About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I assume that your numbers are rough guess-timates based on personal experience/observation, and not some attempt to be “scientific”. Cuz that would be sort of crazy.

    This is the big problem with all the different “isms”, right? Not everybody of a certain ‘type’ is the same way. And yet pattern recognition is a pretty stubborn thing, isn’t it. Those two seemingly contradictory elements of reality won’t quite go away, in the same way I guess that light is both wave and particle. (Or is that still even considered true these days? I don’t keep up with physics.)

  2. 1 out of 10 white southerners unredeemable liberals? No way. No stinkin’ way. 4 out of 10, minimum. We’re all taught the same thing in kollege and high skool, and watch the same media.

  3. Clearly the issue isn’t “the exceptions” but the “reality on the ground.” The ultimate tragedy is that negroes are here at all. The tragedy is that this isn’t a bonafide (99%+) White nation. The discussion of blacks, Whites, multi-c., minorities, borders, North, South – a very, very long list of misery generators would be parallel universe stuff. In stead, this is the parallel universe – and it gives us lots to talk about, doesn’t it? So felicitous for us…oh, wait a minute, that’s the other parallel universe.

    BTW, what in the world ever happened to Jesse Peterson. He used to be on the phoney con(job)servative shows like Hannity a few years back. Haven’t seen him in a “coon’s age.” I figured it was too much straight talk outta him.

  4. 1 in 10 isn’t enough “critical mass” to make any improvements.

    Bill Cosby has had a similar message to this guy for years.

    Several years ago, Snoop Dogg was asked: “When are you going to stop calling women bitches in you songs?” and his response was: “When they stop acting like bitches.” and, I guess, the gangsta rap “art form” uses similar lyrics, but this doesn’t appear to be working.

    This guy seems to be taking it to another extreme level: if you watch this guy’s you tube clips and read his blog, its obvious that he’s using extremely strong language to get his “target audience’s” attention, probably because he knows the above-mentioned approaches didn’t work.

    At the end of the clip, he claims that if Zimmerman walks there’s going to be riots, and based on what’s been leaking out, it appears Zimmerman will walk, so there will be riots.

  5. The black undertow inevitably ensures that the Jesse Lee’s and Booker T’s of this world are just spittin’ in the wind.

  6. I’m re-posting this from OneSTDV, but I thought you guys should know :

    Slightly off-top: yesterday I looked at two of the most anti-white movies I have ever seen: “Betrayed” from 1992, and “North Country” from 2005.

    The first film, by Costa Garvas, features a scene where a group of whites go hunting a black dude. In the forest.

    Seriously, this is how the left likes to portray the way alt-righters feel about black people, and what they’re doing to their dusky pets while the MSM isn’t looking.

    Unbelievable. As I watched this film in disbelief, I was thinking: “Wow, this anti-white crap has been going on for a long time.” I guess I just wasn’t paying attention 24 years ago.

    The second film stars South African actress Charlize Theron as a young woman hired by a mining company to meet government diversity quotas in the 1970s. This film is frightening in the way it sneers at white males, and depicts them with cartoon-like exaggeration as sex-crazed neanderthals.

    As I was watching this film, I was thinking, Seriously? You little eunuchs in Hollywood are going to go after the people who invented chivalry, because you don’t have the spine to go after a group of people whose men are known for throwing acids in women’s faces, punching women in the face, covering women in Glad Bags, refusing to let them drive cars or go out in public without a male escort, etc etc etc.


    – Arturo


  7. Arturo de Gheaube – Betrayed is a good movie. Sure the short Black hunting scene was rough, but the rest of the movie makes our side look understandable and exciting. The Tom Berenger (sp?) White resistance leader (modeled after Bob Mathews) was particularly good. Lots of Whites would follow a White man like that.

  8. I can’t stand Charlize Theron. There’s always been something shady about her, and some people say that her mother’s shooting of her father wasn’t in self-defence at all, but that it was really outright murder, but who knows really. Also, word is she just adopted some nigger baby. She needs to get deported back to Zululand, and she can take her little shit-colored pet with her.

    Anyway, I’ve never watched any of her crappy movies. Just ‘2 Days In The Valley’.

  9. I think many leftists will flip soon. Most are followers that have been “temporarily” brainwashed, but the remainder are hardcore and can’t be changed. Some of the “temps” are going through the 5 stages of grieving.


    They will soon realize the marxist theory is just that: theory. They will soon realize all the brainwashing they’ve been exposed to from TV, music, movies and university is just that: brainwashing. Then, they will finally “accept” marxism is bullshit. And I think they going be bitter about it, too.

    Also, I suspect the economy will tank soon in North America and Europe and it will change everything. “Once poverty comes through the door, then loves goes out the window.” In Europe, my guess is that there will be mass revocation of citizenship of non-Europeans followed mass deportations. Same in North America, although Obama has been already doing this on the sly as he’s deported record number of illegals.

  10. I’m not sure why folks think the economy tanking will wake up DWL’s. From what I can tell by watching the rest of the world, they double down and think the solution is more insane leftist bullshit

  11. then there’s the right wing trendies, often military. 2 of ten liberal scum, 6 really yankees, the rest serious neo-cons. you really have to hunt in the south for a southerner, in my experience.

  12. @Outlier

    What?? Obama hasn’t deported any illegals at all. If anything, he’s aiding illegal “immigration” by obstructing INS and other LEO’s from doing their job, and impeding individual states from legislating their own counter-measures, so that the deluge of non-white invaders will continue full strength. Those are his re-election votes he needs to protect.

  13. @313Chris

    “I can’t stand Charlize Theron. There’s always been something shady about her”

    Her father is Danish. Her mother is Ashkenazi Jew.

    Like the Palestinians say “the Dane will always cry out in pain as he slaps you in the face”.

    F*cking Danes.

    (they did 9/11 too).

  14. Theron is not a Jewess. She’s adopted the Black Magic Krazee Kosher Kabbala (have you ever READ any of it? Yikes! The Talmud comes across as lucid, sober, sane, and reasonable compaed to the dementia in the Big K) like a lot of Hollywird suck-ups – but I can’t find a thing about her mom being a Hebe.

  15. “I can’t stand Charlize Theron. There’s always been something shady about her”

    No one gets steady work in Hollywood, unless they are anti-White. There are no good actors.

  16. Charlize Theron is despicable. She has, however, chosen her own punishment by adopting a pet Babuntu. She deserves all the grief that will give her.

    These stories about admirable black leaders are tiresome. I call this a KAGO cult – they “Know A Good One”. They may exist, but they are irrelevant. We need to separate from all of them. Just because there are a few good apples in the rotten apple barrel, doesn’t make it worthwhile to go rooting through the rotten barrel. Even the “good ones” breed bad ones. Don’t let them distract you from the big picture.

  17. @ stone lifter – ” From what I can tell by watching the rest of the world, they double down and think the solution is more insane leftist bullshit.”

    Not necessarily.

    The left are nuts and will do an about-face. Here’s this morning’s “about-face” news from France:

    “France’s socialist presidential candidate says that, if elected, he won’t seek to overturn a law banning face-covering Muslim veils enacted by President Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservatives.

    Francois Hollande, who leads Sarkozy in all polls, and most other Socialists abstained from the 2010 vote in the National Assembly to ban mesh-screen burqas and niqabs — which have slits for the eyes.”


    Despite their long history of (disingenuous) liberalism, they will be the first to drop MultiCult and start mass deportations.

  18. “he won’t seek to overturn a law banning face-covering MUslim veils”

    See, the big problem (sorry, I know you already know this) is, WHY ARE WE EVEN HAVING A CONVERSATION ABOUT THINGS LIKE MUSLIM VEILS??!!?!?!

    What are they even DOING here to begin with?!? Period?!?

    Non-whites simply have no business in the West. Let them go home, they have most of the world to romp in, they simply shouldn’t be here to begin with, and we shouldn’t even be discussing them.

    We need to start adopting the language and rhetoric of anti-colonialism: this simply isn’t your land. Get out of here, foreigner. Get out of here, Muslim. Get out of here, Latino. Get out of here, African. Get out of here, Chinaman. Go live in Israel, YKW. Go on, git.

    That should be the by-word: Get out of here.

  19. @ oscar the grinch

    They’re doing it slowly. They are reluctant to do it suddenly as they are concerned it would freak people out. The same is starting to happen in Canada as the government is dripping out hints that MulitCult and immigration is slowly being reversed.

    I propose a new kind of Colonialism: send non-Europeans back to their homeland, taking their skills with them, to gover, manage and build those dysfunctional 3rd world countries – its a win-win situation.

  20. ” I call this a KAGO cult – they “Know A Good One”. They may exist, but they are irrelevant. We need to separate from all of them. Just because there are a few good apples in the rotten apple barrel, doesn’t make it worthwhile to go rooting through the rotten barrel. Even the “good ones” breed bad ones. Don’t let them distract you from the big picture.” – Analog

    I think you are substantively correct. After 400 years, we have failed- precisely because God DOES ‘make junk’ [Rom. 9:20-23] and we forgot that we were ‘special, unique,’ etc.

    Blacks are NOT whites. They never were intended to be, they are UTTERLY different, as any forensic investigator can tell you. It is only our preconceived notions of ‘one race- the human race’ propagandized to us for the last seventy years by the Jewsmedia, that gives any credence to such an idiotic thought.

  21. When I was a kid, one of the things the leftist said about 3rd world-ers was, they won’t stay long, they take their new found skills and go back home to become wealthy. Didn’t work then, won’t work now. They will not go back peacefully

  22. Outlier says:
    “They’re doing it slowly. They are reluctant to do it suddenly as they are concerned it would freak people out. The same is starting to happen in Canada as the government is dripping out hints that MulitCult and immigration is slowly being reversed.”

    No they aren’t.

    The goal of the anti-White leftists and anti-White rightists has always been, White Mixing.

    For the last 50 years, they have Demanded massive immigration and forced integration of non-Whites, into all White countries and only White countries. Anyone that objected, they called a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews and they ruined them. They never allowed a vote or discussion or this issue in any White country.

    Are you really claiming they have changed their mind about White Genocide, after brutalizing all opposition for so long?

    Leftists in France are “abstaining” on the veil issue, so brain dead right wingers will do their dirty work for them. They are “abstaining” because if we take the veil from Muslims, they will be that bit easier to assimilate into White countries.

    Fully assimilated Muslims, means your daughter comes home with a “nice Negro or Arab boy”.

    Don’t be a stupid right winger/kosher conservative and demand fully assimilated non-Whites. The leftists want that as well.

  23. at the same time they are “standing strong” on an issue like the veils, they are agitating for more leftist horseshit in other areas. They do and say what they need to do to advance their leftist agenda

  24. It’s blacks like the guy in the video that allow conservatives to give pause to painting with a broad brush. If 1 out of 1000 blacks are like this guy then the right thing to do with blacks is treat them as all as individuals in a colorblind society.

    That is not very practical though and will not be economical in a race crisis. It’s a shame really……guys like this will know exactly what’s going on when he’s riding a rusty barge back to africa with 999 other niggers that have no idea why.

    However, I think it’s too late for sane voices like this to be heard.

  25. At the moment in France in the Presidential runoff , Sarkozy and his Socialist party challenger Francois Hollande are basically tied and they need the far-right National Front voters to get elected. Hollande is sucking up to the NF with a promise of supporting the veil ban hoping get their vote. I agree with FedUp and StoneLifter that socialists would turn their backs on muslims to get elected (even temporarily), but continue with the rest of their leftist agenda. However, Sarkozy needs to top this “smoke-and-mirrors” promise with action – and I suspect he soon will.

    I doubt the Socialists will win in France as the right-wing NF will see thru the socialist’s “promise” and, besides, they’re hard-right and wouldn’t vote for socialist anyway.

    But its nice to see the French left playing ping-pong with muslims.

  26. Joe Biden,

    turns out he is a faggot cocksucker.

    Did you hear that clip about “Obama’s Big Stick”?

    My god he’s an embarrassment to white men everywhere.

  27. YES, sorry Denise/Chris, I meant Scarlett Johansen

    Well spotted Denise

    Celebritards – not my specialist subject

  28. It must be hell to be that 1 Black out of 10 who isn’t insane. I know that when I was getting ready to leave Detroit in the mid-70’s there were Blacks who were getting ready to do the same.

    The Black working-class and middle-class neighborhoods were way too close to what we called the “slums” back then, so they were the first to feel the love of every Black bum in the country who was willing to abandon their family homes of many generations to pursue the free stuff that LBJ was handing out in the Motor City.

    Those Blacks got from the Great Society bruthas exactly what the Whites got from them. While they were out making a living, some piece of shit coons were busy ransacking their homes. They had it coming, you see, for being house niggers and Uncle Toms, just like we Crackers had it coming for being the running dogs of the imperialist oppressors.

    That last line makes me wonder how many of those 9 Blacks out of 10 are just making nigger noises and supporting nigger causes, like the Trayvon Martin bullshit, just so they won’t get singled out by the True Niggas as house niggers, Oreos or Uncle Toms.

    The sad thing is that those social pressures make it nearly impossible to sort out the truly fucked up from the pretenders. If a Black doesn’t have the ability to set himself apart from the pack, he will be viewed as just another nigger.

    The politicians sure as hell can’t fix it for them. Their total mishandling of the Civil Rights Movement created this situation in which nobody is allowed to call Black Trash by its true name.

    I wonder why that is. When I was living partime in south central KY I used to travel to the eastern part of the state quite often and I can tell you with no embarrassment that White Trash is still alive and well. There are folks over that way who make the Wild and Wonderful Whites look like those stuffy people who hang out with royalty. They’ve got that inbred hillbilly act down to a T, but they’re not acting.

    Anybody of any color can call those people White Trash without any flak from anybody because that title fits and nobody can deny it.

    So why is it so goddamn awful to have a name for Ebonics-speaking, semi-retarded, state-raised, ne’er-do-well coons that everybody can use? I know White folks in KY who make great efforts to remove any similarities between themselves and their Wild and Wonderful cousins. Maybe if we had a harsh but acceptable term that meant “Trashy-assed Hood Scum”, then Black folks would have an example to scurry away from.

    All I know is that it must be hell to be regular-guy-sort-of-nigger in the America that we all find ourselves in today. No place to stand, nobody to stand with, and your kids would have to either mimic True Niggas or get fucked with all day at school.

  29. Blacks ought to be deported. Unrealistic perhaps but true. We ought to begin the conquest and colonization of the river deltas in Africa while we still have a Navy and Air sumpremacy. Colonization there is the only way out of being exterminated at home here.

  30. We won’t have the political will for mass deportation until AFTER a great race war. No war, no deportation.

    The good news is that those car hauler ships that bring our autos from Asia would be able to make quick work of transporting the Blacks who survive the war to the Dark Continent.

    Let them do their own colonizing. Give each of them a couple of MRE’s and a Chinese-made Rambo knife and a tip of the hat to say farewell.

  31. Heh, heh. Ah yes, the “Rambo knife”…

    It’s almost like, “Hey Rambo, are sure you have a big enough knife? Are you sure I can’t get you a bigger knife?”

    Is it just me, or did Rambo’s hair also seem to get bigger with each Rambo sequel?

  32. ” Playing Roots Backwards ”

    I think the TV series “Roots” is an underlying problem a lot of young white people watched it and developed a guilt complex was lead to “white liberal guilt” even though they had no part in it. And I guess, blacks watched it to and developed even more anger towards whites.

    Mike talks about ghettos and it seems ghettos are really a microcosm for Africa: the few blacks that were responsible and smart and, therefore, had resources did the “black-flight” thing and left. But this wasn’t possible in Africa, so these few talented people were probably marginalized and, consequently, there were no good leaders to build any institutions which left the backward hunter-gather thing and this why Europeans were able to walk in an take over.

    And white liberals seem to think the few talented ones are a representative sample which greatly confuses matters.

  33. Leo – it’s ok. I made a mistake about Rhandi Rhoades being a Nigress. Turns out she/it’s a Jewess. Same difference.

    Theron is more of an abomination BECAUSE of her flawless genetic creds. A total Race Traitor, who ought to know better. Johansson is what she is.

  34. Sarkozy has done nothing during his tenure to stop the mass invasion of arabs and blacks into France. Sarkozy said that the native Celtic and Germanic French should miscegenate with blacks and arabs- by force if necessary. Sarkozy has significant jewish ancestry.

  35. Rambo was just another victim of 80’s fashion. It wasn’t his fault.

    I think he more than made up for the earlier movies when he cut loose with that gook eraser in the last movie. That was some high quality carnage.

  36. “them White trash hillbillies are my people, and one of them means more to then every DWL alive”

    Why? And why the strained strawman scenario of making it look like we have to chose between white trash and DWL’s? Both are no good and need to go the way of the dodo. The white trash are simply white niggers. There is no getting around it. You are NOT going to change them. Just like black niggers, they have no desire to be anything but niggers.

    I don’t subscribe to the notion that every white skinned person is somehow some kind of ally just because they are white. Moreover, from all my observation of the hillbilly trash, they are more likely to side with a nigger than with a non trashy white person. This is especially true relative to politics. Both are total welfare bums and live off government handouts. The white trash hillbilly also gang up on a single man just like niggers do. Their crime rate is even HIGHER than that of niggers. Those counties in eastern Kentucky have the highest per capita murder rate in the country, eclipsing even St Louis, New Orleans, etc., and have for as long as records have been kept. That is a fact and can be verified as fast as looking up nigger crime statistics. It is no secret to anyone who has lived, has family from or knows of the places.

    The hillbilly white trash is indistinguishable from the nigger in all but skin color. And you are no more going to change that or convert them to “our side,” than you are going to snap your fingers and convert dead wood to gold. In fact, you are likely to get the very same treatment you would get by going into a nigger neighborhood and trying to make them see the wisdom of Jim Crow laws.

  37. They also have the highest miscegenation rates going in the white world. This can also quickly be verified by looking up the statistics. The counties dense with hillbilly trash are the very ones listed and used by DWL’s to imply race mixing is so high. You can also see this. Once you drive about 30 miles south of the Ohio river you start seeing it frequently. By Lexington and on south and east you can’t stop at a restaurant without seeing a mudshark, her nigger and the abomination in the child seat. You can’t go to a Walmart without seeing it and at least one or two white grandparents with the grandmongrel in a cart. It is like this at least as far as Knoxville TN. The men have taken to tolerating niggers, too. This is because of dope.

    At least the DWL’s are just hypocrites and don’t generally actually associate with with niggers.

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