About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The statements made in the affidavit were criticized as unsupported by the evidence. This photo shows the evidence contradicted them.

  2. The DWLs will next try to convince us that Zimmerman’s bleeding head is the result of some kind of cranial stigmata.

  3. No. This case is all about letting “Whites” know that just because a black attacks you and is trying to kill you, do not defend yourself. You must absorb the black attack even until death. If you do not you will be zimmerized. You will be arrested, jailed, tried in a court of public black attacks, then lynched. You will also be put on display at some black holocaust museum.

  4. So lemme see. Zim is utterly consistent.

    I think Martin was casing burglary targets, was pissed off that a shorty mex disturbed him and decided to lash out.

    This trial is a travesty.

  5. Nifong may have been doing DWL riot prevention until the stripper made a Lying cunt of herself.

    I don’t see how Zim can be found guilty by anyone with a reasonable grasp of reality. The kid was obviously a fucking burglar.

  6. If he’s found guilty: remove yourself from any cooperation with police neighborhood crime watch schemes. Effectively they only exist to entrap you should something happen.

  7. http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/46011

    “In our own way we are all George Zimmerman. We think that society should be moral and rational, and that people should do the right thing. But that’s not what it is. It’s an insane braying donkey’s laugh as the thieves, large and small, rob the people blind and then muscle them into a lynch mob to go after some handy victim. It’s George today, it will be someone else tomorrow. Maybe someone who even deserves it. But it won’t be the people destroying the country, because they’re the ones leading the mob.”

    It is time for the Whites to rise up and take vengeance for the indignities done to our race. Zimmerman is no longer just a man, he has been made into an object of Racial Villification. When rational discourse and legal procedures no longer avail one against a bestial horde, it is time for the American people (the real Americans- White Americans) to ‘do the jobs DWL won’t do’ – i.e., clean house of the vermin.

    “George Zimmerman has been chosen to serve as a gladiator in the circus that distracts a bankrupt nation from the criminal folly of its leaders, large and small. He has been assigned white team colors, had an NRA badge pinned to his lapel, and is being shoved out into the stadium while the lunatic mob howls for blood. The Emperor of Hope and Change has already made the thumbs down gesture, the courtiers are rushing out to fix the match. ”

    This is the final scene in a scenario long ago warned of, by every post Mr. W has put on this blog. The concerns of the White Antebellum apologists for keeping Blacks in perpetual servitude and second-class status, have now unleashed a Pandora’s box of BLACK RACIAL HATRED, that is shared, even by the President and the Attorney General of this nation formerly known as the US of A.

    “The true charges against Zimmerman are ‘class charges’, they indict him as the representative of a class, white racists, gun owners and the entire heteronormative patriarchal class of men who quote Edmund Burke, carry guns, and feel entitled to trail troubled black teenagers in their community. Lynching Zimmerman is not about putting one man away, it is about putting everyone away.”

    We cannot win this battle, for that is not what this battle is about. It is about HATRED- RACE HATRED OF BLACKS AGAINST WHITES, of simian intellects and lack of mores, against the Adam of God.

    “The point of Kafka’s book was not whether the defendant was innocent or guilty. The point of the process was the process. The purpose of the trial was the trial.”

    If we do not take up arms, and defend our liberties, our families, and the restoration of our nation, including (but not only) by the ousting of this Bastard Barack from our Nation’s Capital, WE WILL BE SUBSUMED UNDER A REIGN OF EVIL, the likes of which only the Gulag, and the spectre of Haiti can conjure up.

    “This is evil. It is the very essence of evil. It is an evil that Zimmerman could not have seen coming or understood when he was out patrolling his community. It’s an evil that is all around us. We can catch glimpses of it on the evening news, in the sneers of anchormen, the practiced smiles of politicians, it’s there in Angela Corey’s helpless grin, it’s there in the mountains of paperwork, the lines of tiny print, the lines of people waiting at bulletproof windows, the morality mobs forming up digitally for the next victim to string up, the next popular opinion to enforce, the next skull to crush.This is evil. It is the very essence of evil. It is an evil that Zimmerman could not have seen coming or understood when he was out patrolling his community. It’s an evil that is all around us. We can catch glimpses of it on the evening news, in the sneers of anchormen, the practiced smiles of politicians, it’s there in Angela Corey’s helpless grin, it’s there in the mountains of paperwork, the lines of tiny print, the lines of people waiting at bulletproof windows, the morality mobs forming up digitally for the next victim to string up, the next popular opinion to enforce, the next skull to crush.”

    This article says all we need to know.

    Quo Vadis, Gentlemen?

  8. John says:
    April 20, 2012 at 12:11 pm
    The prosecutor is literally mad.

    Yes John; of course. The Satanic lunatics currently in power will only promote underlings that are evil, sick, diseased, and mad.

  9. “Lily Della Valle says:
    April 20, 2012 at 12:11 pm
    Everyone in the media who intentionally distorted this case needs to be fired, immediately.”

    No Lily; their bosses created them. They, and their bosses, need to be purged, tried, and hanged. Some things are so diseased that there is no hope what-so-ever for reclamation. The cancer must be cut OUT.

  10. You’re right, Denise, this couldn’t have happened without the complicity of their bosses, and the atmosphere of multi-culti anti-white hysteria they created.

  11. Fr. John+: Excellent article! Thanks for posting this. It was very well said, and I will read the entire article and encourage others to do so.

  12. His latest pic in the courtroom makes him look like Mexicano Supremo. How much you want to bet that the jewish/white superzip code elites are telling their “niggers” right now in hushed tones to take their EBT cards and go get some Oreos and malt liquor and forget about this case.

  13. RobRoySimmons: I agree completely. George Zimmerman is a prosecutor’s worst nightmare.

    However, if they have just one nigger on the jury, and we both know that there will be more than one, the case will likely end in a hung jury regardless of the evidence presented. Maybe more than once.

  14. Everyone: Be Careful This Weekend. Remember the advice Derb gave in his “The Talk” column.

    Stay away from areas with high concentrations of Black people.

  15. Hey, Paul! I will be in the Texas Hill Country. Luckenbach to be specific.

    Advice: taken.

    Everyone have a safe weekend.

  16. Zimmerman tried to help a homeless black man. Well, I guess it goes to show no good deed goes unpunished, especially if it’s on behalf of the Black Undertow. Derbyshire warned about being a Good Samaritan to these people too.

  17. One thing I’m having a hard time understanding is that while large sectors of the right have correctly identified this as an ideologically-motivated trial, they still expect the matter to be decided upon the facts and the law. Clearly, many people have only half-realized what it means to live in an ideological regime.

  18. Where is this “homeless black man” thing coming from. Please don’t tell me his legal team is already arguing that Zimmerman is not a racist because [insert good racial deed here].

    The guy is toast.

  19. Article indicates the pic was taken by a neighbor, not the police. It will be thrown out as a hoax, regardless of if it is or isn’t.

    The “3 Ss” I was going to teach my son for going out (Shit, Shower, Shave) will now be “Shoot, Shovel, Shut-Up”.

  20. When I saw the pic of Zimm’s bloody skull I let out a cheer.

    Yes Yes YES !!

    Of course the New York Times will do everything in their evil power to play down and blame-shift away from the significance of this critical new evidence.

    It should be Game Over for Trayvon-O-Mania.

    It won’t be.


    – Arturo


    Funny that the breakthrough on this case should come in on Uncle A’s b-day !

  21. Denise you are exactly right! The media as an institution must pay. Hell, I’d put a crippling tax on the entire entertainment industry. If industry can be sued/taxed to oblivion for years of pollution, how much more pollution has the media and entertainment industry pumped out. The entire thing needs to be brought down on grounds of treason. No reform.

  22. “His latest pic in courtroom makes him look like Mexicano Supremo.”

    Yup. It’s as if he’s metamorphosing into some kind of ultra-brown beaner. He’s using hidden super-powers to confound the prosecution.

  23. He’s darker than the black bailiff.

    Truly we live in a parallel nogroverse. These chips on the shoulder that blacks carry around with them is the sourse of evil here.

    This guy is basically blacker than Obama.

  24. I wonder if it’s possible at all for Zimmerman to get dark enough to get rid of the “white” label slapped on him.

  25. Zimmerman tried to help a homeless black man.

    That’s the understatement of the year. He went door to door in Black neighborhoods, and went from Black church to Black church, trying to drum up outrage, to get justice for a homeless Black who had been sucker-punched (at least – I don’t recall if he got beat up, too), by the son of a local White cop. Zimmerman cared, when the local Black community didn’t give a shit.

  26. There is an element of poetic justice in GZs future being on track for obliteration. I wish him no travesty of justice, though that is what he is going to get (has already begun to receive). Isn’t he the very type that has given us the unending nightmare of BRA? His negrophilic behavior up until his debacle has not helped him at all now, has it? But his miserable hypocrisy is full on display (as with all DWLs) when the depraved creature shows up in his backyard.


  27. Frankly, after watching Zimmerman’s disgusting apology in court today, I could care less what happens to him.

    Far more important to me is the principle that is really on trial: the right of self-defense. Specifically, the right of decent, civilized white people to defend themselves via the Second Amendment against savage negro beast aggression.

    Obviously, Zimmerman was attacked by the nigger animal and acted in self-defense only after being brutally assaulted and fearing for life and limb. It’s also clear that his apprehensions regarding the feral creature which led him to call the police in the first place were entirely justified.

    Note that the photos do not even reveal the extent of his facial injuries. Given this, why in the hell would he offer up an apology for shooting his assailant? It certainly didn’t win him sympathy from the prosecution who required him to be manacled and chained like a wild animal throughout the entire proceeding.

    So damaging are these photos to the state’s case that the “liberal” [communist]commentators at MSNBC actually had the audacity to suggest that the injuries were self-inflicted!

    Further, the state’s chief investigator could not even answer simple questions about the case when put on the stand, something that even flabbergasted dishonest legal news reporters like Nancy (dis)Grace & company.

    Clearly this is a kangaroo court and show trial of epic proportions, the kind of thing that would have been common in the Soviet Union but is now all too common in the late, great JewSA.

  28. Scipio = i agree. He looked like he’s lost weight, as well as “grown darker”. The thng is 0 he is a mestizo.

    Far too many people know NOTHING about lighting, in photography. NOTHING. I ‘s not talkgn about officla Portrait type photography. Those types of pics are motly paintnhgs, anyways, there are so many heavy alterations and ocrrectionsi nthe firstp lac.e Even in simple “Sears Family” type studio portraiture. I’m referring to “candid” photos. The lighting in any given situtation can alter and “slant” the contents of a “picture” to amazing degrees. The initial pics of Zimmerman ere played with, inthe mdeia, to make him “Whitet”. We all know this. But even the video of his arrival inthe police station – they have what are essentially floodlighting, in setting like te police station garage bay. No shadoes, no place to hide, etc. Stark White spetrum lighting. Coupled with low-resolution video tape -Trayvon would have looked like a light-skinned mulatto.

    The courtroom video more accurately display his TRUE features, and coloring. Zimmerman is a BROWN man.. A real Mestizo. She’s small. He’s obviously lost weight. He looked frightened.

    He ought not to have apologized. What’s happened to Latino Machismo? The Jew Spew Multi Culti BS corrosion is seeping into all types of demographics, isn’t it? Zimmerman has learned NOTHING. Too bad for him. You must NEVER grovel before violent predatory feral beasts aka Negroes. You are doomed, if you do.

    He is almost irrelevantt, though, at this point. His wife, fyi, sounded White, and much, much tougher than him. Wow. What is going on in the family. He’s not sticking up for himself at ALL. What is doing doing – some typoe of bizarro Latino Mea Culpa Stigmata thing? Those efffing NIGS should be grovelling before him! Enoch Powell is provento be a brilliant Prophet, again and again re: the Whip Hand assessment


    Anyway – this is a Stalinist Show Trial. Its’ about takng away the right to self defense, and guns.

    Screw them. NO. Nein. Nyet. J’refuse.

    FUCK you JewSA.



  29. His apology enraged the Martin family’s Black lawyer and the prosecutor. Based on those reactions, I’d say it was a smart move.

  30. “You must NEVER grovel before violent predatory feral beasts aka Negroes. You are doomed, if you do. — Denise

    Agreed. Negroes have an acute sense of awareness of these things and like most predatory animals become emboldened by signs of trepidation and fear.

    Having spent several years living among the most feral of their kind in Cincinnati’s now infamous “Over-the-Rhine” district just a few years before the 2001 black-on-white race riots tore the city to shreds, I can state without equivocation that the negro, deep down, fears the white man who has still retained his manhood and self-respect but will quickly devour the weak and timid among our kind.

    2001 Cincinnati Race Riots – Over 100 whites assaulted:

    Zimmerman is clearly no white man of the West but rather a frail, frightened little mestizo who probably regrets defending himself given the public lynching he’s received. And I actually believe his apology to be sincere given his liberal-mindedness and devotion to Thomas Paine’s idiotic mantra: “The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.”

    OK, I’ll admit that a very small part of me still feels sorry for the poor chap now that my initial anger regarding his obsequiousness has subsided. But enough is enough! It’s time to man-up, old boy — this is a fight for you life!

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