$3.89 Gas


Driving through the Alabama Black Belt, I see that gas is now $3.89 a gallon for regular unleaded.

Smirking, I find my thoughts turning to an old book, a personal favorite:

“In a recurrent dream, I was sitting in a comfortable padded chair gliding swiftly over the landscape in a way that felt supernatural yet oddly familiar. I did not feel any wind in my face, despite the speed, which was much faster than anything I was accustomed to. I was deeply at ease in my wonderful traveling chair and thrilled by the motion. Familiar sights whizzed by: the Larmon farm on the Battenville Road, Holyrood’s cider mill, the old railroad overpass outside the village of Shushan, pastures and cornfields, hills, hollows, and houses I had known for years. In the dream, I came to realize that I was moving inside some kind of protective envelope, not just sitting in a wonderful chair. Then, a dashboard resolved before me with its round glowing gauges, and then the steering wheel. Of course, I am driving a car! It had been so many years since I had done that! It was a dream-memory of something that now seemed hardly different from the magic carpets of my childhood storybooks. I careened around curves in the road just missing gigantic trees. I couldn’t remember what to do with my feet. I had lost control …”

Note: Assuredly, we are getting there. Right on schedule too.

This whole area will be unrecognizable twenty years from now. The land is far too valuable to allow large concentrations of black people to squat here indefinitely. They will be pushed out by White settlers.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Last night the reptilian and servile MSM was crowing over some pennies drop in gas prices. “The price has peaked before the summer!” the experts cry, conveniently ignoring that the main driving and vacation season is still six weeks away. This morning I see on the Daily Mail that gas prices in New York City are over $6.00. A constant barrage of Orwellian disinformation. “The price of gas has dropped 18 cents to $6.00!” If someone parrots this bullshit within earshot I have to restrain myself from walking up and punching them full in the face. I was somewhat surprised when I was watching “The McClaughlin Group” to hear that Jew sitting on the left side of the panel admit that the cheery numbers reported in the media are ‘superficial’ and the problems run much deeper. That is the only news show I can watch since Pat Buchanan is a regular guest and seems amused by the circus.

  2. ‘That is the only news show I can watch since Pat Buchanan is a regular guest and seems amused by the circus.’

    Big Pat warned us that ‘diversity’ wouldn’t work, looks like he is going to proven even more right when things continue down their current path (riots over gas shortages, negro riots when Obama is voted out, Jews hoping onto planes for Tel Aviv…)

  3. Good story at CofCC about some valuable land in Oklahoma that needs white people and this time ones with teeth.

  4. I agree, Hunter. We are near the worlds imagined by both Kunstler and Pierce.

    I am somewhat relieved that it will likely happen before I am too old to swing a club.

  5. Hunter, are you implying nettles will become less economically valuable without cheap energy? I have to disagree: as fossil energy increases in price and decreases in quantity it will become a smaller percentage of GDP. Meaning that brainpower, which is economicly scalable, will too. Negroes and other labor (skilled or otherwise) will take the share that is now occupied by “high value ” services.

    This is the goal of the marxists….to negate the ability of the gifted to capitalize on it via scaling. Well all be poor but equally so.

  6. Large swaths of DC are being reclaimed, er, “gentrified”, much to the dismay of the indigent, indolent Negro population. You can see the process being started all over the country.

    I posted over at SBPDL that we successfully reduced the mill rate for our property taxes for the third year in a row, and as well significantly reduced the transfer payments to the local school board. The school board gets almost 70% of the mandatory property tax levies. Killing the local public schools, which are now above 25% Negro, is a win-win. White children in our area either go to private schools or are “homeschooled” (private co-ops by invitation only, outside the control of the state education czars). I never realized until I “could see” how the state Assembly in Virginia and the parents of Prince Edward County were heroes.

    Working to destroy the public schools and its onerous black tax is a winnable battle in the war to undo BRA. Public schools are nothing more than subsidized indoctrination centers for Progressives. They no longer “educate” our children to be creative, free thinking individuals. They must go.

  7. I’ve long believed that Peak Oil will strangle the economy. It is like the noose around the neck. Every few years it will be pulled a little tighter, demand will be destroyed, the economy will shrink, gas prices will collapse, and the cycle repeats itself.

    This reverse growth dynamic will change everything. Call it the zero sum world. In the zero sum world, the whole system of suburbs and supermarkets that has grown up since WW2 collapses.

    The welfare state must eventually collapse. Large centralized entities collapse. The current system of race relations – BRA, as we call it – is incestuosly bound up with these things and must collapse.

    Life rapidly becomes more local. There will be a lot of shuffling around. This area, for example, has the best farmland in Alabama. Even though blacks are a majority, I can imagine them getting pushed out of the Black Belt into more marginal areas.

    When I think about this area fifty years from now, I can see it being heavily rural, predominantly White, the vast pine forests gone and replaced by small farms.

    The entity known as the United States will probably no longer exist. Alabama might not even exist anymore. Some kind of new political entity could emerge here in the chaos.

  8. If you go around Hackney you notice the stark difference between the beautiful young English ladies getting their foot on the property ladder and the indolent blacks who see the recolonization of east London and resent it.

    I will make a prediction. The riots in the US will occur in areas being financially and territorially reconquered by Hipsters. The underlying forces driving this are no different from Hackney to Oakland.

  9. Hunter, you should not overestimate people’s capacity to live under conditions we currently consider “close to the breaking point.” The truth is, we aren’t even close. What we are seeing here is simply the beginning of the end.

    Gas is many, many times more expensive in the UK and they are a good deal further down this road than we are. People will adapt.

    There will be no collapse or disaster that will rally people to our views.

    What is needed is a positive message that appeals to our people’s idealism and values, while, at the same time, noting how those ideals and values cannot be realized under the current regime.

  10. @ Hunter:

    “The entity known as the United States will probably no longer exist. Alabama might not even exist anymore. Some kind of new political entity could emerge here in the chaos.”

    You are starting to sound like Harold Covington.

    As for reserves of energy, there is enough natural gas and especially coal, coal shale, and uranium in North America to last for many hundreds of years.

  11. The flashpoints will occur in specific real estate faultlines.

    When blacks realize that whites can beautify a house a street a block, just by being what they are, the nigs will increasingly get jealous and sullen. Especially because whites will not share anymore or play nice. This will lead to rioting in the US sooner or later.

  12. Did you watch the poor White women, in that” Nig/Land Bridge Asian tortures White toddler, in OK” video?

    Those poor White women had NO guilt about slavery, in their eyes, at all. The kid’s in another school. The family’s learned a valuable lesson about “dieversity”.

    Their will be many faultlines.

  13. “As for reserves of energy, there is enough natural gas and especially coal, coal shale, and uranium in North America to last for many hundreds of years.”

    Um, dude, ALL those things, to make them work, require a White-built infrastructure, run by Whites. In mass-riot chaos where Whites don’t commute to work at the power plants and mines and pipeline companies, because it’s too dangerous to leave their homes, you can kiss it all bye-bye.

    Africans STEAL copper pipe to sell; they don’t fit it.

  14. ‘What is needed is a positive message that appeals to our people’s idealism and values, while, at the same time, noting how those ideals and values cannot be realized under the current regime.’

    This is why I support Ron Paul!

    The South didn’t throw off Radical Reconstruction by sitting around and waiting for a collapse… no they voted that Radical Republicans out!

    National Socialists didn’t throw off the Weimar Republic ZOG by sitting around and waiting for a collapse.. no they voted themselves into power!

    By all means read Kunstler and other doomers, but if the past is any indication the ‘worst is better for now’ theory probably won’t pan out this time either.

    Prepare for the worst, hope for the best… vote Ron Paul!

  15. Screw the localized pastoral future-scape. I’ll never see that. I’m just looking forward to the “Mad Max” transitional period.

  16. Johannes Yngvar: Why don’t you post a list of all of the wondrous things that Ron Paul has achieved.

    Just voting no on bills that got passed into law anyway isn’t much of a resume.

    You can’t vote your way out of our unavoidable future of screaming, moaning and bleeding. That ship sailed when Eisenhower took up residence in the White House.

  17. I fully expect people to adapt to a lower standard of living: they will have less discretionary income, which means they will spend less, which means the economy will shrink and the tax base will shrivel.

    Naturally, black people will adapt through crime.

  18. The broad outlines of the emerging zero sum world are already visible. The salvage economy has arrived. You can also see that people are unable to flip their houses like they used to back in the glory days of the rip roaring Sunbelt economy.

    As the economy tanks, state and local governments are shedding jobs. Black government workers are getting hit the hardest.

  19. Johannes Yngvar: Why don’t you post a list of all of the wondrous things that Ron Paul has achieved.

    Just voting no on bills that got passed into law anyway isn’t much of a resume.

    You can’t vote your way out of our unavoidable future of screaming, moaning and bleeding. That ship sailed when Eisenhower took up residence in the White House.

    Paul’s character is his resume. No, he’s not perfect, but he can be counted on to drastically alter the political landscape. It won’t give us our society back right away but it will immediately bring things to a head. The pistol will be put back in our hands. This is the best we can hope for now and it certainly is preferable to waiting around for a sudden collapse that never happens but by degree.

    Consider the alternatives. More incremental suicide.

    What Paul has been arguing for over his entire career is a strategy that does an end run around the current religion in a way that is only an embarrassment when attempted on a limited scale. And it has found a pulse with enough people, especially our potential soldiers – whether they fully understand it or not (take the silly but peripheral arguments about Israel).

    Whether Paul is successful in 2012 or not, what can we possibly lose by supporting him? Would a Romney administration really be any different than another negro administration. How did we end up with a negro administration but by a series of Romney-like administrations. How did W work out for us? As usual, Whites fell in line with a negro-lite!

    Anyone who can’t or doesn’t want to know what an earthquake Paul would be to the system (usually because, oh, he’s not pure enough on everything as they see it) is cutting off their nose to spite their face.

  20. FIRST ROUND FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION results are in. Amazing news for the Front National

    BREAKING: Incumbent French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist candidate François Hollande advanced to the second round of France’s presidential election with 25.5% and 28.4% of the vote respectively in the first round vote, according to exit polls by French pollster Ipsos. The far right’s Marine Le Pen came third in the race with a surprise 20% of the vote.

    Imagine living in a U.S. where 20% of the people, 1 in 5, actively agree with us. Congratulations to M. LePen, who has surpassed her father and is poised to lead the French Right for decades to come.

    We Americans have a long way to go.

  21. I expect blacks to be crushed in general. They will not be allowed to dominate cities. They make everything insolvent when they do so.

    Sharpton et al probaby sense this.

  22. Btw, contrary to what the MSM is telling everybody, Paul has as many delegates now as does Romney. He’s also polling ahead of the negro. Romney is not.

  23. The NF or FN vote simply suggests that Sarkozy will end up winning again.

    Hollande will just get buried.

    Yay for Sarkozy. Christ. At least Hollande is French. Sarkozy, WTF is he?

  24. I hear you, John. But the FN is clearly growing and their power is increasing despite the horrendous time they get by the national media. And she may be able to wring some concessions out of Sarkozy.

    Actually, I don’t think Hollande will get buried. I think he will win. Which is fine by me, as is another Obama term here. We need to accentuate the contradictions, comrades.

  25. Bill Yancey: If the world turned up on its end and through some unlikely means created a situation in which Ron Paul became president he would fumble around as badly as the Bozo nigger we’ve got now.

    He doesn’t know the art of the deal. He has never been instrumental in passing any legislation of any consequence. He doesn’t know how. He has never tried.

    To push any bill through congress you have to engage in mutual backscratching. How do you think we end up with some of the stupid pork that gets through? It is all payment for votes on other bills.

    Any of the Washington barnstormers have disgusting voting records. I’ll bet you could find that Newt Gingrich voted for Yo-Yo factory subsidies or some similar nonsense around the same time that he pushed through welfare reform and a balanced budget. In D.C. nothing is free except sitting on your dumb ass and voting along straight ideological lines.

    Ron Paul will soon be a dull spot in the history books. That’s what character buys you in Washington.

    The race is going to be between the Chicago Socialist and the Massachusetts Liberal. I know that’s not what you had hoped for, but that’s what you’re getting. Either one will be great for Head Start, Food Stamps and Racial Quotas.

    Like I said, you can’t vote your way out of the shit storm that’s headed your way.

  26. Good point about the willingness of the frogs to actually vote Nationalist.

    It’s a measure of their liberty if you like.

  27. “Newt Gingrich voted for Yo-Yo factory subsidies or some similar nonsense around the same time that he pushed through welfare reform and a balanced budget. ”

    Which were anything but reform or balanced. Get back to me when they repeal VAWA and the Bradley ammendment. Its nothing but a tax scam that helps promote welfare use while often screwing over the innocent.

  28. One must remember that the NFs 20% of the vote actually translates as 30%-35% of real,indigenous French people,as opposed to the imported North African and Sub-Saharan filth.
    Of course,in real terms,a vote is a vote however iniquitous.But,considering the relative decline in the White proportion of the population,this is a real gain for Le Pen.

    P.S.As I type,I’m watching SkyNews coverage of the election and the anti-NF rhetoric is enraging if entirely predictable.

  29. Good point M.A. And I’m sure the language used is enraging. However, in France at least, they cannot now stop the victory of the right. It won’t be today, or tomorrow, but soon. And when that day comes, I hope that we will remember how ruthless our enemies were in planning for our destruction, that we remember their mocking tones as they pushed multi-racial filth down our throats.

    I worry about the UK and the U.S., but not France. I always knew, despite appearances, that she would be the first to fight back.

  30. KevinV wrote:

    Gas is many, many times more expensive in the UK and they are a good deal further down this road than we are. People will adapt.


    The key sentence is “people will adapt.” How is that going to happen here in the US? Car sharing, part time jobs because Obamacare is going to reduce full time jobs. Part time jobs are the work around for employers to avoid Obamacare.

    Married women are going to start staying home, growing gardens and processing food because it won’t be worth it to go to work. This will then reduce expenses, and reduce consumer spending. Everyone with part time jobs will be pitching in on the local food supply, actually.

    This will be a very different culture, and White nationalism will thrive in this one sentence “people will adapt.”

  31. @ Barb

    “In mass-riot chaos where Whites don’t commute to work at the power plants and mines and pipeline companies, because it’s too dangerous to leave their homes, you can kiss it all bye-bye. “

    There isn’t going to be “mass riot chaos” where the Army and National Guard isn’t going to be deployed to protect infrastructure. Blacks have shown a strong tendency to burn down their own neighborhoods since when they venture out of the ghetto they tend to get shot. Their capability for offensive action is extremely limited by both their low intelligence and lack of technical skill. At 12% of the population I doubt that they could destroy more than 1 or 2% of the energy infrastructure of the United States at best.

    The bankruptcy and disintegration of the US will be a painfully long drawn out affair and even then there will be vast white areas of the country that will be spared any physical destruction.

    My advice is to get the hell out of the South now because there are niggers everywhere down there not just in the ghettoes of the big cities.

  32. JP: I see that you like to base your opinions on un-researched, sensational talking points that you found on the internet.

    Too bad you weren’t paying attention to all of the pissed off niggers in every major city when the welfare cuts went through. I was still living in Minnesota when they told the Sheboon baby factories that they couldn’t get paid to have any additional sprog. Those bitches started beating up mailmen when the reduced checks came out. Big protests all over. Very angry nigs throughout the land.

    It was apparently more than just an accounting trick.

    Of course, you wouldn’t know that because before we got a nigger president you, like most White Americans, probably spent most of your time playing “Radio Switch”.

    For those of you who don’t know what “Radio Switch” is, I’ll tell you how to play. You put a music station on the radio, then you put one thumb in you mouth and the other up your ass. When the song changes, you switch them.

    It was one of the most popular pastime among apathetic Whites right up until the coon got the Democratic nomination. It rated right up there with eating sunflower seeds.

    Now those former “Radio Switch” fans spend their time pretending that they’ve been awake all along.

  33. Kievsky –

    Maybe. Then again, perhaps we end up around where we are today in Brazil. Where the government’s authority doesn’t run to all corners of the country, fraud and tax evasion are wide-spread and almost mandatory. Government enforces affirmative action, but people then simply pay those companies what they demand as a sort of tax, put them on the top of the list and then do real business with an all-White company down around fourth place on the list of contractors. Whites live in neighborhoods with private security services, while in the black and mestizo areas a “hit” on a human being cost about 150 bucks. etc etc.

    People will get used to it and consider it normal.

    Yes, the coming chaos affords us opportunity. But present day experience, not the least the United Kingdom, suggests that there is no “breaking point” at which Whites will abandon liberalism and adopt nationalism spontaneously.

    They must be led.

    And that implies leadership, of which there is currently none.

  34. The South is a major battle line. Hold outposts there and the rest of the battle takes care of itself.

  35. Sarkozy is a vile little disgusting Hungarian Jude. His type of Jew is THE reason why Jews are driven from everywhere. Really – who wouldn’t want to shove that rat in an oven?

  36. “The South is a major battle line. Hold outposts there and the rest of the battle takes care of itself.”

    I agree. Keep outposts in Kentucky and Appalachia and the Mason-Dixon line and shoot any more niggers trying to move north over it.

  37. Rudel:

    “My advice is to get the hell out of the South now because there are niggers everywhere down there not just in the ghettoes of the big cities.”

    Have you heard of many nigger shootouts? I’ve been around a long time and I’ve always paid attention to such matters and I can tell you that it is rare. Niggers prefer to shoot at unarmed victims, usually from a moving vehicle.

    We have gun shops in Texas that peddle targets with cartoon niggers on them. Niggers will be glad to leave the South when chaos reigns. Which direction do you think they’ll go?

    You are 100% right about niggers being too stupid to fuck up very much energy infrastructure. They may be able to knock down a power pole or two, but that’s about it for their abilities. Besides, most of the power plants are way out in the country where negros are reluctant to travel.

    The most vulnerable components in the power grid is the transformer stations. Any Bozo with a length of chain could cause a world of trouble to those stations. It is my understanding that every city and town has a civil defense emergency plan for protecting those vulnerable points. Those plans won’t work in places like Detroit and Birmingham, but who is that going to hurt?

  38. KevinV

    Whites I know in small town America are implicitly White nationalist. Only the growth economy keeps this implicit rather than explicit. So to sum up, here in the small town America it’s not a conversion from liberal to nationalist, but only implicit White nationalist to explicit.

    The SWPL’s do need to go from liberal to WN, but that’s already happening. I have several ex-liberals on my blog.

  39. Kievsky – Glad to hear it! I’m a big city guy. So, that colors my impression. My honest, no editing impression is that 20% of the whites will have to fight all non-whites and 80% of whites.

    If you’re correct, I’m wrong. And I could not be happier about it.

  40. “Niggers will be glad to leave the South when chaos reigns. Which direction do you think they’ll go?”

    Focus Northwest. To Rudel’s house.

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