Millennial Racial Attitudes

United States

Jamelle Bouie at The Nation writes:

“The results weren’t heartening. Overall, 46 percent of Millennials agree that the government pays too much attention to the problems of minorities, with 49 percent who disagree. 48 percent also agree that discrimination against whites is a genuine problem. When you disaggregate by race and count only white Millennials, the picture is much worse.

A solid majority of white Millennials, 56 percent, say that government has paid too much attention to the problems of blacks and other minorities. An even larger majority, 58 percent, say that “discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.”

The “War Against White People” is a meme that resonates with a solid majority of White Millennials. This poll also needs to be seen in the context of the study that was released last year which showed that the perception of anti-White bias is increasing and is now considered a bigger problem than anti-black racism.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Those hateful damn Millennials. Despite all of the efforts to indoctrinate them, the majority of them can still think and see. I guess the truth really is unstoppable.

  2. “Otherwise, they’re left to fend for themselves, which either leads to a sense of privileged obliviousness—i.e., you live and act as if this were a “colorblind” world, despite the fact that color matters for many people—or confusion and resentment.”

    If you see racism you are racist, if you don’t see racism you are privileged and therefore racist.

  3. Adding to this I would also point out to 20 year olds:

    GenX onward we bent over backwards for blacks. I was pretty leftist until recently. All about inclusion and acceptance of identity.

    Well fuck that. 20 year olds it’s okay you are not to blame for fucked up blacks.

    It’s alright it’s not your fault.

    You guys are clean. The only people you should be blaming are white PC merchants.

  4. PRB – and EVERY-ONE else – I’ve said this before – the search for Knowledge and Truth is the GREAT Quest of Western Man, and Woman.

    The Truth shall set us free. The Truth is our shield, and our weapon.

    Do not EVER forget this. Not EVER.

    And be brave and bold and confident and LOUD about proclaiming Truth. We have nothing to apologize for.


    The Truth is our shield, and our weapon

  5. If %56 of whites, and %46 overall think the government pays too much attention to minorities, then about %40 of minority millennials think the government pays too much attention to minorities? (that’s assuming a 50/50 split white/non-white). Even if I’m off, it’s only a third, that still seems way too high.

    I bet a significant amount of the %44 of whites who towed the party line weren’t being honest.

  6. That’s a good point. I think the “minorities” is a code for niggers.

    The government pays very little attention to Koreans for example. The niggers themselves may have thought that gays get too much play. Blacks appear to detest white homosexuals and gays in general (given how much they must get stuffed in jail it’s no surprise)

    56% is very hopeful.

  7. Having been adversely affected by “reverse discrimination” more than once, as some friends of mine have been, reading these poll results is heartening.

  8. I turn 30 tomorrow. I’ve found that our Silent Generation grandparents have had a much greater impact on our outlook than our Boomer parents…

    The Millenials are going to be the first line of resistance. We are a big, big group…and we have been dunked in bullshit our entire lives, the money is running out, and we are just starting to get pissed.

    Our grandparents say Nigger without any apologies. To Millenials, they seem wise, self-controlled (no divorces, no goddamn Viagra prescriptions), and rebellious as hell at the same time.

  9. “When you disaggregate by race and count only white Millennials, the picture is much worse.”

    Good point(in original). I wonder what it is among just millennial white males?

  10. I am very encouraged by this. Notice the hostility of the Black author towards young White people. And notice how defensive he gets at the end of his article. Once you go on the defensive you lose. That’s a fact. The narrative has changed. The Dark Age is coming to an end. We are entering the Age of Survival where we will unlearn the destructive, defeatist values and politics of the last 50 years.

  11. I see this attitude among most twenty-something white males. When it’s just us, the epithets fly. No white guilt. None. We grew up inundated with the most saccharine and obtuse anti-white propaganda. It think the effect has been inoculation. You see everything built up to support blacks and other non-whites, you legitimately give them a chance, and you still get blamed.

    Oh yeah, and this little thing called the internet.

  12. I’m a millennial (22). I can’t speak for all my peers but I never bought into the “anti-racist” (anti-white) dogma. Not even when I was a liberal. I was all for racial equality but I could see the white guilt crap for what it was, I was probably the exception though. I think my generation is the first that doesn’t buy into anti-white ‘rebelliousness,’ despite all the brainwashing that tries to make it seem cool.

    They can see that there is nothing rebellious about parroting the bullshit that the schools, the media and society at large drill into their heads. This doesn’t mean that they’ll rebel in the opposite direction but it does mean that they’ll be disinclined to fight against white interests, since they can see that the anti-whites don’t need any help.

  13. It goes way beyond this. Driving cab a couple of months ago in an extremely lib w. coast town, I have two White UC co-eds in the back seat. Figure they’re the usual brainwashed campus multicults. Then they began an intelligent, aggressive conversation w each other about the Jew-power, dealing with the entire DC/Wall St./Hollywood Triad Regime, and didn’t care who overheard. Interesting.

  14. This is true all across the White world.

    Interesting is to look at attitudes not just by age-group but by social class.

    Looking at World Values Survey data from Germany (Is Ancestry Important? : Germany), the age/class group that most strongly believes that “having German ancestry is important for German citizenship” is the young (under 30) and lower-class cohort.

    At the time of survey in 2006, probably half the native-Germans in the youth/lower-class cohort (b.1976-1988) stated that German ancestry should be important for German citizenship: Higher than any other age/class cohort surveyed. (The group with the weakest belief in the same was the young/upper-class!)

    The phenomenon of lower-class youth becoming more ‘voelkisch’ is reflected, too, in other places: In Europe (Norway, Poland, and Germany) youth nationalistic attitudes skew lower-class; In the USA they skew middle-class (USA); In the Orient, it is generally upper-class youth that are becoming more nationalistic (China, Thailand, and South Korea).

    Worldwide: Earthlings under-30, as a whole, seem to believe in the importance of ancestry more than their parents or grandparents. The data is here: Is Ancestry Important? : World.

  15. No one should be more angry then young White men. The whole damn thing is set up to fuck them over. However angry they are, they aren’t angry enough. Yet

  16. The young people are nowhere near as liberal as the left always believed they would be after the indoctrination. The most hopeless people as a group seem to be the over 50 to the mid 60s crowd. The upwards of 70 to mid 70s crowd seem bewildered and don’t know what to think anymore, much like older folks were when automobiles and other modern inventions first came on the scene. They realize their world is just over. The over 75 crowd mostly holds purely authoritarian views and totally ridiculous social and political theories, as well as a ridiculous view of “America the Great.”

  17. I think it’s kind of an across-the-board development, though the most crucial cohort for waking up is, thankfully, the Millenials and the GenXers, who will at least be in a position to take action.

    People have begun to notice that the liberal regime’s dream was really just an enormous lie designed to trick them into selling their birthright for a mess of pottage.

    Part of it too is that the liberals have really begun to drawn attention to their evil: they think they can now openly gloat and taunt the whites because it’s too late, the damage is now beyond repair. But they assume a lot of things that maybe they shouldn’t assume.

  18. The other interesting thing is note the tone of the article. It’s “disheartening” and “bad” that anybody could think the govt shouldn’t spend all its resources on minorities, or that whites should realize they have group interests too.

    So, working backwards, it means the author thinks the present racket should go on forever. There should never come a time when blacks should say “You know, you cut us a fair deal, and now that we’re up to speed let’s all just work together as fellow Americans.” That was never the plan.

  19. I get a sense that the white kids in a class are waking up all by themselves. I slipped into lecture “Obama son” quote that Obama made, and those kids were pissed. So there’s hope. They judged it for themselves. One kid asked: did he really say that? What did he mean? I replied “yes, unfortunately he did, I don’t know what he thought he was doing by saying it.”

    I also said I thought it was a wierd thing for a supposedly fair president to say. I’m otherwise very careful.

  20. Blacks and Jews and Yankee boomers are going to be screaming “young people don’t have time for your hate!” as White America divests from BJRA.

  21. Blacks are taking liberalism out back of the building and gang raping it to death. They as a race have no capability for abstract thought, hence they cannot process any ideology and their world view is about Race, even the smart ones who try and get away from undertow it is about Race.

    The kids in our upscale school district dealt with two types of blacks, the first were those who could act like humans, but better they also got to deal with enough section 8ers to realize that the diversity bullsnot was exactly that.

    Soon these kid will realize that even their “nice” black friends are “racist” and what an edifying experience that will be for them.

  22. ‘I think my generation is the first that doesn’t buy into anti-white ‘rebelliousness,’ despite all the brainwashing that tries to make it seem cool.’

    Actually Gen Xers were developing the Skin-head and Black Metal sub-culture long before many Millenials were born.

    Don’t worry though, I am sure the Millenial generation will have more then a chance to make their own contributions to tearing down N.O.G. (Negro Occupied Government)

  23. The irony is that blacks do act in racist ways far more than white racists even do.

    Black voting patterns are a fucking disgrace.

  24. John I disagree, black voting patterns are a godsend in this day and age. Do you know how much mental gymnastics the white anti-whites have to go thru to legitimize this racist behavior by blacks?

    Even without us even questioning the moral foundations of today’s liberalism, black behavior is killing off the left’s coalition of cults.

    Once our polemicists learn that the moral foundations must be attacked first BRA will collapse literally overnight. As of now we just have people debating “facts” and the left is allowed some respite when they counter as usual, “we just need a little more liberalism and all these worries will disappear.”

  25. Blacks are taking liberalism out back of the building and gang raping it to death. They as a race have no capability for abstract thought, hence they cannot process any ideology and their world view is about Race, even the smart ones who try and get away from undertow it is about Race.

    Blacks are about race because they’re an inferior minority. But mostly because they’re inferior. They really don’t give a rat’s ass about one another (they sell one another out at the drop of a sideways baseball cap), but the racial spoils game is the only thing they have going for them, because they’re so far inferior to everyone else.

    Basically, Blacks are “racist” because it works for them, for entirely external reasons.

  26. Check out the blog-roll at the Nation article — 1 out of 26 bloggers for The Nation is black (I lost track of my count of how many are jews somewhere around 23).

    I surmise that the Nation’s support of affirmative action hiring is much stronger in theory than in practice.

    Cognitive dissonance is a real pain in the butt.

  27. Svigor is correct. Negros only have racial solidarity. It’s their strength. But it is now becoming their greatest weakness. The black elite refused to cut the ignorant and violent loose. Those blacks intelligent enough and functional enough to advance in a predominantly white society on their own merits instead advanced by exploiting black racial solidarity. The black elite are found primarily in government and connected interests. A group whose competitive advantages (physical strength & reproduction rates) are substantially less than its competitive disadvantages (lower intelligence, self-destructive behaviour & higher incidence of disease) can succeed only under the special circumstances of self imposed limits by more competitive groups under the circumstances we now face. Those circumstances being the dependence on technology and the reality of declining resources. The first makes physical strength less important and intelligence more important. While the second makes high reproduction rates a competitive disadvantage. The reality of black dysfunction and hostility is all too apparent on the internet. Whites will end the self imposed limitations.

  28. Someon. (a politician, perhaps about to retire) should point out that 95% democratic black block voting is the most racist political manifestation in contemporary politics.

    White men have no serious future in a party that must kowtow to that Irrational voting block.

  29. My father and grandfather were in the KKK; both of which precede the Skin Head movement. But each generation thinks it’s ahead of the older generation

  30. External reasons?

    That’s a code for social construct.

    Good catch.

    Blacks are generally stupid and aggressive. the dumb ones who listen are agreable. Maybe the theosophists symbolist ideas about color can be applied to human biodiversity.

  31. Here is some early twentieth century theosophy about the meaning of colour. I’m not a theosophist or spiritual or what not. Flashman is the nearest I get to a religion. However they wereright about colour. Black, Brown what have you. These colours are a warning. I’m not sure about the methodology (lol) but the conclusion was right on.
    Analeptic thought processes must have dominated these kooky old buzzards but they had good instincts.

  32. Svigor so HBD and genetics are bunk?

    No. Why are you asking me that? IMO, Black American racism is a special case. I see two likely possibilities, both based on conforming to “Rushton’s Scale” (everything falls either BWY or YWB*):

    1) Racism/collectivism, most to least: Black, White, Yellow.
    2) Racism/collectivism, least to most: Black, White, Yellow.

    I think 2 is the most likely. Black pols screw over their Black constituents at every opportunity. Blacks screw one another over at every opportunity.

    *It’s the fact that Rushton’s Scale has so much predictive power that I find it implausible that Whites are actually inherently less racist/collectivist than Blacks AND Yellows. That doesn’t pass the smell test for me.

  33. I just get tired of people in or near our sphere who bear the “Whites are least racist” meme like a revealed truth. I just don’t see it. I do see how it works as an excuse for Hollywood and the Jewish Mafia, though.

  34. External reasons?

    That’s a code for social construct.

    Good catch.

    So, when I say that Jews and treacherous Yankees dominate the culture, and indoctrinate Whites into demographic annihilation, I’m really being a libtard blank-slater? If I embraced naturalistic fallacy (Whites are being annihilated because they decided on their own that they like it, and it’s a good idea), I’d be a genuine HBDer and race-realist?

  35. Stonelifter, I think whites having less racial solidarity than others has its advantages and disadvantages. Whites are more competitive than blacks and therefore racial solidarity wasn’t necessary because most whites don’t need it to succeed. But with the growth of the power of government and the accompany politicization of more of life lessened levels of racial solidarity has become disadvantageous. But that is the point with the change in generational change in attitudes. Whites are adapting. All blacks have is racial solidarity. They will not be able to adapt by becoming more intelligent or less crime prone.

  36. Whites being “less racist” is to our shame not our credit

    Right (insofar as true). This is one of those things that (sadly) lies on the cusp of DWL versus Race-realist identity; you get all kinds of mixed signals, because even in our camp a great many take “Whites are more racist” as a insult. So it can be hard to know what’s intended by the statement.

  37. Stonelifter, I think whites having less racial solidarity than others has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Whites having an inherently lower tendency toward racial solidarity is a matter of question in my mind, which was kinda my point. Everyone seems to act as though it’s to be taken for granted, when it isn’t.

  38. I kinda wish I could believe Blacks have a higher inherent tendency toward racial solidarity. Then I could believe that Yellows have a lower inherent tendency toward same, which would be good news. It’s possible, though. What comes in a distant third for me is the idea that this one trend (at which YKW & Company throw GOBS of money and time toward skewing) is the exception to Rushton’s Scale. Too pat.

  39. At one point our only competition was other Whites; we are a tribal people and it made sense. However we should be the most racist people on earth because A) we are the only people on earth and B) we have the most to be proud of

  40. The current situation on the ground points to Yellows being more cooperative and more racist than Whites or Blacks. Very much so. You don’t see China opening the floodgates. Or Japan. The idea of “taking one for the team” and foregoing a bit of profit seems much more Yellow a trait than White or Black, to me. It seems utterly alien to the Black psyche, in fact.

    But affecting a racist pose (while encouraged in every way to do so by TPTB) for some “gibs me dat,” or “none for you, YT”? Yeah, sure, that’s Black all over. Racial solidarity, it ain’t.

  41. Svigor,

    calm down mate. Whites clearly are less racially conscious than blacks. Look at voting patterns. They vote in lockstep. Whites actually debate ideology and concepts and split 60/40 or 50/50 over most issues.

    In one sense the accusation of white racism is a social construct, because it’s not based
    on observable or de facto white racism.

    I wish we were actually racist and would clean out the ghetto rats and weasels and
    ship them home.

  42. we have the most to be proud of

    That right there, is a very White thought process, compared to Black. Anyone, please raise your hand if you think there’s any thought process at all behind the pride of 95% of Blacks? Breathing air is all the justification they need.

  43. Svigor, whites can have racial solidarity or not. History shows that clearly enough. Either position has its advantages and disadvantages. Whites can adapt as circumstances require though obviously it may take some time to adapt. Less adaptive races don’t have that option so it is fair in a sense to say that whites can have less racial solidarity but I agree it is inaccurate to say we have ‘inherently’ less racial solidarity.

  44. calm down mate. Whites clearly are less racially conscious than blacks. Look at voting patterns. They vote in lockstep. Whites actually debate ideology and concepts and split 60/40 or 50/50 over most issues.

    I’m as calm as the Pacific. Cool as a cucumber. If I got any calmer I’d be asleep. Voting patterns don’t translate into inherent differences in racial solidarity to me.

    Whites can afford to debate ideology. Or at least, they think they can. Blacks are an inferior, conspicuous minority. Solidarity=gravy train. I.e., solidarity is in their best interests, and most important, it’s all carrot, and no stick. They get promoted by YT for being racist. Just like they used to get promoted by YT for getting a few points more efficiency out of the field negroes.

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