In February, OD celebrated Black History Month 2012 by shining a bright light on how freedom has failed in post-colonial Africa.
The purpose of going to the Dark Continent to celebrate Black History Month 2012 was to set the Black Undertow in an international context as a worldwide threat to Western civilization.
In March, OD resumed our coverage of the “War Against White People” where we had left off in January. Then the Trayvon Martin story made national headlines and we have been covering the aftermath ever since.
OD’s traffic has exploded since mid-March. April 2012 has been our biggest month ever. It was obviously the right decision to let current events set the agenda while White people were burning up the search engines looking for answers.
In April, OD has been celebrating Confederate History Month 2012. I promised Connie Chastain on Facebook that I would discredit the SCV myth of the “Rainbow Confederacy.” The Google search results shows that our coverage was without peer on the internet. We have succeeded in moving the center of gravity in the Southern movement closer to its own racialist ideological wellsprings.
Moving forward … barring some unforeseen turn of events like the eruption of Race War 2012, I want to go where I had planned to go before Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman made their big splash onto the national scene.
In May, OD is planning to venture into Haiti, the Caribbean, and South America to explore why freedom has failed in that region, and to investigate why it seemingly hasn’t failed in other areas.
In his commentary on Derb’s firing at National Review, Mark Steyn asked a question that has been gnawing at me for years: Why is Haiti Haiti and Barbados Barbados? It occurs to me that we know a lot more about black people in Africa than black people in the Caribbean and South America.
Well, that should be qualified: we know quite a lot about how freedom has failed in Haiti, but black people are scattered throughout the West Indies and Brazil, and their existence in all these other countries (how many Americans can pinpoint Barbados and Guadeloupe on a map?) remains something of a mystery to us.
This little dark spot of collective ignorance affords us the opportunity for another profitable adventure abroad coupled with a chance to a respond to a challenge to traditional racial stereotypes.
The ruins of Haiti are on their way here. Sean Penn needs execution.
Congrats on the traffic stats HW. Completely deserved.
Hopefully a sign white America is becoming ready to throw off the ‘liberal’ shackles and reclaim your rightful leadership of the West.
Arise men of America!!!
It’s time to go to war!!!
I hope I’ve helped on the traffic front.
Why is Barbados, Barbados?
I like to think it has something to do with 100s of years of English rule. Colony status.
The latest from Haiti …
” Seeking justice for Haiti’s rape victims ” CNN April 28, 2012
” Accurate numbers are difficult, if not impossible, to find in the aftermath of such devastation, but KOFAVIV and other groups say they have seen a definite increase in rape cases after the January 2010 earthquake. ”
” Even before the quake, she says, rape was an issue in Haiti, historically underreported because of social stigma, retaliation from perpetrators and a lack of legal support. That is what led her and Marie Eramithe Delva to start KOFAVIV in 2004. Since the group’s inception, it has helped more than 4,000 rape survivors find safety, psychological support and/or legal aid. ”
” Even before the quake, she says, rape was an issue in Haiti, historically underreported because of social stigma, retaliation from perpetrators and a lack of legal support. That is what led her and Marie Eramithe Delva to start KOFAVIV in 2004. Since the group’s inception, it has helped more than 4,000 rape survivors find safety, psychological support and/or legal aid. ”
Its either true or a lie to seek refugee status and immigrate to the US or Canada.
” Why is Haiti Haiti and Barbados Barbados? ”
Why is Haiti Haiti and the Dominican Republic the Dominican Republic ?
They are on the same island.
The redlegs of Barbados are also interesting- a distinctive white underclass that apparently exists on a few other majority black islands: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redlegs
Haitians murdered every last white on the island.
Result, they are a cursed people.
They’re not cursed; just Congoids, doing what Congoids do. Stupid, violent, capable of sustaining only a minimal civilization. And rich Hollywood Jew Sean Penn is doing what rich Hollywood Jews do: “oh, I’m a victim too…just let me help you.” If Sean Penn and his Tribe have their way, half the White-killing Congoids in Haiti will soon be living in America.
Guadeloupe is ruled by France, and Barbados is ruled by whites. simples!!!
Why is Haiti Haiti and Barbados Barbados? I’ve often wondered just that. I hope you have some insight into this. Should be very interesting. It is a very important question.
Oops I goofed. I mean Haiti and the Dominican Republic. I never hear the Dominican Republic as being as bad as Hati.
Why is Haiti Haiti and Barbados Barbados? or the Dominican Republic?
Easy answer; there is a lot more White genetic materiel in the DNA of the people in Barbados and the Dominican Republic
“We have succeeded in moving the center of gravity in the Southern movement closer to its own racialist ideological wellsprings.”
The more accurate technical term for what you are doing would be moving the moment of inertia, lol. It even sounds cool. Moment of inertia.
The quick wiki def:
In classical mechanics, moment of inertia, also called mass moment of inertia, rotational inertia, polar moment of inertia of mass, or the angular mass, (SI units kg·m²) is a measure of an object’s resistance to changes to its rotation. It is the inertia of a rotating body with respect to its rotation.
The moment of inertia of an object about a given axis describes how difficult it is to change its angular motion about that axis. Therefore, it encompasses not just how much mass the object has overall, but how far each bit of mass is from the axis. The further out the object’s mass is, the more rotational inertia the object has, and the more rotational force (torque, the force multiplied by its distance from the axis of rotation) is required to change its rotation rate.
You are altering their viewpoint away from the bullshit orientation (their rotation and former mass) that had build up quite a momentum and which took some doing to undo (resistance to change, you know). Now you are re-orientating them to the original and correct trajectory with hopefully an even greater mass and inertia, so to speak, lol.
So let us all keep on changing the moment of inertia of our people.
The ghetto is a microcosm of Haiti – instead of “white flight” they killed all the whites and mulattoes, hence a very very low percentage of white DNA, as other posters suggested.
And Haiti is a microcosm of Africa – in particular the targeting of white farmers in South Africa, and associated white flight.
BTW, this week is the anniversary of Mandela’s first election and to honor it “South Africa to release 35,000 from crowded prisons”.
And, I guess, South Africa is a potential microcasm for the US if immigation policies aren’t chnaged.
The Dominican is popular vacation spot for Canadians, but Haiti isn’t. Apparently, Haitians sneak over to the DR to work as lowly paid grounds keepers.
It would be an interesting study to compare criminal records of blacks to their percentage black/white DNA mix. Or black/white DNA mix to income/education obtained or IQ. Unfortunately, at the moment, universities are too politically correct for this.
Unfortunately or fortunately, however one looks at it, there are white “reproductive activists” who deliberally marry blacks: “to make a point” against racism; or to alleviate their white guilt that they developed in their formative years after: watching Roots and Amistad; and/or the years of human secularism brainwashing from listening to “Imagine” (and similar) over-and-over.
Unbelievable …
” Until seven years ago, rape wasn’t even punishable by law. It wasn’t a crime until some very brave Haitian women won the battle in 2005. ”
Again and again DWL and nigger journalists claim that black skin isn’t linked to criminality. However, doesn’t reality suggest that skin color is linked to dysfunction? Clever nigs always want to be around whites and seem to breath easier when they do. Why might that be? Blackness, not just the shade ( value scale) corelates quite closely to criminality and stupidity.
“Guadeloupe is ruled by France, and Barbados is ruled by whites. simples!!!”
The current prime minister and governor-general of Barbados are both black. I’m not sure on the rest of their parliament.
“Easy answer; there is a lot more White genetic materiel in the DNA of the people in Barbados and the Dominican Republic”
The white ancestry of Barbadian blacks is most likely higher than that of Haitian blacks, but it’s obviously far less than that of Dominicans. Emphasizing the idea of white ancestry in blacks always tends to overlook the factor of associative mating too.
I mean, it goes without saying whites are economically dominant on Barbados, but are they politically? And how many Barbadian whites are redlegs?
I don’t know aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I’ve been to all three places; haitit negros are DARK, I mean I’ve ever seen negros that dark outside of africa and they are less dark in the other two places. That would lead me to believe they have some what more White DNA, enough to bring up their average IQ a little bit. How much I don’t know, but even a little bit seems like an advantage compared african negro’s extra low IQ
And there seems to be a fair number of Hindu’s in Barbados and the Dominican Republic. I seem to recall thinking “where did all the jib-jibs come from” and my guess is, that’s where the real power lays
haiti sucks so bad I refused to work there despite it being a very lucrative contract. I’m sure it’s gotten worse
” I’ve been to all three places; haitit negros are DARK, …. ”
There’s lots in Quebec. They moved there because its French, and even in winter they are DARK, so its not from tanning.
Love how libtards look at things…..The story of Haiti is a message to all people that independence is blah blah blah. Here is the real message as it pertains to today. Blacks consistently turn savage when given power and cannot for the life of them form and govern a civilized culture. The history of Haiti is written in witchcraft and blood. Not only Haiti, but almost everywhere blacks exist. They have it better in American than anywhere else they have ever had it and still aren’t satisfied.
” Love how libtards look at things….. ”
I noticed the blatant thing.
It talks about “human capital”, but there’s a huge difference between a “human capital” of Group A with an average IQ of 70, compared to Group B (of the same number) with an average IQ of 100. One isn’t going to find many engineers, doctors, scientists, business people, etc. in Group A, and this is what’s required to build a successful country.
Of course, this is why Haiti is Haiti, because its comprised of something similar to Group A.
Actually, most the hand full of engineers, doctors, scientists, business people, etc. left making things even harder.