the b.s. that some ignorant person said–
    blacks are the problem. You’re getting joked or you’re joking yourself. Dig a little deeper. I had to see for myself, but I actually saw the world for what it was. Dig deeper, because I don’t think you know–you just think.

  35. as a % negros are over represented in welfare and Whites are under represented. Way over represented and many Whites on welfare are “hispanic”. they play the same game with crime numbers too.

    as a nation we have spent trillions trying to up lift negros with all manners of transfer payments, welfare, food stamps, healthcare and they get special advantages in college admissions, extra money for college, hiring and promotions.

    answer the question; when will enough be enough?

    I don’t want to uplift negros. I say we have done more then enough to prove negros will always be under performing group.

  36. See that’s the problem. Some people just want to prove blacks are an under performing race. I don’t think there was ever a remotely genuine consensus in the white American community to help minorities, period. I think the same is true today, but newer, wiser generations who see the mistakes and shortcomings of their forefathers bring a higher understanding to the situation because they learned the truth behind many atrocities. If you can get some of that group to admit that, I doubt it. Plenty of blacks have defied the NATIONAL odds and moved into the elite levels of society while having started in poverty. Will they get credit for that by people like you? Hell no. Will people like you ever admit
    that you just don’t like black people? I’ll eat a rotten egg the day that happens…

  37. @plain and simple fool

    “Some people just want to prove blacks are an underperforming race”.

    -No. Blacks prove it themselves by underperforming. 🙂

    “I don’t think there was ever a remotely genuine consensus in the white community to help minorities, period.”

    -No, there wasn’t. What happened was, a few wealthy white people who had no real-life experience with niggers, decided to use their money and influence to force niggers, at gunpoint, into white neighborhoods, schools, and places of empolymen where whites had vluntarily segregated themselves and niggers had no business. “Helping minorites” was NEVER white peoples responsibility, stupid fuck.

    “I think the same is true today, but newer, wiser generations who see the mistakes and shortcomings of their forefathers bring a higher understanding to the situation because they learned the truth behind many atrocities.”

    – Younger generations of whites have lived their whole lives under a system that despises white people and blames them and their forefathers for niggers’ own honest failings. These “newer, wiser generations” that you think you know so well, are set to become the most radicalized, racially-hardened, whites since the South under Reconstruction. In a way your right — they will understand the mistake of bringing niggers and beaners here and mollycoddling them when they manifest their primitive biology, and when this new generation of whites learns the truth about the atrocites commited against THEM by “minorities”, I have a feeling they will apply their higher understanding to the situation. With cold, clinical, efficiency.

    “Plenty of blacks have defied the national odds and moved into the elite levels of society while having started in poverty.”

    – No. Those incompetent niggers were forceably installed there. At the expence of qualified whites. It’s called affirmative action. Now shut the fuck up.

    “Will people like you ever admit that you just don’t like black people?”

    – I. HATE. NIGGERS. More than I could ever express in words.

    Enjoy your egg, asshole.

  38. you’ve yet to answer the question; when is enough enough? Clearly I say we’ve hit that point and than some. Why should I shoulder the tax burden to up lift others when I have my own family to raise? How is it moral to take my money and give it to strangers who provide no goods or services to my family? Why must I struggle so that others can side step the full weight of their irresponsibility?

    when is enough, enough?

  39. @313chris You’re one of the most no wait the most IDIOTIC person I have ever met obviously your IGNORANCE blinds you.

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